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Kitti had stood, overcome with indecision, for too long. It was impossible for her to withstand the sounds of the townspeople who were still fleeing from the Flamers' torments or the shrieking of the Artys as they swept over the once peaceful grounds. Resolve began to solidify in the pit of her stomach, strengthening her and giving her the impetus she needed to break free of the mesmerizing effect that Rory had held over her. For now, she was free of the bonds she had allowed herself to be chained by through loyalty and affection, thus she was able to spread her wings.
With a powerful sweep of the glossy feathers, Kitti was borne aloft on the smoky air, choking a little as the specks of ash still alight burnt the back of her throat. The town had seemingly gone straight to hell, she realized, her heart plummeting. Kitti's eyes welled up with tears from the hazy air and the enormity of the destruction. She was almost overcome with helplessness when she saw a young girl being dragged down the road by a Pimprat who was cackling maniacally.
Anger coursed through Kitti instantly, searing her veins with the rush of adrenaline. In a single fluid movement, she plummeted from her vantage point in the skies and drew her sword. The gentle 'whoosh' of wings alerted the Pimprat too late and he was knocked unconscious by the blade of the sword when Kitti struck him in the back of the head. Tenderly, she helped the girl to her feet.
A small group of people had gathered around in awe, some recognizing the queen they once believed lost to them forever, others simply dumbstruck at the image of a wrathful winged woman plunging from the sky to save one of them. The group circled around her and the cacophony began: pleas to salvage burning homes, desperate tears over a lost family member, and more than anything, an entreaty to stop these invading horrors.
Kitti spun helplessly, examining each soot stained face and feeling the inescapable need to nurture them as she had the Shifters when Lycan had disappeared and the town had been in need of rebuilding all those years ago. She knew that there was no way to walk away from them, her fool's head would not allow her to follow that course of action. Instead, she did all that she could, "I will do my best to stop them" she vowed to the group.
With great effort, she resisted killing the Pimprat, instead drawing on her bending powers to transport the Pimprat into the still standing dungeons beneath the palace. She would need to think of another alternative, this dungeon could not hold every n00b but it was a start on the problem. The next question was where she could find help to her cause in salvaging the city. She could not perform this seeming miracle alone and these innocent civilians needed the protection of their gifted ones.
Distraught, Kitti scanned the burning rubble in hopes of locating a friendly face who might join in her effort. The city was far from permanently ruined and the inhabitants were in need of protection. Kitti was at a loss for who to call, however, and considered her options carefully. The land was in chaos, yet she did not know how to locate Reiz who seemed to have faded from the face of Iwaku, Jack who had died so long ago, or the precious Fluffy sacrificed to create Engel. It was all Kitti could do to keep from falling to her knees with the oppressing feeling of being entirely alone.
Kitti had stood, overcome with indecision, for too long. It was impossible for her to withstand the sounds of the townspeople who were still fleeing from the Flamers' torments or the shrieking of the Artys as they swept over the once peaceful grounds. Resolve began to solidify in the pit of her stomach, strengthening her and giving her the impetus she needed to break free of the mesmerizing effect that Rory had held over her. For now, she was free of the bonds she had allowed herself to be chained by through loyalty and affection, thus she was able to spread her wings.
With a powerful sweep of the glossy feathers, Kitti was borne aloft on the smoky air, choking a little as the specks of ash still alight burnt the back of her throat. The town had seemingly gone straight to hell, she realized, her heart plummeting. Kitti's eyes welled up with tears from the hazy air and the enormity of the destruction. She was almost overcome with helplessness when she saw a young girl being dragged down the road by a Pimprat who was cackling maniacally.
Anger coursed through Kitti instantly, searing her veins with the rush of adrenaline. In a single fluid movement, she plummeted from her vantage point in the skies and drew her sword. The gentle 'whoosh' of wings alerted the Pimprat too late and he was knocked unconscious by the blade of the sword when Kitti struck him in the back of the head. Tenderly, she helped the girl to her feet.
A small group of people had gathered around in awe, some recognizing the queen they once believed lost to them forever, others simply dumbstruck at the image of a wrathful winged woman plunging from the sky to save one of them. The group circled around her and the cacophony began: pleas to salvage burning homes, desperate tears over a lost family member, and more than anything, an entreaty to stop these invading horrors.
Kitti spun helplessly, examining each soot stained face and feeling the inescapable need to nurture them as she had the Shifters when Lycan had disappeared and the town had been in need of rebuilding all those years ago. She knew that there was no way to walk away from them, her fool's head would not allow her to follow that course of action. Instead, she did all that she could, "I will do my best to stop them" she vowed to the group.
With great effort, she resisted killing the Pimprat, instead drawing on her bending powers to transport the Pimprat into the still standing dungeons beneath the palace. She would need to think of another alternative, this dungeon could not hold every n00b but it was a start on the problem. The next question was where she could find help to her cause in salvaging the city. She could not perform this seeming miracle alone and these innocent civilians needed the protection of their gifted ones.
Distraught, Kitti scanned the burning rubble in hopes of locating a friendly face who might join in her effort. The city was far from permanently ruined and the inhabitants were in need of protection. Kitti was at a loss for who to call, however, and considered her options carefully. The land was in chaos, yet she did not know how to locate Reiz who seemed to have faded from the face of Iwaku, Jack who had died so long ago, or the precious Fluffy sacrificed to create Engel. It was all Kitti could do to keep from falling to her knees with the oppressing feeling of being entirely alone.