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What is Iron Shogun? Iron Shogun is a Steam Punk/Feudal Japan inspired rp. It leans heavily on the book series Lotus Wars for inspiration (Downright theft in some aspects. But I digress.) Its setting is one of a Empire teetering on the edge of civil war. The Shogun has repressed his people for ages, and his war machine has expanded westward contentiously. But the threats are very much internal, and some of them far worse then any angry preasant. Yokai, demons and spirits of the Underworld are reappearing en massé. All the while, the Golden Isles as the Empire is known as, is being consumed by Blood Lotus, a plant that whie usefull for anything from fuel to rope and essential to the industrial new era, it is also addicting and toxic and spreading like wild fire. A week that destroys any other plant life.

What can you expect; Duels, Court Intrigue, Downright war, martial arts goodness, mechanized samurai suits, Japanese folklore inspired monsters and political and socialist change brought on by bloodshed. The RP is charachter driven, but the world will conspire and move without your direct input. I offer a dynamic experience to the best of my abilities. Kill someone important, expect a domino effect. You can also expect death, character death among it. If you do not take heed in battle, or mind your tongue when in the wrong company, you might end up in the river somewhere ...

What Are the Mechanics like?
Players have a wealth of information at their fingertips and the mechanics for characters is fairly simple. Players will pick a archetype, essentially a basic blueprint to what they are playing. Be it a Foreigner stuck in a strange land or people brought over from the occupied territories or maybe you feel like playing a local samurai. Each one has is own weakness and unique options. Customization comes from traits; defining physical or mental aspects. Each Archtype has a few unique to them aside from a large list of general ones. Last you get to make two entirely unique to your own character.

These traits will level up, become more beneficial as your character grow. You will spend points, and build your style or your character development not only by telling your story, but also mechanically.

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