It has been a long time...


Tuxedo Mask

Original poster
I'm glad to (hopefully) get back to the wonderful place Iwaku is. I used to be a somewhat active member on here until some other shenanigans came up.
Weird how the profiles got reset or whatever anywhos's.

It's great to see familiar faces and new ones too!
I REMEMBER YOU! Welcome back, man! I hope you're doing well!
Welcome back. Hopefully you can join in RP's that are relative to ones you once knew. *cough* ICSYL 3 *cough*

And if your still about that Exo City 99 thing you can count me in right away. Been awhile since I played in that.

Writing in the Moonlight,

Thanks Tk!
Yeh Piro I still have all the old profiles or at least should *sweat* gotta check, you were experiment 7 yeah? I have all of the experiments too thankfully :P
Long time indeed, welcome back dude!

Heh, really does seem like a good time to start up that ICSYL3.
Thanks Weavel! Yeah I would definitely be all about ICSYL3 this is one the one in the future with technology advances and neon beasts yeah?

And thanks for the warm welcome Torsty!
You call that warm?

I'll give you warm...

Saint Bernard, I got a fire mission for you. Lazing the target.

*Carl paints Mask with a laser designator. A B-52H Stratofortress enters the airspace and launches six AGM-109 Tomahawks at him, cratering the area.*

Feel any warmer?
Yes much warmer thanks XD It's good to know we have someone that can heat things up a bit!

Katsugisempai and you and I had this weird roleplay where people or was it angels were running from these other people that were siblings but they didn't know and all this mysterious stuff. x3

WELCOME BACK :D Let me know if you need help getting around or something ;]