Iwaku: Banishment

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GM post coming shortly. If you haven't posted yet, it's fine. Just gonna give you guys something to work with.
internet was out all last week, so sorry for not updating.
I think it would be wise to open my slot to someone else who wants in. T_T My own games are taking all my brain power ^^;
Epi, you get first chance to sign up, since you asked before me. If you don't want to though, I want the open spot :D
Alright, I'll look check out the profiles over the weekend. Trying to get a leg up on my homework.
Very well Esthalia.

Envy, I looked over your character profile. Just have your character join whatever group it was that Esthalia's character was assigned to.
Does thalia's merc group have a name? Or did she join one during the rp?
Captain Melody split up the party into two groups, one group goes after the hooded figure, the other is heading into the tavern. Whatever one Esthalia's character was told to go to is where you're gonna be Envy.

Which is...

*skims through thread*

Yup, you're going to the tavern. Last GM post I made describes what is happening there.
Oooooh I like it.
I knew it would come to me once I just started playing him. That's how it always goes.
Ok, finally editing the darn thing and then Ill be posteing. Sorry that it took this long. Was thalia already at the tavern or not?
She was not, so just rp your character going in and all that good stuff. I'll let you know if your character was approved or not.

Okay so Out of Character you guys are allowed to try and break the code. HOWEVER In Character, the people who specialize in Code Breaking, Recon or Gathering Intel etc. are the only ones who can read the message and brief everyone.
And you have to ask politely if you want to see it. >:[

*makes a fort out of the tables and chairs*
You guys know what makes me angry? Asking someone to break a code without a reference key
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