Initium Novum: Episode 1

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Florian hung the call up and told the operator to simply leave Concordia a small message- to play the audio file sent to her in exchange for 200,000 Credits. This money, as luck would have it, happened to be coming from the Kilo News events expenditure. He had sent Concordia the audio file moments ago, and aimed to speak with her later. For now- he thought he could get some work done.

"Let's see... Melina Highwind... Born into wealth... Blah Blah Blah... Unmarried... Blah Blah Blah... Hmm... Richest woman on this entire fucking ship and yet I can't see any details even remotely relating to scandal..." Florian shifted in his seat, uneasy. Though he knew Ms. Highwind could probably snuff him out, being the son of Oslo Riker gave him a kind of ace in the hole. Should he find anything the Representative discussed on the Network to be of use, it could be pulled out of her own account and stored in a database. One marked "Useful Information", aka- blackmail tools.

The KNN had seen better days- and actually heavily relied on the usage of features that allowed for the prying of information remotely from devices given authorization- of which there were only two. Florian's laptop, and Oslo's computer at home. There was an odd silence before Florian ran through the database a second time. The reason why this feature was vital, though not known to anyone in truth, was because as a politician Oslo had to keep a certain image. That there was order, for one, and that his family couldn't be condoning corruption or crime. In the last ten years however- both of those have seen a rise, using the service as a middleman.

Therefore Florian ran weekly checks on information to perfectly ascertain that there was no criminal activity. He was also running said checks so that he could find dirt on politicians, local officials, and business owners. Finding the phone number of Melina Highwind was no hard task- so he decided to ring it up. "Hello, Ms Highwind. Pleased to make your acquaintance."
Collaboration @Obskeree
The Music Room - Concordia & KT317704, #EE7600

Concordia asked her volunteers to listen carefully and try to identify how many different notes she began to play, to test how well they differentiated between the sounds.

Her goal out the window when she sat at the piano she became lost herself in what she played. The baffled students falling into the background as she recited a piece from memory, a piece no one who frequented her club would likely appreciate.

KT felt a strange tugging sensation at her core as she watched the teacher play the complex algorithm to the other students, looking into the awed expressions on the faces of the smaller children and others scared by the capacity that was expected of them. Closing her eyes the android let out a deep breath as she gently tapped Concordia on the shoulder "The others appear uncomfortable" she informed Concordia who had an apparent look of what was described

"What did you pick up?" she replied, trying to shake off the obvious flaws in her teaching.

The android KT shook its head as it began to relay the frequency of each chord to Concordia, clearly not understanding the task set out for it. "That is all the information if have on the subject, your tone and bodily language suggest we should know of the label that humans have given to these sounds, I submit a request for more intelligence."

The android's forward demeanor caught Concordia off-guard when she realized that these kids were not in fact evolving musicians but young children who didn't know the difference between a Bass and a Treble cleft. Averting her eyes to Monroe for confirmation, the child nodded. "Sit back down, I will explain" she ordered watching the two students return to their seats.

A couple of hours were spent going through the basics with children about the notes on the piano, playing each one as the y went along. As the day progressed further and further, the club owner noticed the android KT attracting the attention of the other students and even helping them in some cases like a secondary teacher, whom much to Concordia's annoyance pointed out almost every flaw it could find in her methods.

Question after question, answer after answer. Concordia finally understood how much hard work children were, trying to keep them focused, making sure they understood the concepts. Making them do practices and occasionally having to assign KT and Monroe to help the other students.

When she had finally felt that the students understood more about the notes and what sort of significance they had in relation to the song and had heard them. Concordia finally went back to the original activity she had planned. Once again calling KT and Monroe to the front, she began to play a pleasant tune. Drifting into her own world as the Jazz flowed through her, allowing Concordia a brief moment of respite from the world that surrounded her.

Beautiful and eloquent the song reverberated of the walls of the room as the students silently watched their teacher play, some with enthusiasm, and others in awe and some in bafflement. But the android KT did not sit back to enjoy the music, it instead watched her fingers movements. Watching every note she played, the data processing through her circuits as it began a calculus of the time signature, the placement of notes on a treble cleft score and the spacing between the notes, all with perfect precision. The other child Monroe listening equally as intently.

"What did you pick out?" Concordia asked once again.

While KT's answer proved to be a lot more methodical and more to do with the composition of the piece, her understanding lacked a depth of emotion. Monroe on the other hand understood the depth of the emotion and a couple of the notes but was not nearly as perfect as KT in regards to the dynamics of the song.

It successfully proved the point - like all art, music is subjective. Two people can hear the same thing and produce two very different answers to the same question. After seven long hours of dealing with children with little reprieve, she promised to herself that the next time she taught. She would take more care to split the time between practice and theory, to explore the depths of components of a musical piece in further detail.

To say she was happy with the outcome was an understatement. Concordia felt fulfilled, and entranced by the enjoyment she got out of the simple lesson and had to admit it was hard work, but then the students had worked hard to.

Like any teacher, Concordia waited for her students to leave. "Good job today," she told the students waving them out as they left.

KT however had no intention to leave just yet. Averting her orange eyes to the wall she starred into it, for this whole day she had felt a strange tug at her say that there was something behind this wall. Placing her hand against it she starred, her hearing aid picking up faint sounds of movement from behind it, but what? The android knocked on what would have been the glass between Nira and herself. Knock. Knock. It observed that the wall had a hollow sound and cocked its head before returning its attention back to its teacher.

With a bow the droid proceeded to excuse itself "Thank you for your time." it said politely scuttling off to prepare for the party later on.

Concordia, still buzzing when halfway out of the education block, received a call.

"Concordia my dear, I have a job for you."

Everyone seemed to, lately; especially strangers.

"I will assist if I am able, but my schedule almost full to capacity. Give me the details, I'll need your name, the time, the date and a reason why," she spoke when the caller miraculously hung up on her leaving a recorded message with the operator.

Florian realized that he would not be able to get a call from Ms. Highwind- likely due to her anger, so he hung up and immediately called Concordia back- hoping for an answer. "My apologies for hanging up earlier... You see I had business to attend to. The job you are doing will be simple, Concordia. You'll have to merely put in an audio file before the voting starts- and that will be that. My name? Oslo Riker. The date? Tonight. The reason why- well... that is because Concordia- I want to bring about a better world for you and your kind. I will be giving you 10k if you decide to take this job. The file lasts only 3 minutes in length, and right after you can continue with your tracklist for the night." Florian was tapping his feet- obviously not used to calls such as this- where he was awaiting a response. He began to record their conversation- hoping to get her feelings about the issue. (1 Mana)

Florian was always tense about calls like these- no wanting to really give much information away, yet also grimacing at the fact that politically he'd just thrown his father under the bus. Likely, they weren't going to lose much- but credibility was everything these days.

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Celyn:Room 137
"Third level officer." Well, that didn't say much, although it was a bit obvious by his appearance that he was, in fact, an android officer, probably outfitted with all sorts of crazy cybernetics to assist on the job. "So how does a pretty lady like you get into the military. Err forgive me I'm used to hearing a lot of street talk, let me rephrase. How did you come to join the military?"

She raised an eyebrow. 'Pretty lady'? Hearing that from an android only aroused suspicion. She doubted he meant anything by it except for to communicate on her terms, but it was still weird. She didn't say anything on it, though, and let him continue.

"Oh and the name's Artemis. Though most people just call me Atri." He extended his hand and she took it, although a little hesitatingly. The silver metal didn't feel as weird to hold as it looked it would, though. Thank God for that, she thought to herself.

"Celyn. Most people call me K," she said with a small smile. "And if I'm going to be frank, I'm not really sure how I got into the military. None of my higher-ups seem to like me- I guess I must be a pretty good shot."

She waited for him to reply, but they were interupted when the door to the room opened, and in came Carter Davis. "Finally..." she breathed. "Took him long enough." She didn't look too upset, though. The councilman was young, and quite frankly, a bit of a looker, at least to Celyn. His age didn't stop him from being an idol of hers. If anything, it only made her admire him more. A young guy getting that high up in the space ship mini hierarchy- and nobody ever challenged him for being late to a VRT meeting, that was for sure. He had a sort of charm to him, even though he was a councilman and really should have been more intimidating.
"Well lets get to it shall we? You've all been selected, security and military personnel alike, to be on guard duty at tomorrow's big party at the Concord club in the Entertainment Hub. Wonderful news right?" Nobody looked entertained. Celyn could have sworn her heart fell to her boots. Guard duty? She'd rather shine her bosses shoes!

"Except not a god damn one of you is going to be having any fun. You see, as you all should know by now, not only is tomorrow our 150th anniversary, but it is also the day that the people of this ship decide if an AI will be on the council. Well as it turns out, the Concord has been selected to also be the location of the big announcement of whether or not she wins. That means Concord is the place to be tomorrow night. It also means that Concord is going to be the most dangerous place on the whole fucking ship. Council reps will be there. Celebrities. Even the AI Lydia herself, along with Xavier Reeth for his final day as captain."

She sat in her seat, rolling her eyes as the man spoke. Yeah, yeah, the new captain, Lydia, would be there. Obviously. Although she probably would have her own bodyguard by now. Why did she have to babysit for a bunch of spaceship freaks at a stupid anniversary party? She didn't care, and no one else really cared. People just wanted free beers- and she wanted hers, too. But, nope. She had to guard.

"This is going to be the most important mission of your pathetic lives. A joint effort between security and military. I don't give a shit what your personal views on an AI becoming captain are, if you fuck this up I will personally throw your worthless ass out the airlocks. Is that clear?"

People said their typical 'sir, yes sir's and Celyn mumbled hers, and if looks could kill, she'd have killed everybody in the room, except maybe the android beside her. Maybe the two of them could chat on duty or something. It would give her something to do. And besides, the hulking robot seemed like he knew a lot about ... important stuff, she supposed. She could just tell any nosy officers they were discussing security protocol, or something.

Then the councilman began going through the details of the job. Fun... This was going to take forever.
Mark was becoming increasingly confused as to why he had been summoned here. He wasn't in a position to be any sort of guard. He carried no gun, and no one knew that he carried a blade. He let his inner processes work through as the councilman listed out the details of the event, where each person was to stand and patrol and ecetera. Maybe he was here because of a clerical error. If that was the case he wasn't in any hurry to correct it. This may be interesting, or at the very least more interesting than whatever his boss would have him doing.

After a while, he realized that many others in the group were sitting in the provided chairs, and he was not. It didn't seem like any one had noticed him, but he felt he should sit down before it became an issue. He slipped into the chair next to the large police android he had seen earlier. He had heard that the android went by "Artemis". Mark made a point of putting that information into an easily accessed drive. Mark waited patiently until the councilman had finished his instructions.
Eugine, orange
"Legally Kallen, I'm supposed to answer no and deny the existence of any such contact, NDA's and the like. Yes though, yes I do, but no, no I dont. What I can do is leave a message for anyone willing to get off their ass and visit this... Vibrant community, or wait for them to send some other poor guy to do so. I will however, make the message nice and shiny, just for you. Though I doubt that will help much compared to the fact we have a possible exploit in android programming here. I'll word it as ominously and scary as possible to help keep them honest with us."

Eugine was tapping away at the tablet as he spoke, getting out a quick message to the security division and a few other characters of note who might actually care for this possibility of a problem, though with how lethargic most of the ship had been recently, that number may be fewer and fewer. The message was in a silver font, as promised, nice and shiny, and worded as follows:

"A possible exploit or vulnerability in android personality and programming has been recently uncovered, and may be more widespread than the current case at the location enclosed in this message. A increase of awareness and possibility to search for any code not belonging or of unknown purpose or origin. With such a large event coming up as the anniversary, I'd suggest that these matters be dealt with in a swift manner, as it may be only a symptom of a larger threat to health and safety. Respond to this message with a ETA if you are going to arrive on scene for a personal or governmental look at the situation. Do not disclose this message to the general public, or view this if unauthorized, though if you've read this far, that means little-to-none I'm guessing."
With a quick tap of send, the message was off, speeding through the air on a invisible web of networks, towards their intended destination as Eugine says "There, the timing seems a little too coincidental to be just a innocent case, but I doubt much will come of the message. Increased security for a few days maybe."
Little Bird, teal
Kriodine held the bird in his hands, for the last 6 hours he had been building the mechanical creation. He poured mana into the creation, watching the energy flow into the bird, and waited for the bird to awaken.(7 points) After a few seconds the bird whirred to life and began to flap about, at first only getting up a few inches, but slowly it got higher and higher until eventually it was able to soar around the room. After a few minutes the bird returned to Kriodine's hand, and he slowly walked towards the doorway. He then opened the door and stepped out into the sunlight. He then raised his hands up and let the bird soar off into the city, as it flew off he couldn't help but watch it until he heard a series of footsteps approach him.

"How long will it last?"
"Seven days. Maybe more."
"Will we have enough by the time of the party?"
"If you bring the others then yes, but for now we admire its beauty."
"It kind of sticks out a little too much, don't you think?"
"The others will be less beautiful, but he is unique, none shall ever be quite like him."
"It's a he?"
"Maybe, he was an experiment within a test. I'm getting closer you know, but the magic of life evades me ever so."
"Have you ever heard of Icarus?"
"I can't say I have, but why did you come here? I wasn't expecting you until later."
"I came with a warning. You should check your messages more often."
"I prefer to be left undisturbed while working, you of all people should know that."
"Yea yea, mister alone in the corner. Just be careful ok, I don't want to see anyone get hurt."

Kriodine kept staring into the distance until the the sound of footsteps betrayed his friends escape. He then turned on his communicator, only to find a single message on it. The message might have seemed like a simple warning to all A.I's, to him it was a bold declaration of war. The message read "A possible exploit or vulnerability in android personality and programming has been recently uncovered, and may be more widespread than the current case at the location enclosed in this message. A increase of awareness and possibility to search for any code not belonging or of unknown purpose or origin. With such a large event coming up as the anniversary, I'd suggest that these matters be dealt with in a swift manner, as it may be only a symptom of a larger threat to health and safety. Respond to this message with a ETA if you are going to arrive on scene for a personal or governmental look at the situation. Do not disclose this message to the general public, or view this if unauthorized, though if you've read this far, that means little-to-none I'm guessing."


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In Transit
Concordia considered his proposed agreement carefully. She walked as she talked, briskly travelling through the stark white corridors towards the Entertainment Hub.

"To be played before the party?" She took a moment to plan her response. "I will need to listen to the audio file beforehand, and possibly get the approval of my employer. If my employer says no, I will not play it. If it is deemed a potential detrement to my guests' enjoyment, I will not play it."

The bright lights of the club and bar district shone in the distance, and faint music starting up from some of the establishments could be heard.

"If you are happy with these terms, please send me the file."
Mark had finally been told why he had been summoned. They wanted him to run diagnostics on the security systems and then stay afterwards just in case something went wrong. That made enough sense to Mark and he was no longer confused by the whole ordeal. When the councilman had finished his instructions, he informed the group that they were on leave until the party. Mark didn't quite know what to do with this information. He wasn't used to being given time off beyond his relatively short break in his 48 hour shift. He stood as the councilman left the room in order to show respect. Hesitantly Mark turned to the android he had sat next to and decided that it might be a good idea to socialize. He didn't know if he really wanted to get to know any of these people, but he felt that it might help the job go a bit more smoothly if he talked to the men and women he would be working with.

"Hello, my name is Mark. If my ears still work you said your name was Artemis?" he turned to the military woman sitting next to Artemis, "And I never caught you name, miss."
Poppely - Level 3 - Where Children go, #99ffff
Dorothy Ganger, political aide and glorified legislative intern, chose to start the job fair on what could be described as a fairly optimistic note.

"Children, you are all going to die." she said in a tone usually reserved for terrorists on death roll, with a face that suggested love was a lie. "This is not hyperbole. Deceased is what you will be if you pick up this application form. Politics is not what you want." She pointed dramatically to the kid sitting in the front, a little girl who could have been jelly, the way she was shaking. "Do you want kids?"


"Well, your children will grow up with a maggot for a mom if you sign. What does your mom do?"

"S-she and dad own a hoverboard sho-"

"Which is a perfectly respectable profession. Do you love your mom? Chin up. Stop jellying."


"Good. Put yourself in her shoes. Her kid will come home, calcium deficient and charred and smelling of ammonia and paperwork. Your mom will cry, and it'll be all your fault. And ship management. And religion. And your nice teacher, miss groves, who left me in here to play chattybear with all of you. But mostly your fault."

A boy at the back raised his hand.

"If you wanna sign, I'm taking that hand."

"It's just, miss..."

"Miss Poppely. For the recreational drug. Hue."

"Why are you here telling us to sign if-"

"I am the ghost of terrible career choice's future. I come bearing you a gift: forewarning and tangy regret. Years ago, I wanted to make a difference. Spoiler alert: I didn't. And you won't either. So go live your lives. Bleed a little. Love your pets. And girls? Your boyfriends will betray you. Trust no one. Officially, I'm also here to tell you guys not to take drugs. Unofficially, our guys in the force aren't THAT efficient. I would know. I live with one. So now, I give a completely objective speech, and you guys stay quiet in what I assume to be rapt atten-"

And wasn't that the gist of it.

She lived with one.

Because the day started with this:
Looks like I won't be showing up for that wacky job fair thing today. Your boss wants me for something, didn't say what. I'd ditch out but the chief would probably end up riding my ass again. I'll make it up to you, promise. Catch you later Poppers.
-Blue is the warmest collar (0932)

I was angry with my friend: I told my wrath, my wrath did end
-Blanco collar-sama (0937)

I was angry with my boyfriend; he died.
Blanco collar-sama (0937)

Little dramatic, aren't we. You see the news? I'm not sure how they're gonna react. We'll have to talk about that later too. We can meet at my place if you're not too busy, or mad, or busy being mad.
-Blue is the warmest collar (0938)

I know what's coming. But I can't tell you.
-Blanco collar-sama (0940)

What? What?
-Blue is the warmest collar (0941)

I can't tell you.
Blanco collar-sama (0945)

-Blue is the warmest collar (0946)

-Blanco collar-sama (0950)

Blue is the warmest collar (0952)

Blanco collar-sama (0953)

Obira Martelly got killed in the space duel by the Asteroid who Soars. Tyran got condemned to execution by wormwhole.
Blanco collar-sama (0953)

You watched it without me?
Blue is the warmest collar (0955)

Preemptive karma. Bitch.
Blanco collar-sama (0958)

I don't believe this
Blue is the warmest collar (0959)

Yeah, I thought Obira was gonna blow up the asteroid too.
Blanco collar-sama (1000)

You know what I mean.
Blue is the warmest collar (1002)

Wait. My boss.
Blanco collar-sama (1005)

You're going too
Blanco collar-sama (1005)

Blue is the warmest collar is offline. Please leave a message.

Blanco collar-sama (1015)

Blue is the warmest collar is online

Blue is the warmest collar (1016)

Blue is the warmest collar is offline. Please leave a message.

"...And that is why the institution always wins, kiddies. It's all in the chocolate. Any questions? No sign ups? Kay. Bye. I love you all but, frankly, I don't. Live long and procrastinate. YOU CAN COME BACK IN NOW, MISS GROVES."

and she all but ran out.

Just another day in the life of a master diplomat.

Only this day had a party.

And an errant little child-thing -present company excluded- to be collected.
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[Mechanical Workshop "Gears"; Level 2]

The sound of RJ's whistles died with the loud noise once she walked into the workshop. She stopped on the enterance and deeply inhaled the smell of heated metal, cooled sparks and oil. She smirked, raising up her hat a bit. ''Ah, but as you see, there is no place like home.'' She said to no one in particular and no one paid any attention. She looked around the workshop at the working individuals, making sure none of them slacks off before she took another hard candy from the big paper bag she craddled with her left arm and tossed it in the air to catch it with her mouth. ''Mmmh, blueberry goodness.'' Quckli swallowing it, she took another piece, but before she could toss it in the air, she heard a familiar, old and somewhat tired voice. ''You know, one of these days you might choke eating those that way.'' RJ hesitated a bit before she sighed and put the piece of candy in her mouth with exaggerated attention. Once it was in her mouth, she chuckled mischievously and winked at the short old engineer, drity from all the oil and dust. ''Love you too, Old-Timer'' The old man smirked lightly. Even though it didn't seem like it, the Old-Timer, as she called him, knew that for RJ to give any kind of respect it meant weird nickname and endless rudeness. After a short pause and a gentle, father-like glare he sent her way, he slowly lifted up his right hand that held the notebook and RJ flashed wide grin, showing him to follow.

''Summary, Old-Timer. While we are still young." She chuckled as she went through old engineer's notes. Old man hurried to catch up and started talking while he kept up with her pace, panting lightly. At that point, his age was indeed visible. He was a true Old-timer. ''Well, basically...the mecha robot we did for the customer from lvl 4 wasn't really...'' RJ snapped closing the note book and returning it to the old man. "Sufficient? Good Looking? Snobby enough for his sorry ass?" Old man nodded. He understood her frustration. "Well, I was about to say 'No, just...' but I am afraid you are completely right this time." RJ looked at the mecha along the way, with all the workers hanging off it and she frowned lightly, leading the way to her office. "Shut the door, please." The polite word from her mouth sounded quite strange and Old-Timer nodded, closing the door, knowing the drill all too well. The paper bag landed roughly on the wooden table and RJ stretched, taking off her jacket. "Very well, from the beginning. We can talk in peace here."

. . .

"...and he pretty much called us useless and unworty of even being above level one." After a long pause with only the sound of drills and tools breaking the silence, The cigarette, fifth in the row and already half gone, danced in the corner of RJ's lips when she spoke quietly and seemingly calm. "...Is that so?" She looked at the old mechanic under her hat and he nodded lightly, worried about the well familiar firey flash in her eyes? With his conformation, she squeezed her cigarette more, before taking it out and putting it out on the table's wooden surface that already had numerous burnt marks on it. The old man thought how she really should get a proper ashtray, but instead, she asked quietly. "It is a lot of Credits but, is it really worth it? What do you want us to do?" Instead if replying right away, RJ took out the note book from her back pocket and wrote something down. "How many times he already returned it?" The mechanic sighed and replied. "This is the third time." As if she already knew, RJ smirked cynicaly and ripped off the piece of paper pushing it towards the old man. He looke at it and then back at her. "You really think this is a good idea?" She groaned, slightly annoyed and raised her feet on the table, crossing her arms. "Old man." She exclaimed and returned his gaze. "I have a bunch of sad little people working their ass of on that "snob-mobile" night and day for the third time now. And for what? For the minimum amount of credits he would reward them with? Not my people he won't." As already well known fact, the customers lever didn't mean shit to her.

Just as on que, the mobile phone rang somewhere in her drawer. Trying to ignore it's loud ringtone was worthless and she mumbled all kinds of swears until she managed to get her hands on it. However, after seing a well known number, she sighed and cold-heartedly tossed it into the opened bucket of oil she kept there for that purpouse only.
"Speaking of wolf..." She chuckled. The both listened as the phone rang a few more times before the oil smothered it and the noise died for good. The Old-Timer rubbed forehead under his goggles and smiled lightly at her. "You know, using a silence button or simply turning it off would be much easier...and not to mention cheaper." With that, RJ laughed full heartedly and got up. "You know me, oldie. I don't do easy nor cheap work." The old man chuckled and looked at the list of names she wrote. "Indeed. Just like your father." RJ looked at him over her shoulder and nodded, taking off her hat and placing it on the hanger. Once she opened the office door, she added. "The "Third time's rule" is officially on, Old-Timer. The five people that are on the list are a must. Others may go home and they will be paid to once this shit is over."

"Only five of us?" RJ smirked putting her goggles on. "Well, you all are just a helping hand of mine. It is not the first time I did this and I will make sure as hell his snobby ass remembers that. I will do it myself." As much as he considered it crazy, he had to admit that the girl had some serious guts to do the project alone. For that he respected her the most. Before she could walk away, he called out and took something out of his pocket. RJ approached and took the brand new cellphone he made for her, like he used to every time she would broke or smother her current one. "Well, that was fast. Usually it takes days." The old man smiled humbly and replied. "You indeed CAN teach an old dog some new tricks. You are pretty predictable these last few years." With that, RJ laughed out loud and put the phone in her pocket, walking through the door. "You never cease to amaze, Old-Timer. Gather the team. I will see you on the front line." She saluted casuallz and walked out the door towards mecha, giving orders.
Slums - Alleyway behind Lady Luck, red
Seth was so excited about his one night job that he had to leave the house and go for a run. It was more like parkour than a run but he needed to burn some energy. He couldn't be so excited at home and risk waking his ailing mother. Sarah promised she would watch over her while he made his round.

Seth paused behind Lady Luck, one of the largest casinos in the slums and one of the reasons the slum was as shitty as it was. Lady Luck was a nice facility with neon lights and all, but its owner found no reason to share the proceeds with the community around it. It was sad really but for Seth it was more personal.

Seth had found his father walking out of the Lady Luck the night of the fire. They were already struggling financially and his father was off gambling their credits away. It angered him. Seth ran off then. The fire was not long after that.

"Hey, look its Scarface," Eddie, a local thug trying to make moves on Vick's territory stepped out with three friends from Lady Luck's back exit. The other boys laughed.

Seth was determined to not let anything ruin his day, not today, "Hey, guys," he put his hands up non threateningly, "Im not looking for trouble, I'm just going for a walk." Seth pulled the hoodie down more to hide more of his face.

Eddie laughed, "No trouble? You're on our turf and you're one of Vick's guys, Seth, that is asking for trouble."

"Last time I checked, this was Vick's territory," Seth jabbed back and then wished he could take that back. The odds were not in his favor.

Eddie looked at him coldy. All humor had left all four boys, "The fuck you say? I own this and I own you bitch," Eddie swung and Seth back stepped out of reach, "Kick his ass!" Eddie ordered his men and Seth took off in the opposite direction.

Seth was a fighter but four on one would result in an ass kicking. He worked his way through the alleys until he was almost to vick's place. He glanced over his shoulder and found that his pursuers were gone and finally slowed to a stop. He bent over and placed his hands on his knees. Just a few more steps befo-

Something hard and heavy came across his back with a loud crack. Seth fell to the ground. His hands automatically covered his head as blows rained down on his body and legs. He pulled into a ball and grunted from each impact.

"Bitch! This'll teach you!" Eddie pushed out between grunts.

Seth hoped someone could help him before they beat him too badly to work the banquet. His mother needed those meds and this was a sure way to get them.
Kallen, #ff3333
[spacer]Looking back to Eugene as he sends his message, Kallen quietly exhales and pulls out a pack of gum, pulling out a piece and popping it into her mouth, chewing on it before seeming to relax herself a bit better, "Well, let's hope that it's nothing too serious then.. And I suppose there isn't much left for us to do here." Stretching her arms out, she puts them up and behind her head, hands clasped together as she walks around a few steps, growling, "It's a little unnerving though.. It's not often you run into cases like this, especially ones tha you can't crack.. It holds that.. 'Ominous' feeling to it, know what I mean?" She shakes her head, Flint hovering over between the two and sounding off at her, as if a reminder. Looking to Flint a good few moments, she moves the gum in her mouth from one cheek to the other and steps off again, "Well.. I guess your bike held together alright enough.. Just.. Don't have a human piloting it at those faster speeds, let alone an android without some inertial balancing in check."[/spacer]
[spacer]Kallen heads over to the door, stuffing her pack of gum away, "Anyways, Flint just reminded me I've got one last visit down in level 1 actually.. An old 'droid that recently came down to live there a few years back, wanting to see how he's doing and all.." Kallen grew a little solemn at that and sighed, checking her toolbelt idly. Shaking her head as she brushes a hand through her red hair, she goes to wave her goodbye to Eugine as she heads out, "I'll catch you later maybe, hopefully without anything blowing up." She grinned lightly, leaving the area as she takes a quick shortcut to a lift down to level 1 nearby.[/spacer]
--Ten minutes later--

[spacer]On the lift, Flint made a series of beeps as it rested on her cybernetic shoulder, Kallen looking to him and then patting at its optic, "I'm sure he's still holding up just fine.. After all, he helped me make you. It'll do him some good to see us again." Flint clicked and chattered again, more 'upbeat' this time. Smiling, Kallen looks around the view as she enters level 1, nearly done with the lift ride as she gets a good look of the place, smile vanishing away, "Honestly.. It's depressing that we allow such things to happen this badly on the ship.. Even in space, poverty exists.. It's a terrible thing where so many people suffer.. Yet I was the lucky few-.. No.. Most people in lever 4 are not lucky.. This ship's society is a complete mess.." She sighs out, crossing her arms, "Well.. Once we find his junkyard shack, we can make our way back to make preparations for the party, should be interesting, that."[/color] She got off the lift with Flint close in tow, wandering through the meager shacks people called homes down here. She felt bad that things could even turn out this way on the ship. Coming down here only reminded her of bullshit that is known as the society ladder. In a way, she was a victim of it nonetheless, and one of the worst. She was on the top of that ladder, and where most would see it to be paradise, seeing the people below her breaks her heart.[/spacer]
--Five minutes as her mind distracts her--

[spacer]Kallen was drifting off in her mind, not paying much attention to where she was going except instinctually towards her destination. Close by however, she could hear what could be made out as fighting, flesh hitting flesh among other things. Her good nature under her brash appearance got the better of her as she went to check it out. To her dismay, she was right as she witnessed a group of four beating on a single man, likely just barely an adult. Despite the odds and likely a better chance to get someone from level 2 down there, she gripped her cybernetic hand into a fist. Looking to Flint, a glimmer shows in her eye for a moment before she pulls Flint in closer, whispering to the little droid.[/spacer]
[spacer]Coming in from behind, the red-headed woman swiftly approaches one of them to take by the collar with her cybernetic arm, likely tossing him a very short distance against a metal trashcan. As they got a good look at her, she had her scarf pulled up over her mouth and the only thing that could give her away as anything above level 2 was her arm, which no matter which way someone looked at it, it had the craftmanship and sleekness one would find up in level 4, "So.. What are a bunch of guys like you doing here beating on a kid lying on the floor? Mighty low of you if you ask me.."[/spacer]
Nira could only scowl at KT when she knocked on the one-way mirror, disturbed while scribbling down her notes. The android had proven sufficiently capable in learning the instrument, but as far as composing or feeling the emotions behind the music, well it failed in that aspect. It brought some relief for the educator.

"I'm not sure if Councilman Davis will like our results."

The other researchers shared her sentiment, but were hesitant to voice their opinions.

"Perhaps we should have programmed her with some knowledge instead of making her into a blank slate." Nira typed off an email and sent it to Carter. The message gave him all of the notes she took on KT's progress, along with footage of her performance in the music room. "Still... She is capable of learning at the very least. You're all dismissed. I'll see you at the party."

Android KT317704, otherwise known as KT, is a 3-month-old android who was built for your military force. She is meant to aid you with intelligence and security, and as such, is being put through the rigors of school and other training.

Attached in this email you will find various footage of her performing in music class. As you can tell, she picks up the instrument marvelously, but she has trouble understanding the emotion behind it. As the leader of our military, I think you would like this feature about her, however I believe she will grow to become emotionally intelligent.

I'd also like to point out her immature and almost infantile intellect. She is smart, but she is a learning android. She does not possess the knowledge that other military androids possess, which I think you might find very frustrating. In this regard, I must stress patience. Admittedly this is your not your strong suit, but I think this will make you a good leader. KT has a little potential, but if she isn't to your liking, I'd like to take her off your hands.

See you at the party,

- Councilwoman of Education, Nira Hadiya

Her finger hesitated over the button for the speaker phone. There was one thing that humans had over androids, and that was magic, but even that could change. If the engineers were smart enough, brilliant enough, they could build modules that allowed them to harness all magics. Except such marvelous engineering was decades away, and they would probably need more materials from the other planets.

She sighed, hand dropping to her side. The two of them could talk after the party. For now it was time for celebration.
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Collaboration with @LVL1337N00B
Keloran 7b - Level 3 - Security HQ, cadetblue
While eager to take his leave, Kel did listen to everything Davis had to say, memorizing every little part of the outlined security detail. When the session finally did come to a wrap, he was the first for the door, not one to partake in idle chatter as many others seemed to be doing. "Finally," he muttered under his breath, slinging his rifle over his shoulder, proceeding down the hall past security checkpoints and the like.

Rowan had likewise been paying attention to the same degree as her partner, also just as eager to have it done. The lawful good enforcers and oh so very active military sorts weren't what she'd call her type. She ran after him, metallic hand clapping down on his shoulder.

"Off to see your little Popper?", she wasted no time in asking, then grinned a bit, "Or is that what slowed you down gettin' to the brief?"

He paused, thinking perhaps that his partner knew him a little too well. He brushed her cybernetic fingers off, shrugging. "I don't know what you're talking about. I need to do some maintenance before this important mission of ours, that's all." Not that he was entirely lying, mind you, but he wasn't about to let Ro know she had him pegged.

He spun around, eyeing the redhead, a similarly amused smirk spreading on his lips. "I hope they don't expect us to get all gussied up for the occasion. I've yet to find a tuxedo that could fit me. And you, well... no offense, but I don't think I could see you in a fancy dress. Or anything fancy, at that."

The cyborg's fists pressed into her hips, an undeniable grin splayed across her face betraying the offended tone she took. "You sayin' I ain't got class like those broads up on level four?"

"Well, you're probably right there,"
She shook her head and laughed. "Lucky for them. All these curves? Some clingy little dress, makin' 'em stick out? Wouldn't nobody else get asked to swing, forget about it."

"Most classy broads wouldn't be eating food out of their pockets, either. Especially not during a meeting."

"Hey, I was hungry. Why let it go to waste? I paid ten creds for it, not gonna just throw it away. Our take-home is shit enough as it is."

The two continued their usual back and forth jabs at one another, finally finding their way to the heavily guarded front entrance of Security HQ. With one quick scan of their I.D. tags, the gate commander gave them the green light, nodding his head in the direction of the sliding blast doors.

They waited outside for a time, chatting in their usual colorful manner while passers-by filtered in an out of the building, some glancing over to the pair curiously. After a while, one particular trio of characters emerged (Celyn, Artemis, Mark), engaged in their own conversation. Kel and Ro met eyes for a second, but before her partner could object she'd called out to the three of them, walking over their way. "Oi!"

"Saw you lot at the briefing earlier. You looked about as thrilled as we were."
Idly she rolled her shoulder, the servos in her synthetic arm audibly flexing. "What's say we blow off a bit of steam at the hub before we hit the job? His treat."

The redhead motioned back to her partner, who looked less than amused at the prospect. "What about you, big guy? You programmed to party?" With no regard for personal space, she tapped Mark on the chestplate, careful to avoid getting her finger caught in the fan.

Her gaze moved over to Celyn, sizing her up with an approving nod. "I know this pretty little thing has to come with, at the very least. I like the tats." Ro worked her way over to Artemis, rubbing her chin. "I feel like I recognize you from somewhere."

"He's from our precinct," Her android companion not-so-patiently interjected. "He's just in a different division. SWAT, right?" Kel didn't seem to be paying much attention, more consumed with the panel on his forearm with which he was hastily typing messages.

Heh, gonna need a tux or something
Blue is the warmest collar (1135)

For a 6'8" frame? Good luck with that.
Blanco collar-sama (1136)

You can hem one for me, right?
Blue is the warmest collar (1136)

Oh sure. I'll get right to that, after I finish ironing your clothes and making sure the house is nice and tidy.
Blanco collar-sama (1138)

You're the best
Blue is the warmest collar (1138)

Blanco collar-sama is offline. Please leave a message.

Don't storm off. That's MY thing
Blue is the warmest collar (1140)

Ro rolled her eyes at the 'droid, who seemed more interested in chatting with his galpal than making new friends. "Ah, that's it." She clapped her hands together, metal slapping against flesh. "So, how about it? You all up for a bit of fun? I know just the place."

She was so friendly and outgoing. Oh, how Keloran hated it so.
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Celyn:Room 137 to HQ Entrance
"Hello, my name is Mark. If my ears still work you said your name was Artemis? And I never caught you name, miss."

At the end of the meeting, Celyn turned to face somebody else; somebody else? Another huge hulking android. This one didn't even try to look human. My God. Who's creating all these creepy police androids? Seriously. All the shiny metal is giving me a headache! He didn't look too familiar either. Tallest android she had ever seen for a cop, too; wouldn't it kind of work to his disadvantage, not his advantage? Counter productive, if you asked Celyn.

But still, androids were human enough, and she had to work with them. It's not like they were going to do anything terrible if she told them her name. Even if somebody hacked them it wouldn't do much; not only could they get her information from anywhere, living on a ship where technology rules all, but she also had a gun. A very nice gun, she had to admit. So there was hardly cause for worry.

Celyn. Call me K." She responded with a flash of a smile. "And what do you work in? Fancy stuff I believe. Why else would you be the second-most decked out robot I've ever seen? It's very impressive."

The group of security and military members around them began to rise to their feet and leave. The meeting, of course, was over. They all knew what they had to do, and where going to do it, even though it sucked. Celyn rose to her feet as well, stretching out her back, a soft but resounding clink! being heard as the cybernetic flexed in her back. "Perhaps we should leave this cruddy room, go outside, get some... fresh air, I suppose. Don't wanna get locked up inside here when they leave."

She turned heel and left the room promptly, one hand resting on her hip, hoping the two would follow her lead outside. Her back was starting to ache even more as she stepped down the lengthy steps, so she paused and stretched it out again before continuing outside. "You know, maybe we should find something fun to do. We have the rest of the night off, nothing to do until that wretched party. I mean, I dunno what two androids and a human chick are gonna do with their time, but we can find something to do in this planet, eh?"

"Oi!" Some redhead, chock full of cybernetics, called out to them as they were leaving the HQ. This one Celyn had seen before. Rowan Ward, a police officer. The one with the fancy robotic arm, as she knew it. She was never sure of how she felt about this particular woman, whether she was badass in her own cop-way, or if she was a pain in the ass to deal with. Maybe a bit of both. Something about her attitude was alluring- not in the physical way, no, but the way she used her words made her out to be the kind of person you don't mind hanging out on the job with. It helped that her job was a police officer. "Saw you lot at the briefing earlier. You looked about as thrilled as we were. What's say we blow off a bit of steam at the hub before we hit the job? His treat."

She looked over at Celyn, looking her up and down. She felt like a lab rat. "I know this pretty little thing has to come with, at the very least. I like the tats." She paused and looked over at their third companion; Artemis. "I feel like I recognize you from somewhere."

"He's from our precinct. He's just in a different division. SWAT, right?"

Celyn jumped slightly; she hadn't noticed the third android in the party. She suppressed a sigh. Yep, every police android is this tall and is that much of a hulking, silver guy. He didn't seem too much into holding a conversation. Instead, all his attention was focused on typing on some weird panel on his forearm. Damn, she wished she could access the web like that. Instead, she was stuck using bulky-ass panels and devices around the ship.

"Ah, that's it. So, how about it? You all up for a bit of fun? I know just the place." The red head was saying.

Celyn glanced at her two companions before shrugging. "Why not. We've got nothing else to do- or I don't anyhow. Beats going back to VRT. Where to?"

@Tone 6th @Potatocat @ConstructPylons @LVL1337N00B
"Celyn. Call me K." She responded with a flash of a smile. "And what do you work in? Fancy stuff I believe. Why else would you be the second-most decked out robot I've ever seen? It's very impressive."

If Mark could smile, his lips would be pulled ear to ear. He loved compliments to his chassis and felt a particularly large amount of pride associated to it. "Why thank you Miss K. And yes, I guess I do work in what you can call fancy stuff. Officially I am an Engineer for the Security Service. Which really just usually means I fix broken guff around this headquarters."

He followed the two out of the room and into the half cybernetic redheaded woman and another android. Mark watched as the woman tapped his chest plate.
"What about you, big guy? You programmed to party?" He took little offense to it as his processors were telling him that her actions and tone portrayed a seemingly playful mood. He decided he would play back.

"I'm good for a bit of fun," He started, "The question is, do you have the code for it?" He directed the question to the redheaded woman. Unfortunately, his voice didn't carry the tone one would desire from a line like that, It was flat and didn't give the intended emotions easily.
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Lydia 815-165 — Nova's Glow, crimson
Lydia paused for several long moments while she stared at Xavier, analyzing his last sentence. His word choice, his vocal inflections, his body language, all of it was taken into consideration. For the next several minutes all her sociological fears about society and the philosophical ideas of the sentience of AI and their ability to be independent - they all moved to the background while she focused her attention on the one Xavier just mentioned. One so simple, yet at the same time so paradoxically complex.


The android wondered. She was fortunate to have experienced it once before, but couldn't be sure if Xavier was being genuine. Lydia believed him, of course, but they had kept their relationship strictly professional for thirty years, and the day he chose to retire, suddenly, love? Lydia had grossly underestimated his affections towards her.

Taken aback, she stammered. Hesitance was uncharacteristic of an android, especially one like Lydia, but love was not an emotion she was accustomed to experiencing. She had known it once, long ago before the Initium Novum departed Vitae. Even that was less of a romantic love but rather a familial love, for her creator and for her creator's family.

Over the years since, Lydia had hardened. Her second life required her to fake love, to be the recipient of temporary love, and embrace it as though it were real. She'd had love professed to her tens of thousands of times in her lifetime and would likely continue to. Xavier was not the first, nor would he be the last. At the same time, the circumstances were different with Xavier. She wasn't being paid for her time; she chose to be here. She wanted to be here.


Did she love him? Was that the only reasonable explanation? Certainly she found him attractive. He was kind, courteous, noble and with good intentions, but all of those qualities were more reasons she could never be with him. Lydia held Xavier in high regard; he mattered to her. If he were to ever discover the truth about the android sitting in front of him...

She swiftly shook her head and cleared her throat. "Love? Xavier, you... love me?"
Rowan Ward - Level 3, #C8B9A6
Rowan burst into sudden laughter at Mark's reply, slapping the clunky android's back as she sided up next to him, "The code for it, he says! I like this guy!"

"So, we're all in favor then", the redhead decided without actually waiting to hear from Artemis or Keloran, which the latter probably expected of her. She flung one arm around Mark, her robotic hand landing on his shoulder with a clunk, grabbing Celyn by the arm with her free hand and dragging her in to do the same with her, "C'mon, let's go run up Kel's tab."

Ro grinned at the six foot something android as she walked past him, leading the two at her sides along with her.

Rowan Ward - Entertainment Hub - FTL, #C8B9A6

"You tryin'a screw me?", Rowan accused, slapping the table she sat at, which appeared to be composed mostly of hard light whose colors shifted frequently. The few glasses of green liquid sitting on the edges of the table shook and sloshed, one nearest to her hand losing a few drops of the beverage on the tabletop. She grabbed that closest glass, bringing it to her lips and turning it up, "I ain't drunk enough kid!"

Wiping dribble off her mouth and chin with her squishier hand, she set the empty glass back down and tapped a card featuring a large box shaped cargo ship and the space next to it with index and middle finger. "Thast two gunshnips. Two! Your shitty little fighter squardron can't top TWO gunships, I don' care if you have a repair drone behind it!", the inebriated cyborg pointed out to.. Whoever it was sitting at the other side of the table. She couldn't quite make them out herself. "Tell 'em Kel! Pull up th rulesh on your doodad! ..Kel?"

"Keeeeeeel!", Rowan could be heard calling from behind the curtain to the back room of Funkier Than Light, a disco themed club complete with lava lamps, a big shiny ball hanging from the ceiling and floor tiles that bathed the entirety of the place in a multitude of colors that changed with physical contact. Place was run by an android/human duo, both of whom wore loose clothing and big gold chains.

Whether or not her partner was in that little room with her or even in the club at all, she couldn't tell. Just like with the person she was playing against, her vision had become too blurred to tell who was who. Hell, she probably didn't even remember who else she'd dragged along to the place. It'd been a good pre-party party Ro would say, even if she wouldn't remember half of it in the morning.

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Xavier - Nova's Glow

A puzzled look came across Xavier's face. Did she really not know that already? Decades of romantic gestures, of trying to convince her to give him a chance despite their professional lives. Decades in which he had never dated another woman, having eyes for only her. Granted, the old man had never come out and said that he was in love with her before, but that was only out of respect. For a moment, he looked pained by the realization, but quickly composed himself.

"I have for years now, Lydia. I've known you for most of my life. We may not have dated, but those few occasions we were able to spend time together outside of the Bridge... You were always so willing to spend time with me when you could spare it. Time that I cherished."

Memories of years past were flooding his mind. Late nights spent sitting up with Lydia in the Map room, watching her catalog the data gathered on a new system before jumping to the next. Watching her prep the ship's systems for a jump. Conversing with her about what they thought their new home would look like, or what kind of alien life, if any, might they find out there. Listening with childlike joy as she told him stories of Vitae from before she arrived on the Novum, all while managing to plot new paths to take in their search for a new Vitae. The way she moved, the way she smiled, the way she laughed, the way she talked. Everything about her entranced him time and time again. How could he possibly put all of that into words?

"I don't really know how else to say it." Xavier's hands gently clasped around one of hers, and he couldn't help but smile. "I am deeply in love with you Lydia. Truly."

The Next Day - 10:00 AM
Carter had just finished his morning routine before checking his messages. Another report from Nira. Normally, he wouldn't bother with a reply, but his patience was wearing thin. The next hour was spent sending messages back and forth, and ended with Carter feeling quite a bit more frustrated than when he started. Hopefully the trip to HQ would give him enough time to cool off. Today was the day of the big celebration afterall. It would not be fitting to have it be marred by anger.


Your concern is noted. Rest assured that I will not be handing her over to you, or anyone else for that matter. This AI was commissioned by me personally a year ago. I allowed myself to be convinced by you and Vanessa that a "learning" AI as you put it, would be a better choice for my purposes in the long run.

I waited 8 months for work on it to complete, and now another 3 while I've allowed you to begin teaching her. Frankly, I find your suggestion of handing her over to you to be suspicious. I would not be pleased to find that you convinced me to commission the AI for your own purposes, knowing that getting approval for such a thing is so difficult, especially for something so experimental. Choose your words carefully from now on.

What's more is that you've got her learning music. Forgive me for doubting your methods as the rep of Education, but what the hell does an AI who's ultimate goal is to become a military/security think-tank? You've had 3 fucking months, and yet a handful of short video clips is all you have to show for it? It baffles me how you can expect me to have patience after all of this. I want results Nira, not speculation. If you can't provide them, I'll find someone who can. Last chance.

- Commander Carter Davis

Your misdirected frustration and anger is noted. I suggested KT to be made into a learning android as it will help her to feel more human and respond accordingly. Perhaps it will help our human soldiers easily connect to her.

As far as handing KT over to me because of ulterior motives - I must inform you that you are deeply mistaken. You lack patience and since she is a learning android, I fear you might dispose of her for not being competent.

The fact that you are disregarding KT's act of playing music demonstrates your inability to fully appreciate how underdeveloped she is. Her teacher Concordia possesses the ability to appreciate and enjoy music, while KT cannot, or hasn't developed this function yet. It is probable that KT cannot understand other subjective issues, such as a person's feelings or when a human - or android - dies.

As head of the Security Department , I figured you would have drawn your own conclusions on this matter, as the lives of everyone should be your ultimate concern. Obviously I was mistaken. My offer still stands. If you do not want KT because you refuse to understand her, then I will gladly take her off your hands.

- Councilwoman of Education, Nira Hadiya

Do not mistake my frustration for a lack of intellect. I find it difficult to determine how she is developing when I haven't been given the chance to meet her yet, with only the short videos of her lessons and your word to go on. Or perhaps you failed to consider that.

Perhaps you also failed to consider that you are trying to teach emotions to her in a classroom setting. As I recall, I never learned what love, or despair, or hatred, or any other complex emotion was by having it explained to me in school. I'm willing to bet you didn't either. I am not as dim witted as you seem to imply.

As such, I intend to rectify this ASAP. It's past due for me to meet this AI. Make sure she is at club Concord for tonight's party, and let me see her for myself. Maybe then I'll be able to get a more firm grasp on the situation.

- Commander Carter Davis

She has every intention of coming to the party, and I won't be stopping her. As far as learning about love, despair, or hatred in a classroom, yes I agree with you. I think you've also forgotten that she is a three-month-old android, who has yet to even make a friend.

Perhaps you should rectify that as well before you send her into the field, 'Commander.'

- Nira
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