Iwaku Minecraft Test Server 2.0

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Hostman / BOFH
Original poster
I am very early in the testing process but am going to need people to help test things.

At the moment there is a nearly stock survival server and creative server.

The servers are whitelist only at the moment. Please reply with your minecraft name. If you would like non iwaku friends to play please respond with their names as well.

Rules are basically don't be a jerk, follow all applicable forum/cbox rules and no "adult" builds/conversations. Violation of those rules may result in removal from the minecraft servers or possibly penalties on the forums depending on the severity of the situation.

Please keep a reasonable distance from other people's builds unless you get their permission or are working on a group project. The worlds are massive, keeping a 20 or more block gap between builds isn't going to make a dent in server resources and allows people to maintain better visibility of their project and minor expansion. Please respect any reserved areas. Reserved area borders must be made obvious and be marked with the owner's in game and forum name somewhere along the border.

Expect frequent restarts, command changes, configuration changes, etc. I will do my best to avoid map resets during the testing period. The servers will definitely be reset before going live.

*****The servers are whitelist only at the moment. Please reply with your minecraft name. If you would like non iwaku friends to play please respond with their names as well.*******

Server info:
minecraft.jared555.net (lobby server, type /server for a list of server names)
mctest.jared555.net (survival server)
mcctest.jared555.net (creative server)

Eventually the addresses will be on iwaku's domain name.

*****The servers are whitelist only at the moment. Please reply with your minecraft name. If you would like non iwaku friends to play please respond with their names as well.*******
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I want to be on the server. It would give me an opportunity to play Minecraft more:

SilverDingo is my Minecraft name.
I never say no to a Minecraft server, Cyrelijean is my username.
PwnageBrowners98 is my MC handle.
Everyone so far should be added.
The servers should be back up once I have gotten some sleep.
Everything should be back online. You must now directly connect to the mctest/mcctest addresses.
my username is "infinatis" (all lower)
Is there plans for the survival being hermitcraft/mindcrack-like? Or is it more freelance?
As of now, both servers are vanilla. No promises, but Jared might add a modded server in the future.
What I meant is will it be community based or more of a freelance type of server?
What I meant is will it be community based or more of a freelance type of server?
Oh. Generally, freelance. You can always partner up with someone, or a few someones and go wild on a project. Dawn and I are working together, for example. There might be some community projects that come about, in which all active members of the community may participate in and contribute towards. ^^
Okay. Just wondering since I do like my community servers (even if Ive not been on one yet). I may partner up with a few peeps. And Im always open for projects.
Joining server in 3... 2... 1... JOINED
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