Karsikan the Berzerker
Original poster
Iwaku is barren, Anirune is ash, Iwaku city and Shapeshifter town are rubble, contact with the Barship has been lost, and Insanity's bakeries have gone cold. The world was destroyed by constant war after war. Even the mighty armies of the ISAF have been decimated, and what remains are rogue warbands fighting with everyone else over the scraps of what little resources are left. Ego-Zombies ravage what few settlements that try and band together to eke a living out of this dead world. The elder invasion was only the catalyst, and Diana's coming was the funeral Hymn as the cycle literally tore itself apart.
But somehow, the world still lives on, broken and battered. Why? nobody can say. A few people also managed to escape destruction to History Isle. Thanks largely to the efforts of Commander McCarthy during Operation: Moses.
What the People don't know is that, cosmically speaking, the world has hauled anchor, hurtling towards it's own doom along the Path of the Condemned. To make matters worse, the waters that fuel the cycle have dried up, save for one, The Herald.
Character sheet is as standard for Iwaku World and shown below.
Appearance: (Please put images in spoiler tags)
Normal Equipment: (anything without magical/holy/advanced qualities)
Special Equipment: (anything WITH magical/holy/advanced qualities)
Abilities: (Only you characters Signature and/or Unusual abilities and their explanations, General skills and such are defined in your class)
Weaknesses: (Kryptonite for example, something that is one of your most closely guarded secrets and completely crippling if used against you)
Origin: (where you came from, and how you survived Iwaku's destruction. Please put in spoiler tags)
Cycle/Tributary: (To be posted by me when appropriate)
But somehow, the world still lives on, broken and battered. Why? nobody can say. A few people also managed to escape destruction to History Isle. Thanks largely to the efforts of Commander McCarthy during Operation: Moses.
What the People don't know is that, cosmically speaking, the world has hauled anchor, hurtling towards it's own doom along the Path of the Condemned. To make matters worse, the waters that fuel the cycle have dried up, save for one, The Herald.
Character sheet is as standard for Iwaku World and shown below.
Appearance: (Please put images in spoiler tags)
Normal Equipment: (anything without magical/holy/advanced qualities)
Special Equipment: (anything WITH magical/holy/advanced qualities)
Abilities: (Only you characters Signature and/or Unusual abilities and their explanations, General skills and such are defined in your class)
Weaknesses: (Kryptonite for example, something that is one of your most closely guarded secrets and completely crippling if used against you)
Origin: (where you came from, and how you survived Iwaku's destruction. Please put in spoiler tags)
Cycle/Tributary: (To be posted by me when appropriate)
Name: Grandmaster Karsikan Banrae
Race/Class/Type: Grey Knight, Space Marine
Normal Equipment: (anything without magical/holy/advanced qualities)
Special Equipment:
Aegis Terminator Armor
Grimoire of True Names
Exsanguinatus: Nemesis Force Sword, Forged from the broken pieces of his Crozius Arcanum.
Master Crafted Stormbolter
XM-28 Payload Rifle
Abilities: (Only you characters Signature and/or Unusual abilities and their explanations, General skills and such are defined in your class)
Psyker: Karsikan, though only recently opting to utilize his psychic powers, is highly proficient in the Biomancy school, He is able to enhance his already formidable space marine frame, and even tap into the biology of others. He can do anything from mending the wounds of himself or another, to boiling the blood within his enemies.
Unshakeable Faith: Karsikan embodies all the Ideals of both his parent chapters, Valor, Purity of faith, conviction as well as martial skill. At times he's able to amplify his own considerable faith in the emperor, allowing him to overcome by sheer force of will what he cannot with skill and strength.
Inspiring Presence: Carries with him the amplified presence that any space marine has, his kin are more the heroes of the great epics than the common man. His mere presence strengthens the resolve of those beside him, when he speaks those around fall silent. This effect seems to have an inverse relationship to the condition to the world, or perhaps it's a latent psychic ability that he's always had. Nevertheless when the world is covered in darkness, one will find only light in his presence.
Weaknesses: (Kryptonite for example, something that is one of your most closely guarded secrets and completely crippling if used against you)
Psyker: That same power he draws on, can have horrific effects on himself and those around him if he's unlucky, or reckless with their use.
Gene Seed Deficiencies: The Black Templar gene-seed is the second most pure in the Imperium, but even it isn't perfect. He lacks the Zygotes necessary for both the Betcher's Gland and the Sus-an Membrane, making him incapable of spitting poison like other space marines, or surviving fatal injuries through suspended animation.
Origin: (where you came from and how you Survived Iwaku's destruction. Please put in spoiler tags)
Karsikan was born on the world of dusk, and was tithed to the Imperial guard as soon as he came of age. His unit was disciplined, though under-equipped. They attempted to make up for it by emphasizing tactical and strategic proficiency as well as Leadership potential, Karsikan's abilities were quickly discovered and he was sent to the Imperial Officer Academy. His unit was called in to do battle alongside the Black Templar Space Marine chapter. A battle that was ultimately won, but saw his unit's destruction. The Black Templar's took note of his abilities and took him in. He was tested, and then Genetically modified to become a Space Marine, mentored by Brother Konrad Alyxander until he proved himself worthy of becoming a full Initiate of the chapter. He was shortly sent to serve in The Deathwatch, with a Kill team of several different chapters. Most of his time as a Space Marine was in The Deathwatch, Serving as Emperor's Champion and eventually as a Chaplain.
Then disaster struck, during a final mission they were ambushed by Chaos Renegades, and his mind was twisted. Made psychically sensitive and able to channel the powers of the warp, He could never return to his home chapter again. This curse would not go unrecognized, especailly when weighed against the deeds he performed in service to The Chapter, Deathwatch, and Emperor. A discussion was held unbeknown to him, between the masters of The Imperial Fists and their successor chapters. Called by High Marshal Hellbrecht himself and Presided over by the Inquisition, What occured is Classified, privy only to the Lord Inquisitors and those Chapter Masters present. The ultimate decision was, that Karsikan was to be given to the Ordo Malleus, to become a guardian against the foulest darkness of the universe. A Grey Knight.
Cycle/Tributary Hero/ unknown.
Race/Class/Type: Grey Knight, Space Marine

Normal Equipment: (anything without magical/holy/advanced qualities)
Special Equipment:
Aegis Terminator Armor
Grimoire of True Names
Exsanguinatus: Nemesis Force Sword, Forged from the broken pieces of his Crozius Arcanum.
Master Crafted Stormbolter
XM-28 Payload Rifle
Abilities: (Only you characters Signature and/or Unusual abilities and their explanations, General skills and such are defined in your class)
Psyker: Karsikan, though only recently opting to utilize his psychic powers, is highly proficient in the Biomancy school, He is able to enhance his already formidable space marine frame, and even tap into the biology of others. He can do anything from mending the wounds of himself or another, to boiling the blood within his enemies.
Unshakeable Faith: Karsikan embodies all the Ideals of both his parent chapters, Valor, Purity of faith, conviction as well as martial skill. At times he's able to amplify his own considerable faith in the emperor, allowing him to overcome by sheer force of will what he cannot with skill and strength.
Inspiring Presence: Carries with him the amplified presence that any space marine has, his kin are more the heroes of the great epics than the common man. His mere presence strengthens the resolve of those beside him, when he speaks those around fall silent. This effect seems to have an inverse relationship to the condition to the world, or perhaps it's a latent psychic ability that he's always had. Nevertheless when the world is covered in darkness, one will find only light in his presence.
Weaknesses: (Kryptonite for example, something that is one of your most closely guarded secrets and completely crippling if used against you)
Psyker: That same power he draws on, can have horrific effects on himself and those around him if he's unlucky, or reckless with their use.
Gene Seed Deficiencies: The Black Templar gene-seed is the second most pure in the Imperium, but even it isn't perfect. He lacks the Zygotes necessary for both the Betcher's Gland and the Sus-an Membrane, making him incapable of spitting poison like other space marines, or surviving fatal injuries through suspended animation.
Origin: (where you came from and how you Survived Iwaku's destruction. Please put in spoiler tags)
Karsikan was born on the world of dusk, and was tithed to the Imperial guard as soon as he came of age. His unit was disciplined, though under-equipped. They attempted to make up for it by emphasizing tactical and strategic proficiency as well as Leadership potential, Karsikan's abilities were quickly discovered and he was sent to the Imperial Officer Academy. His unit was called in to do battle alongside the Black Templar Space Marine chapter. A battle that was ultimately won, but saw his unit's destruction. The Black Templar's took note of his abilities and took him in. He was tested, and then Genetically modified to become a Space Marine, mentored by Brother Konrad Alyxander until he proved himself worthy of becoming a full Initiate of the chapter. He was shortly sent to serve in The Deathwatch, with a Kill team of several different chapters. Most of his time as a Space Marine was in The Deathwatch, Serving as Emperor's Champion and eventually as a Chaplain.
Then disaster struck, during a final mission they were ambushed by Chaos Renegades, and his mind was twisted. Made psychically sensitive and able to channel the powers of the warp, He could never return to his home chapter again. This curse would not go unrecognized, especailly when weighed against the deeds he performed in service to The Chapter, Deathwatch, and Emperor. A discussion was held unbeknown to him, between the masters of The Imperial Fists and their successor chapters. Called by High Marshal Hellbrecht himself and Presided over by the Inquisition, What occured is Classified, privy only to the Lord Inquisitors and those Chapter Masters present. The ultimate decision was, that Karsikan was to be given to the Ordo Malleus, to become a guardian against the foulest darkness of the universe. A Grey Knight.
Cycle/Tributary Hero/ unknown.