Internet Harassment

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Ike Sapphire

Original poster
Well I just recently been through something on skype that was really serious, I'd rather not get into much detail because I'd rather keep most of this privet with all my other friends on skype. Anyway all I am asking is if anyone could cheer me up from all this crap that has been going on. Anyway at all because I really can't expalin how I am feeling after all this, it's just that I thought that this would never happen to me and any of my friends... anyway that's all, Like I said I'd rather keep this more privet as possible it's because I really feel like I might be betraying them for talking about something like this...

*I'm not sure if this really is the right area but I'm not too sure*
I would say this isn't nesscairly the place. To me the Counseling thread is a place to seek advice to solve a problem you are willing to discuss with others. Whether those others are friends or strangers matters not, everyone can have a unique perspective. Cheering up is part of the problem but the over all purpose, in my eyes, for this forum is to solve the problem overall with the best reasults.

No honestly I think you told us the problem already simply through the title and the best advice I can say is to block the person. If they have an issue with that, well you won't hear it unless they decide to harrass you in the real world... which is when you get the police involved or those above the person. Eitherway if its just over Skype then you should have no issues with just blocking them. Maybe later you can unblock them and see if they have changed any. But in the mean time I suggest blocking them and walking away. Its not only the only solution IF they won't listen to you, but also the healthist.
You're a cool dude, Ike. Don't let them/it/whatever get to you. Just ignore them like Sly said then forget about it.

When people are overly negative or angry or abusive I feel sorry for them, I mean if their life sucks that bad they seriously need to get some help.
Oh my, well, I hope things get better, but with the current information, I don't really now how to help.

If you want, here's my MSN: [email protected]
Ok so now that I'm over the fact that your Disney dog avatar has very lustful eyes, I'll tell you that the internet is full of insecure teenagers, which in this day and age I could very easily just say teenagers instead, but that's not the point.

You just gotta remember that the internet really isn't such an important place, or at least a place to take things to heart, written communication is awful unless you're a skilled writer and people get to recognize sarcasm, teenagers can't recognize it, even more so on the internet.

But what I mean is, don't get butthurt about it, man, it's just kids having bitchy fits about shit you'll forget about soon enough, after you realize how immature you looked like in an attempt to seem mature.
Darkness sums it up pretty nicely, I'd say; sometimes, it's best just to go "lol internet" when it comes to this sorta thing.
'sides, I'm the troll here, I know what I'm talking about.
You're supposed to be a good boy now, Darkness.
Alright it has been resolved so really nothing else needs to be posted here now.