Island's Heart (Completed)


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. One post per day
Online Availability
7pm-10pm est
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Scifi, Magical
This RP is about a band of treasure seekers. They will be flying around on their solar powered airship while looking for treasure and other loot in a quasi 1600's explorers aged fantasy archipelago setting. There will be action, adventure, shenanigans, rivals, perils, treachery, and friendship? Join the crew and help chart their course or join in on the action already taking place. The Island's Heart is waiting for you.

Link to Discord (free app used for chatting and planning): Join the Beasts & Priests Discord Server!
Link to Out Of Character thread: OPEN SIGNUPS - Island's Heart OOC
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Elderoles Archipelago

A system of islands that was said to have once been one massive land mass controlled by one people, Elderoles is now a diverse and split region of the world. Separated from the mainland by hundreds of miles/kilometers in all directions, it was quite a remote region with a handful of very distinct cultures up until they were conquered/adjoined/colonized by the Icarus Empire which accidentally found them and then proceeded to acquire them 600 years prior to current events. Over the centuries, the islands began to open up more and more to the influences of the outsiders, their new technology, knowledge, and culture. The islands, once so wild and free, were now subjugated and in varying degrees of acceptance, but some of the mysterious and exotic elements of the islands still remained and in them laid the history, ruins, treasures, and much more from bygone eras.


Time Period and Technology

It is a loose 1600's period. A time of ships, exploration, black powder weapons, and a transition from a socially darker age to a more sophisticated one. Expect to see things like flintlock rifles and pistols. Bombs, cannons, and other explosives are present. Ships massive enough and sturdy enough to face long oversea voyages in treacherous and monster infested waters.

In addition, another technology has taken off: Solar Power. Discovered some time back and some claim through relics of the past, the Icarus Empire successfully made harnessing the sun as a power source efficient and portable enough to the point where vehicles and gadgets started to be invented at a rapid pace that further revolutionized the world. The sun does not always shine, yet, so blackpowder and burning oils still have their uses, but during the day, solar powers practically everything. This technology has been adopted by the natives of the archipelago to varying degrees. The airship is one of the greater inventions of the current century.

Moving out of the dark ages, heavy armors are nearly a thing of the past. While the occasional duel of steel occurs, mobility and pistols are growing increasingly popular among the Empire. The natives of the islands who are slower to adopt the new items and let go of older ways have an easier time working with the materials on hand and less likely to be skilled in the empire's goods.


Magic and Arcane

The Elderoles used to be filled with magic and magic practioners. Every since the Empire take over, magic has been outlawed. Of all the things the Empire allowed the natives to keep of their autonomy and culture, magic was not one of them. The islands' particular form of magic craft revolved around life offerings to spiritual and outerplanar beings from beyond in exchange for power. While the power granted could be tremendous and terrifying, the price was sometimes too great. It was not uncommon for magic users to give up too much of their life in the petitioning of more power only to die prematurely during the wars with the Empire.

Now, few remain who remember the old ways as it pertains to the magic of the isles, fewer still who actually practice it in secret. Those with the knowledge are forbidden from openly sharing. Those caught practicing or utilizing such rituals and magics are executed on the spot by Empire soldiers and generally ratted out by Empire loyal natives.

For a character to use magic in the setting, they must know and recite the old words to call forth the entity they wish to deal with and form a pact while sacrificing something as payment upon what it is they wish to have dominion over in relation to the entity they summon. The amount of oneself sacrificed is proportional to the power received.

Jack slices his hand to allow blood to flow freely from the wound into the campfire as he calls upon Ifrit the entity of fire from the spiritual realm. Assuming the ritual is successful, Jack will briefly acquire the means to manipulate the flames of the campfire to his bidding.

Control and success of ritual may vary, but the amount and permanence of what is sacrificed will also play a role in likelihood of achieving desired results.


Island Nations

- a nation of forests and trees. Some trees and forests grow to be hundreds of feet in the air. It is a nation of beauty: both natural and artificial. Valuing aesthetic beauty over function, the population of the nation are most notable for their elaborate and extravagant crafts and creations. However, their preoccupation with what is attractive and desirable means there are many dark and dangerous groves deep in the sea of trees that makes up the island.

Igni - a nation with a volcano at its center. Although the volcano is massive, it is theorized it is not the creator of the Elderoles. Currently dormant, the volcano is no less hazardous to island inhabitants that wonder too far from the more civilized areas. Describing any area as civilized in Igni is a stretch. Without the order and security provided by Icarus Empire soldiers stationed on the islands, the Igni nation would be one of just one law: might makes right. A barbarous people plagued by barbarous monsters, it is a nation that is a paradise to the strong and a hell hole or grave to the weak. The volcano and the many hot and hazardous caverns that tunnel in it are rumored to hold untold amounts of precious gems and metals brought up from the planet's depths.

Collis - a nation of rocky hills not too different from Igni, Collis's settlements are nestled in high, hard to reach, and treacherous vantage points. Protected from a majority of the island predators, the islanders spend more time socializing, philosophizing and advancing their cultural pursuits. Arguably one of the more technologically advanced nations in the Elderoles. It is said there are cracks, crevices, and tunnels in the rocky hills hiding away pirate treasures and other untold valuables washed up from the deep in times forgotten.

Arenos - A sandy desert nation. The islands that make up its borders are all covered in dunes of sand. It is a mystery how the populace survives, but survive they do, preying on anything and everything that comes into their line of sight, including each other. The island residents were one of the more welcoming in Elderole of the Empire, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to have the Empire share their tech and knowledge with them. Rumors of Arenos say it was the citizens, themselves, that devastated their island and turned it into the desert wasteland that it is today. Their own cruelty and decadence can still be witnessed today. Underneath all those dunes is surely a city of wealth and technology equivalent to the fabled cities of gold told by the Empire just waiting to be unearthed.

Sedamontes - A nation of weathered mountains, it is the most resource rich and hospitable set of islands in all of Elderoles with more islands joining its territory regularly. A nation quick to resort to deals and diplomacy, it is also a nation with nearly unrivaled military might save for the Empire. A nation of fewer unknowns than the rest, it is more likely a place of fun, relaxation, or information gathering for a treasure hunter. The abundance of peoples and cultures that gather there creates a wealth of information and other opportunities.

Saltu - A nation of tropical jungle, it is similar to Silva with its abundance of plant life, but it is even denser, wilder, and more dangerous. Anything not trying to eat a visitor has a chance of being poisonous or otherwise hazardous all the same. The likelihood of ruins, relics, and treasures of the past are hidden in the depths of the jungle without going far in are not a stretch of the imagination. To aid any would be visitor or treasure seeker, the populace of the island are rather accommodating despite their more isolated living arrangements. Willing to aid or trade with anyone if the price is right or the odds too uneven, the populace actually wound up saving the Empire when they came to colonize the nation. A mutual respect was forged that allowed the jungle nation to maintain more of its autonomy than the others.

Skilled artists and craftsman, creators of many things even in industries seemingly less likely due to the forest home. Silvan's are long lived creatures that live for hundreds of years. Standing around 8 feet tall with 4 arms, they are an imposing sight. Preferring to appear a very particular way for their cultural beauty standards, most shave their heads and workout tirelessly to get a more lean/tone build. Skilled climbers, they can move about the forest home with ease with on the ground or in the canopy of the trees.



Indominable humanoid crustaceans that operate around a simple cycle of eat, sleep, lay, slay. They stand around 6 feet tall. Faster in water than they are on land, their rough shell is as tough as plate armor. Their variety dictates whether or not they have hands, claws, or tail, but the grip is particularly intense all the same. They live about as long as humans do assuming their rough life doesn't kill them first. They are particularly resistant to the intense heats the frequently occur in various areas of their home islands.



Bird lycanthropes only a few feet in stature while in humanoid form. They can fully transition between bird and human forms while retaining their wings. They lack physical strength and sturdiness compared to the other races of the Elderoles, but they make up for it with their swiftness and mobility. A particularly wise race, they love nothing more than to handle or stare at shiny objects while discussing various intellectual topics like the sciences and philosophy.



A race that rarely witnessed without their desert cloaks and masks on, the Arenosians are armless telekinetics able to use a form of islander magic to make up for their missing appendages. Generally their telekinesis is limited to what can normally be achieved by 2 human arms at one time, but it's been said older and/or more impaired Arenosians have achieved greater feats. Thought to have been human or something similar once, it is said dark pacts that cursed their entire racial line made them what they are today. This curse and their nation's culture has further warped their sense of right and wrong, cruel and kind. Their eyes glow and they are able to see in the dark to a degree. Legs missing ankles and small feet attached allow them to prance across their desert islands with ease. Like a ballerina on tip toes they can be seen miles off as they seemingly dance over the sands.

Races Continued

Sedamon (Male)

Unlike the other races of the Eleroles, the main race of the Sedamontes nation are a strangely divergent people where the race is split in half between the sexes Male and Female. The males are short (a meter high on average), charming, nimble and intelligent to a degree that far outstrips the females of the race. Specializing in trades of diplomacy and trade, they are the leading factor in Sedamontes general prosperity in the aid of the Empire technology which they have willfully adopted. Their charming abilities coupled with the way they decorate their pale skin with alluring paints makes them able to bend the will of even the most staunch dissenter if there is a chance. They are able to direct the female portion of the population with ease due to their simpler nature. However, they are helpless to the pheromones of the female Sedamons.


Sedamon (Female)

Opposite the male half of the species, the females are towering 8 foot tall behemoths of raw muscle power and spirit. Their thoughts are simple, but they are similar to the Ignians in what they need and like. If not for the male half, they would contend themselves with savagery and barbarism to get the things they want. When male diplomacy fails, female military prowess crushes the opposition in many cases. Their dark skin is tougher than the fair male's pale skin making them oddly resilient to energy weapons like solar rifle shots. Although not as tough as an Ignian, their strength matches if not superior. One tale of the Sedamons tells of how a female group wanted to get to a male group on the other side of a mountain (for reasons). They didn't have the know how or care to waste the time going around, so with weapons and barehands they blasted through the mountain as their tunnel collapsed behind them. When the female releases her pheromones, it is noted as an overpowering smell to most other races, but to the male sedamons it makes them particularly compliant to the more instinctual whims of the female.



A race of frog folk native to the Saltu jungles. Their brightly color skin patterns that glow at night and shimmer in the day warn off predators that would otherwise eat the small (meter high) frog people. All of their fluids are poisonous and/or toxic. In higher combinations and/or with some naturally occurring poisonous plants, they are fluint in the mixing and crafting of various toxins for hunting or other practical purposes. Their tongues are not as proportionally long as their smaller animal counterpart, but they do retain a superior jumping, climbing (can stick to certain surfaces), and swimming ability. In their jungle home and in a few of the other island nations, they are top hunters and predators. Their disposition to be helpful and just keeps them from being a more dominant force in the Elderoles.



The main race among the Empire is human but there are many races in the empire and in the Elderoles besides those defined above. Humans are the most abundant race after those already listed. Following humans are the more common types of fantasy races like elves, dwarves, etc.. Most of the races are residents of the islands born and raised. All Imperials are the most versed in the latest and greatest of solar technology and blackpowder. Their superior knowledge in the latest tech and inventions gives them an edge in logistics and luxury trades. Only Imperials are allowed to join the Empire soldiers that help maintain peace and order on the islands.

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Rp and Character Creation Info
  1. Post in 3rd person​
  2. Post at least a few sentences. (what is the character doing, what are they saying, has the scene changed any)​
  3. I'm the only one that moves time in rp.​
  4. Please message me with any questions or problems you have with the rp or its members.​
  5. Message me the filled out character sheet before you start posting​
  6. You may post as soon as you send me the character sheet (even if it has not been posted to the list)​
  7. Do not auto-hit or auto-succeed at everything. Combat and skill based outcomes are decided by me (unless you fighting weaklings)​
  8. Any roleplay for the rp or the characters that does not take place in the main roleplay thread is not canon (unless given exception)​
  9. Let people know if you can't post for a while or if you are dropping the rp.​
  10. You may only have one active character in the rp at one time. 2nd characters can only come in when first is retired/dead.​
  11. Any npc's that are created/referenced can and will be controlled by me as the need arises.​
  12. Posts longer than a couple paragraphs must have a summary section that captures the main points of the post in a concise way
  13. You may post as frequently as you wish as long as they are not back to back, however, you must post at least once a week.
  14. Any pvp to the death is generally discouraged, but pvp can be worked out between yourselves without my intervention if so wished.
  15. please mention or contact those you posted at so they know you are waiting on their reply

Estimations of Power - (used with Peerage in the Character Skeleton)

To better determine how capable a character is in certain areas, we have devised a ranking system to hopefully guide character creation and roleplay. It is a guide more than a rule since a character will likely be skilled to proficient at various things to different degrees.

1. Human - this is the standard. You have no skills or training and you are like a healthy young adult fresh out of required school. You cannot use magic, you don't know how to fight or use weapons, and you are relatively vulnerable to the hazards of the world. Sometimes you can convince folks to get what you want. Sometimes you can't.​

2. Trained - you are trained/talented in a particular skill or area of expertise. Most craftsmen and non-laborer working types are of this level for their job. You may know how to wield a weapon and/or fight. Perhaps you are aware of basic self defense. you are able to use the most basics of magic as it pertains to this world. Like a salesperson, you are perhaps more convincing and persuasive than average.​
3. Talented - you are so good at what you know how to do that some call you gifted, genius, or talented. When it comes to fighting, magic, working, and other fields of training, you are a cut above those who were trained the same as you. It just clicks when it comes to this stuff.​
4. Veteran - in addition to your trainings, talents, and perhaps luck, you have experience. you have put in the time and have reached the humanly possible pinicle of your craft. you are a master craftsman. you are fighter with only a handful of equals. you are a stalwart defender able to survive greivious wounds that would kill lesser people. Your magic you are capable of conjuring is darker and more sinister. Capable of wiping the floor with a handful of enemies at a time with ease. Your social skills and knowledge put you at senator, chief, presidential and/or sagely levels.​
5. Supernatural - This level of being requires racial, magical, or technological support. It varies widely with little known of where the summit/limits truly are. Your crafts have taken on a magical level of quality and/or durability like shields that don't melt in the face of dragon fire or swords that can slice through other metals like paper. Your combat is beyond anything any mere mortal could hope to achieve and even a group of veterans would be hard pressed to keep up with you. Squads of soldiers could be destroyed. Your magic can be that of a natural disaster, but the prices are higher still. Your words are like silver, silk, and honey and able to move masses to your whims.​

Character Creation Rules

1. Character must have/use a single body. It may not be several creatures formed together.
2. Character must have a humanoid form or the ability to take a humanoid form. one that can fit into most dwellings, corridors, and vehicles as necessary.
3. Characters cannot inherently preform magic in this setting like casting spells. All magic in the rp will use the magic system described above.
4. All characters must be part of the treasure hunting team. No outsiders or 3rd party tagalongs.
5. All characters must have a reason for being with the treasure hunting team that keeps them with the team and generally loyal.
6. All characters must have a reason to join the team on its various missions, presumably for treasure or parts that lead to treasure.
7. Character must have a physical/destructable form (ex: not a ghost)
8. Characters should be different. Try to make your skillsets and abilities diverse from the other characters listed if possible.
9. The character must have a weak point like vital organs or core of power.
10. Characters that can split into multiple copies of themselves that can independently act are not allowed
11. Npc's like pets and familiars belonging to characters will be rp'd by me.
12. No character can be older than 999 years old
13. Anything not put in the character sheet/skeleton does not exist for your character in this rp.
14. character skeletons must be filled out and messaged to Novama in order to participate in the rp

Character Skeleton

Rper Name:
Character Name:
(word description is acceptable, picture is better. Cartoon/Anime pics are fine as well as Real)
Race: (If not human or one of the races canon to the setting, please describe them. As mentioned most fantasy races are allowed assuming they meeting character rules)
(anything your character can do that humans cannot. List them in order from greatest/strongest ability to least. Ex: breath fire, flight capable wings, camouflage skin, etc)
Skills: (anything your character knows or was trained in and was not born with. List in order from greatest/strongest skillset to least. Ex: Geography, Surgery, Swordsmanship, Sales)
Physical - (list who your rival/colleague groups are as it pertains to your average skill level in physical activities like fighting, running, jumpting etc. ex: humans, trained, talented, veterans, or supernatural)
Mental - (list who your rival/colleague groups are as it pertains to your average skill level in mental activities like knowing things and persuading others. ex: humans, trained, talented, veterans, or supernatural)
Magic - (list who your rival/colleague groups are as it pertains to your average skill level in Magical activities like communing with the spiritual plane and channeling the abilities granted. ex: humans, trained, talented, veterans, or supernatural)
Equipment - (anything you want to have assumed on your person at pretty much all times unless stated otherwise including pets, familiars, and other useful npc connections)
Background: (Write about how/why the character joined the crew and hunts for treasure and why they continue to this day.)
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Accepted Character List

Rper Name: Elvario

Character Name: Keone Nagendra

Appearence: Image

Humanoid top half, snake-like bottom half. They're warm-blooded, but to a much lesser degree than regular humanoids, meaning they can stand the heat better and barely sweat, yet they are far less equipped to deal with the cold. They're not poisonous themselves, but they do tend to fall back to using poison/venom as a weapon and are relatively more resistant to poison/venom. Their snake halves are strong enough to strangle someone with. Their humanoid torso has the same vital points as normal humans. They tend to need a fair bit less food and water than humans (less sweating, longer digestive system). They have a longer-than-normal forked tongue.

Height: 5 feet / 1.52 meter (using the bottom part of her tail to stand on)
Length: 9 feet / 2.74 meter (from the end of her tail to the top of her head)
Weight: 185 lb / 84 kg

Poison/venom resistance.
Can stand the heat really well.
Can go fairly long without food/water.
Has a lower body strong enough to strangle someone with.
Lower half acts like that of an actual serpent.

Survival - Forest
Survival - Desert
Survival - General
First aid

Physical - Veteran

Mental - Trained

Magic - Human

Set two pistols, including ammunition and maintenance necessities.
Set of two curved blades, including maintenance necessities.
Trio of daggers, including maintenance necessities.
Various small flasks of poisons/venoms (and their antidotes).
Emergency rations for a few days (or weeks by her species' standard).
Pouch containing some silvers from previous earnings.
Some trinkets with faint magical power that she hasn't yet been able to identify.
First aid items/medicine.
Travel bag

Keone was born and raised in a very small community of Naga's and quickly grew curious as to where they were from, as none of the generation before her was born in the village. She learned they'd come from overseas, but nobody wanted to tell her much more about it. Her adventurous and curious nature didn't subside, so once she was old enough, she set out to find what remained of her homeland. She was independently investigating possible remnants of her species in the deserts of Arenos, where her species was said to have once lived deep in the deserts. She wasn't having much luck with it, draining her resources after various unsuccessful years of exploration. What she did eventually stumble upon was a group of treasure hunters on a solar powered airship. Having few resources on her own and being tired of facing dangers alone, she decide to tag along, offering her skills in return for information and company. In the seven years that she's been with them, the treasure-hunting became a goal of its own. While she still on the look-out for traces of her species in unknown locations, it's no longer her sole motivation.

Rper Name: Ur Degaton

Character Name: Alfred Grigori

Appearance: Image

Race: Human

Height: 5'11

Weight: 180lbs

Abilities: None

Skills: Mechanical engineering, swordsmanship, biology, botany, bio-chemistry marksmanship, fisticuffs, zoology

Physical - Talented

Mental - Veteran

Magic - Human (none)

Equipment - Carries a bastard sword. He also carries throwing knives and a punch dagger. Beneath his uniform is a set of brass armor, complete with a mask, to protect against non firearm based attacks such as arrows and other melee weapons. For scientific research he carries a notebook and quill, a bag of research tools (flasks, petri dishes, measuring tape etc.), and a spyglass.

Background: Alfred was always an adventurer. Since the day he was born he had sought out dangerous and perilous tales and exploits. His love for adventure books and literature in general, led to him developing a passion for the scientific arts. From botany to mechanical engineering, he voraciously devoured any literature that contained scientific information. He would spend a great portion of his life hitching rides on voyages and expeditions to the farthest reaches of the realm. All the while developing his inventions and technological prowess. These adventures helped developed his skills as a fighter until he was a talented and capable combatant. After discovering his most recent crew of misfits, he decided to stick around and continue adventuring with them. For many years, usually the men and women he roamed with were pirates, brigands, or selfish warriors bent on conquest. But there was a certain romanticism to his current group, a bigger sense of loyalty and camaraderie that felt like it was straight out of the swash buckling adventure books of old. So he decided to stick around and see just how far he and the rest of his crew can push their luck before they meet their last adventure.

Rper Name: TheEccentric
Character Name: Rabbit
Appearance: Image

Brown and dirt smear his shirt, his robe a dusty musty sight.
His mask is dark, its face looks hurt, though his eyes shine e'er bright!
Short as a man, thin as a stick, though his stench is quite profane,
His arms be gone, his legs do creak, but invisible hands ordain!
From rock to sand, to ash to sea, this bloke has walked his tale,
Ne'er tired nor ever lost, his song-gushing toys exhale!

Race: Arenosian
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 109 lbs.
• Fine Telekinesis
The Arenosians are a hardy race, with age bringing more than just wisdom. Unlike his younger, and less foolish, kin, he can manipulate 5 things at the same time. A product of his long life, and bygone pacts that have already been forgotten by all except him. Though, he can only use them for menial purposes, to use them in anything extensive requires a sacrifice of blood to quench the entities who gave him this power.
• Darkvision
His eyes glimmer with a faint white light behind his mask, a telltale sign that lesser forms of darkness are no hindrance to him.
• Dune-Hopper
His kin can jump vast distances and heights with a single skip, but time has left him with only a few withering abilities. He can jump still, but not as great as the younger Arenosians.

• Wilderness Survival (Arenos, Silva, Collis)
For centuries he has traveled aimlessly, facing the dangers of the natural world. The endless sands of Arenos, the evergreen groves of Silva, and the forest of stone hills of Collis are most familiar to him. Although he may be stymied by tall buildings of stone, the depths of the wilds are a familiar sight that doesn't strike his heart with doubt.
• Flying Knife Mastery
A knife swung in close quarters is dangerous, but a knife throw to the neck from afar even more so. Although he's still skilled up close, his talents can only be expressed when it is flung through the air.
• Navigator Extraordinaire (Land)
He's met many explorers and treasure hunters over the years, valiant heroes that needed the nose of a man to lead them to great fortune. Rabbit, a name mentioned much amidst the circle of travelers, and one he's made sure to have a suitable track record. The solarships of the new world are a bit unfamiliar to him, but his speciality lies in the walking and stalking through weathered lands where civilization hasn't reached in quite some time. He navigates people through the wilderness with light steps, bringing with him the tracks of adventurers that may find fortune or misfortune.

Physical - Human
Time is both a blessing and a curse. Some want more, some have too much, but all lose it once they've used it. His people are an old kind, those who don't die in the sands join the ancients of yore, though they still face the corrosive force of time. He has lived long, and he can feel it in body and mind. Sharp as a blade is his wit, but dull as clay is his body. His movements are slow, but smooth, weak, but controlled. His only respite from his dying form is his acceptance and awareness of his own limitations. Like the many elders of his kin, the sands will soon bring his body into the wind, adrift and aloof.

Mental - Veteran
He is by no means a scholar, but he is worldly nonetheless. Although many of the young are whimsical and fanciful of the gifts from outside, he has no interest in them himself. At most, he's adapted some mundane items to his benefit, like compasses and ink pens. He's a navigator, but he listens to the winds and waves, not the teachings of book and crook. Disdainful of those who limit themselves in learning halls instead of tasting the world, he has no faith in a man that only speaks of knowing.

Magic - Talented
Magic is in his people's essence. In the sands, the stories of their past are as chaotic as the dunes when the storms of sand pass. He is unsure of his people's crimes, but an ill sacrifice is a theme that all tales mention. During his youth, he fancied himself a prophet, the one who will lead his people away from their cursed past. Alas, he was delusional, so lost in his aspirations that he did what he swore to stop his people from doing. He sacrificed something. Something that would forever haunt him, even after the centuries of agony he's forced to live out of shame. Ancient magical secrets are not foreign to him, nor the price exacted when done so in desperation.

Equipment -
Rabbit Mask
- A mask carved from clay, coarse fur, and the ears of a rare species of hare. Though far from his home, he still follows the tradition of the sands.

Howler (Wolf)
- A contraption made from the body of a wolf, it is a gourd-shaped mass with an exterior of gray fur and dark leather, with holes along its form. At both ends, there are holes, one large and one small. When the wind rushes through the small hole, it makes a deep wolf's howl, and when the wind goes through the big hole, it emits a small but sharp howl. A little something he made while traveling.

Bug Nest (Cicada)
- A contraption made of plant fibers, hardened clay, and hundreds of cicada wings. It's a bowl-shaped object with a deep bottom, its sides crisscrossed by many openings that are covered in cicada wings. When the wind passes through it, the piercing sound of a hundred cicadas rings loud, grating, and constant.

- One of the rewards he obtained from serving as a navigator, it is a musical instrument that creates a thrumming and soothing beat when tapped by a master. With centuries on his shoulders, a master is an appropriate term to describe him.

- One of the few things he readily accepted from the Empire, it is an ornate compass made of silver and brass. Its design includes a carving of a snake along its circular form, and the needle is crafted to look like a miniature sword.

Stone Knives
- His means of defense and offense, his knives are short but sharp. He throws them against his targets, and partnered with his great telekinetic abilities, he can send a barrage to overwhelm them.

Divination Bones
- Small cut bones, he has collected a piece from every major race in the archipelago and combined them to create bone dice with runes dug into them. He's used them before alongside his magic to divine the future, but even without a bloody sacrificing, he's willing to gamble. He believes that magic is infused in all things and that there are some weak or generous entities out there willing to influence the runes in exchange for his faith and determination.

His history isn't important. To those who've seen him and met him, he is Rabbit. The traveler that has visited the great cities and greater wilds of the islands. Some minstrels have spread his name and silhouette, claiming he's a ghost that's in search of his body. Regardless, none know who he truly is, as he just appeared one day and became notorious for his demeanor and appearance. One thing that is truly known about him though, is he's a very skilled musician and navigator. He's been hired before on many great vessels, requesting for strange rewards, like the pinky finger of every pirate they slay, or perhaps he'll request the crew to feed the first beggar they encounter.

Notoriety and weird interests aside, his reason for joining the crew seems a bit more unusual, even for him. He hired himself, strange as it may seem, in exchange the crew give him a fantastic story. Offering ancient maps he discovered long ago, he promises them that these maps lead to vast treasures, located deep in the bowels of the islands. One leads to Igni, mentioning a massive wall of diamond that if unearthed, could crush even a hundred Ignians if they tried to lift it. Though, it lies near the heart of the volcano, likely a journey that'll force the crew to face nature itself. A second map directs the group to the rocky hills of Collis, the directions to lead them to the ruined abode of an ancient Collian painter. Whispers in the Empire speak of lifelike paintings that were said to be capable of calming the heart and expanding one's mind, a truly valuable collection that has stoked the hearts of merchants, nobles, and perhaps even the royal family itself. Lastly, a map that not even he can promise to be wholly realistic. The last map will have the crew traveling to Arenos, to the island of sand, not to look for gold nor treasures, but instead, a legend. It mentions of a valley, one once used for a number of deaths many would say uncountable. The Bloodpit, a truly ancient myth of the desertfolk, the location where the desertification supposedly began. Contained within it would be the secrets of magic so powerful, they could shatter the mortal empire that has sunk its fingers into the succulent bounties of the Elderoles Archipelago.

Three maps, three possible adventures, but zero of them need be pursued. Especially the last. He mentions to the group that he once tried to look for the accursed Bloodpit, only to fail despite a century of wandering and seeking. Long as the crew is able to offer him an adventure unlike any other, which he deeply believes they will, his and their interests will always be aligned.

Rper Name: The Last Curse

Character Name: Julius Scott

Appearance: Image

Race: Spirit

Also referred to as ghosts, phantoms, specters, and many other monikers, Spirits are the souls of the deceased that still linger in the mortal realm. Their existence is stemmed from a variety of factors, the most notable being unfinished business, denial of a proper burial, or tragic and emotional deaths. Nearly everything with a soul can become a spirit, but their reasons to stay in the mortal plane can vary: some seek vengeance for their deaths, others seek to aid or hurt the living, and some cannot pass into the afterlife - doomed to haunt their final resting place for eternity.

Though wholly incorporeal on their own, spirits are known for their ability to possess objects. Though these objects usually have limited mobility, several rituals can seal a spirit within an object or grant them complete control over it - indefinitely condemning that spirit until that object's destruction.

Though Spirits cannot be harmed with mortal weapons, they can be banished to the spirit realm or repelled through the use of spells, wards, enchanted weaponry, and even specific chants. If they have possessed an object, the spirit will mimic that object's weaknesses, and upon its destruction, the spirit's soul will be exorcised and returned to the spirit realm.

Height: 5'9'' (69 Inches)

Weight: 190 Lbs (Around 86.18 kg)


Immunity - Due to his inorganic body, Julius is immune to diseases, poisons, and parasites. In addition, he lacks a functioning digestive system, also rendering him immune to conditions like hunger.

Enhanced Durability - In place of skin, Julian's body is composed of metals such as bronze, aluminum, and iron, making him slightly more resilient to slashing or cutting attacks. However, the joints connecting his arms and legs to his body are protected by soft aluminum, which gives protection comparable to human skin. In other words, his arms and legs are just as vulnerable to severing as a regular human being.


Remarkable Swordsmanship - Taught aboard his previous ship and renewed in his current crew, Julius is very competent with a blade. His fighting style primarily consists of finding an opponent's weakness and exploiting it until he wears them down. Quick, feinting stabs and slashes are his preferred methods of combat.

Considerable Marksmanship - Julius can comfortably handle and shoot small to medium-sized firearms. Though his aim at long distances is mediocre, Julius can easily hit a target in close to medium range. However, his accuracy does falter in darker or obscuring conditions.

Remarkable hygienist - Julius is a stickler for cleanliness. Not only does he keep his garments and equipment exceptionally clean, but he also makes sure to keep his allies' gear in top shape. Though his knowledge in medicine is limited, Julius knows how to keep a wound clean and covered, staving off possible infection. He also carries around a small kit for polishing, sharpening, and unrusting metal, just in case his body or weapons require quick maintenance.

Improvised Repairment - If his body is damaged, Julius can utilizing nearby scrap metal to patch himself up. Though these repairs are crude, they're enough to seal off any perforations or reinforced weakened body parts. Severe damage like a severed limb, a damaged battery, or a damaged solar panel cannot be fixed this way and must be repaired by a craftsman.

Basic Medical Knowledge - Julius is capable of treating minor and bandaging minor flesh wounds. More complex ailments such as diseases, broken appendages, or infections are out of his expertise.

Physical - Talented
Mental - Trained
Magic - Human

Equipment -

-A pair of cutlasses
-A Dragon firearm
-A small box of lead balls
-A small pouch of gunpowder
-A small kit for treating metal
- Several rolls of bandages
-A traveling pack
-A small bottle of strong metal adhesive
-A small flask of alcohol
-A small blue cleaning rag


(TLDR; Julius was once a pirate that traveled to the Elderoles Archipelago in search of loot. Unfortunately, he and his crew suffered many hardships and met their demise from hostile canon fire. Because he was denied a proper burial, Julius's spirit lingered on the mortal plane and was bounded to the wreck of his ship. By a dying spell, his soul was transported into a metal body, where he was forced to clean the vessel of his pirate captors.

On one night, Julius escaped from his keepers, running into a dense jungle until he stumbled upon a camp of treasure hunters. They took him in, and Julius resumed his cleaning duties aboard this new ship. The more time he spent around the treasure hunters, the more he started to adopt their lifestyle into his own, eventually seeking to become an adventurer just like them.

As a form of repayment and a way to re-live his old voyaging life, Julius continues to aid the treasure hunters in their exploits. Seeking adventure and new memories, as long as the treasure hunters keep hunting, so will he.)

Born in a land far away, Julius was once a proud member of a notorious pirate crew. Dubbing themselves as the "Bloodhounds of the Sea," they were known for their constant plundering and insatiable appetite for treasure, chasing hoards of loot wherever it may be. Such avarice would lead to their expedition to the Elderoles Archipelago, a continent supposedly filled with untouched lands and limitless riches.
Unfortunately, all the rumors came out to be false. Upon arrival: the Bloodhounds tangled with many strange and unfamiliar creatures, suffered from foreign illnesses, and struggled against the local races - many of which sporting technology vastly superior to theirs. It was only until one failed raid on a seaport where they'd meet their end. During their escape, several hostile vessels relentlessly pursued their ship, viciously bombarding it with powerful explosives. The Bloodhounds couldn't hold a candle to their attackers, the enemy's artillery sending everyone onboard into a cold, watery grave.

Killed in an unknown land and denied a proper burial, Julius's spirit lingered in the mortal realm, tethered to the water-logged husk that was once his ship. He attempted to escape numerous times but was forced back into those watery remains, some supernatural force bounding him there. With no other means of escape, all he could now was wait.

Julius would find salvation soon enough. Then, during one uneventful day, a sudden bright flash of light engulfed the water around him, obscuring his view with a thick veil of white. Once the light died down, Julius found that he was no longer trapped in that shipwreck but was standing in a seemingly never-ending void of black. He wasn't even able to study his surroundings as a tremendous tremor rocked the space around him, sending him to his knees. As the world around him continued to rumble, his vision distorted - twisting and swirling until everything was utterly incomprehensible. And then there was nothing.

When Julius awoke, he was no longer in his ethereal body but trapped in what seemed to be a metal construct. In reality, his soul was pulled from his final resting place and sealed within a peculiar crystal through an ancient and dying ritual. Said crystal placed inside his chassis's head, granting him control over his new body, simultaneously imprisoning him within it. The reason for his creation would soon become apparent as a couple of buccaneers forcibly escorted him into a dusty, dimly lit room, shutting him inside with just a broom and a rusty dustpan.

Julius was reduced to a simple sweeper for months - cleaning after the people who gave him a new life. Then, unable to see the outside world or speak to anyone other than himself, the memories of his former life started to fade, replaced by the simple instructions given by his captors.

Eventually, Julius would find a way to escape his captors. While they were away and anchored their ship ashore on a large island, Julius managed to sneak out of their boat; a dense jungle was the only obstacle between him and his freedom. However, he was only a quarter-way through before he stumbled upon a camp filled with a small group of supposed 'treasure hunters.' In desperation, Julius begged for them to take him with them, and reluctantly they accepted.

Once he reached their ship, Julius went straight to work, cleaning their clothing, polishing their weapons, and keeping everything in an orderly fashion. Amidst his duties, he was exposed to the many facets of treasure hunter life. Julius watched them come back from their explorations, often with large bounties of loot in tow; he side-mindedly listened to their stories of peril and hardship and even participated in their frequent celebrations. Soon, the memories of his old life would start to reappear, and so did his curiosity. Julius worried less about cleanliness and began to dabble more into the treasure-seeking lifestyle, his fellow crewmates prepping him along the way.

Now a standing crew member of the treasure hunters, Julius seeks to repay by aiding them in their exploits while re-living the escapades he went through as a human. While he admires the aspect of treasure, the action of finding it is the most appealing process to him. The one thing more exciting than finding the hidden fortune is the journey and all memories made along the way.


-While his metallic body may bestow some useful boons, it also produces many burdens:

*Though his spirit requires no sustenance or fuel to move, his body requires solar power to remain nimble. There are two significant components on his chest and back to capture and convert solar rays into useable energy. This energy is distributed to his joints and helps keep them from locking up. Excess energy is stored in a sizeable battery-like component in his chest. In addition, there are smaller batteries located on his knees, wrists, elbows, and neck that store energy for that region. If any of those batteries are destroyed, that region will lose its flexibility and become stiff. Additionally, severe damage to the central battery will cause all of his extremities to lose flexibility.

Julius is constantly charging in broad daylight, but in areas with little to no sunlight, he'll start to drain his battery; rigorous movements during this time will only hasten the speed. Unfortunately, he only has 8 hours of battery life during this time and will become gradually more sluggish as it continues to drain.

To charge, Julius must fully expose his solar panels in broad sunlight and wait for a brief thirty minutes or so. During this time, he is very vulnerable to attacks.

*Julius is considerably more vulnerable to electric attacks, water, and corrosive substances: A harsh shock of electricity can overload and fry his batteries, rendering him immobile. Submerging him entirely in water for a considerable amount of time can cause his components to short-circuit, rendering him immobile. Corrosive substances can easily chew away at his metal exterior, weakening his body and destroying his structure.

*Julius must keep his body clean at all times, especially when returning from particularly messy adventures. Substances like mud can collect and harden in his joints, hampering his mobility. In addition, without proper maintenance, parts of his body can rust and tarnish, making them more brittle and weak.

*Julius's body is not very heat resilient. Though he can stand arid temperatures like those in deserts, prolonged exposure to harsh flames or extremely high temperatures can cause his body to melt. The same effect applies to his solar collection and storage components.

*Julius's soul is bound to a crystal located in his head. As long as the crystal is intact, his soul will stay be sealed within it. If the crystal were shattered, his soul would be freed, but he would lose all control of his body - becoming an incorporeal ghost. In this form, Julius returns to the spirit plane and cannot interact with the living in any way.

-To prevent wasting energy at night or during times of rest, Julius can enter a state akin to sleeping where he ceases all movement for some time. In this state, he is just as vulnerable as someone sleeping.

Rper Name: Itarichan

Character Name: Sekani

Appearance: Image
Height: 4'11"
Weight: 93lbs
They can manipulate 3 things at once as long as the third object is small and light​
Like all Arenosians, Sekani can see better in the dark than most​

Staff combat skills

Physical - veteran
Mental - human
Magic - trained

Staff (carried on their back)
2 Bone knives (with sharpening tools)
Travel pack with bedroll, water canteen, rations, bowl
Long red ribbon hung around their neck
Sekani was born mute and uses the ribbon and their telekinesis to communicate.​
Various stolen trinkets
These change depending on what they've stolen and dropped after getting bored of them but can include (but is not limited to): small knives, gems, coins, pouches, small toys/puzzles, jewelry​
Hand carved and painted; made of wood​

Background: Sekani was born to a nomadic tribe of Arenosians which survived by raiding other desert settlements for supplies. Sekani is a thrill seeker and joined the raids from an early age for the excitement. However, they soon became bored with performing the same daily routine over and over. The raids became monotonous to them and soon Sekani would wander away from the tribe for days at a time looking for something to feed their adrenaline addiction. Sekani met the treasure hunters after attempting to rob their camp. After escaping capture they tailed the group for the next few days for fun and became intrigued by the treasure hunter life. They've stayed with them since, enjoying the thrill that comes with being the group and has decided to stay as long as they remain entertained by the group's adventures. They can be unnecessarily cruel to other living things for their own amusement as long as others in the group don't stop them, and is a kleptomaniac, stealing from group members and random passersby's.

Rper Name: Grehstone
Character Name: Belikov "Bell" Kavinsky
Appearence: A rather typical Sedamon man at first glance, from lean lanky form to pale effeminate face, Bell is unfortunately set apart from the rest by his deep red, luxuriously thick hair and a lone eye, colored a bright emerald green. An exotic appearance. And a desirable one. He typically wears a hooded robe, gloves, mountaineering boots, and an antique plague mask to hide his looks, with an eyepatch underneath to cover the spot where his eye's twin once lay. When among friends, he typically leaves those off, revealing the quilted Gambeson and pants underneath.
Race: Sedamon, Male variety
Height: 3 foot, 2 inches
Weight: 78 pounds or so when unarmed
Sight beyond sight; Bell has but one eye for good reason. That eye can see beyond the perception of his race, perceiving magic, mystic energy, and spirits unaided. It may not directly tell him what he sees, but if one can observe, one can discover.
Skills: Chemical engineering, biochemistry, mage craft, diplomacy, bartering, linguistics, calligraphy/drawing.
Physical - Human.
Mental - Veteran
Magic - Veteran
Equipment -
1 antique plague mask, modified: A somewhat ineffective mask designed by doctors some centuries prior to ward off disease and "miasma". Bell has been doing his best to improve its ability to filter the air he breathes, and while it now greatly reduces the effects of airborne chemicals and biological agents, it is still no match for the intoxicating effects of a Sedamon female.
2 Gambesons, size small: A thick, padded and quilted jacket that can guard against slashes and pummelings to a degree, but is largely ineffective at stopping thrusting or piercing attacks. At least it's thick and warm. Bell also keeps a spare in his quarters in case one gets ruined.
1 round shield, wood: A round wooden shield that would look right at home in the hands of an imperial soldier. But in Bell's hands it appears comically oversized. Then again, it covers nearly all of him, and when he wields it with both hands, it makes a decent replacement for a proper tower shield. Only brought along for dangerous adventures, typically left in his quarters for a day in town.
1 knife: a simple, sturdy blade that, while suited to fighting, has drawn more of Bell's blood than anyone else's combined. Typically used to collect samples of unique plants and facilitate mage craft rituals. Kept on his person or in arm's reach at all times anyway.
Calligraphy set: A calligraphy brush, several parchment sheets, and three ink bottles in a small wooden case. Used for writing and drawing in his journal, formal letters, and magecraft. Only one bottle contains standard black ink. The second contains white paint infused with salt, and the third contains his own blood. Typically spirits only accept fresh blood as an offering, but it's still useful to mark out ritual symbols and circles.
4 sample Phials: glass Phials sealed with corks and wrapped in protective leather sheaths. Great for storing new samples, though Bell has used them for field testing his attempts at various formulae.
1 journal: a journal containing chemical formulae, mage craft rituals, records of ruins delved and texts translated, it is the key to Bell's method, madness, and obsessions. He also occasionally writes personal entries. Oftimes these are strange dreams he believes to have a connection to his arcane sight. Other times, he records the events of particularly strenuous days to vent. Rarely, the pages contain poetry written in dead languages. He claims they're "just practice" but who would believe that?
Background: Belikov was, at one time, an enthusiastic scholar. He loved to learn, loved life, and had many friends. He learned in academia the ways of magic, chemistry, and language. Perhaps some day he would be a grand alchemist. But both his fellow boys and that rare-seen other sex always adored and coveted his exotic hair, often wishing they had those Ruby locks… There was a time Bell enjoyed the attention. And when he came of age, that attention only got more forward. Women might not've been permitted on university grounds, but Bell wasn't fortunate enough to live on campus, and when a Sedamon woman wants a boy for a toy, denying her approaches impossibility. At first, he enjoyed himself. But as more women took notice of the exotic boy, newly of age to take, he was taken more and more frequently. He started missing classes, and often he showed up with bruises and exhaustion. Any joy associated with that pheromone fugue began to fade. After an incident that saw him away from the university for four days, passed from woman to woman, he was done. He dove into his research with a fury now, chemicals and mage craft becoming his life blood. The answer to eliminating the seductive scent of a woman eluded him, however. No professor had cracked the code, and few had ever tried. He only rarely went home to sleep, and desperation was taking hold. An old legend caught his eyes, a human sacrificing one of his precious eyes to gain forbidden knowledge and master magic… Bell followed his example. But legends are rarely true, and though he did everything right, he found himself not with the knowledge promised… But instead the means to acquire it himself. His discovery of permanent sight beyond sight was not celebrated by his peers, however. In fact, he was expelled. His only leads now were legends of monks and mages from long before learning to exist without feeling or desire. Where could he find such beings? What living texts preserved their methods? None. He joined the treasure hunters for employment away from his own people, and little more. But when he started translating ancient texts for them, he suddenly had reason to stay: He could read the forgotten languages, and in those dead words lay the potential for a cure. His cure. Freedom. The idea was more intoxicating than any woman, and he refused to leave the ship without signing a contract of more permanent employ.

Rper Name: Valkan

Character Name: Serimin Robleus

Appearence: Picture

Race: Sedamon

Height: 227 cm / 7'5"
Weight: 101 kg / 222 lbs

-Strength: Even lacking proper training, a female Sedamon easily outstrengths an average human. Training just furthers the gap.
-Solar energy tolerance: A female Sedamon's tan skin is tough, capable of resisting the impact of solar energy to some extent.
-Pheromones: Female Sedamons can release a potent aroma into the air, and while overbearing for most, it's irresistible for male Sedamons.
-Intelligence: Unlike your average female Sedamon, Serimin is not a near mindless brute. There is some depth to her mind.

-Weaponless combat
-Outdoor Survival
-Medical treatments

Physical - Supernatural
A rigurous and constant training since childhood has made Serimin's body to be in an outstanding condition. Senses, speed, strength, reflexes, you name it. Serimin's body only continued to grow in capabilities during her tenure as a bounty hunter.
Mental - Trained
As mentioned above, Serimin lacks the one track mind of her fellow female Sedamon. As a result of a contract made with a spirit, she now has an agile mind capable of complex thoughts. She even enjoys learning things from time to time.
Magic - Human
She only has made use of magic once in her life. And although it was successful and very effective, she refuses to further explore the arcane arts. Firstly, because she feels she doesn't need them, and secondly, she fears what else she may lose.

-White Wolf's armor: A set of armor crafted for her by a master blacksmith. Extremely durable, at the cost of being quite heavy. Although it doesn't restrict her movement, she is somewhat slower when donning it, for her standards at least.
-Robleus' sword: A sword belonging to her family. Made from quite tough and heavy materials, Too heavy and big for the family males to use, and too complex to use for the family females when they might as well use their fists. She took it with her when she left to explore the archipelago.
-Ukirohs: A young dragon that Serimin found wounded and abandoned, even after fully recovering with the help of her nursing, the dragon decided to stay by Serimin's side.
-A solar blade
-Two daggers
-A pouch with some silvers and a few gold
-A medical kit, with medicinal herbs, bandages, some modern medicines, among a few other items. All in a neat metal box.

Background: From childhood, Serimin was trained to become a formidable fighter. Being as simple minded as they come, she enjoyed training day in and day out. When she was entering adulthood, an acquaintance convinced her to give magic a try. Using sneaky wording and provocation, Serimin was convinced of pacting with a spirit. She was granted intellect, and at first she was happy, but that was short lived. The spirit informed her that he had consumed a part of her lifespan. She only had 9 years to live now.
After giving the person who tricked her into sacrificing such a thing a lesson. She embarked on an adventure to look for a way to gain more years to live. Wanting to put her intense training and knowledge to use, Serimin became a bounty hunter to fund her quest of a longer life. Having around half her pacted time pass by already, she stumbled upon a crew of treasure hunters, seeing no harm in having some help in her quest, she joined them

Rper Name: Monster

Character Name: Hazail

Appearence: Image

Race: Human

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 110 lbs.

Abilities: None


Singing and Acting (Performance)
Sleight of Hand (Pickpocket and tricks)
Knife Throwing/Juggling
Dirty Fighting

Physical - Veteran

Mental - Trained

Magic - Human / none

Equipment -
8 Throwing knives
Lockpicking tools
Assortment of handheld explosives
Assortment of Pouches: finely-ground glass in one, others are empty
Striker ( small contraption that has a piece of flint and a steel tip, when pinched together it creates a spark )


Born in the mainland of the Empire, Hazail was raised on the streets in the lower district. A rough life, to be sure, but her mother managed to scrape together enough to give them food and shelter. Her father was an Imperial Soldier, dispatched to Elderoles when she was three. Hazail doesn't remember him at all; he never made it back.

Hazail joined a local group of thieves, to both get back at the Empire and to help her mother out with money. She resented the Empire; they were supposed to compensate the families of soldiers that die, but since there wasn't a body they were denied.

She quickly became the best in her group, moving on from basic pickpocketing and burglary to developing cons and elaborate deceptions. The risk was higher, but so were the rewards. Finally, she felt that they would be able to pull off their biggest job yet. A noble.

But she never did the job. Hazail had never been in the wealthy section, so when she went to scout a noble to target her whole life changed. A traveling group of performers had set up a stage on the street corner. Beautiful singing, amazing acrobatics, a captivating play and a illusion show. She stood there for hours watching the routines. She couldn't get enough. Instead of risking everything to steal money, they were up there getting it thrown at them.

Every day that week Hazail went to watch them perform. Finally, when they announced their last show at the Empire, she approached them and asked if they could teach her. They agreed. She said her goodbyes to her mother, and set off to travel and learn with the troupe for the next seven years.

Hazail joined the treasure hunters in search of the wealth to build her own show one day, and to take care of her mother. She also has been keeping her eye out for something special that she discovered, keeping this a secret.

She is a new member of the crew.

Rper Name: Slifer
Character Name: Remy Silver
Appearance: Image

He has three separate forms- Human with bird wings, half human half bird, and full bird form.
Race: Collian
Height: 3'11
Weight: 45lb
Fly, Transform into his duck form, transform to his half form, transforming to his humanoid form, swimming as a duck
Skills: Flying, Swimming, Accounting, Archery, Organization, Knife-wielding, Management (any more I can think of later)
Physical - Talented
Mental - Supernatural
Magic - Trained
Equipment - Backpack, small snacks meant for eating like trail mix, a few shinies on him- trinkets he can hold, his emerald necklace hidden under his shirt, a bow and arrow for fighting far, and a knife for close-range fighting. A book he's reading, a small notebook to write down what needs to get done along with a fountain pen and ink, money to get what he needs, as well as a few survival supplies like water and a change of clothes.
Background: Remy came from a wealthy Collian family, but unfortunately, not being the heir to the family left him with nothing. Treasure hunting gave him both the chance to explore places outside of Collis while getting the money he needs to actually live, so he can pursue whatever catches his interest. The thought of treasure-hunting caught his interest, because the lure of the shiny objects he could obtain sounded nice, considering he didn't get to keep much of what his family had. Essentially, he came to the ship, wanting to be the Accountant/Quartermaster of the ship- making sure everyone's doing their jobs and making sure everyone is able to do their jobs.

Rper Name: Monbon

Character Name:
Abigale Aquile
(Goes by Abbie, or Gale.)

Appearance: Image
Short, and dangerously dainty. Her bones are hollow and she is anemic, making her yeetable and highly susceptible to breaking something and bleeding to death. Her appearance is described by most as well kept. She prefers to keep her appearance as neat as is reasonable and maintains proper hygiene to an almost religious degree.

Graced with a small round face, long pink locks, and a set of brilliant golden eyes, she tends to stand out some. Her hair, when down, falls to her thighs. As a precaution and to keep it out of her way, she braids it and wraps it up into a large neat bun.

Race: Collian (Blue Crane)



Avian Physiology
Though she can no longer fly, she can technically transform but chooses not to for obvious reasons. However, she is naturally still capable of adapting to different altitudes and has retained her enhanced reflexes, senses, above average agility, and enhanced lung capacity..

Culinary, Marksmanship, Sewing, Crafting and Repairing fun little gadgets.

Physical - Trained
Mental - Talented
Magic - Human

+Umbrella Gun. A little thing she made for convenience. It isn't unlikely for her to be blown away by strong wind. Why not keep something that could possibly save your life and hurt others at the same time?
+Pellets (for the gun) Abbie has three pouches full of pellets. The first are pellets that hurt about as much as a bbgun, the next pellets that go boom, and the third, hollow pellets that explode on contact and releases a fine powdery substance that temporarily disorients the target if inhaled.
+Spices because plain food is garbage
+Homemade snacks of some sort
+Sugar to placate her fairy friend
+Moth Fairy Vi accompanies Abbie as a friend/pet who feels bad that the girl has lost her ability to fly. She isn't the brightest and can get quite talkative but makes up for it with her sweet cheerful personality. She refers to herself in third person and is considered temporary pet and emergency rations should Abbie find herself left with no more food sources. Also a sugar addict.
+A few vital survival supplies such as a small canteen for water, a first aid kit, flint and steel to start a fire, and a small knife to cut things with.
+An extra outfit, a sewing kit and soap for basic hygiene and to mend torn clothes as packing more than one extra outfit would make her bag too heavy to carry.

Like most Collians, Abigail was born and raised in Collis. Her parents were a couple that had no business having children as they could barely afford to care for themselves. Despite any food shortages, or lack of a stable home, she was actually very close to her parents for the first 10 years at least.

While playing with other kids, she was hit in the head with a ball and fell off a cliff. Barely surviving the fall, when she woke, she had broken a wing and the other was so badly mangled, they had to amputate it. Naturally, her parents could not afford the operation or even the care she would need afterwards. Though they had agreed to pay for it, they didn't stick around to foot the bill. While she was still recovering, they left her and avoided all responsibility.

Alone with no family and suddenly owing money, Abbie was left to stand up and find a job of her own. Thankfully people were somewhat understanding, Though she was harshly judged as a Collian with one wing, they did feel for her and offered her a job in a restaurant where she learned to cook from the head chef. Within five years she paid off her debt and was making enough to fend for herself.

As life moved on, so did she. Collis was home but it was hard to call it home when she could barely get around at times as she was unable to fly. A traveling merchant from Silva solved this dilemma for her. Taking her under his wing, he told her stories and shared knowledge of what the rest of the world was like.

Enticed to see it for herself, she followed along beside him and learned to craft and sew things. The two got along pretty well until she was sold off in an auction. Rather, her remaining wing was.

Defenseless and confused, the vibrant blue wing was removed and she was once again left behind to pick everything back up again. This time, she joined a treasure seeking crew. Her new goal being to find a way to grow back her lost wings or at least earn herself a fortune trying. She had always wanted to travel and this seemed like the best way to do so.

The only downside was their food. It was garbage and it amazed her that they hadn't died from food poisoning. Though she doesn't trust them, they can't prove useful if they die. As such, she took over the chef's position and makes sure they all get something healthy and tasty in their bellies.

Rper Name: Skyhunter

Character Name: Bref Heartwood

Appearence: Bref stands at a good 7 feet and 10 inches, he is gruff and has a large scar down the right side of his face, from his temple to his cheek. Skin is a pale grey. His body is toned from working and honing his body. Upon his face he has a full beard that he has been growing since his departure for adventure. Unlike most Silvans, Bref has a full head of hair, colored black that reaches down to his neck. His eyes are a dark amber, having a knife scar above his left eye. Onto his clothing, Bref wears dark brown leathered boots with a thin wrap of iron within the boots for added protection and better offense. His coat is a faded black that has seen a lot of wear and many adventures, heavy still and offers protection from the elements also with a thin lining of chainmail for better protection when in fights, his coat flows down to the back of his thighs, also helps with concealing any weapons he has within his coat and his arms if need be. His trousers are a faded worn dark blue with many pockets to hide or carry items and weapons. His hands are covered with gloves with knuckle padding to induce more harm and damage onto his unlucky victims. Wears a necklace with a old broken key.

Race: Silvan

Height: 7' 10"

Weight: 410 lbs.


Super strength, thanks to his rather unethical workout regimen when he was younger, Bref was able to achieve great lengths of strength. (Nothing crazy like he can lift a 3 ton boulder with one hand. But can still punch a man's jaw off and disembowl them with his bare hands if needed.)


Combat - Bref has gotten into a lot of fights during his explorations, while not the most refined fighter, he is strong and will study how his opponents fight if in melee combat. But then again, anyone wouldn't be stupid enough to come at a Silvan without a weapon.

Literature - Bref is also very well crafted in speaking different languages and learning about other cultures, he has always found other cultures more interesting than his.

Intimidation - While Bref isn't the biggest Silvan out there, his size, rough voice and scarred/angry looking face already are signs of a dangerous man, the Silvan isn't afraid to get a point across or get what he is after if need be.


Physical - Supernatural

Mental - Veteran

Magic - Human

Equipment -

Bref's Cannon - Having hired a imperial to craft this weapon of destruction for him, Bref made sure to make it heavy so only someone built like him could carry it effectively. The cannon weighs 80 pounds so Bref can aim it effectively.
Description: Bref's Cannon is made mostly of steel and wood, the cannon can shoot whatever he puts inside, even putting nothing inside can fire a large gust of air to stun opponents. Also effective as a melee weapon if need be.

Knuckled gloves
A small pack full of medicine he keeps under his coat
Pocket full of pebbles great for throwing and killing, similar to a sling
A retractable spyglass for scouting or observing
2 sizable flintlocks on each hip
Pouch of bullets for flintlocks
A pouch of gunpowder for his flintlocks
On his back, Bref carries a tower shield made from the carapace of a Ingian on his back to deal with bullets and solar blasts, while he doesn't fully rely on it to protect him, it can get him through a open field full of enemies if he needs to get by while providing cover. Lightweight and reliable, its also good for smashing faces and breaking bones.

Background: I am the captain now - Captain Williams or something

Bref has been on many adventures in the past and is a good 84 years old, leaving his people and culture when he found them... Too soft. Wanted some actual adventure and left his home, still being young, stupid and bright, he found himself in many regrettable situations that had turned into a more serious person, until he's drunk, he only lets those close to him see who he really is. Deep down he cares about people, past experiences that ruined giving trust easily and seeing the worst of the world has changed his perspective on life and people in general. But doesn't mean he doesn't love this life, its how he met Rabbit after all.

Rper Name: Nero Kunivas

Character Name: Arius Diakos, The Unhallowed

Appearance: Clothed head-to-toe in a dark, tattered hooded clerical robe fastened to his body with tight ropes and metal chains and adorned with the symbols and items of worship of his God: Nirgali, the Lord of Death. The back of his robe is the most tattered as it is where he typically strikes himself using his Censer to make the necessary sacrifices to cast magics. Many times it has been hastily repaired and many more times it has just been torn again and again.

His face is that of a tired, weathered and deathly pale caucasian man who appears to be in his mid-30's, aside from all the signs of premature aging/wrinkles, scars and scraggly beard. Arius has a full head of long, unkempt dark brown hair and upon his forehead is a symbol of Nirgali, branded with a hot iron. His eyes are light brown and constantly bloodshot, his left is also scarred due to a near-miss from a mugger, but still functions.

Race: Human

Height: 6'1

Weight: 160 lbs

Abilities: None

  • Deciphering Texts
  • Knowledge of the ways of the Gods & Old Magic
  • Flail Proficiency (Uses his modified Censer as such.)
  • Religion
  • Forest Survival
  • First Aid
  • Sewing
  • Alchemy, focused on the more magical aspects of the art in spite of the risks.

Physical - Trained
Arius has a degree of physical ability, due to constant sacrifices, lengthy pilgrimages and frequent bouts of combat with bandits on his long journeys. Possesses a deceptive frame that makes him appear frail, allowing him the element of surprise in physical combat. The use of a flail also necessitated building some muscle.

Mental - Talented
Having studied the ways of not only his Religion and magics, but also the ways of those he either doesn't practice or considers heretics as well as ancient history, Arius has honed his mind and become quite knowledgeable. His insatiable desire to learn more about ancient curios keeps his mind as sharp as it's become.

Magic - Veteran
Repeated blood sacrifices, be it his own or that of the wicked has allowed Arius to learn much and more about the old ways of Magic, something seen as taboo in this day and age. He is an expert in his field, particularly on the matters of Death Magic and Unholy powers.

  • Spiked Censer/Flail "Penance": The primary instrument of Arius's faith as well as his pain, doubly so for the wicked who stand in his way. A heavy weapon capable of crushing shields and armour carries a constantly burning incense of a mysterious make within its head, giving it an ominous green glow and embers flowing from it.
  • Sacrificial Dagger "Eternity": A ceremonial blade used for the more taxing sacrifices, typically used to murder the wicked, often by slitting their throat, to offer a much larger blood sacrifice as well as the life of the victim to cast more powerful spells. Should Nirgali will it, Arius will be willing to use Eternity on himself to make a more permanent sacrifice.
  • Weathered Spellbook: An ancient tome that contains all the spells and invocations Arius needs to curse his enemies and exalt his allies.
  • The Texts of Nirgali: Arius's guiding star, the sacred texts of Nirgali, the Lord of Death all contained within a small, unassuming book.
  • Other texts of the Old Gods: Smaller parchments that contain the words of other Old Gods related to Nirgali, to whom he also pays tribute at Nirgali's behest, or if he feels he must.
  • A Bag containing Nirgali's money, natural ingredients for his potions and the substance within his Censer, tools to repair his weapons, sewing tools and materials, along with food and water.
  • Medical kit, a basic toolkit to mend injuries. A more practiced hand is something Arius desires and seeks out to tend to his more severe wounds.

Background: Originally from a small, obscure village hidden within the forests of Silva and among the few humans that reside there that aren't Imperials, Arius Diakos was never comfortable with the quiet life as a child, always seeking something more to this life than just hiding among the true dwellers of the great forests. His family was that of a band of thieves and thus, they had many treasures and curios with them to keep the boy entertained, which is where he first discovered the name of Nirgali and became fascinated with death and dark magics.

His curiosity quickly turned to a disturbing obsession, as Arius began making sacrifices according to Nirgali's will, who he told his parents was speaking to him in his dreams. This was achieved by his kidnapping of the pets and livestock of villagers and draining them dry of all of their blood in order to appease Nirgali and become more powerful and learned in the ways of the dark arts. As a late teenager, Arius felt he was being too selfish by only sacrificing the lives of others, as according to the teachings of Nirgali: "To live is to suffer and to suffer is to live." Suffering was one of the key tenets of Nirgali, cited as the key to growing stronger and so, he began self-flagellation and sacrificed his own blood on more than one occasion.

The villagers began calling Arius "The Cursed Child" or "The Unhallowed" due to these tendencies and the Village Elder threatened his family openly, demanding they curb Arius's disturbing behaviour or they would be thrown out. A few days later, the Elder was dead due to a slit throat. Arius proudly claimed responsibility, denouncing the Elder as wicked for threatening his family rather than just Arius. Though hated, Arius stood by his actions and took it a step further, by departing the village of his own accord to undertake pilgrimages and explore the world to learn more of his God, old magic and to punish the wicked.

Nirgali came to him in a dream not long ago and bid him to seek out the Treasure Hunters to join their ranks to undertake his greatest pilgrimage. In spite of his dark and twisted interests, Arius got along quite well with people once they looked past the surface, so he eagerly accepted, both to fulfil his pilgrimage to punish more wicked souls, but to see if he could find Treasure related to the old gods, perhaps artifacts from bygone eras or a greater purpose than even that with Nirgali gave him.

Rper Name: Nero Kunivas

Character Name: Aquila Vitalis, the Elegant Tempest

Appearance: A tall, fairly slender young man with short and choppy orange hair with a few small, lighter blonde streaks, sharp facial features and faded blue eyes that have seemingly lost their light. Aquila wears a beaded earring on his left ear embedded with a small ruby and a red mask pulled off to one side of his head, only donning it in combat.

Aquila wears a rather illustrious looking ensemble of a black jacket with dark red and light grey details, black pants with red trimming, and black boots and gloves, the former with red soles and a red fade from the top of the boots. He leaves his jacket unbuttoned at the end to reveal a belt holds a strange amethyst gem and leaves a small window to his lower belly. His gloves are short and expose his wrists, along with a decorated red banner that is worn across his chest and over his left shoulder which often flutters in the wind.

Race: Human (Imperial)

Height: 6'1

Weight: 170lbs

Abilities: Save for his emergency transformation, none.

  • Swordsmanship
  • Dual Wielding
  • Bladed Polearm Skills
  • Diplomacy
  • Deception
  • Fishing
  • Creative Writing
  • Very Basic Bowmanship


Physical - Veteran
Trained since childhood via private lessons funded by his affluent family, Aquila is at his physical peak. A deft hand with his blades, stronger than his appearance would belie and faster than many are prepared for, Aquila is both lethal and graceful in combat, wielding every kind of bladed weapon with great skill. Only Bows have provided some trouble due to lack of practice and familiarity.

Mental - Talented
Educated in a private school and blessed with a brilliant mind, though a bit of a slacker at times, Aquila has sharpened his mental abilities almost as well as his blades, tied with his tongue that has gotten him out of, or into trouble, more times than he can count. Always keen to improve, he practices speeches to himself and indulges in spots of creative writing whenever the mood takes him, throwing together poems with his eyes closed.

Magic - Supernatural
Should an incredibly dire situation arise, Aquila is capable of using a dangerous yet incredibly powerful technique known as "The All-Consuming Deep", a transformation that causes Aquila to double in size, don black and violet armour and levitate into the air, all while gaining incredible Electromancy power and something even darker and sinister besides, all while empowering and transforming his weapon and his body.

His armour is predominantly black, with a fade of violet from his midriff to his upper thighs, his mostly unaltered collar but complemented with a new, feathery secondary collar, his banner transforming into a true cape that seems to be woven from the very cosmos itself. His now armoured arms also end in sharp, grey claws upon his fingers, his legs are quite armoured too, with a silver lining and a violet diamond pattern on his kneecaps. Whether he's wearing his mask or not, it will completely overtake his face, elongating to sport long horns at his head. The face of his mask is entirely featureless, save for a single purple eye, while his hair increases in volume and spikes upward.

The All-Consuming Deep Transformation offers great power but at a grave cost, for the state constantly drains Aquila's life force in order to sustain it. Prolonged usage can lead to a deep state of exhaustion that can be recovered from, but any further usage beyond that without recovery, or an overly prolonged usage will result in an agonizing death.

  • Solar Tech Dual Blades/Double-bladed Polearm "Elegance": Finely crafted dual swords augmented with Solar power that can be combined together to form a double-bladed polearm for versatility, these blades have served Aquila well in many a training session and true battle. These blades are capable of producing high-voltage arcs of electricity to enhance the weapon's overall power and augment his attacks, typically by increasing range and some area of affect attacks.
  • Solar Tech Bow and Arrow "Vitalis Bow": A family heirloom that Aquila has taken up recently purely to practice and raise the stakes in combat. Ever the thrillseeker, Aquila gets his kicks from using a weapon he is inexperienced with so that, should he win, it'll make the victory all the sweeter. For the sake of covering for his lack of ability with the bow however, he has had the old bow augmented with Solar tech, empowering the specially made arrows in a similar manner to his blades/polearm.
  • Backup Knives; One hidden in his right boot, another up his right sleeve.
  • Bag containing sharpening stones, weapon repair tools, food and water, money and another knife.

Background: Born to an affluent family, groomed since birth to become a Captain in the Imperial Army only to lose his birthright to a rival family's sabotage, Aquila has become something of a thrillseeker in recent years, the reasons why are unknown to his friends and family, yet he will always be found by the former, beyond city walls, hunting down and killing very dangerous beasts or roaming mercenaries and warriors, always seeking a challenging fight, no matter the risk to his own life.

After losing the Captainship, Aquila sought to gain an edge over his rival and decided, despite his Imperial upbringing, to delve into the forbidden arts of magic, making contact with the God of Storms, seeking great power. He got his wish when the God of Storms informed him that by actively burning up his own life force, Aquila could wield power beyond his wildest dreams. With such a great cost to the power, even the patron deity warned him not to indulge too deeply and as such, Aquilla has only ever called upon the power of "The All-Consuming Deep" once in his life: To ensure not even ashes remained of his rival.

Having tasted true power, Aquilla was soon motivated to take his escapades to the skies, seeking out and joining a Treasure Hunting crew, to find greater thrills, tougher foes and ever more power for him to control. After all; "There are no greater thrills than hooking up with a motley crew and seeing the world while you're still young~!"
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work in progress
work in progress
Time: 12:00 PM
Day: Tuesday
Sunny and warm with a pleasant breeze
Those Involved: @TheEccentric @Monbon @Monster @The Last Curse @Elvario @Ur Degaton @ItariChan @Grehstone @Valkan @slifer @Skyhunter @Nero Kunivas @Cards @Rads
TooLongDidn'tRead: All characters are aboard the team airship (The Happy Return) flying over the Elderoles. They are intro'ing and deciding what the team's next job/endeavor will be.

Note From The Author: (Welcome to the show. Be sure to ask questions, engage with each other, and try to have fun.)
Post Listening:

The Happy Return


Other than the gentle creek of wood and sway of fabric in the breeze, The Happy Return drifted almost soundlessly through the clouds over the ocean and Elderoles below. Massive island landmasses occasionally came into view for any looking overboard, but most of their view would have been taken up by collosal cloud stacks and blue sky as far as the eye could see. The sun felt warm but the breeze kept things comfortable. Despite the ship's height, one could still smell the salty air coming from all around them. The crew of the ship busied themselves cleaning, scrubbing, and wiping down the deck while a few scaled the rope ladders and tended to the sails at the helmsman's calls. The helmsman, himself, kept the ship on a steady course. Normal sailing ships handled little better than barges in the water, but air ships were far more delicate and touchy. It required a steady hand at all times.

Below deck, in passages just large enough that the large creatures could duck into, the crew were split between leisure activities, below deck duties like mess and maintenance, and sleeping. There was a bit of a smell despite the cleaning and the occasional draft of air. Too many bodies in too close quarters for too long sometimes. When it gets bad enough, the crew open the port holes to allow fresh air to blow through the entire ship. Occasionally the helmsman will guide the ship into a cloud berg to allow the crew to get moist enough they can wash off a layer or two of grime.

Aside from the crew of the ship, there was the treasure hunter team. It's members were more varied than the ship's crew and each was a specialist in one or more areas. The Happy Return was a treasure hunter's ship. While the crew kept it flying, the treasure hunter team went out to perform jobs and find treasures that funded the whole enterprise. It has been a while since their last job and there was never a shortage of work. Currently, all members are gathered in or moving toward the meeting room of the ship. One of the larger rooms on the ship, it housed a back window to see out the rear of the ship just above the thrusters that quietly burned. The center of the room was a table with a map of the Elderoles spread over it. It showed the six nations' estimated outlines as well as major features. Major settlements were also landmarked since most of them had airports for the ship. On the walls surrounding the table were various notes, clues, pictures, and other bits of useful content that the Treasure Hunters could look over while they discussed the next job.

Currently, the team had narrowed down their activites to the following 6 jobs. While some had an opinion that did not include the listed 6, the listed 6 seemed the most promising as far as return on investment went. The jobs were:

1. Odd monsters have appeared in the nation of Igni. These new monsters are particularly dangerous and are foreign to the ecosystem. The nation was too proud to petition help with the matter, but an open bounty has been posted on all the creatures and an even bigger reward if the answers to where the monsters were coming from and why are provided.

2. The town of Lemoor in the nation of Silva is experiencing hardships with their local government. The local government recently fell into the hands of an appointed Imperial official who is rumored to be more a demon than a man. He harshly taxes the residents and abuses his authority as the least of his transgressions. Aiding the town would not be worth much silvers, but the governor's manor is said to have a wealth of history and information including mention of a lost treasure hidden in the area. Prior attempts to access the manor were halted and risked a conflict that would brand the team enemies of the state. This time around, it is reasoned there is sufficient evidence to overthrow the official.

3. Sky Pirates have been harassing some of the ports of Collis. Whoever resolves the issue is entitled to any and all of the pirate's accumulated wealth, stolen or otherwise. Additionally, the nation is willing to pay out an extra bonus if sufficient proof of desired results is provided with minimal collateral damage. The pirates have been pillaging ports and ships alike, so the idea that they have stolen goods is likely. Their weaponry is a mixture of solar tech and tradition cannons and flitlocks. It's assumed they can't be based far since their twilight attacks would not allow their ship to escape too far before needing to land in the water.

4. There's an escort job in Sedamontes. Apparently a load of valuable minerals needs extra special protection from the mine to the town of processing. The destination is relatively far from source due to the nature of the harvested mineral needing extra special treatment. The delivery will have to go through rugged wilderness which is prone to banditry and monsters. There were no prior routes through the area, so it will not be properly policed by the time the shipment will need to move. The delicate nature of the mineral adds to the difficulty. Too much bumping will cause the mineral to break apart into inert powder with few uses and much less value.

5. A recently discovered Tomb in Arenos has proven more dangerous than originally thought. The explorers with original claim to the site have put out a help notice. Turns out unfriendly natives, hazardous environment and conditions, and hostile creatures have made the tomb a modern crypt for some of the team and a holding area for trapped or taken allies assuming they are still alive. The job would be a rescue mission with the reward being a share of the final cut on any treasures recovered. It is assumed whether or not the rescue is successful, the team would assist with further Tomb exploration until complete. The sages overseeing the exploration did not appear to be particularly greedy for much more than the historical knowledge, so it seemed particularly lucrative.

6. The Saltu natives have recently started telling tales of an uptick in undead sightings in a certain region of the jungle nation. They are openly seeking assistance in investigating the matter. They believe it likely some form of unrest relating to the spirit world that could be settled in the material plane depending on the cause. However, not all matters are simple to solve. In exchange for the risk any willing parties would take, the Saltus have agreed to aid the party in locating and exploring some of the ruins of the nation, traditionally forbidden to outsiders.

Any other jobs and including the ones listed are up for debate and actively being discussed. Additional information can be given to characters that ask/seek it out. Particularly talented individuals in the fields of knowledge or with a racial heritage of the islands in question may be privy to additional information.

Julius Scott was strolling through the quiet passageways, only the sound of wood creaking under his feet and a familiar tune resonating in his metallic chassis. Amidst his afternoon routine of polishing the ship's equipment, a fellow crewmate told him he was needed in the meeting room. Though on any other day, he would suspect he was required to clean up one of Bref's drunken mishaps or deal with the aftermath of Rabbit's peculiar requests, today was different - the treasure-hunters were finally getting back into action. Julius immediately made his way to the meeting room upon hearing the news, not before changing into a clean pair of clothes.

Though it was always lovely to meet up with the rest of the treasure hunters, Julius was more excited to meet with the recruits. Along with the other treasure hunters, he gave the new bloods a warm welcome to The Happy Return, but he never got the chance to know them, he was steeped in work, or they were off on their duties elsewhere in the ship. Now would be the perfect opportunity to reacquaint himself with them; if they were traveling through foreign lands, it'd be best to know a thing or two about each other.

Finally, Julius entered the meeting room, giving a slight wave to everyone inside. "Good afternoon everyone, How're we doin' today?" He asked as he walked over to the side of the central table.

Taking a peek at the map draped on the table, Julius saw several points highlighted with small map pins. Next, he looked behind him and saw some notes on the wall, some of them detailing the jobs in each area. His eyes skimmed through every page, taking in enough information to get the gist of each assignment. Out of all of them, the job with the Saltus, the mission in Arenos, and the delivery in Sedamontes drew his attention. Always a fan of exploring ancient ruins, the first two assignments seemed promising - though he had to factor in the lack of sunlight, his primary source of energy. The third mission didn't have this problem, but it seemed far riskier; the wilds of Sedamontes were notoriously vicious, and its inhabitants were no different.

Julius was conflicted, but he knew the others would have different opinions on where to go. With a little convincing, the other treasure hunters could sway him to their pick, but for now, he decided to wait for everyone else to arrive.
Keone Nagendra

Interactions: Julius @The Last Curse |

Keone slithered through the ship at a relaxed place, greeting everyone, crew and fellow treasure-hunters alike, whilst checking if nothing was too out of the ordinary. She'd been in a good mood lately, which got even better when they were finally going to discuss their next mission. Keeping still for too long wasn't healthy for a group like theirs, so anyone was likely going to be eager to be on th move again.

She slithered into the meeting room and looked at the map, greeting Julius upon his entrance. "Good afternoon to you too~ I'm doing great, it's always exciting to be on the move again, isn't it?"

She looked at the missions listed before them, thinking aloud as she went over her considerations one more time. "Hmm.. Strange monsters... sounds more like a mercenary job. Taking down a local government? Sounds like more political trouble than it's worth, especially in the long run. Sky pirates..?" She paused, looking at Julius. "Do you think they're the fuckers you escaped from? I'd love to give them what they're due." She waved a flintlock pistol around as she said it.

She then looked at the rest of the missions. "Yikes, escorting something fragile with our group sounds like a death-sentence. That tomb in Arenos seems interesting enough, but I don't like the idea of sharing, or of having to trust them to share, for that matter..."
None of the missions were looking particularly promising, but in all honestly, she'd already been hoping for the last one. "Yeah... I still think we should go deal with the Saltu natives. Killing some undead means we don't have to worry about morals or politics and I'm sure we've got some people smart enough to figure out what's going on. It's also the one that gives us the most interesting location to hunt for treasure, if you were to ask me."
Bref Heartwood

Loud footsteps could be heard coming on down the corridors, the Captain, Bref Heartwood closed in on the meeting room. Through the doors walked a rather large, although small in some people's eyes, Silvan. Unlike the traditional style Silvan's looked, this one had a full beard and grown out long hair with dark amber eyes. One of his four hands brought up a cigar to his mouth from which he took a large whiff of before releasing out into the air. The large Silvan stared at the first two in the room, the naga Keone who's been here longer than he has and Julius Scott, the strange ghost that has been imbued within a hollow husk, while he didn't say anything to the two, he did acknowledge their presences. His lower arms crossed across his chest, " Seems we finally have work again. About time. " The Silvan said in a rough voice as he walked on over to overlook the quests they had this time.

While smoking his cigar, Bref took a gander at the large map of the Elderoles, looking at each nation that had the most promising jobs. His eyes stared at the map for a while before he stood up straight and grunted in approval " Interesting jobs this time it seems, unlike last time. " The Captain commented as he took another hit off his cigar, flicking ash onto the floor before he took another hit, releasing smoke into the air once more.

Looking to his companions, ones he have known for a while at this point, only a few years. He could rely on them for certain things since each of them have their strengths and weaknesses, " I like the last couple of jobs. The Tomb in Arenos is promising, even with all these dangerous situations; aggressive natives, deadly environments, killer creatures... Sounds like a lot of fun. " Bref commented. " Get as many treasures as we can and get a big payout while also having to save incompetent explorers. Sounds like its balanced out. " Bref looked to the next quest that peeked his interest.

" Saltu... The frogs need undead dispatched or cleansed. Sounds like a opportunity to let loose. " Bref took another hit of his cigar, flicking ash onto the floor once more. " And they'll lead us into forbidden ruins that could hold valuable treasures within, its possible no outsiders that been within these ruins and they are rich with riches. " Bref gave a rough chuckle at his own stupid joke. " This could also be a huge payout. " Bref stated as he stared at his two companions with a foreboding look.

Mentions: @The Last Curse @Elvario
Belikov Kavinsky

Bell didn't remember falling asleep last night. He didn't even remember getting up from his desk. But the door was locked, and he had awoken in his bed, so who else could've put him there but he himself? He had no idea how long he'd been out, but he still felt tired, even as he rolled out of a bed intended for another race's children. He found himself in the same clothes he'd worn the night before, chemical smock and all. Briefly, he worried that the gap in his memory was related to some chemical mishap, but no evidence could be found. At least his mask and knife were on his bedside table, rather than on his face or in his heart. He redressed sluggishly now, as he prepared for another day.

Bell, dressed for another day of sky, was immediately confronted by the knowledge a meeting was called. A curt nod was given to the crewman who delivered it, along with an acknowledging thumbs-up. He would have thanked the man, but saying anything through the clipped "beak" of his mask, filled with filtering materials as it was, proved to be near-impossible without shouting. Even breathing was difficult, but the Sedamon made due. His other choice was to be unprepared for one of their more… recent recruits. One he was now almost guaranteed to meet today. Serimin. A female of his kind. Without his mask, she could render him helpless. With it, he at least had a moment to run. He'd avoided her since she boarded, and petitioned repeatedly to have her released from contract, but to no avail. For a week, the others told him she was Atypical, intelligent, a woman of reason. And for that week, he ensured she only caught distant glances of him. So, double checking the tightness of his hood, he slogged down the hall, feeling like a man condemned.

As he entered the meeting hall, he could hear everything the captain said, even as he awkwardly dragged over a high stool and clambered up to get a good look at the map. Reviewing the sheets of parchment just as the captain had before, the ex-student had to agree on one of them.

"I concur; The Arenos Tomb assignment would be an excellent opportunity. The explorers at least claim their pursuits are of a scholarly nature, and so long as they get a few detailed sketches of the artifacts we take, they'll be happy. And while I could agree to the Saltu… extermination? The undead contract, I mean. The wording of our 'Reward' seems a little vague. We might not be allowed to take anything with us. I still think the information inside those tombs will be valuable, and I would relish studying them… But we need money, don't we?"

He said, trying not to bring up that third contract. The one that would take them to his homeland. The one that could also see him working alongside his kind. If anyone tried to argue its merits, he'd oppose them on every front.
Serimin Robleus

It had been a strange week for Serimin and Ukorihs. It was strange to not be constantly on the move, looking for her next contract. Recently, she was running low on contracts. And while her young dragon companion was fun to be around, her arguably blessed brain craved for more enrichening company. Said company came to her in the form of a treasure hunter crew.

At first, she was doubtful. Barely leaving her room or speaking, she barely needed to do the latter as a bounty hunter. She found herself struggling to find conversation topics on her own. Was she nervous? Most likely. She'd like to somewhat settle down, but at the same time, extend her lifespan again. If she wanted to enjoy the 4 or so years she had left, she'd better learn to be a good comrade. So while she lurked around by herself, too nervous to establish conversation with anyone other than the occasional obligatory interaction, she made up her mind. Whenever the treasure hunting crew had a meeting, she would start trying to make friends among them.

The day came sooner rather than later. And so as soon as she was informed, Serimin headed for the Meeting Hall. Considering she had her customary set of armor on and carried her sword at her hip, as was the case most of the time, heavy steps could be heard if one paid attention. She opened the door and made her way in, looking at the people gathered inside from behind her helm. She slowly bowed her head and followed with a polite "Good afternoon, apologies for the delay". She slowly paced towards one corner of the room, taking note of the map, and stopping briefly to inspect the missions they could go for. She remained quiet however, unsure of how exactly would her thoughts be considered, or if she perhaps needed a turn to speak. Things of that nature. She instead observed and waited. Taking particular curiosity on the fellow with a peculiar mask, it looked interesting.
Alone in his quarters, Rabbit sat on his bed. Serene silence filling the air, he gazed softly at the maps sprawled across his floor, their fading inks a testament to their age. Deep in his bones, he could feel the brittleness, and a sensation of breathlessness haunted him like the waves against the coast. He and the maps weren't too different; they all held secrets from a bygone era, ones that will fade away like sand in the wind when the harsh corrosion of time holds hands with the spirit of innovation.

The dim light of his candle flickered on the glinting surface of a compass, with a design and worth many would call noble. His wind adrift, winking much like the small flame beside him, he stood and transferred all his articles into satchels. Now hung on his body, these satchels look meager and poor, unbefitting of the worth within, but nonetheless, they serve their purpose. With a soft cough behind his mask, immaterial hands grab at the metal object hung on his wall, and somberly he went to meet the others.


Along the way, his invisible hands tapped at the metal object floating in front of him, a percussive performance leading his way. Arriving at the meeting room, some familiar faces met his hidden eyes. Keone Nagendra, the serpent woman, is a sight that isn't too foreign to him.
"A naga, a rare specimen outside the sands, but they are a race that nonetheless suffers some of..." He shook those thoughts aside, trying not to let the memories of his past mingle too long. The next face he stared at was Bref Heartwood, a hulk of a silvan, and a companion who's provided much for Rabbit's eccentric hobbies. Lastly, Julius Scott, bathed in a mystery similar to Rabbit. Before, Aresonian pondered lengthily about the iron man's existence, his purpose in a world which he can likely outlast with enough caution and wisdom.

The others remained fresh as morning dew to him though, likely to fade away when the sun rises, dissipating away. The male Sedamontes joined when Rabbit was accomplishing his tasks for another crew of treasure hunters, while the female was a mere babe compared to the rest. He's yet to see them in action, and thus, he will doubt them until they prove their abilities.

The music still in the air, he turned to everyone and spoke with a soft voice but rough voice, like the wind against dried bone.
"Bref Heartwood, your words ring of sensibility. The sands are brimming with riches outsiders can only imagine. I shall not stop your defiling of our tombs but know you risk tainting your heart with wrongness if you continue with your plight."

His mask then flickers its face towards the naga, a nod of a head followed with a lean of the neck. "Keone Nagendra speaks wisdom. The dead have no reason for morals and politics, thus their return to peace will least affect our hearts. The lush jungles of Saltu are not fond of me, they bicker with the wind and rain to halt my travels. Prepare for great hurdles."

While speaking, his spare hands grab at the scrolls within his satchels and gently sprawled them over the table, covering some of the missions. "If you hunger for riches beyond measure, my maps will lead us to them. The journey will be harsh, and the lands ahead harsher. My payment will be in tales, so your decisions shall determine the worth of the stories.", ending with his words is the music, as if to signify the weight of their decision could end the calmness and order of their future.

(He lays 3 maps, 1 will lead close to the heart of the Ignian Volcano, another to a secret house of an ancient Collian grandmaster painter. The last can't promise wealth, because it'll direct the party to a mythological pit in the ground, the supposed source of Arenos' desertification.)
The pitter-patter of small webbed feet could be heard, as a goose strolled into the room as if it belonged there.
It waddled its way to the seat furthest in the back, hopping up to the chair with a flap of it's wings, making sure it was standing face forward. That was when the goose's shape rippled, expanding from the small avian form to a more humanoid shape- a man with his shirt clinging to his chest, his pants being both short and made almost as if to accentuate his ass. Due to Collian technology, his clothes fit him well, working around the obvious impediment to clothing- the large pair of dark brown wings protruding from his back. He looked young and youthful, his size helping much in that regard, considering his small stature and the wings folded against his back.

"Good Afternoon!" Remy said cheerfully to everyone, his socked feet dangling from the chair that was slightly too big for him. He gave a little wave to Bell, as he had been spending time with the male Sedamon, fascinated by the man's work and wanting to learn more. Then again, though he had only been on the ship for awhile, he had tried to make himself useful- helping anyone who would let him. Slightly less on the cleaning and cooking aspects, but it was clear his strengths were mental rather than physical. Then again, the ship did seem to run a little smoother when someone was there to give some extra help to whomever needed it.

Either way, it was time to voice his opinion, knowing that it would help bring the group to a decision. He had read the information already, before the meeting had been called. He had just returned from a flight around the ship, and was doing a quick check of the ship, wanting to spot any problems to the ship before they became costly to fix.

"The undead tend to bring more trouble then they're worth. IF the spirit realm is in that much distress, then it will not be a simple fix. Any mission involving other pirates might damage the ship, and that will severely impede any chances of future employment. I vote for the escort mission in Sedamonte or excavating the Tomb in Arenos. Less politics, and less chances of being thrown in prison because a corrupt politician is hostile to our presence." Remy added, throwing his two cents in, before quieting down, respectful to anyone else who added their opinion of which job they should take.
Keone Nagendra

Interactions: Bell @Grehstone | Rabbit @TheEccentric | Serimin @Valkan

Keone nodded along with Bref's opinion on the Saltu job, although she wasn't one to appreciate the attempted humor, she at least shared his opinion. It's also why she was quick to come up with a counter-argument against Bell. "You'd have to be particularity idiotic to offer access to ruins as a reward to anyone, including treasure-hunters, without expecting them to be looted it for all they're worth, so if that's the angle they're going for, I'd say nobody would blame us for simply taking from them what we're owed, assuming a worst case scenario. Then again, I honestly doubt the Saltu would try to pull off a trick like that, not when they seem desperate."

Remy's objection was a little more problematic. The best at magic in their group, for as far as she was aware, was Bell. The odd Rabbit and somewhat shady Sekani also seemed to have a fair bit of knowledge on the topic, so between the three of them, surely they'd be able to do something against the undead. Considering Rabbit had agreed with her previously, sort-off, she figured he'd be the best bet. "What do you think, Rabbit, have you ever dealt with undead and he spirit realm before?"

Deciding to spread her chances, she also turned back to Bell."Other than not trusting the Saltu themselves, do you think you could deal with whatever magic or something is causing the undead?" She was also a bit concerned about something else, so she slithered up to him to be able to whisper. "Are you still worried about Serimin, for you to be wearing all that? She's behaved up until this point, surely that proves something right?"

To put some power behind her words, after noticing something mildly problematic, she slithered up (and partially wrapped herself around) Serimin, the latter going almost so subconsciously and naturally that you'd think it was just a snake climbing a tree. She'd once again be whispering. "You can give your opinion as much as you want, you know, you're part of the group now~"
Sekani had become increasingly restless with the lack of work and had spent the last couple weeks running around the ship and stealing small items off of the various crew members and following behind them playing random, annoying tunes on their kalimba to keep themselves amused. This often resulted in getting yelled at, and sometimes involved getting hit, but that was all part of the fun. They were among the first told about the meeting, the crew desperate to get rid of them. The thought of a new job excited Sekani, but they were in no hurry to get to the meeting room. Sekani hated these meetings. They were boring and Sekani never cared which mission was picked. In their opinion, the best way to pick a mission was to roll a dice. Surprises were always more fun than carefully thought out plans. Most of the time they only stayed long enough to pick someone at random and copy their vote. Sometimes they skipped the meetings altogether. They were, however, planning to go to this one. They hadn't been able to get a good look at the newer recruits yet.

After about 15 minutes, Sekani finally made their way to the meeting room. They figured by now, most of the group should already be gathered. They slipped into the meeting room quietly and looked around. Then, made their way to Seramin, ignoring the conversation going on and stared at her curiously while making a slow circle around her. Those who knew them well would realize Sekani was seeing if Seramin had anything interesting on her to steal. It was hard to get a good look with Keone wrapped around her though, so Sekani instead moved over Remy, making the same slow circle around him before standing next to him. Their red ribbon floated into the middle of the group and shaped itself into an arrow before spinning and coming to a stop pointing at Bell. Then, it returned to hang around their neck. Sekani would vote match their vote to Bell's. Normally, they would leave now, but one of the newer members were still missing so they waited.

@Valkan @Elvario @slifer @Grehstone
Sweat dripped from his brow as Alfred stared at his workbench in deep concentration. The bench itself was adorned with many tools, parts, and hastily drawn schematics, some of which would look like nothing more than a Rorschach test to those who view them. At the center of the table was a spherical device, it's brass exterior having been bisected to reveal the object's inner mechanisms. In his hand was a vial filled with an unknown substance, one that he took great care to not move or shake around. With a steady hand, he brings the vial closer and closer to the device, almost methodically careful in his actions. With a slight turn of his wrist, he tried pouring the contents into a chamber at the center of the device. A single drop, almost as thick as sap, begins to slowly deep out of the tube and towards the contraption below.

'Now, once this creation is complete, I can fina-'

Before he could finish his train of thought, someone opened his cabin door, the intruder lacked subtlety in their actions and thus created a loud racket as they all but kicked down his door. More than startled, Alfred sucks in an absorbent amount of oxygen as the vial shakes slightly from the newcomer's actions. The drop of viscous substance that was dropping towards the workbench wiggles around aimlessly, almost missing the table entirely. Fortunately, that does not happen, as the drop of liquid eventually slides down into the chamber. He sets the vial aside before quickly closing the device with an audible hiss.

Alfred wipes the sweat off his forehead before twisting around in his chair to face the one who so rudely interrupted him. It was a crew member, and they had come to tell him of a meeting amongst the other treasure hunters. While this did placate the engineer slightly, he still gave the crewman a lecture on the importance of never disturbing the work of a scientist. A lecture that seemed to go over the man's head entirely as they clearly could not understand half the words he used. Eventually he gave up on educating a sailor and hastily got dressed, putting on his outfit, mask, and gear with practiced ease. With that out of the way, he locks up his cabin/laboratory and made his way to the map room.

Upon arriving he noticed that nearly everybody was already there. "Ah, good day my fellow tomb raiders and raidettes," He said simply before making his way over to the map to see what was on the job market. Whilst the others conversed, he silently skimmed through the list of jobs that were being offered. Most of them seemed rather cut and dry, except for the second one. A village being oppressed by a government screamed possibilities, though he was positive that the others were leaning towards the more action packed missions.

"I know my opinion will probably be an unpopular one, but I vote for the town of Lemoor in the nation of Silva. There are countless opportunities to extort the local government's financial connections and steal important documentation. If what they say about the manor is true, then not only may we find the whereabouts of an important treasure, but the manor itself must be filled with riches that pertain to such a greedy governor."
Bref Heartwood

Bref stared at Bell as he came on into the meeting room, even awkwardly dragging a stool on the floor which caught the ire of the Captain as he stared at the ex student. Watching as they climbed on up to get a look at the map, the entire time as they read each new quest, Bref stared at the youngling the entire time until they finally said something and agreed with the Captain. Bref smirked with cockiness until that smirked turned into a grimace when Bell pointed out how they would get paid. Has this boy never heard of stealing or payment?

Before he could answer that statement himself, Keone had already answered that, and she put it in a more kind answer compared to what Bref would have said. Bref did facepalm and released a exhausted sigh as Keone answered, he was already done with this meeting and it hadn't began yet. The captain's eyes perked up when he saw their newest member, a female Sedamon, dressed in her white armour which to Bref was a bit showy and bright. Bref took another hit off his cigar, his amber eyes lighting up from the end of the cigar burning brightly. Hearing her apologize for being late when she was pretty early considering she was one of the first few to arrive, he ignored her by not responding and instead looked to the door to see who was coming next.

To see the one strange being known as Rabbit. "
Oh great, the black market benefactor arrives. " Heartwood commented as he took another whiff from his habit of nicotine. As Rabbit commented on those who were in the room first when he commented that Bref risked 'tainting his heart with wrongness.' Bref stared at the eccentric critter. " Yeah, well, stuff your ass with your philosophical nonsense. " Bref stated pointing at him with his cigar in his fingers. " Hurry up and offer your maps up. " Bref watched the strange creature push open the maps over the table. His eyes then moved to the door and watched a goose come waddle its way into the meeting room.

Great, this one. " Bref grumbled under his breath " Goose, you loud bird ready to cook over a open flame. " Bref called over more people joining " If you start honking I'm going to have Julius cook you for dinner tonight. " Bref pointed at the goose as Rabbit explained more about his maps as his eyes moved over to see Keone slithering around the new female Sedamon's leg " Keone, we've already talked about this, not on the new people. Do that to someone like Bell, he's awkward enough to freak out and he's been here long enough. " Bref stated while flicking ash off his cigar onto the floor.

Then he eyes turned back to Bell "
You stop being so awkward, you've been acting more strange since we got the new Sedamon. " Bref called out, basically putting his laundry out in front of everyone to see.

Mentions: @Elvario @TheEccentric @slifer @Grehstone
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