Original poster
IBA and WAHA Information!
Please Sign up at your leisure using the tabs to find which family you shall be a part of and more information on said family.
Join in on the rp; HERE
Hunter Families.
General Information
Mathis Family
Watters Family
Collins Family
Rowland Family
The Signups for HUNTERS!
Originally there were the four founding families, These included the Watters, Mathis, Collins, and Rowlands. To this day, all families remain as head of the school but currently possession belongs to the Watters and is headed by the Collins. Every century or so the head dean is changed but only selected from the strongest of hunters at that time, currently the headmaster is, Headmaster Collins, Lori. The weapons used to kill Noctiuagus are specially crafted, handed down, hand made, diamond based weapons that deliver a devistating blow. The most common blades ar known as Purple diamond, rarer blades basically just get darker (please refrain from picking dark colours like, black, brown or white, grey or colourless, these are rare or even not effective, just pick your favourite colour from the remaining colours and go with it!) They reside at the school in the Hunters' Laybrith. It's a place of Sanctuary for them where only they can enter, using a blood signature type opening making it so Noctiuagus can not enter, this is... for the safety of them. (yes this DOES include Hunter based Noctiuagus, believe me, rampaging hunters who could kill you if you let your guard down is not wanted at the school and will not be encouraged.)
It was brought to my attention that people might mistake hunting the vampires and Noctiuagus as two species. This is NOT THE CASE! Noctiuagus are characterised as vampires, they are simply not called vampires. With this said please read up on the history of them. I do have a bit more info if you would like a more in depth explanation. But it's on my google docs. You can access that information; HERE
The Mathis family is the VERY FIRST EVER Noctiuagus to walk the earth, their leader is currently Mathis Lau, she is head royal with her successor being Mathis Coyoty. The Mathis family has never been human nor will they, their reputation is simply to control their species and keep human casualties to a bare minimum. They are the inventors of the blood supplements and weapons used against the Noctiuagus. They have evolved into a very mentally unstable race relying on killing in order to stay sane.
They were there at the meting that established the school, humans in rage to end the species known as vampires. They wanted to put a forever end to the Noctiuagus and because of this most ideology from these family members point to them insinuating all Noctiuagus should die. They were corrupted around the 20th century and now some are Noctiuagus and some are still human. They however are the FIRST actual hunting race making even their blood toxic to Noctiuagas. (I would not recommend making one of these family members a blood bag...)
These are the more american breed, originating from the states, this family was fed up with their colonists being eaten or slaughtered on the battle fields by the more European immortals. They were a part of the first meeting but since then have remained more or less not as dedicated to the killing of Noctiuagus, they are the only family that remains to this day unsure of what they, as a whole, really believe. They have the most diverse belief systems but hate to have these belief systems brought to light. It was not until the 18th century that they became more involved even still unsure as they are.
The only race to have started out human and changed into what they were, as a founding family one Rowland was at the meeting, where each family had at least three people to bring only one Rowland was there, In this respect most believed the Rowlands' to have been wiped out entirely. However it was that one Rowland that actually invented the gun type weapons and to this day evolves each weapon into a stronger more efficient weapon with each passing year. They know where they stand indefinitely and their opinions have never changed, no matter how many of them are changed. Let's just say they are the sneakiest family with the most to hide.
Just as a note, if you are a Noctiuagus please refer to the tabs below just to familiarize yourself with the description of them, it will definitely help you fill this out better, I promise. Also, there is NO BEING YOUR OWN MATE OR DATE)
General Information (everything here is MANDATORY!)
Appearance: (Picture use, if no picture refer to the appearance section below the general info)
Age: (is said mandatory unless you are a Noctiuagus)
DOB: (Just month and day is preferred. Don't go into years as I have not actually established WHEN this RP is taking place)
Family of Origin:
Species: (This is important to which "dorm" you will be in)
Powers: (if you are a Noctiuagus then you have them, the superpower wiki is a great use, just don't go over bored please)
Weapon: (What is it? What does it look like? GET CREATIVE!)
(WARNING! In depth characterization of appearance follows!!!!! and please remember this IS NOT mandatory, I prefer you use this if only you do not have a picture, most do, so...)
-Eye Color:
-Hair Color:
-Hair Style:
MISC (If anything else, use this section to characterize your character further! Make it as detailed as you wish, I do enjoy all the gory details.
-Why the WAHA?: (Most families join because they are told to since it's in their linage, others (noctiauagus mostly) join for revenge, what's your reason?)
-Social Standing:
-Theme Song:
Family Ties
(use of the family ties section and MISC are strictly optional, don't want to don't care to? Okay, than don't. Also, remember that the use of the family ties section when pertaining to other people's characters, it MUST BE OKAYED WITH THEM!)
Noctiuagus General Information
Vikrla Family
Mathis Family
Maids, Butlers, Academy Guardians
The signups for Noctiuagus
Noctiuagus are a species of blood thirsty killing machines. They are characterized by their almost cancerous body structure, each cell multiplies and re-creates over and over again allowing for faster regeneration. They do not have the need to breathe (except what is necessary for speaking) their hearts do NOT BEAT (Coffee is used to help beating for human interactions easier with less energy expelled) Since they cannot retain oxygen their diet is strictly human blood (or for lower ranks the blood supplement.) There are two ranks of Noctiuagus that are currently acceptable as Noctiuagus. (Meaning these are the only two you can pick) Those include the Pure blooded, Half Blooded, Pures pride themselves in being just that, they are 60% pure to 80% pure. The darker gems do more damage to them but purple like most kills them in any devastating blow (IE anything that kills a human) (They convert at the age of maturity so they age mostly as human until they are mature enough to take the change. Can be changed with great care but mostly born.) Half Bloods are pretty much 50% pure to 30% pure. Some are born, most are change because half blooded mothers cannot actually give birth to life, their life force is drained at birth and in order for the baby to survive the mother is tasked with biting the child to convert them which takes the rest of their life force killing them. They age up to maturity and retain their stomachs where pure bloods do not. (This means they can eat, but most find it sickening or too gross.) Most Noctiuaugs of today are animal based unless stated in their family descriptions.... PLEASE READ THOSE!
A relatively new name, most of these counterparts appear to have mainly Pure Blood to them or are pure killing machines, they have Noctiuagus blood as their base and it seems that they have other demonic forces such as a high rate for shinagami eyes and soul seeing, it is also said they attract cats with ease. <- not an actual requirement) These members are one of the most dangerous because they are pure Bloods and no apparent blood to help curve these cravings. They appear to be assertive, aggressive, and though slightly more mature then others seem to like sadistic ways of hurting a person. They more often prefer the torturous ways of killing humans but some do it quickly. Regret fills some hearts of this family and they do not like being known as the youngest family. (Hotheads.. .XD)
This family as mentioned before is the ORIGINAL family, most partake in hunting, but some would rather enjoy the thrill of human killing. (Most don't so I am going to be stickler on how many of those who would like this rank.) They practically define what a hunter is, but their rank has more to do with dogs and those counter parts. They have the most wolf- or dog- changing Noctiuagus of any other family. They have the most turnouts for elemental powers and nature powers of any other family. Most of these family members are pure or higher (if you would like to inquire abut this 'or higher' clause message me, please, don't be afraid I will explain and probably give you leeway into that higher rank if you ask.) They are the most famous and often have occupations in the human world as actors or other famous roles. There are even some foxes in this rank. (Goodie two shoes XD)
The most regretted group, none of these people wanted to be a Noctiuagus and were hunted down by their hunts turned by them, it is because of this family group that the Watters made the Hunter Gene. To this day, this family is more cat-like than any other group morphing into cats or birds. They often kill without remorse but regret it latter. This family has a nasty history for abandonment since this family is the only one that is not sure where they stand until they have to make that decision and it doesn't turn out well. They have the highest tendencies to be dark, malicious, cold and daring. Most of these members have jobs and are normally outstanding members of society. They are not known for voicing ANY of their sadistic nature. Their powers are most often the rarest of all, with some being able to have the ability to actually see into the future. (Depressive much? XD)
This family, is rather a dysfunctional group being that most who are in it are actually quarter bloods, or Noctiuagus mutants who cannot take a human form. Their branch as composed together after Judge Mathis betrayed his family and tried to create Noctiuagus soldiers for the humans to battle, even after it was decided not to partake in human affairs like that. They are the tightest knit family and will go to the ends of the earth to protect one another if needed. They are often loyal to their Noctiuagus masters (Kinda kinky but yes, you may choose a master to order you around if you wish) These are often the most headstrong, determined group with a large respect for those that hurt mentally. They are the most loyal to any endeavor they embark on. Most may be Quarter bloods but some are not and just wanted to be a butler or maid because they could. (YAY! more kinky stuff!!!)
General Information (everything here is MANDATORY!)
Appearance: (Picture use, if no picture refer to the appearance section below the general info)
DOB: (Just month and day is preferred. Don't go into years as I have not actually established WHEN this RP is taking place)
Family of Origin: (please look over them carefully and make an educated decision, you may NOT change this later.)
Species: (This is important to which family you are a part of, remember kindly that though there are characterizing traits (ie Inus Nekos) you do not have to be any of these, also note that if you are not any of these then you are a Vikrla or a maid/butler get creative with your species, I want to see everything from dragons to just normal Noctiuagus)
Powers: (You have them, the superpower wiki is a great use, just don't go over bored please)
(WARNING! In depth characterization of appearance follows!!!!! and please remember this IS NOT mandatory, I prefer you use this if only you do not have a picture, most do, so...)
-Eye Color:
-Hair Color:
-Hair Style:
MISC (If anything else, use this section to characterize your character further! Make it as detailed as you wish, I do enjoy all the gory details.
-Why the WAHA?: (Most families join because they are told to since it's in their linage, others (noctiauagus mostly) join for revenge, what's your reason?)
-Social Standing:
-Theme Song:
Family Ties
(use of the family ties section and MISC are strictly optional, don't want to don't care to? Okay, than don't. Also, remember that the use of the family ties section when pertaining to other people's characters, it MUST BE OKAYED WITH THEM!)
Just a warning, wait to be accepted to start Role playing. I will go over your application and let you guys know if you are accepted or not.
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