Iwaku Zodiac...?

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Original poster
Hello, awesome Iwaku community!

I'm still sort of new around here.
I noticed, there is a section called 'Iwaku Zodiac'.

But it's empty.
May I ask what is that?

See you.
Why, it is our very own Iwaku version of the zodiac! There is a preview of them in last month's newsletter, and very soon we'll start putting out special information about each sign. :D Unfortunately our wonderful Iwaku Astrologist, Miss Kitti got sick this past week so there will be a small delay. But you can expect some goodies for it soon!
Ooooooh how exciting!!!!
Thanks for answering!
I think the zodiac idea is awesome. Mostly, because I would be a guardian. Which makes me sound like a badass. xD
Make sure you send @‎Nissa Revane; some fan mail and let her know how much you love it!
I shall do that now. =)