Leone Sinclair
A light-skinned, almost pale man walks in. He's covered in scars, some of which are still open - and unbleeding. The darkness around his eyes make it very clear - the man is undead. Still seems rather spry, however, and as he lazes across a nearby chair, the clink of metal could be heard in various parts of his leather armor. The purple symbol of Undercity is clear on his tabard.
What's your choice of drink?
"You sure you want to be asking a Forsaken that?" He grins, showing off his pearly whites. Though his gums had lost a lot of the color, they're rather pink. "Doubly an apothecary... don't worry, I'm not a member of the Royal Apothecary Society, but you never know, right?" He waves a hand, his yellowed fingernails and patchy skin very clear, "I love the fizzy drinks you can get at the Darkmoon Faire. The fruit-flavored ones? I don't have fantastic taste buds after dying, but the fizzy feeling is rather pleasant."
What's your ideal romance? *wriggles brows*
"Hah! Once again, Forsaken. I haven't got the feeling left to 'get off' anymore, though I've the endurance to keep going for a long... long... LONG time." He winks, "Though really, dying has left the ideals of my living self with it. I'm really looking for someone who's my friend as well as a lover. Someone I can laugh and drink with. Someone I can trust, and who trusts me. Lovers betray each other, but a friend... well, a good friend... even one you happen to 'enjoy the company' of, well..." He pauses, picking at a cut on his cheek. "Oh. I guess someone who doesn't mind I'm dead is a plus, too. Dead as I am, too. I sparkle for no one."
So, level with me. You ever done anything... naughty?
Leone tilts his head back, laughing for a good minute. "You serious!? I'm a rogue. Naughty's practically in the application! Poisoned weapons, stolen property, underhanded tactics..." He pauses, before looking to the side. "I'm not as 'naughty' as the others, though. Using the plague or blight on someone is below me. Same, I'd much rather clobber an old lady with a blackjack if she's in my way rather than kill or. Nonlethal stuff, y'know?" He shrugs: "Unless you're implying something more... promiscuous? If that's the case - oh, yeah. All the time. Something about being dead just brings the ladies in from all around. Pity they didn't do that while I still had the ability to feel pleasure."
Is there anyone you just hate or get annoyed by? You ever 'teach them a lesson?'
"Oh yes. The party I was in when I was alive - we had a shaman that refused to heal me." He points out a few scars, "See this? All I got was 'my spells are for the warrior, you better suck it up'. The warrior would bully me..." He notes: "I was a cartographer for the Explorer's League at the time. Wimpy little guy.... anyway, the hunter would 'accidentally' shoot me, or direct enemies right at me. Finally, we had a dark magic-user... smarmy little gnome punk. Mohawk, bright pink hair. He'd laugh in my face every chance I got. Worse, when I died? They didn't bother to recover my body."
What's an achievement of yours? Somethin' awesome or badass you've done.
"Remember that party I mentioned? Hunted each one of them down, in their homes, and killed them. Myself. They caught on after the second death, which was the warlock. The final three banded together, and got a few others - get this: they replaced me the day I died. Had the new person - this chick had a pair you wouldn't believe, mind. It was a real pity what I had to do to her, but it's the principle of the thing. The hardest was that warrior - ended up using a Potion of Giant's Growth during the fight. Does exactly what you think it does - it doubles his size. So I ended up having to climb the bastard with my knives, which were too small to get through his skin anymore. Had no problem piercing his eyes, though..." He smirks, reliving past kills.
Okay, say you won a lottery. I'm talking, like, a butt load of money! What do you do with it?
"A bunch of gold?" He considers it. "Yikes, that's actually pretty tough." He snaps his fingers, "Alright. I'd buy a big, huge house - something with a hot tub and a bunch of servants, including two people who's entire purpose was to keep me preserved and decent-looking. While I lived there, I'd get a bunch of folks to do tasks for me. A guild of sorts..." He looks around, "Okay, more like a crime-ring, with me as the big boss. Spend some gold on training my crew up, and take a bit of the profits for myself. They get most of it, of course. Gotta keep my crew happy."
So, you're trapped on a desert island or in a cave or something, and you can only have one person and one object with you. Who and what do you choose? And don't say a cellphone or anything else that'll help you escape or I swear I'll punch you in the freakin' face.
"One person, one object... Well, pity that last part's on there, or I'd say 'a mage who knows teleport'. Since that's out..." He pauses for a good long time. "The party's shaman, that I mentioned before, and a device that brings him back from the dead." The undead man grins, "I don't eat, sleep, or drink - I'm undead. So I'd really just need entertainment, and killing him in creative ways wouldn't ever get old."