Karsikan the Berzerker
Original poster
"Pratus! What in the Emperor's Name Just Happened"
"It Seems our warp Drives have been burnt out Inquisitor"
The Barship's sensors showed two small Destroyer Class escort vessels drop into real space above Iwaku, both trailing smoke from their burnt out warp drives.
"Tell me this is the right system" The Inquisitor demanded
"It is, that's the wreckage of the Purgation near the palnet's sun, he has to be here" a response came from one of the helmsman
"Good, he has to be down there somewhere, Pratus! Assemble everyone in the briefing room, he's on that planet somewhere and I want him found. No Grey Knight Deserts his post, and I intend to keep it that way."
In the Briefing room sat a myriad of different characters, A couple of shocktrooper Sergeants, in addition to a Grey Knight Justicar, the Archmagos himself Pratus, and an assassin known only as 'Mori' sat around the oaken table as the Inquisitor Entered, he was dressed in his standard militaristic uniform and cloak before he took his place at the head of the table "I'm not going to Lie to any of you, In nearly three centuries of service to the god emperor I've never seen anything like what we're up against here, and in ten thousand years no Grey Knight has ever gone renegade, until now" He paused a moment and let the weight of his words sink in to those present. What he said was true, No Grey Knight had ever gone renegade from the order in it's entire history until Karsikan. "We have no idea how long he's been here, or how many allies he has. So from here on in we must be careful, preliminary reports are still coming in but it appears that this planet is civilized with most of it's intelligent life living on a single large island. That will be where we begin our search"
"Inquisitor, what if The Grandmaster was not corrupted by chaos and still holds true to The Emperor?" The Justicar asked. "Then tell me Kalthanos, why would he abandon his post, why would he desert his brothers and abandon his duty to the emperor if he was not?" The Inquisitor responded, and undetectable sliver of nervousness on his voice
The Justicar, Kalthanos, Seemed dejected "Why Indeed?"
Somewhere within the Inquisitor's Quarters a Daemon Stirred.