Sorry this took a while but yes Obskeree, those characters look great ^^
A couple from me:
Name: Tyrone
Race: Human
Position: On-board security, he wont fight, but if anyone unwanted breaks onto the ship they gon' get TYRONE'D.
Appearance: A huge bald black man, built like a tank and basically as strong as one.
Personality: Tyrone is a loyal man, if he likes you. If not, chances are he'll TYRONE you. He's a bit volatile, but knows his place and who he owes allegiance to.
Name: Boris
Race: Half-Plant/Human
Position: Technical support. He uses the computers in the main control room to control the ship and other such things.
Appearance: On the surface he looks fairly normal, a young man, with short dark hair and glasses, fairly lithe, but not skinny. his plant side shows through if you look closer, his ears being long leaf-like appendages and some of his skin looking barky.
Personality: Mild mannered and kind-hearted, he's content to just do his job.