


Original poster
So the handle I go by is Shrike. I have RPED on other websites before but not found one as Free Form as this before. This website seems more interesting than some of the ones I have been on. I am a fan of the Fandoms of DC comics, Marvel Comics, Code Lyoko, Some Fantasy RPs an other Rp types. I am also goo at Rping even though I try not to focus too much time on the matter. So if any of you have any questions, feel free to ask right now.
Welcome to Iwaku! I think we are rather interesting as well ^.^
And that whole question thing, same goes for you! :D
If you need help with anything then don't hesitate to ask -nods-
Welcome to Iwaku! =D

We're always talking DC and Marvel in chat...late a night O_O So stop by for some quick chatter!