Incest Brothers?



Original poster
His name was Ellie. Honestly he adored his name.
Brother wasn't too fond of him. Yet, Ellie still loved his older Twin brother. -- They were born four minutes apart --

Anyways, I have full - Kind of - Plot idea so if someone joins I'll PM them, and explain it!.

I hope someone joins! :D.

Also, I'll create my CS now because I have to leave in about thirty minutes so I can get ready for this thing I have to go to.

- Also, I prefer Anime Pictures. But either way is fine. -


Ellie Alder Jones.
(( He's the one with the Blue/Purple hair. ))

Age: 16

Height: 5'7.

Position: Uke (( He can also be Seme if needed. ))

Personality: Will be found out in the story.

Hobbies: Reading, Playing with Animals.

Dislikes: His brothers teasing.

May frostbite chan join? Pretty please?
Okay so when can/do we start? I'll explain my looks and whatever in the rp.
Alright so, we can start today if You make the thread because I am on my phone right now. Or we can start tomorrow when my Mum allows me to use her computer.
I can now. Sorry about this late reply i kind of...forget.
It's not a problem hun, I know how you feel.