Interview with a Character #2

It's dark outside when she arrives for this interview. What a strange thing for her to choose to do. And yet, here she was. Stiff black boots hitting the floor with a solid thunck with every step. Her catlike violet eyes shimmer with curiosity as she sits across from this reporter. She leans back in the chair and removes her riding gloves, watching the woman across from her in a cool silence. Once the gloves are off, she cracks her knuckles and sighs, "Well...?"

The interviewer tenses at the clipped tone within the voice of the woman before her. She clears her throat and picks up her pen, finally addressing the woman. "Tell me about yourself."

"Hm. My name is Sapphira Roan, as I am sure you know. I am a soldier. A General." her eyes shimmer with pride at the word. "I fight for the Morning Star. Lucifer. So that he may one day take the surface of this planet for his own people. Before I came into him employ, however, I was quite normal. Born to a working class family. They died when I was a child. I think it was 1630. I was sent to live with my Aunt, uncle, and their two daughters. It was a happy life. Until I was five. Then the Soldiers came. They destroyed the city. Killed and displaced so many. I was young. Pretty. A child prize for a power crazed king. Before any harm could befall me, though, there was a flash of light. Then screaming." she pauses, reminiscing. "That is when I saw him. The most magnificent man I'd ever come to know. My Master. Even as a child, I was gifted with magic. He recognized it in me and too me away to Hell. I was raised and shaped into a General and Tactician. I was bonded to a dragon. And now I fight his war. Fight all who stand in our way to take this plane.

After writing down the last little bit, the interviewer looks up at Sapphira, sips her water almost cautiously at the revelation, and asks her next question. "What's your favorite animal/creature? Why?"

"That is an easy one. Dragons. My sweet Bane is here with me now." she runs her fingers over the steel choker around her neck, the pendant in the center shaped like a dragon with gleaming black eyes. "Dragons are strong, intelligent, fast. They can fly. And my Bane... He has been my partner since I was only sixteen. He chose me then. I also adore the bond we hold. He is my greatest friend. He will never shun me. Is that a good enough answer?"

"Absolutely, Miss Roan. Now, Please tell me about something you're passionate about and why."

Sapphira stretches, propping her boots onto the table top, chuckling at the images the question stir within her mind. "Battle. Fighting. Blood. They call me the Crimson General or the Crimson Warrior. Soldier of Blood. I am passionate about war and well planned strategies. Not to mention, the demise of those who oppose me and my Master."

The dangerous look in Sapphira's eyes worries the interviewer, but she presses on after clearing her throat. "We're almost done. So, if you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?"

"I suppose I... Hm. I don't know, human. I am pleased with where I am. As long as my Master is there, then that is where I wish to be. Next question."

" Alright." She scribbles down the answer and continues on, "What do you think about the afterlife? Do believe in it, and the existence of the soul?"

"We are all souls in borrowed vessels. And we all go somewhere. Tainted and dark souls come down to my master. Others go on to where the choose. Some to Valhalla, some to heaven, others to Olympus. Honestly. You'll be taken to where you belong. Or you'll be put right back to start over in a new vessel."

"Very informative... Last question and I'll get out of your hair. Is there something you desire more than anything?"

This question was unexpected. Sapphira pauses, biting her lip as she thinks of how to word this. "As strange as it may sound to you, I wish for tenderness. I want one person to be there. Always. To hold me when I am defeated. One who will understand me. My demons. My cruelty. Someone who can take all of my flaws and shortcomings and love me regardless. And if you tell a single soul what I've just said, I will hunt you down. Your death will be so slow, little human. Now. We're done here." Sapphira rises from her seat and exits, her mind shutting down the sudden pang of loneliness. Why did she tell the woman that. It was none of her business. Perhaps she was becoming soft after all these years. Can't have that, now. Best to clear her head. Perhaps a nice flight and some pillaging before returning to he Master.
Continuation on Jonathan Carter

What's your favorite animal/creature? Why?

I haven't really thought about it before. But I do enjoy to cuddle with rabbits and cats when I'm feeling down or want someone to talk too. It's a bit hard for a fugitive to find humans to speak with whenever needed after all. I know they probably don't understand me, but it does make me feel better.

Tell me about something you're passionate about and why.
Whenever I'm not in danger I'm just focusing on relaxing until the next time I have to run for my life from guards and cults. Passions doesn't really fit into my lifetime. The most passionate I've ever been was when I patted a rabbit while eating chicken and potatoes. Don't see the passion in that? Well, try a week in my shoes and that will be like fifteen minutes in heaven.

If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?
The hidden non magician society. If I were to find it I wouldn't have to live on the run anymore. I would be safe and could live around people somewhat like me. The problem is, no one knows where they're hiding or how to join them or if they even exists.

What do you think about the afterlife? Do believe in it, and the existence of the soul?
I'm searching for a better future. If I had believed in an afterlife, then i would have turned to that immediately instead of having gone through hell for ten years to get to a secret society that might not even exist. So no, I do not believe in the existence of an afterlife. As for a soul, I have no idea.

Is there something you desire more than anything?
Freedom to go anywhere I want without people chasing after me.
Moist air, trees, moss... not the usual place for an interview. No, not at all! But... but here and now, yes. Very much yes! A boulder's crown sticks up from a space of grassy soil, a small clearing place where sun leaks through, a warm light in a cool.......

A distant "chirrup" interupts contemplation. A rustle. "Crackle!" sounds nearby. An erruption of static cling. Odd creature, size three foot two, fur gray and blue with black and rust, sharp quills from nape of neck to shoulders, softened by a layer of quill-feathers. Long, whipish tail. And male, obviously, as he hops onto rock and sits upright, a small backpack dropped beside him. Red of his eyes alert, large ears perked forwards...

The Interviewer asks:

Tell me about yourself.
"Mei..." He churrs... "Chuka Orriss name. From Dooker Orrs clow..." He chirp-whistles, pawhands held out... "Happa? Is... is understanding. Far, far away is home. Azi... Forral... Tambs. Father. Mother. Sib-sister. All miss." His entire body droops. Ears, tail, eyes. Even fur and quills. "Long journey, not know when end." Fur and quills rise, a slight crackle. "Mei tuppa..." Pawhands rub face. "Myself is still learning."

What's your favorite animal/creature? Why?
*Perks up, dives into backpack and pulls out a small, stuffed Paddington bear* "Is comfort!"

Tell me about something you're passionate about and why.
Hugs bear... "Is wanting learn... knowl... knowlege. Is quest. Is way to grow up strong, to earn place."

If you could go anywhere, where would you go and why?
"To clow! Home to family. Want..." Squeezes bear in tight hug, looks to interviewer with moist eyes... "Happa?"

What do you think about the afterlife? Do believe in it, and the existence of the soul?
Releases bear, ruffles fur, quills and quill-feathers... "Is only life, here or after. All one." Stands up briefly, holds out bear... "You need comfort?"

Is there something you desire more than anything?
"Family of own, place of own... happa? Here with mate. After with dossa... offspring!" Dances about in display, perked up all over again. Air takes on a 'charged' feel... "Must finish quest... re... return home to clow!"


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