In the Shadow of the Mountain

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Name: Idony Travers

Age: 24

Description: Idie has bushy, thick-banged auburn hair; big brown eyes behind coke-bottle glasses; and a mousy, boyish frame. She also has a noticeably thick Southern drawl in her soft tones. Uniformly, she wears a hoodie, gloves, and long sleeves/pants. No exposed skin if she can help it.

Short Bio: Idie's mother died from AIDS when Idie was ten years old. Her father was an alcoholic, and her childhood was spent between caring for her sick mother to caring for her drunk and hungover dad. Her mother's HIV and then AIDS status got out, and Idie was ostracized for it in school, leading her to be shy and socially awkward.

Since high school, Idie had been working part-time at her local library and volunteering at soup kitchens and homeless shelters around the city. She befriended some of those she worked with, other outcasts and rejects like herself, even helping one of them- an addict and mentally ill young man named Seymour- to get clean, take his medication, and get a job working for the city.

She never went to college, although her grades would have qualified her for scholarships. Instead she stayed home with her father, whose dependency issues interfered with, well... anything resembling a life. Secretly, Idie always dreamed of just running away one day, but she never had the confidence to follow through. The farthest she ever got was to the nearest bus stop before she turned around and went back.

Then Seymour showed her the thumb drive, and everything changed.

He'd always been a conspiracy theorist, even after he started to see the doctors. Sometimes he would speculate on the most ludicrous things, and Idie would sympathetically listen to him even when others turned away and pretended not to hear. But the night he called her over and waved the little blue drive in her face, he sounded so unbalanced that she suspected he was off his meds again. Until she was followed home from Seymour's apartment. Until she realized she wasn't safe.

Until Seymour vanished.

Until one of them caught up to her, and something terrible happened. And then she knew she had to run.

The name of a town came to her as she sat nervously in the line at the ticket marquee, gloved hands shoved into her pockets and hood pulled forward as far as it would allow. A name from Seymour's incomprehensible ramblings, one that almost sounded make-believe until she looked it up on a map. Maybe she'd find him there... Maybe she'd find answers...


Former Home: Birmingham, AL

How long have they lived in Reminiscence? Just arrived.

Powers: Rapid cell regeneration, organic tissue manipulation in others through skin contact (currently uncontrollable), and ability to break down her body into a putty-like substance (currently undiscovered). At present, the reaction to her touch is painful and varies between individuals similarly to an allergic reaction. At higher levels, she will have conscious ability over how she manipulates tissue and will also be immune to diseases/radiation/etc.

Let's Play... How Will Your Character React to Idie Touching Them Happy Funtime Roulette!

001-005 Immune
006-024 Skin/external reaction
025-042 Blood/chemical reaction
043-060 Muscular reaction
061-078 Internal organ reaction
079-095 Skeletal reaction
096-100 Seizure/anaphylactic shock/explosive horrible gooey death

Revi will be rolling for these! Enjoy.
You may have noticed that we have a few new players. You may also have noticed a couple of greyed out names in the cast list. Unfortunately, real life seems to have eaten two of our players, and I've had no choice but to retire them from the game. Fortunately, we weren't too far in, so for the time being, assume they just ran for safety when the lightning monster attacked.

From here out, your powers should start to grow. You are going to encounter a few things very soon, but let me be clear about a few things:

Your powers should not gain in leaps and bounds. Keep it slow and steady unless you discuss wanting to have something awesome happen to develop them. Don't just decide you are going to blossom into super hero over night.

If you are having any trouble figuring out what is going on in someone's post, ask them. This is great help as well.

Try to keep in mind that things will progress to some action, but most problems, most fights even, will take thought to solve. The fight with the lightning monster went beautifully, and thanks to those who took the consequences of the fight like pros!
Oh man....*eyes the numbers warily*

Woo! Action! Self discovery! ADVENTURE!
Mwahaha, I hold all your fates in my online dice roller!
Ow, my spleen! >.>
So is everyone having fun yet? :D
*Makes grabby hands at Ceru*

Okay, so I am going to warn everyone that the next GM post is going to be fairly traumatic. I'm pretty sure your characters can take it and they WILL get some minor "down time" after this bit. Effort is leaving the game and has requested his character die, so I tried to give him a creative send off. For those whose characters are just arriving, please do try to hang in there despite the upcoming trauma. If nothing else, it is going to at least serve as some confirmation that strange stuff is afoot.

Also, though the description in the first paragraph of the new post is primarily for Iskari's character, others might notice some of it, too, though perhaps only the big picture, not the small details.
Those who haven't posted this turn, go ahead. I'm sorta sick right now and I will get Ander's post ASAP, but I just can't right now. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow.
Okay, guys! I need you all to post if you want to keep going. We don't have a real order, so if you want to, go ahead and post. I really don't want this RP to die. I have so much planned for everyone. If you all want, I can do a GM timeskip for you guys to the next scene, but you need to let me know.
I'm up for a new scene. I'm not sure what to post otherwise D:
So right now, you guys can start to get to know one another. Form bonds, get to talking. Things are going to really start unfolding soon, but I want you guys to have some sort of bond going, whether it is good or bad. So for now, feel free to post often, have conversation going on, that sort of thing. Get to know one another. You have time at the moment to relax.
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