Arsenal XA4
Original poster
During the Admin War, the then Independent Strategic Arms Foundation held a monopoly of conventional armaments and Weapons of Mass Destruction. The PMC possessed the ability to wage battle at sea, in the air, and on land. It was never fully matched in conventional combat, bested only through the use of magic, reality bending, and futuristic technologies.
Even then the Rangers of ISAF fought against all odds, showing the enemy that they were in for the fight of their lives.
Since the end of the war, Dystopia reorganized their forces, filling in the gaps and losses and creating new units. In eighteen years the Independent State Armed Forces has quadrupled in size, the military industrial complex strengthening Dystopia's economy through the sales of arms, technology, and equipment to nations abroad that accepted the presence of an ISAF-Expedtionary Forces unit.
What follows is a breakdown of each branch and the individual units.
Independent State Army
The largest branch of the Independent State Armed Forces, the Army specializes in ground warfare, logistics support, construction, and grund control. Their strength lies in main battle tanks, mechanized infantry, attack helicopters, and artillery. Individual units have their own modifications to the standard equipment. The best known units in the Army are the 51ST Armored Division, the Steel Battalion, the 84TH Experimental Weapons Battalion, the Growling Wyverns, the 446TH Airborne Division, the Cossacks, the 19TH Armored Division, the Repomen, the 8TH Commandos, the Hanging Patriots, and 9TH SOCOM, the Ghost Faces.
Independent State Air Force
Technologically the most advanced, the Air Force specializes in air superiority, establishing No Fly Zones, bombing enemy positions, providing Close Air Support, inserting special forces units, conducting supply operations, and deploying nuclear weapons. The strenght of the Air Force lies in their fighter jets and strike bombers. Their most recognized unit would have to be the 100TH Tactical Fighter Squadron, the Bloody Hundredth, under Field Commander Donald 'Crux' Jones.
Independent State Marine Corps
The elite of the ISAF, the Marines are specially trained shock troopers possessing their own armored corps, infantry, and air force. The Marines specialize in overland combat, amphibious warfare, long range reconnaisance, and air warfare. Their strength lies primarily in their infantry ranks. Marine units are often embedded with units of the Army and Air Force, usually to perform security operations, shock warfare, and tasks that are too low profile for SOCOM. Some Marine units are standalone, fullfilling combined roles of Army and Air Force units, particularly at Underbase 17, the nuclear weapons storage base, and Underbase 66. The 21ST MEU, Rierson's Renegades, are well known for being do or die soldiers, unwilling to concede territory, no matter the odds.
ISAF-Expeditionary Forces
Combined Task Forces comprised of members of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the ISAF-EF preforms the arduous task of drumming up support for Dystopia abroad. The individual units are typically lightly armed, lacking heavy units like tanks, however circumstances will dictate whether or not they recieve them. ISAF-EF units operate out of Firebases, facilities which are capable of acting as a fully sufficient military installation. Shapeshifter Town has an ISAF-EF Firebase just outside of town, a requirement of the treaty between the Shapeshifters and Dystopia.
Even then the Rangers of ISAF fought against all odds, showing the enemy that they were in for the fight of their lives.
Since the end of the war, Dystopia reorganized their forces, filling in the gaps and losses and creating new units. In eighteen years the Independent State Armed Forces has quadrupled in size, the military industrial complex strengthening Dystopia's economy through the sales of arms, technology, and equipment to nations abroad that accepted the presence of an ISAF-Expedtionary Forces unit.
What follows is a breakdown of each branch and the individual units.
Independent State Army
The largest branch of the Independent State Armed Forces, the Army specializes in ground warfare, logistics support, construction, and grund control. Their strength lies in main battle tanks, mechanized infantry, attack helicopters, and artillery. Individual units have their own modifications to the standard equipment. The best known units in the Army are the 51ST Armored Division, the Steel Battalion, the 84TH Experimental Weapons Battalion, the Growling Wyverns, the 446TH Airborne Division, the Cossacks, the 19TH Armored Division, the Repomen, the 8TH Commandos, the Hanging Patriots, and 9TH SOCOM, the Ghost Faces.
Independent State Air Force
Technologically the most advanced, the Air Force specializes in air superiority, establishing No Fly Zones, bombing enemy positions, providing Close Air Support, inserting special forces units, conducting supply operations, and deploying nuclear weapons. The strenght of the Air Force lies in their fighter jets and strike bombers. Their most recognized unit would have to be the 100TH Tactical Fighter Squadron, the Bloody Hundredth, under Field Commander Donald 'Crux' Jones.
Independent State Marine Corps
The elite of the ISAF, the Marines are specially trained shock troopers possessing their own armored corps, infantry, and air force. The Marines specialize in overland combat, amphibious warfare, long range reconnaisance, and air warfare. Their strength lies primarily in their infantry ranks. Marine units are often embedded with units of the Army and Air Force, usually to perform security operations, shock warfare, and tasks that are too low profile for SOCOM. Some Marine units are standalone, fullfilling combined roles of Army and Air Force units, particularly at Underbase 17, the nuclear weapons storage base, and Underbase 66. The 21ST MEU, Rierson's Renegades, are well known for being do or die soldiers, unwilling to concede territory, no matter the odds.
ISAF-Expeditionary Forces
Combined Task Forces comprised of members of the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the ISAF-EF preforms the arduous task of drumming up support for Dystopia abroad. The individual units are typically lightly armed, lacking heavy units like tanks, however circumstances will dictate whether or not they recieve them. ISAF-EF units operate out of Firebases, facilities which are capable of acting as a fully sufficient military installation. Shapeshifter Town has an ISAF-EF Firebase just outside of town, a requirement of the treaty between the Shapeshifters and Dystopia.