Original poster
So, first off, I'm going to make 3 threads over the next few weeks, each one named after one of the titles in the .hack//GU game series.
The naming convention is quite deliberate and is a direct callback to the progenitor of Iwaku, Peridox.
Most of you don't know this woman, but there those of us who remember the original Iwaku of 2003-2004ish. Back then, Iwaku was very different from what it is now.
In honor of the changes in each era of Iwaku, I'm making these three threads.
This thread, "Iwaku: Rebirth," commemorates the original Iwakuans, the aptly-named Old Guard, under the leadership of administrators Peridox. We are the members of Iwaku 1.0!
The next thread that will appear, "Iwaku: Reminisce," will be for those who were survived or joined after The Crash that erased Iwaku 1.0 and paved the way for Iwaku 2.0 under the administrators Homac and Gabriel Zero.
The final thread is "Iwaku: Redemption," honoring the latest of the Iwakuans. I expect everyone here, right now, to be posting in Redemption when it shows up, since you're all a part of the Space-Kitten.org era of Iwaku.
So, here's how this thread works. Fill out the following:
Approximate Join Date:
Factoid: (state one thing you remember about Iwaku during that given era)
Since this is a thread for the Old Guard, those few of us remaining should post ;)
I will begin.
Name: Razilin
Approxmate Join Date: The first week Iwaku was launched.
Factoid: Under Peridox, Iwaku was a Dot Hack site first and foremost, anime fandom second, and roleplay forum last. Ironically, Iwaku of the Space-Kitten.org era is now a Warhammer 40K site first, roleplay board second, and an anime site last.
The naming convention is quite deliberate and is a direct callback to the progenitor of Iwaku, Peridox.
Most of you don't know this woman, but there those of us who remember the original Iwaku of 2003-2004ish. Back then, Iwaku was very different from what it is now.
In honor of the changes in each era of Iwaku, I'm making these three threads.
This thread, "Iwaku: Rebirth," commemorates the original Iwakuans, the aptly-named Old Guard, under the leadership of administrators Peridox. We are the members of Iwaku 1.0!
The next thread that will appear, "Iwaku: Reminisce," will be for those who were survived or joined after The Crash that erased Iwaku 1.0 and paved the way for Iwaku 2.0 under the administrators Homac and Gabriel Zero.
The final thread is "Iwaku: Redemption," honoring the latest of the Iwakuans. I expect everyone here, right now, to be posting in Redemption when it shows up, since you're all a part of the Space-Kitten.org era of Iwaku.
So, here's how this thread works. Fill out the following:
Approximate Join Date:
Factoid: (state one thing you remember about Iwaku during that given era)
Since this is a thread for the Old Guard, those few of us remaining should post ;)
I will begin.
Name: Razilin
Approxmate Join Date: The first week Iwaku was launched.
Factoid: Under Peridox, Iwaku was a Dot Hack site first and foremost, anime fandom second, and roleplay forum last. Ironically, Iwaku of the Space-Kitten.org era is now a Warhammer 40K site first, roleplay board second, and an anime site last.