Isle of Monsters

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"Movies?" Sebastian repeated, glancing at her in mild disbelief. "You're calling me 'lame' for not knowing about a couple of films?" He opened the door and entered the castle, holding the door for Aria.
Aria nodded, "Yes I am, because I mean it's just shocking that you don't know what those are. Everyone knows what they are. They are famous movies that every generation watches and learns about." She followed him in, " That's just odd to me. I mean it was as if saying vampires and demons and fairies and werewolves were real. No one believes you, because they don't exist."
Sebastian gave her a long, hard look. She seemed sincere. In that case, she was about to undergo a serious shock. He started up the flight of stairs towards his private office.

"My family doesn't consider television and film important enough to go to the trouble of importing," he said. "We try to avoid attention whenever possible--that's why we live here, on an island in the middle of nowhere. And why it was a surprise to find you wandering around. How did you survive the plane crash?"
Aria stopped moving when she realized that she did survive that crash. She looked down at her wing markings on her wrists. She shook her head making her wrists were covered. She said, "I honestly don't know.. Maybe a miracle?" She asked. She raised an eyebrow thinking about this.

She then watched him, " Wow, now that you mention it, I shouldn't. I was the only one..." She blinked as she thought about this really hard. She bit the inside of her cheek before following him. She didn't know who he was or what this place was for. So yes, she was going to be in a lot of shock.
"That's not good enough," Sebastian said, shaking his head. "Even miracles happen for a reason." He reached the door to his office, which he had to unlock. As he did, he heard footsteps behind him, and turned around. Up through the stairwell came a woman--a ghoul, in fact. Her unnaturally pale skin made her eyes look even wider, sunken into their sockets.

"What is going on here?" She asked, looking from Aria to Sebastian and back.

"I found a survivor from the plane. I'm going to question her now," Sebastian replied.

"Why didn't you report this?"
Aria raised an eyebrow, hearing footsteps, her heart was racing. She gulped nervously. She didn't know what to say. She bit her lower lip hard not sure what to do. She tensed seeing the woman, why was she so pale? That looked unhealthy. She shook her head, she was imagining things, right? She felt like maybe she hit her head too hard. She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest not really sure how to take of this. She cleared her throat trying to focus. She rolled her eyes, wait.... question her? " What else am I supposed to know? I know nothing about this."
"You were the only witness to the plane crash, you may know more than you think," Sebastian said. Meanwhile the ghoul leaned in and took a long sniff. She wrinkled her nose.

"Don't smell human. What are you, girl?"
Aria wasn't sure what to think. She sighed," Sure okay , even though i don't know anything." She eyed the ghoul. "Wait? You guys think there is more out there than just human? Like the whole supernatural???" She blinked a few times. She started to freak out. She opened her mouth shocked. She gulped feeling her heart race.

Aria blinked , " What do you mean what am i???" She asked worriedly. She ran a jand through her hair. " i don't know... wait.. what are you" she asked the girl.
The ghoul laughed, a scraping, raspy sound. Her pointed teeth were visible.

"I don't think, I know. Ever heard of ghouls? While I don't know what you are, you smell delicious." She leered at Aria.

Moving forward, Sebastian put an arm between her and Aria. "Enough theatrics."
Aria's eyes widened, fear overwhelmed her. She took a step back as she gasped. " No.... that's not possible.. is it?" She raised an eyebrow. " I mean it would explain.." She paused realizing what she meant. " Oh my!!" Her heart was racing and she fell because she wanted to get away from her..
She placed her hands on her face, " What the hell..." She gulped. " I don't know I mean that would explain as to why I didn't get hurt in the airplane crash, I mean one minute my knee was popping out of my skin.. I had scrapes and blood all over me." She looked down at her outfit that had her blood on it. " But then the next minute I am.. fine. Walking... as if nothing has happened."

Aria's heart began to race as she was scared that there was other creatures and the pointy teeth and everything. She looked back up at Sebastian. " Thank you so much."Aria blinked, " And these marks that I had as a kid glowed when it happened. I don't know what I am."
Sebastian listened with interest to Aria. Whatever she was, she had some kind of healing factor. That would help to narrow things down.

"You can't keep her to yourself, Sebastian," the ghoul snarled.

"I don't intend to. I'm only doing my job. You should do yours," Sebastian replied flatly.

Giving him a dirty look, the ghoul left.
Aria looked over at Sebastian. She really didn't know what she was. She watched him carefully. She shook her head, What did they mean? She was scared. She closed her eyes. " So this is actually happening? This isn't some weird dream?" She moved to pinch herself, ' OW!" She was awake. " Um.." She looked around and said, "This can't be happening."
"It is happening," Sebastian said, opening the door of his office. It was a plain, stone room, with a desk, some bookshelves and two chairs. He had a number of papers piled neatly on the desk; the Kanes had not really upgraded to a paperless system, as in this climate computers were often unreliable.
Aria wasn't really sure how to take of this. She looked into the office. She entered the room glancing around to get to know her surrounding before she sat in one of the chairs. It was weird not to see technology here. She bit the inside of her cheek.
Sebastian took the opposite seat, and clasping his fingers, leaned on the desk.

"You mentioned that your body healed itself. What exactly happened?" He asked.
Aria sighed crossing her legs neatly looking at him. She bit the inside of her cheek. "I fell, sitting there I looked at my broken body, but then my arms.. the.. tattoos glowed and then the next they were gone.. I don't know how it happened."
Sebastian's eyes widened. "What tattoos?" He asked quickly, leaning further to try to see for himself. It couldn't be--
Aria blinked, " I have three that I thought that were birth marks, I had them ever since I was a kid, I don't know what they mean. I have one on my back along with some on my arms." She said looking at him. " What?" She raised an eyebrow. She moved to show her arms of the wrist markings. " See." For some reason they were glowing again.
Sebastian reached forward, stopped himself and drew back. He looked Aria in the eye.

"I may be wrong, but there is one race that bears markings of this type--at least, while in human form," he said slowly. "Angels."
Aria looked at him as he inspected them. " What?!" She looked at him, " You must be crazy because there are no such thing as Angels. " She looked at him as if he were on drugs. She didn't know what to say about it. She blinked,well that girl had pointy teeth and were telling her how delicious she smelled. " Do you really think Angels exist?"
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