Iwaku SHATTERED - Redux

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Luckily there was a good guy with a gun. Effort hobbled closer to the dude and the wrecked vehicle where he noticed the dudes he saw earlier, one of them was pulling out what looked like welding equipment. The old airship wasn't not obvious and Effort put two and two together.

He went to the back of the truck where some of the people were getting the welding equipment from. Standing next to the guy who had the pistol he extended his arm a bit
"Could you be a pal?" it didn't take long for Raymond to get the hint and tug the blade out of Effort's arm. He winced as it came out and changed it back to normal. His jacket had a slit in the sleeve but since bears are tough the wound translated to a shallow gash. Still hurt though. "I'd say we're going to fix the airship, Chuck. Hey I can help with that, I got...magic, or what ever." He wiggled the fingers of his right hand and the air around them shimmered like a heat wave.

Some of the people nearest him eyed his wounds, Effort reassured them "It's really not as bad as it looks, I'll be fine until the adrenaline wears off."

Meanwhile a small person flew through the air and landed on a panda he didn't notice before.

Gets saved by Raymond and joins the folks around the humvee. He answers Raymond's question with his assumption and offers to help repair the ship. And a small Cyanide crash landed on XC


<table ALIGN="CENTER"]><tr><td width=175 align="center">Marvin</td><td width=184 align="center">Sergeant Spears</td><td width=198 align="center">Jake</td></tr></table>​


"Shut up, Marvin!"

Cressen was unconscious, lying halfway out the humvee, whilst another survivor had leapt from the ruins and startled the Panda away. Then there was a girl with pink hair hovering nearby, and a shapeshifting teenager shrugging off mortal wounds. In the middle of this freakshow, Jake scratched his hair and adjusted his combat helmet to peer at Aeolus.

"I must've left my Deus Ex Machina wrench in the shop," He pulled his toolbox from the humvee's half-collapsed trunk, then raised his eyebrow at Aeolus and Effort. "Welding kit's all here. We could probably fix that airship in, say, five months, give or take."


"Shut up, Marvin!"

At the side of the humvee, a hand slapped Raymond's shouder. Sergeant Spears handed the bounter hunter his rifle and nodded in greeting. "Holt." He then began climbing the side of the humvee. "You haven't lost your aim." The sergeant hauled himself up to the half-crumpled turret.


"Shut up, Marvin." Spears reached into the turret and began twisting and pulling at things.

On the other side of the vehicle, Marvin was staggering around. There were bits of glass in his boots and a bruise where the airbag had deployed in his face. He gripped Acqua by the shoulders and shook her. "GAME OVER, MAN! GAME OVER!" He then dashed off and reclaimed his rifle, struggling to reload it as he tripped over Cyanide.

Jake, meanwhile, clutched his back and straightened up with his tool kit. He looked again at Aeolus. "Sorry, couldn't find the magic beans."


"SHUT UP, MARVIN!" snapped Jake, Aeolus and Raymond in unison.

"Whatever you grease-monkeys are doing..." spoke a voice from above. Sergeant Spears was stood atop the humvee and hoisting the 50 cal. machine gun in his arms. His muscles rippled beneath his fatigues. "... you have about five minutes to do it." He slid down the other side of the humvee, trailing the ammo-belt, and began free-firing the 50 cal at the advancing Collectors. His body shook with the recoil and deafened those around him.

It was now or never.

Jake gets his tools for Aeolus. Marvin runs around screaming. Spears comandeers the 50 cal and starts laying down covering fire.

[size=+1]The welding gear is all assembled. Spears stands ready to cover us with the gun from the back of the truck. All around us, the smoke grows thicker, the screams louder, the laughter from our attackers evermore haunting and closer. Five minutes seems a little optimistic, I can't help but think; they'll be here in no time at all.

No more time for hiding, then. We have work to do.

I shrug off the cloak I've been wearing since I came to Rift Town, revealing the network of flowing, ever-shifting tattoos on my skin. No point in hiding anymore; in a few minutes we could be dead. I flash Spears a quick smile of appreciation.
"Keep them off me' as long as y'can. Ah'm gonna get us all out of th's." With that I turn my attention to the assembled survivors. I have no doubt in Spears' ability; with that .50 Cal he's gonna make the Collectors pay for every inch. But one man alone won't keep them away long enough.

Fortunately, some of these people might well be able to help. "As f'r you guys, unless the 'dea of being sk'nned, eaten, raped, tortured and murdered, not necessar'ly 'n that order, appeals to y'for some strange reason, ah'm gonna need your help. Me an' these two boys're gonna get us 'nto that there old relic," I motion with my head to the airship embedded into the centre of town, "An' then we're all gonna get the fuck outta dodge 'fore the Collectors show up t'do what they do best.

"But we're gonna need more t'me, an' that a'nt really someth'n we got. So the longer you folks can hold them off, the more people we can get on board. The longer y'keep them at bay, the more of R'ft Town surv'ves. Can y'do that for me?"
At the front of the group the vast, armoured figure Spears referred to as Karsikan draws his sword, a weapon that could well be taller than me, and nods calmly. "Then may the Cycle preserve ye'," I say simply, and turn towards the airship.

As we're sprinting, Jake yells to me,
"What about that guy with the magic? He offered to help!"
"Mag'c'll do prec'sely jack sh't to that ol' th'ng!" I shout back over the sounds of chaos around us, "'T's Old-Tech! Bu'lt with Confluence Barr'ers an' all manner of defences! The only way we're gett'n 'ns'de 's 'f you know where to look! Why else d'ye th'nk 't's been left untouched so damn long 'n a town fulla vultures?"
"And where the fuck are we supposed to look?!" Marvin howls hysterically.
"Not to worry, sold'er boy! Ah know where we need to start cutt'n!"

Let's just hope we cut a way inside in time.

Let's just hope our fellow survivors can keep the Collectors off us long enough.

...let's just hope.

Aeolus asks the survivors in the centre of town to help Spears buy her, Jack and Marvin as much time as they can to get inside the old airship. She explains that magic will have little effect upon the ship and that one can only really get access to it is if you "know where to look".

Raz had seemed to have fallen behind the doctor and the others, all because of the girl he carried like a sack of potatoes. Again we wondered why he hadn't left her. He needed to get out of town, he needed to stay hidden....

Back alleys, they were a twisted maze of squalor that we wouldn't be able to see where he was going, but maybe, maybe they were better than the relatively open street. Then he saw a familiar face... mask facing him.. only the body was moving away from him. The illusions puzzled him for a second before he realized the doctor had turned his mask around.

The girl over his shoulder he moved forwards revolver still clutched in his hand, though six shots were not enough to calm his nerves.

"Doctor!" he called out catching up to Doc Surgeon. "Where are you going? The gates are the other way."

There was an explosion behind him and he turned to see the ramshackle gate separating rift town from the wilderness belch smoke as collectors swarmed over it.

He was stunned, but he didn't last, there were more coming their way moving deeper into the city. "Doc.."

He saw his face, or rather where his face should be with the mask on the back of his head, it was like a nightmare, the head with two faces, one the strange bird mask, the other that of the same people destroying rift town.

Raziel froze his numb brain trying to make sense of it, if the doctor was one of them... then right at this moment he was easy meat. But the moment passed and Raz moved away from the incoming collectors as fast as he could, doc or no. Even if his path led right to the center of town.

Raz catches up to Doc Surgeon and is confused and frightened by his change in appearance before heading for the center of town.

There were people trying to restore the airship, the last real hope for the people of Rift Town to try to get out and away from these monstrous creatures that they called Collectors. Na'ava didn't know who the woman was, the one that was issuing the commands, and while she wasn't intent on helping random people, she did fancy the idea of staying in Rift Town with this crowd of newcomers. Wiggling her fingers inside her gauntlets, she glanced around. The Collectors were closing in slowly but surely.

Moving tentatively toward Collectors, Na'ava rest her right hand on the hilt of her sword. There were others, and Na'ava hoped that they too would be willing to help because she wasn't entirely sure she could ward off all the Collectors. Especially since she wasn't even sure how many of them there were. Stepping toward a straggler collector, Na'ava drew her sword and stepped toward him.

The Collector turned his attention to her and Na'ava slashed him. The wound across his chest oozed blood but it did not seem to slow him in the least as he moved towards her. Lunging again, she stabbed him viciously and still he kept struggling. The hook on the Collector's arm narrowly missed Na'ava and she jumped backward, taking her sword with her and the Collector crumpled to the ground.

Glancing around, Na'ava saw more Collectors coming and frowned. It was difficult to kill just one of them and there were at least five more heading this way just that she could see. The other paths, including the one that she had run down, were sure to have more Collectors heading toward the center of the town.
Na'ava kills a Collector, reflects on how many of them there are and how hard they are to kill while she hopes for some help.

[dash=#ff5f29]Zypher stumbled through the burning wreckage, picking his way carefully around the towers of flame and shattered pieces of what Zypher could only guess were the remains of the shanties and shacks that made up this town. It didn't matter, the people were doomed anyway, and he wasn't a hero just a noble (or was he? Was this an elected office? Why did he feel he was given this crown, that's like nobility isn't it?) He was suddenly bumped into by a woman, or was it, who knew these days. "Pardon me...but you'd better run." He said, moving away from her and heading on his way. If he was going to survive he couldn't pick up any stragglers, especially with his head all foggy like it was right now.

Shaking his thoughts he continued weaving his way towards the center of town, it sounded like the survivors were all gathering there. That could be an interesting trap on part of the collectors but something told him that it might be a last stand situation. Crashing through a bit of debris that blocked him he came upon a scene of various people collected together, a group of them working on some sort of vehicle unfamiliar to Zypher. As he moved forward he felt a hand clamp down on his shoulder and try and pull him back. Gulping Zypher looked back to see a collector. Shitshitshitshitshitshitshit He pulled away and spun around firing a couple of times, the collector seemingly shrugging off getting shot but it was enough of a distraction for Zypher to jump back into the crowd of people that had gathered, nearly bowling over Aeolus. "Sorry ma'am!" He cried and stepped away from her, turning his gaze back towards the collector, hoping he'd figure out a way to take it down.

Zypher makes his way to the center of town where the others are gathered around the broken humvee and nearly bowls over Aeolus before turning his attention to a collector threat

"Aw man" Effort was disappointed he couldn't use his ability to show how cool he was, but it seemed like there was something else he could help with. Killing these Collector bastards. He ducked around the humvee until he had some relative protection from any bullets that may come flying, and stared down at the crossbow bolt sticking out of his arm.

His eyes focused on the structure of the bolt and once he could see how it was held together he started pushing the pieces aside. He didn't have time to make it go all the way through but it was weak enough now for him to break it off like a twig. It hurt though and he squirmed around trying not to whine about it as he pulled the other half of the bolt from the other side of his arm. After the bolt was gone he could fix the flesh, even though working with flesh made him nervous. He pulled the wet blood from off his body and pushed it toward his wounds one after the other. The blood was manipulated to take on the same structure as the muscle and he used it to help bind the muscle and then the skin back together. It was a rough patch up but it would do for now.

His sight returned to normal as he focused out and looked around. Right, Collectors to fight. Effort took a flying leap and landed on a Collector near Na'ava. He grabbed another Collector by the leg and swung it around, smashing it into other Collectors near by. "Hi" he said, turning to Na'ava "These bastards are kind of tough. Uh how about you chop up the ones I knock down?" it sounded like a good plan to him anyway. He smiled a toothy gorilla smile at her and jumped to another Collector, smashing it down despite the knife it left in his arm. Tis but a flesh wound, he said to himself about the knife as he grabbed a Collector and threw it into the line of fire coming from the 50 cal.

After being told he can't help bust into the old airship, Effort uses the blood on his person to patch up his wounds enough so he can kill Collectors comfortably. After that he turns into a gorilla and jumps in to help Na'ava, incapacitating Collectors for Na'ava to then finish off with her sword, or what ever.

-----Soundtrack: Kochou Yume Shinjuu - Ali Project - Album: Les Papillons, 2011-----

The graceful doe had finally come to a point where she could run no further. She thought she was safe for a moment before a despairing Marvin yelled "Game over, man! Game over!" Then she became aware again that the fire still was still raging on, burning away, consuming everything in its path, assaulting its victims until they became nothing, mere charred corpses on this scorched land. Now the fire was closing in on her last hiding place. Now Night's wolves had arrived, deadly tools blessed upon them by her at their disposal. Now trapped between the hunt and the flames was Acqua, the bird unable to fly, the doe unable to flee. Her instincts told her exactly; it was time to fight, and do so with the deadly calculation that few other than Night herself possessed. Just until the brown-haired girl gets us out of here.

She saw numerous Collectors approach the area. One of them turned his attention toward a girl she recognized from back near the bar. The brave young lady drew her sword and struggled against him, slashing him and stabbing him before barely evading the hook on his arm. The sight of him crumpling to the ground inspired Acqua to try and help. She quickly opened her satchel and took out her mic before closing it in haste.

She attempted to clear her throat, only to cough for a few seconds thanks to the smoke and other particles floating through the air. She pathetically attempted to garble out the words to a song, her hair flashing blue and pink only to return to its normal hue as she coughed again. Well there goes that idea. The fire robbed the bird's most valuable asset: her voice. She was tired from all the running and the smoke in the air was not helping her to recover enough to sing again. For a few moments she was in despair, though her graceful visage refused to display such hopelessness.

Then, a light came to her. If the flame hurts almost​ all, why not use it against the wolves? Acqua hastily scanned the area, noticing shards of glass, mutilated limbs, and pieces of wood lit like the blazing trunks of woodland trees. After putting her mic back in her satchel, she rushed for a piece of wood that was on fire. Picking it up with her free hand, she rushed toward Na'ava with the aid of her shoes. While Effort handled the five near Na'ava, she hurled it past Na'ava toward a Collector unseen by the brave semi-demon that was approaching from another direction, taking no time to relish in the ignition of the flames upon its mask, the flame slowly spreading to the rest of his body. Flame is impartial in who it eats; handle with caution.

While this certainly did not subdue him, it slowed him down long enough for Acqua to reassess the available "weapons" in her surroundings and take action. A corpse, oh my. A bird's eyes always noticed bright and shiny things, especially the ever unique glint of metal from a cadaver's pocket. He appeared to have been a person selling his goods, having carried the dagger on him in case people tried to get shifty and steal from him. Well the dead certainly don't need their claws anymore, do they? she plucked the dagger lying there from him.

Soon the bird was to put her new found talons to use. The Collector whose mask had caught on fire was seething with contempt for the little picture girl. How dare my prey try to outdo Night's bidding! Enraged, the wolf snarled as he leaped forth, his deformed hands razor sharp claws like no other's out and ready for the kill. Sadly for him, picture girl was much more adapted for now than the wolf had accounted for. The noise of him leaping set off the bird, her hands quickly picking up the shards of glass around her and sending them swiftly through the air as if a swan's ivory wings buffeted them forth, the sharp edges now penetrating his damaged armor like small daggers. The pain that he should have experienced did not deter him however as he came up to her, swinging wildly with his large claws, grazing her already bruised legs as she leaped back.

She landed quickly as he charged forth again, now much more desperate. To her he was no longer the deadly wolf he once was but still stood as a threat to the future she nested. The fire blazing upon him and the many cuts and wounds inflicted upon him by the shards were finally beginning to show on his cut up body as his run surely slowed to staggered bursts. With the violent grace of a swan she danced with the beast, commencing their pas de deux. In a graceful arabesque moved the swan, performing an elegant glissade to evade a fiery swipe of his claw which cut her lengthy hair, a deadly batterie in which she sliced his body further with her lengthy dagger from a distance as he lunged with his ungainly forme in vain.

The pas de deux proved to be too much for the wolf; he was far too consumed by his own rage and the flames engulfing him to plan his steps well. Lacerated and burnt, he finally collapsed to the ground, unconscious. She leaped over him in what resembled a grand jeté to return to aiding Na'ava and Effort, dagger in hand. Acqua was fighting against the Night's cruel spell and the malicious sorceress herself. She would never forgive her for killing the swans, for murdering the does, for hunting the other birds to near extinction, and most of all for sending the wolves. Without her attendants, Swan White sought those fighting alongside her. Feathers bloodied, her exhaustion rising steadily, she stood with a desperation both terrifying and beautiful. Ô Odette, n'arrêtez pas de danser.

Summary: Acqua engages one of the enemies that Na'ava failed to see approaching her from a direction different than the 5 near her and effort and manages to make him fall unconscious before returning to assist her and Effort with the others who approach after the initial wave that Effort subdues. Oh, if you wanted to know, there was some ballet imagery in there along with the nature imagery and references to swan lake/swans that basically made her fighting look very graceful (my version of B.A.). Have at it, kiddies.


In Flames You Burn - Dream Evil

Experience taught Karsikan that they were done for if they didn't have the chance to organize some kind of defenses. He was already enacting a plan to buy enough time to hopefully do just that. His h
eavy ceramite boots thudded in a slow rhythm as he advanced to the forefront and past the others, Leaving The Impaler and it's ammunition behind, the others behind him might have to team up to use it, but it would give them something should they lack any weapons of their own.

"I am the hammer."

The first collector fell to his blade in a reckless charge.

"I am the right hand of the Emperor."

He advanced, seeking to keep the others at a safe distance from the attack he was about to unleash.

"The Insturment of his will."

Another pair of Collecters were cut apart, but not before one scored a blow with it's sledgehammer against the weakened armor of his midsection, He spat a mouthful of blood to the ground and continued forward.

"The gauntlet about his fist."

He felt the hate welling up within him, his eyes turned white and burned with psychic flame.

"The tip of his spear."

He felt his blood boil within his veins, as the psychic force of his planned attack began tearing him apart, He saw the Collectors massing around him.

"The edge of his sword."

Another blow struck him, a collector wielding a chain connected with the side of his head when he was distracted by the pain of his psychic charge. He caught hold of the chain on the collector's second attack and taught it a lesson in astartes combat.


A violent storm of blinding white flame erupted from around him, igniting the asphalt of the road his was standing on and Annihilating the collectors that had tried to surround him and those passing him nearby or trying to engage with short range firearms, it stopped just short of the others defending the airship. He held onto the psychic assault as long as he could before extinguishing the psychic firestorm and striding back.

He returned a moment later, his whitened eyes still blazing,
"Retrieve whatever materials you can to erect a fighting position and be quick about it, That was only the first wave."

These creatures, the locals called them collectors, were a conundrum to him. Everything about their unwarranted arrival, their seemingly random tactics, their armaments, and even their random choice of weapons screamed daemon to the hunter within him, yet their psychic signature was mysteriously absent. It was a foe he was simultaneously a master of, yet completely clueless. He pushed such thoughts from his mind for the time being however, he had to keep his mind on the defense lest everyone was lost.


GMK advances forward and rolls snake eyes on his psychic test to use the Holocaust power, hopefully buying enough time for the rest to construct some kind of defenses around the airship for wave two.

The Atlantics - Moon Man

A smile had been on the Surfer's face upon hearing Sakura's promise. It made him feel like an inspiration to others. To hear an entire town say such a thing was not necessary for him. Just one young lady or some little boy was enough to make him proud of not selfishly leaving someone in need behind.

Everywhere around him others were pitching in to escape the Collectors.

Some fought gracefully while others. . . tried to blind him with bad-assery. But that was totally cool! Mostly since it meant that a few more collectors were down for the count which consequently meant their odds of escaping went up. Obviously there were still too many of them to cut each one down to size.

All Orion knew for sure was that the immense metal man had told them to erect some sort of fighting position. Except that the Surfer had not the slightest clue what they would use those materials to build. Fighting for him had only been against. . . well he couldn't remember exactly what right now. That fall from the sky a week ago had spared his life only to take most of his memories instead. So he went out on a limb and started protecting those who had understood what GMK meant.

Rushing toward the next incoming wave of Collectors, catching their focus with ease by turning himself into the closest target. The plan at hand was to keep them pushed back until a line of defense could be established. Or until the airship was repaired. Whatever came first, right?

"Lets see how you dudes do up against a whirlpool. . ."

Orion threw his surfboard out in front of himself once more as though to crowd surf on the Collectors yet again. Leaping onto it in mid-air yet again, he purposely slammed right into a collector before pushing off of his board right after the moment of impact. Yanking his arm harshly back behind himself caused the wrist-strap to pull the surfboard toward him. Spinning in a quick 360 degree movement sent the odd weapon of choice churning through the wave of collectors, knocking them down out of sheer kinetic energy.

Not wanting to give him a chance to kill several of them as GMK had, several precision flamethrowers were ignited all at once. Right at his head the searing flames shot. . . not even wanting to waste time burning the body. Down to his knees the Surfer fell but mere moments later. Only to reveal that he had left the flames completely unscathed! Not even his golden blond hair had been singed. Just a few moments were granted to him, but just enough to rush forward and quickly impale a collector through the torso on the tip of his seemingly unbreakable surfboard.

After all who could survive a fall through the atmosphere and not be able to withstand a few flamethrowers to the face?

Not hesitating for a second they decided to try taking him down with their biological weapons instead. Several strange cylinders were tossed at Orion which dispensed a putrid smelling cloud of yellowish gas. Orion completely left the view of the other survivors now as the poison engulfed him along with several of the Collectors themselves. If breathed in by most known creatures it would cause their lungs to burn as they choked on the poison contained within. This was more than likely one of the many reasons why the Collectors wore their gas masks.

Silence came.

Just seconds later it was utterly interrupted by the sound of a body getting cleaved into two. Listening to the sounds of their laughter, Orion had started to slay yet another one under the cover of the gaseous cloud. Closing in on them one by one he hacked them apart while the yellowish gas started to dissolve and disperse into the air. Quite obviously he could resist their poison through some strange means. Perhaps it had to do with the simple fact he never had to actually breathe air.

Reacting without fear, the Collectors drew out their firearms and started to shoot blindly at Orion through what remained of the cloud. Unfortunately for him their aim started to get better as his gassy cover went up in smoke. Bullets were a different matter entirely from their previous attack. One shot grazed his left cheek while another went straight through his right shoulder. Luckily they had missed his legs thanks to the simple fact he did not stop moving. No point in giving the enemy a clear shot after all!

Blood resembling something akin to silver glitter glue started to seep from his wounds. In truth he could not take many hits at all. Mostly since he had no incredibly powerful armor either. Despite being what appeared to be an alien of sorts or at least some inhuman creature. . . he still suffered from the same mortality as all the others dying in Rift Town today. Only real difference was that Orion had an undetermined lifespan.

And the ability to create cosmic energy barriers.

Focusing entirely on the power hidden within him, Orion managed to create a force-field of cosmic energy around his body. One that was only capable of being projected just above his skin and only had a thickness of around two inches. All around his body a blueish energy shimmered as it protected him. Now he could not move nearly as fast since the amount of focus required was rather large when the cosmic barrier was used on his entire body and not just a small portion of it. The Surfer only even remembered how to do such an out of this world ability since it was the shield that allowed him to survive the initial impact into that airship kind enough to catch him up in the sky a week ago.

Now the bullets and blows from Collectors bounced right off of his body as Orion waded through them with a slow upright walk. Blood was in the water and the sharks had come in a feeding frenzy. Distracting them from the main group was all he could do now. A few of their bullets actually ricocheted into other Collectors in close proximity. While it did not kill them right away, every shot now had a high chance of causing friendly fire. Soon the laughing creatures tried to grab him after finally clocking that they could not damage him in this focused state.

Hopefully they would establish a defensive line before Orion lost his focus.

Orion heads off into battle to cause a distraction in the wake of GMK's attack so that the others have time to establish a defensive line of some sort.


Curiose frowned as the man she bumped into ran off, almost wanting to yell at him about the importance of manners, despite that she accidentally ran into the man in the first place. But she had more important things to worry about. The Collectors were closing in, edging ever so closer, while people everywhere were being attacked and abducted. Slowly, Rift Town became destroyed and she was alone, again. Shroomy was M.I.A., the town was destroyed, and all her potential followers were dwindling.

She was alone, all alone and there was nothing she could do. She was destined to die, or carry the same fate as the 'survivors'. The thought eventually made her break down and cry. Through watered tears, she saw a single person come to her, begging her to get, up urging her to go to the center of town. She was scarred, and bruised, but mostly fearful of the collectors that caved in around them. Together the Rift Town native and Curiose ran towards what looked to be a giant ship, the both of them having a sharp sense of fear about them.

They huddled closely together until a collector appeared from the midst of the fighting, the destruction, and the scene of death around them. It was pure chaos. It nabbed the native, dragging her along the ground. Curiose went after her, but stopped suddenly when the quiet murmurs of her Shroomy began once more.

It told her to leave the woman to her doom. That unless Curiose had wanted to survive, to carry on its vision, she would continue towards the space craft ahead of her.

"But, Shroomy! She needs my help!" Curiose exclaimed, watching the woman get further dragged away by the collector.

There was no response. One last look at the woman who screamed and thrashed as the collector grabbed her by her arms, carrying her wherever it wanted. Curi shook her head and made her way to the airship fearfully, attempting to dodge the collectors that continuously swarmed around.

She made her way to the giant ship, seeing a group of people in preparation for whatever they planned on doing. Urgently, she ran over to the woman with tattoos on her back, waving her arms frantically so she'd see her as she made her way over.

Curiose realizes that she had been abandoned temporarily by her shroom, and was doomed to die or be dragged off by the collectors until a native came to help bring her to safety. It was not until a collector came and took the Native that Shroomy spoke, telling Curiose to abandon the woman for its own selfish needs. She makes her way to Aeolus, acting like a wild woman by waving her arms for attention.

A fighting position, right.... With the Collectors having been vaporized it seemed they had some time to make some kind of obstruction or what ever. Effort lumbered over to some chunks of concrete that had fallen or been blasted off the buildings and with his brute gorilla strength hurled large pieces to where he guessed would be a good spot to start making a wall. He gathered up what ever pieces of metal he could get, carrying or dragging the pieces back to where the pieces of concrete were. Meanwhile the guy with the surfboard approached the oncoming Collectors.

With the help of some of the others he positioned the concrete pieces into a some what circle around them. Effort pulled out whatever sharp objects that were stuck into him and tossed them aside before transforming back to himself, with new slits in his jacket and cuts on his arms. Grabbing up a metal strut he wedged it against a piece of concrete and stared at the materials where they met. The tiny moving pieces gradually enveloped his vision, he saw where the pieces looked different and knew that was the concrete and metal. He pushed at the moving pieces with his mind, willed them to wiggle in together until the metal and concrete pieces were tangled in each other. Effort's sight retracted from focusing on the material and once he saw everything regularly he grabbed the strut and shook it, making sure the bonding was solid. He continued doing that, looking up every now and then to check how close the Collectors were getting. Orion was doing an awful good job of distracting them.

Effort paused in his work at one point and looked out at Orion. What was that glittery silver? His curiosity told him to find out what it looked like zoomed in, and his vision indeed started getting closer. The moving, jumping little pieces were starting to show up and he could see the structure of the air as he homed in on the oddly colored blood- Effort shook his head vigorously, no time for that, must continue making this erected fighting position more sturdy. He continued fusing metal struts to the makeshift concrete wall as fast as he thought he could.

Using his gorilla strength, Effort collected some big chunks of broken building and with help of the others made a rough wall. Turning back to normal he used his ability to fuse metal struts to the wall to make it more sturdy.


<table ALIGN="CENTER"]><tr><td width=175 align="center">Marvin</td><td width=184 align="center">Sergeant Spears</td><td width=198 align="center">Jake</td></tr></table>​

Karsikan and the Surfer were engaging the enemy. Effort had set up a roablock. Spears circled inside the makeshift barrier of metal and concrete, counting his resources. Two women, one with a sword and one with a knife. Raymond, armed with his pistols and the M-16 Spears had given him. Then the concrete-hurling Effort. Cressen had been lost, dragged from the humvee in the fog of war, and there was no sign of Sakura, Cyanide or the Panda. Only seven of them remained to hold the line.

"Watch the flanks," the drill sergeant ordered as he passed between Effort and Raymond, trailing the ammo feed. With a grunt he rested the 50 cal. on a mound of twisted struts, using them like a tripod as he braced the weapon to his shoulder. His head snapped towards Acqua and Na'ava. "Anything that comes over these barricades, you need to deal with." The machine gun began another fugue, the thundering sound eclipsing the laughter of the Collectors. He targeted the space between the silver shimmers of Orion and Karsikan. He would cover them as they whirled in the bloody melee.

"MOTHERFUCKER DIE YOU BITCH!" shrieked Marvin as he turned his rifle on the Collector chasing Zypher. The creature was thrown back in a hail of fire, whilst Jake moved protectively in front of Aeolus and Curiose. "I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" He continued shooting as the Collector fell. "I'LL KILL YOUR MOTHER TOO!" He shot the Collector as it lay on the ground. "AND YOUR SISTER!" He emptied his magazine then started bludgeoning the corpse with the butt of his rifle. "AND YOUR DOG!"

"I got him," murmured Jake, before running back and grabbing his friend by the collar. He pulled Marvin along with him as he followed after Aoelus, Zypher and Curiose. They were moving now into the shadow of the great airship, circling its twisted bones. Aeolus gave no explanation to Zypher and Curiose - just yelled at them to run. And luckily they weren't stupid enough to hesitate.

When they came to a halt, Marvin slumped against the side of the airship, checking his pouches frantically. "I'm out of mags! I need a mag!"

"You need'a shut up!" Jake clonked him on the helmet with his wrench then moved to stand behind Aeolus. The tattooed woman was examining the hull. Jake started unpacking the blowtorch and visor. "Okay, Maam. Where do I cut?"

Spears organises the survivors behind the barricade. Marvin kills the Collector chasing Zypher. Jake gets his cutting tools ready.

Five Finger Death Punch - Bad Company

With a barricade erected in record time Karsikan turned his attention back to the horde, Orion had managed to hold them back thus far but he was taking hits. It was time to take the pressure off him.

"COME AT ME YOU MONSTERS!" He charged at them full speed, sword in hand and eyes blazing blue-white, The fury of his charge caught them off guard. He was no longer distracted with channeling powers that normally took an entire squad to manage, his psychic fury poured into his hands and his blade, he cut his way to stand abreast of orion, putting maybe five paces between them for .50 cal fire.

"THIS DAY YOU SAVAGES!" He shouted again, his amplified voice carrying across the battlefield "YOU DO NOT FACE A HELPLESS VILLAGE, TODAY YOU STAND AGAINST AN ASTARTES. NOW COME YOU RAVENING BEASTS! COME FORTH TO MEET THE ANGEL OF DEATH!" low caliber rounds plinked off his armor as other closed with whatever melee weapons they had, Several caught bolts of biokinetic lighting and went down, others fell to his blade, either from vicious slashes or their brains exploding from his psychic fury. Still they poured wave after wave, not that he cared Orion or Spears managed to take care of any that escaped his fury. He roared more taunts at them, goading them into putting focusing their attention on him, a shot here or there grazed him, or punched through a soft spot in his armor but he wouldn't relent. Larger weapons capitalized on his weakened armor, and soon his blood poured from it's cracks, and he still would not give them an inch. If the collectors wanted past him they would have to kill him.


He kept fighting, the asphalt going slick with blood, but his boots held purchase, his wounds regenerated, slowly. His better sense screamed at him but he pushed them aside. This was nothing compared to the Iron
Cage incident, and there was no way the Ultramarines were coming to pull them out.

[DASH=white] Set up a fighting position? How? With what?

The shapeshifter gave him material to work with. Raymond directed a few survivors in fine tuning the positions of the larger pieces. Occasionally he had to stop to trade a couple shots with Collectors that managed to get too close. Crates were hastily stacked in defensible positions. A couple market carts were brought close to the airship and tipped upon their side. A semi-circle defense was erected next to the airship, the remainder of Rift Town sheltered within.

Surrounding them was a sea of fire, smoke, and Collectors. All ready to crash down upon them.

Raymond was displeased, even at its peak the defenses were only about chest high. No doubt the Collectors would be able to overrun them here with time. With the survivors packed in like sardines behind the wall it would be hard to avoid being hit by a stray bullet. Raymond watched the shapeshifter he had helped earlier start fusing metal struts in order to strength the wall.

The wonders of modern magic.

Raymond scanned the survivors. Nearly all were wounded, there were sickeningly few children or elderly (not that many in Rift Town survived long enough to grow old).He watched as one girl with an umbrella run over toward Jake and the tattooed girl, waving her arms. There were a few others who had fought back and lived to make it to the center. He noted the bartender from The Runway had survived, and was now reloading his shotgun behind a thick shield of metal.There was an arcane wielder, a few with rifles, shotguns, and pistols, some melee brawlers and blades folk. Pitifully few compared to how many brawlers, smugglers, mercs, and other miscellaneous fighting folk there had been in the town only a few hours before. A shriek of metal resounded close to him as bullets struck what had been a metal beam near his head. Spears responded with his own deadly fire, cutting the offending Collector nearly in two with a burst from the 50 .cal.

The Collectors were regrouping.

Raymond passed his own order to some of the other survivors, those who could not fight were to keep their heads down and get as close to the airship as possible. Hopefully that would cut down on remaining casualties. Maybe they would make it out of this after all.

What a novel concept.

"Hey!" Raymond struggled for a second to remember the soldier's name "Marvin!"

"FUCK!" the soldier shouted as Raymond called his name. With a startled movement he whirled around from where he was watching Jake and the girl beginning to cut into the airship.
Raymond was grateful that the rifle now pointed at his head was without a magazine. He pointed with a free hand at his own M-16 that Spears had given him, indicating the magazine.

"The hell are the rest of them? I only have one mag!"

"Uh… shit, we put them in the HUMVEE! Duffle bag! Driver's side, rear seat! Could you please bring me a couple mags too man?"

A minute later Raymond had the worn olive drab duffle bag unzipped at his knee. The M-16 propped up on the front fender of the humvee; which was now serving the last moments of its life as part of the defensive line. Raymond lit another cigarette before grabbing the rifle and taking aim down the iron sights.


A single shot from the M-16 ignited a flamethrower wielding Collector that wished to accept the power armored behemoth's challenge. Raymond watched the slaughter of the Collectors with a strange bemusement. The smell of acidic gunpowder in the air mingling with the smell of burnt flesh and charred buildings, his ears ringing from the gunshots of the .50 cal.

"That is one dangerous bastard…"

Raymond helps with Effort in setting up the defense. Grabs a duffle bag filled with ammunition from the humvee and joins the defense.

[size=+1]The lines are drawn in the bloodstained sand.

Our enemies are approaching, a tidal wave of gas-masked terror out to tear us limb from limb.

And unless this old bitch of an airship opens up we are, as the old saying goes, totally fucked.

I almost panic when initially I can't find the spot on the hull I located earlier... but with a quick glance to the shifting tattoo on my wrist I'm able to find it again. Behind us, I can hear the sounds of the other survivors battling back the Collector attacks as I point to the spot and roar at Jake over the sound of battle and gunfire.
"THERE! START CUTT'N' THERE! FAST AS YOU GODDAMN CAN, WE'RE RUNN'N' OUTTA T'ME!" There's a man wearing a crown and a wild-eyed woman waving her arms at me nearby; I don't stop to explain (there's no time), instead just pointing them towards the rest of the group fighting the Collectors. "Help keep them off us as long as ye' can! GO!!"

In times of panic people like a bit of direction, I've found. And I've got no time to give them the rundown; I have people to save.

Jake's not wasting any time, thank the Cycle; he's already fired up his tools and got to work slicing through the hull. As he cuts, the symbol I was able to faintly able to make out earlier starts to light up from the heat of the cutting-tools, illuminating the path he needs to follow.


He doesn't question it, not yet at least; he's a soldier and he's been trained to get his job done and not ask questions. I'm grateful for that, as I don't have time to explain it to him. I don't even know if we've got time to cut through and get everyone aboard before they breach our makeshift barricades.

Not much time left for any of us...[/size]

[size=+1]Rift Town has just flatlined.

The buildings buckle, their burning beams no longer able to support the weight. The slums and shanty-towns, built close together and from flammable materials, are up in smoke. There are few survivors left in the town aside from the centre; just about all of them have been slaughtered or dragged away to the ships hovering above the burning wreckage.

They still stalk through the streets, though.

Their laughter has reached a crescendo. It can be heard everywhere; above the din of the fighting, through the crackle of the burning ruins. They rush towards the town centre, ready to snuff out the final candles of life that remain in this settlement and leave nothing but terror, death and darkness.

And unless the survivors escape soon, they will succeed.[/size]

[size=+1]"Almost there!" Jake bellows over the cacophony around us, "Not much more to cut--" He's interrupted mid-sentence by one of the survivors defending the barricades having his head carved open by a Collector wielding a vicious looking meat-cleaver, who charges past the man and straight towards us. Jake spins and tries to bring the cutting-tools up to defend himself, but the Collector's moving faster.

Fortunately, I move faster still.

I've pulled the revolver from my belt and snapped back the hammer just as the Collector reaches Jake, and sink two rounds into the thing's chest and another through it's mask in quick succession. It's momentum keeps it coming even in the wake of such an impact, sending it careering past Jake and into Marvin's back. The two topple to the ground with Marvin yelping in panic.
"Keep go'n'!" I shout to Jake as I haul his comrade to his feet again, "Ah've got yer back!"

They keep coming. There's so damn many of them; more than I've ever seen before. No rhyme or reason to their attacks; they just keep throwing themselves upon our improvised defences with reckless abandon, a total disregard for their own lives. We're killing them, but that's not stopping them.

Hell, they're not even scared. I don't think you even can scare these fucks.

Me, on the other hand? I'm scared.

I don't think we're going to survive this.[/size]

[size=+1]As the settlement collapses all around him, Raziel carries the unconscious Chanter and follows in the wake of Doctor Surgeon.

The chaos and turmoil has thrown them together with Liana, also making her way to the centre of town. Little does the small group know that they are amongst the last still alive within Rift Town. The good Doctor Surge (or _____ for short), has abandoned his Collector disguise upon drawing close to the centre. However, the closer they get the greater the numbers of Collectors are looming both ahead and behind.

They are surrounded. And unless they find a way to break through the trap shall close in on them, a sea of gas-masks swallowing them up.

With his two revolvers out and blasting away at their assailants, Doctor Surgeon is peforming aggressive treatment strategies upon the Collectors. Raziel lays down as much covering fire as he can as well with his free arm, the other keeping the unconscious woman securely on his shoulder. They've cleared a path so far but the route ahead is growing thicker and thicker with masked killers.

The Collectors close in, blades and weaponry at the ready as their laughter echoes through the burning ruins. Doctor Surgeon and Raziel pump round after round into them, but they keep coming.

All in all, the situation is looking particularly grim... until Liana steps in.

She focuses her will, keeping her cool despite the terror, and with her abilities begins to warp the very air around her. Compacting it, strengthening it, crafting a barrier of force around the four survivors. The bullets whistling towards them are blown back and as Liana starts forwards the Collectors are forced to part around the invisible force.

Like an apocalyptic Moses parting a sea of masks and death.

But she can't maintain it for long. Hopefully just long enough to see them to safety.
"Come on!" she yells to the other three, "I can't keep this up for long!" Wisely the two other survivors choose not to question this, rushing after the seer and towards the promise of safety...[/size]

[size=+1]Eyes hidden from the bright glare of the cutting tools, Jake finishes cutting along the glowing symbol that's appeared on the side of the hull.
"That's it! Now what?" He doesn't have to wait long for an answer. With a metallic groan, the plates of the hull start to shift and move, retracting and changing position to create an opening in the side of the hull. At first it's just big enough to fit a few people through, but it's widening all the time.

We're in. Now we need to get everyone inside before the barricades are overrun.

I spin to look about for Spears amidst the chaos, spotting a few final survivors sprinting inexplicably through the Collector lines towards our barricade before finally catching sight of the soldier. He's still got that .50 Cal and is laying down hellfire upon the approaching gas-masked fiends alongside Karsikan, who's cleaving into any Collector stupid enough to get close with his sword.

He doesn't have time to reply; the Collectors just keep coming, and he's got to keep shooting. But he gives me a quick nod to show he understands before continuing his onslaught, bellowing orders at the terrified survivors. I'm glad to have him on my side. He knows how to organise these people, keep them alive.

All I have to worry about now is getting this old bitch flying again.[/size]

[size=+1]Elsewhere in the burning madness that was once Rift Town the final survivor fights for survival.

Skye utilises her ability to call upon water to clear a path ahead of her, dousing the flames that block her passage to safety. It's fortunate she has such an ability as well, for the Collectors are right behind her, laughing as they track their prey through the ruins. The fire and smoke is all around her; she can barely see, relying solely on putting one foot in front of the other and pushing towards what she hopes is the centre of town.

More figures loom through the smoke ahead of her, laughter following them. A group of Collectors pause in their hacking apart of a family to join the pursuit of Skye, moving to cut her off. If she pauses to think about how they could have reacted to her presence without even first seeing her she might start to get the idea that there is some method to the Collectors' madness... but now is not the timing for contemplation.

Now is the time for trying to stay alive against all the odds.

Suddenly veering off to the left, Skye crashes through a door hanging off it's hinges and into one of the burning buildings, her pursuers moving after her. She rushes up the stairs, her foot almost getting caught when one of the steps gives way beneath her, and onto the second floor of the burning house. She can barely see through the choking, acrid smoke and knows that she needs to get herself an exit now or else asphyxiate in the burning building, easy prey for her pursuers.

So she does the only thing she can.

When the Collectors reach the second floor, they are not greeted by a human woman as they'd been expecting. In her place is a vast wolf standing on it's hind legs, dressed in the clothes the woman had been wearing, it's pelt the same colour as her hair. They don't so much as pause, rushing the wolfwoman without any regard to their safety.

It's fortunate for Skye that she never planned to attack them.

Launching herself at the weakest of the walls just as the building begins to buckle under the weight of all the people inside, she crashes through the burning wood and out into the smoke-filled air, a trail of splinters and debris trailing after her. Her momentum sends her sailing across burning roofs and dying citizens straight into the centre of town, where she tucks herself into a roll upon landing and comes skidding to a halt near to the makeshift barricade. The defenders almost light her up on sight, but fortunately she looks decidedly different from a Collector that they don't attack immediately.

The final survivor has reached the centre of town.[/size]

[size=+1]We're having to practically climb up through the ship towards the bridge because of the angle she crashed at, through old hallways who's lights begin to crackle begrudgingly on, awakened at last from their long sleep by our presence. I should really be in awe of this place; it's a relic undisturbed by time since the Shattering, a preservation of something from the time before all this madness.


But we've no time for awe right now. There's lives to save, our own included.

"We're almost there!" I yell to Jake and Marvin, who are climbing right behind me, "The Br'dge 's jus' up ahead!"
"Do you know how to work this thing, lady?" Marvin shouts back, "Goddamn, please tell me you know how to work this thing!"
"Not exactly!"
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN 'NOT EXACTLY'?!" He's about to panic again; the confined space is probably getting to him.
"Let's jus' say ah'm pretty sure I can f'gure 't out! Ah'm a fast learner!" I look down briefly to my arms; already the marks are swirling into patterns, instructions.

Yeah. If we can reach the Bridge in time, I can get this old thing up in the air again.[/size]


Even above the sound of all the chaos swirling about them Spears' voice can be heard bellowing orders to the survivors of Rift Town. He and Raymond poured covering fire towards the oncoming Collectors as the injured and non-combatants began to evacuate onto the ship. Orion uses his board as a shield to help cover the survivors as they attempt to escape to the safety of the old relic, accompanied by Sakura. Across the barricades the defenders can hear Acquariana's song pushing through all the other sounds and chaos, keeping them calm, giving them the resolve to keep fighting. They are holding the line.

But the line is beginning to crumble.

With even less bodies to man the barricades, there are more holes for the Collectors to come through.

Zypher has joined the ranks of the defenders, his twin pistols blazing as they tear through oncoming attackers. Yet even he doesn't have enough bullets for everything coming at him; he's forced to dive to one side as a Collector comes out of nowhere and attempts to disembowel him with a pair of meat-hooks grafted to his hands. He brings one of his pistols up to put a hole through the thing's mask only to be jumped by another gas-mask wearing assailant, who knocks him to the ground and brings up his machete to finish him...

...only to have an umbrella opened in his face.

Curiose shoves the Collector back with her umbrella, who starts to come at her instead with a manic laugh. It's not expecting the blade to appear from the umbrella she's carrying; it slides under the thing's guard and through his chest, ripping a vicious wound in the Collector's stomach as Curiose pulls it free. Zypher seizes the chance to get back to his feet and keep shooting.

Na'va and Karsikan are back to back, hacking apart through anything masked that comes within reach of their blades. The man-mountain's slicing the Collectors apart in rows thanks to his size and strength, and Na'va is taking down anything that gets past him. Skye is fortunate enough to land near to the pair of them; Karsikan grabs the shapeshifter and pulls her behind the barricade before she can be overrun by the Collectors.

Raziel carries the unconscious Chanter onto the ship followed by Liana and Doctor Surgeon, who wastes no time with trivialities such as exhaustion and panic as he gets to work patching up the injured. Cyandie has manipulated himself back to the size and strength he had in the bar, beating back anything that tries to get past him, and Effort hurls debris into the oncoming Collectors, taking out several at a time.

They're holding the line.

But not for much longer.

Overhead the sound of engines grows louder and louder; something it approaching. Sure enough one of the attack ships appears out of the smoke and clouds that surround the survivors. It's guns open up just as Cressen manages to bark to the others,
"Get down!" High caliber round slam into the makeshift barricades, tearing apart the undead creatures that had been tailing the necromancer and mutilating several of the survivors still trying to hold the line.

It passes overhead, but begins to circle for another attack.
"Light it up!" Raymond yells to the defenders, "We have to hold out just a little longer!" Spears turns the .50 Cal onto the oncoming attack-craft, as do most of the remaining survivors armed with firearms. Yet even the heavy rounds of Spears' weapon can't quite punch through the hull of the ship.

Cyanide and Effort try a different approach, working together to grab one of the larger rocks and hurl it into the air at the attack craft. The pilot's clearly not expecting this, and is unable to pull the ship out of a collision with the massive piece of debri; the rock tears the ship's left engine off, sending it careering down towards the barricade. "Oh SHIT! EVERYONE DOWN!"

The sound of the impact is deafening. Fuel ignites and detonates, leaving the survivors' ears ringing; shards from the downed craft fly everywhere. Several are crushed by the pieces of the ship, a few more badly injured.

And one is trapped beneath the main body of the craft as well.

Cressen's upper-torso is free, but his legs are buried underneath the fallen ship. Spears attempts to pull him free but the Collectors have pressed the advantage, pushing forwards through the ruins of the barricade to charge the survivors. There's not enough time; the rest are pulling back to the airship, dragging whatever wounded they can.
"I'm sorry," Spears looks down at the trapped Cressen for a final time before turning away and sprinting for the doors of the ship.

The last the survivors see of Cressen is him being surrounded by the Collectors, and their laughter tells them exactly what fate is in store for him.

"Close the doors!" Spears snaps as he skids to a halt inside the ship, bringing the .50 Cal about and firing the last of the shots into the crowd of Collectors trying to reach them in time. The hull seals itself back up just in time; the survivors hear them pounding on the ship from where they stand.

They have made it inside.

But they aren't safe yet.[/size]

[size=+1]...Okay, this might be less easy than I'd hoped it would be.

We stand in the Bridge, staring at the array of ancient controls before us and for a moment I'm slightly at a loss as to what to do. This is Old-Tech, possibly the best preserved I've ever seen. Devices that date back to before the Shattering, their purpose lost to Iwakuans unless we can figure out how the hell it works.

Preferably before the Collectors get aboard the ship, too. No pressure.

Glancing down at my arms, I curse when I realise the patterns forming earlier are gone, replaced by nothing but strange lettering and meaningless symbols.
"Jake! Check mah back!"
"...I'm sorry?"
"Mah fuck'n' back! Check 't! The 'nstruct'ons for mak'n' th's damn th'ng work m'ght be there!" The soldier looks perplexed, but does what he's told regardless. Then he makes the excited exclamation,
"Wait, yeah! I found them! We just need to..."

He doesn't bother finishing the sentence, letting it trail off as he sprints to the nearest array of controls. Marvin and I tail along behind him. "Something about 'emergency startup'..." he mutters as he works against the clock, pressing several buttons before pulling a switch.

It works, whatever he does. There's a hum as power comes rushing back to the Bridge, the lights flickering to life. Marvin lets out a low whistle in awe of the sight.
"Now here's something you don't see these days..." he mutters, and I can't help but nod in agreement. Functioning Old-Tech. Something so rare people are happily ready to kill to get their hands on it. And our ticket out of this death-trap.

A glance at my arms informs me that the instructions are back again. Jake and I get to following them as quickly as we can.
"Fuel is all but gone," Jake informs me as we work, "We should have enough to get us out of here and clear of the Collector ships but that's it. Luckily, if your... uh, tattoos are right, there's something else we can use..." He scans the control panel before pointing to some sort of lever, "Yup, there. This thing comes with an 'Emergency Floatation Device', apparently. Dunno what the hell it'll do, but it should at least keep us in the air."
"Yeah," I mutter, "Unless 't's someth'n' t'do w'th water--"

"Guys, check it out!" Marvin shouts from across the room, "I can see Sarge and the others!" I spin around to see what the soldier's yelling about, expecting to find Spears in the Bridge with us. Instead I see Marvin watching a bank of dust-covered screens that he's scraped clean a little, revealing a moving image of the other survivors further down in the ship. "Lemme see if I can talk to them..." Marvin says, reaching for what looks to be a speaking device nearby.


Meanwhile Jake's found the engine start-up, near to the lever for deploying whatever the hell the emergency flotation device is.
"Looks like we're all set," he says, sitting down in the pilot's seat and strapping himself in, "Get yourselves seated." I don't argue, grabbing one of the seats near to Jake and watching out the bridge window. The smoke from outside lingers overhead even at this height.

There's nothing left for us in Rift Town. Time to get out whilst we still can.

Marvin straps himself into the seat before the bank of screens, still holding the device.
"Sarge? Everyone? If you can hear this, this is Marvin. We're at the Bridge and I think we've got this shit figured out. So strap yourselves in and hold onto your asses; this could get interesting!"[/size]

[size=+1]The survivors of the Rift Town massacre strap themselves in down in the cargo hold of the airship just in time to feel the force of gravity as the engines fire up. None of them can remember experiencing anything like this before.

The ship blasts itself out of the crater it has been hibernating in for years, the heat of the engines vaporising any Collector standing too close. Up and up it climbs, straight into the sky, until the weight of the vessel begins to level it out. The nose dips from the sky and begins to turn horizontal before starting to aim towards the ground, and for a terrible moment it looks as if the ship's ascent to the heavens will be all for naught.

And then Jake activates the emergency floatation device.


From the top of the hull, a vast Zeppelin balloon bursts forth, Old-Tech gases and chemicals inflating it faster than anyone in this time would think possible. The ship stops aiming for the ground and levels itself, but the engines are still burning up the last of the fuel, sending the ship shooting out of range from the weapons and pursuit ships of the Collectors.

Out of the burning ruins that once was Rift Town the ship travels, out of immediate danger and into the unknown of the Wastelands of Iwaku...

[size=+5]END OF CHAPTER TWO[/size]​
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[size=+5]CHAPTER THREE[/size]
[size=+3]THE ELDER GRAVEYARD[/size]
[size=+1]"That seething , half-luminous cloud-background held ineffable suggestions of a vague, ethereal beyondness far more than terrestrially spatial; and gave appalling reminders of the utter remoteness, separateness, desolation, and aeon-long death of this untrodden and unfathomed austral world."[/size]
[size=+2]- H.P. Lovecraft, 'At The Mountains of Madness'[/size]


[size=+1]For nearly half a day we are float through the sky away from the fragment Rift Town once rested upon, pushing forwards with the vapours left in the engines.

It's when we run out of fuel that we run into problems.

The right engine is the first to cut out, whatever ancient liquids that had been keeping it running finally running dry. The left one follows not long after. Now we're floating in the dirty red sky at the mercy of the winds that blow at these heights, unable to steer the ship in a direction and unable to get the engines started again.

And in this world we live in, being at the mercy of something is never a good thing.

It's not long before the winds start battering into the balloon of the airship, sending the vessel hanging from it swaying back and forth precariously. Jake and I frantically attempt to find something in the ship's controls to stabalise her, but we have no luck. We're being blown off-course, out into the unknown of the abyss. And that's not somewhere you want to land up falling into.

Imagine a chasm that falls forever, a neverending pit that just keeps going and going. That's what they say the abyss is. To fall into it is more than death. With death you remain a part of this broken world, your body going back into the environment that created it. With the abyss, though? You are more than dead if you fall into that. You're gone, sucked out existence, no longer even part of the Cycle.

That's not a fate I want for anyone.

"We need t' br'ng the sh'p down wh'lst w'st'll have land below!" I yell to Jake.
"And how do you plan on doing that?"
"Deflate the zeppel'n! There's got'te be some sorta control tha' let's us do 't!" Marvin stares at us both in horror.
"Are you fucking crazy?! You want to crash this thing?!!"
"Better crashing than taking a dive into the abyss!" Jake responds, moving to the controls that originally activated the Zeppelin. I look down at my tattoos, praying to the Cycle for something that'll show us what to do.

And I guess something out there is listening.

"Tha' one there!" I shout to Jake, pointing furiously at one of the controls near to where he's standing, "Press 't now!" We're growing dangerously close to the end of the desert fragment we're held aloft over; if we don't bring this ship down now it'll be too late. Marvin sprints to the speaking device to warn the others in the hanger about what we're about to do. Jake swings his hand towards the switch I'm pointing to. "Get yerselves strapp'd 'n!" I shout to the pair of them again, flinging myself into one of the chairs.
"Everyone get yourselves seated now!" Marvin calls down to the hanger, "We're making an emergency landing! This is gonna be bumpy!"

Jake's hand pulls the switch.

Vents open up all along the side of the balloon, venting the gases that keep it inflated. The ship starts to lose altitude almost immediately, bearing down towards the desert fragment rapidly. When it hits the surface it doesn't stop, tearing a vast tract into the sands as it comes skidding to a halt. Inside we're thrown about in our chairs; I'm forced to throw my hands up to protect my face as things start to come loose from the force of the crash and start flying about the bridge. I can only hope the other further down in this old rust-bucket are alright.

Finally, we come skidding to a halt, the ship creaking and groaning from the impact. We all stay silent for a long minute; if the other two feel anything like me they're probably just surprised that we're still alive.
"Where did we land?" Jake finally asks quietly. I look over to him and shrug.
"We'll f'nd out soon enough," I mutter, staring out the shattered window and out into the vast desert that's arrayed before us.

I'm hoping we've not landed where I think we have.

Hell, I'm fucking praying we haven't.

The fuel in the engines of the ship finally gives out half a day after escaping Rift Town. Still coming to grips with the controls, Jake, Marvin and Aeolus are unable to find a way to steer the ship out of the currents of the winds, which start to blow the ship towards the abyss. Forced to make an 'emergency landing' (aka. a crash-landing), the survivors of Rift Town find themselves on the edge of a fragment covered by desert.

Overture - The Wanderer's Melody

There were countless little shelters from the Abyss - each its own little ecosystem, its own little climate, its own little world. The diversity Exvind had seen over the years made him wonder many times if it truly was only one world that was broken, and not several. Both thoughts were depressing in their own regards: if the common belief was true - then something of indescribable beauty and wonder had been well and truly destroyed. If the other thought proved accurate - then the death toll might be much higher - and perhaps something on some grander scale was wounded, if not altogether destroyed as well. But the wandering man did his best to keep his thoughts largely silent during his travels. Most times, when he did not need to trek across the Abyss, he listened. He listened to the wind. He listened to whatever wildlife still fought to survive. He listened to the sounds of whatever rare villages he passed by. On those times he could find passage, he listened to the ancient sounds of machinery laboring away - propelling those ships through the air. Those last sounds were the most harsh, but also the most preferable - they still held a rhythm. A tempo. Something had been present in their construction that was sadly absent from the rest of the wastes.

This desert was a key example. The sun beat down on his weathered features, and the wind sent the tatters of his coat flying behind him. His pace was steadied - the man used his Spear as a walking stick to steady himself on each incline and descent. Sand flew up to nip at him, always managing to work the smallest, most aggravating grains into the worst of places - but there was no force in the wind. It provided resistance, yes, but the howl of the winds across the dunes was hollow. Impotent. Lacking. That was the greatest of aggravations. Exvind had long since drawn his kerchief up over his nose and mouth, just to keep the whipping sands away. He had been trekking through this desert for some time. Had it been a week? Two? He had lost count. It did not truly matter, really. He went where the Score dictated, and when he had performed at the last outpost, the notes - the ever-changing winding cacophony of inked notes and measures he held so dear - indicated he should move to the desert. It was only when he truly began to question his decision did he spy the airship and it's fall.

That, was a Score-Worthy event right there. But he would perform later. Wiping a grimy hand through his grayed hair, the Bard forced himself into a run for the first time in weeks. His muscles ached, but relished at the sudden use. Whether due to proximity to people, or at the prospect of strange and interesting things on the horizon, his body was coming back to life. Invigoration. The faintest of smiles worked its way onto his leathery visage, and each footfall propelled him faster and faster toward the downed mass of metal. It was the same invigoration that took him in battle - strength, speed, perhaps it was some over-reactive fight or flight response...but, all Exvind knew, was that the tempo was building. Faster and faster. From Rests, they were building through a crescendo. The distance closed, and within minutes, finally came to a pause next to the hull of the airship.

It was...large, to say the very least. And horribly out of place. The man placed a hand against its hull, and wrapped his knuckles against the metal a few times, testing it. No entrances that he could see...but he knew that there were people within. How many, he did not know. But they were there. He could...sense it, for lack of a better word. It was the same reaction he felt whenever he heard music, or a song, or anything like that. Just a resonance within himself. So he knew, that somewhere on that ship, was a musician of sorts. And with the lack of anything better to do, he began to pace towards the front of the ship, looking for handholds or anything, occasionally tapping the head of his Spear against the plating, looking for a door.

Character exposition - Exvind watches the ship crash and goes to it, trying to find a way inside and make contact. Goes toward where the bridge is presumed to be and keeps tapping at the ship.
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<table ALIGN="CENTER"]><tr><td width=175 align="center">Marvin</td><td width=184 align="center">Sergeant Spears</td><td width=198 align="center">Jake</td></tr></table>​

The survivors had used the webbing in the cargo hold to strap themselves down. Like sailors clinging to the ropes of a shipwreck. They were tangled now... groaning and injured... maybe two dozen in all. The legacy of Rift Town.

Spears was the first to crawl free. He steadied himself on the sloping floor, adjusting to the angle of the slumped airship. His shirt was in tatters. The 50 cal. had overheated and left the welts of savage burns on his arms and chest. Now he had a set to match the ones on his face. The pain was immense.

But a sergeant does his duty.

"Sound off!" His voice rasped around the cargo hold, half-closed eyes squinting through the flicker of emergency lighting. "Anyone who can walk, regroup on me. We have injured to triage. Magic-users, light us up. Check your weapons."

He pulled his sidearm from his belt, wincing as he readied it with an echoing click.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, on the bridge, Marvin had naturally assumed that he was dead. The tank driver was wedged underneath a console, his helmet jammed between the metal, his legs flailing. "Fuck! Help! M'aidez! Man down! I'm hit! Jesus Christ!"

Jake kicked him as he walked past. The lanky engineer was the inverse picture of downtrodden calm. He reached out a hand and helped Aeolus to her feet. The bridge was at an odd angle, as if the world had become exhausted and slumped on its axis. "Well, wherever we are, we don't exactly blend in. The Collectors will see us a mile away."

He stood beside her, staring through the viewscreen at the windswept sand. Then he smiled awkwardly and shrugged. "Best see to Chuckles." He turned and started pulling his friend out from underneath the console. Marvin's complaining was loud enough to erase the sounds of tapping on the outer hull.

Spears is badly burnt, but tries to organise the cargo hold. Marvin freaks out as usual. Jake comments that it may not be safe to stay here long.

Oh, how the bird had sung! With her sole aide, her precious microphone, her heart's sentiments had lifted all in near fatal combat, a fantastical orchestra's composition triumphing over the wolves' sick cackling, her youthful voice soaring above despair. However, like all creatures of nature, Acqua had to resign herself to rest's somber arms, despite her desire to resist it. Within minutes of entering the air ship, Acqua had collapsed in her confines, self-restrained and unconscious. While she had slept, the gargantuan bird carrying her had proved far too elderly to continue the vital role she possessed, Fate robbing her of that which she needed to take to the sky. Terror had pierced the spirits of those who had watched her final flight end, collapsing into the desert's sands. Fortunate it was that those awake in their panic strapped themselves and others to the cargo hold with its webbing

The impact of the crash stirred the young bird. Fluttering eyelids: A sign of life among the deceased bird's passengers now showed itself. The bird's senses accompanied her in a matter of moments. Her plumage was ruffled, the ends of her once extensive locks charred and sliced in varying degrees. She could fight no longer, for Night's lashings soon bore their mark, bruises a filthy purple shade depleting her of her will to release herself. In the midst of many, she felt lonelier cradled in this metal carcass than anywhere else she had been before, a butterfly trapped in a bitter widow's web.

Lullabies of ice and poison in forms most deceptive: Night labored with these to bring all to an end. Her vicious deeds all but ended, the moments that were to follow her refraining from using her whole arsenal of heinous devices. Crossing Acqua's heart was hope, relief supporting it as others around her awoke from a near eternal slumber. In her heart, a humming was felt, coming from outside. Burning but lacking in passion, it could all but penetrate the air ship's shell.

"Sound off!" His voice pierced Night's grip on the weak butterfly. "Anyone who can walk, regroup on me. We have injured to triage. Magic-users, light us up. Check your weapons."

Her heart lit up with alarm. How could I have forgotten? My necklace! A simple glance with her eyes was the sole thing needed to placate her, for the necklace's pink sapphire reflected the blaring red of the emergency lights, reflecting it upon the others. Her satchel remained, loyal to its owner, at her side, her microphone in her hand inviting her to sing a jolly ditty. In an effort to others small but herself grand, the doe rose, taking her first steps as if born anew. They came at first in angular staggers, but were reduced to a less dramatic limp.

The promise of Night's brief cessation brought contentment to the damaged portrait. Like the man whose voice caused her to feel lighter, she soon returned to Night's web, assisting those weaker than her out of it, trying to get them on their feet. Is Night's blissful interlude not dulcet Day himself?

Summary: Acqua wakes up in the cargo hold after having passed out through the whole trip and gets up in response to Spears, helping some of the weaker survivors out of the webbing and getting them on their feet.
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