im new and scared and smol

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Original poster
hiello my name is izzi nd im new to rp @oooo@

whenever . i talk OOc i talk very . like weirdly and mistype 100% of the thing i say.. also i type in courier new @ ALL TIMES i m so sorry i love it..

err ok ill like. fill out de form thing...

What do you prefer to be called?
please call me izzi or ed. thank

Boy, girl, or a mystery?

its not a fruckin misyetery im agender refer to me as they/them or she/her or death
How old are you?

Are you new to the site but not to roleplaying?

no im new 2 btih
Do you like group Roleplays or just a single partner?

i like single ppl ones...
Sunshine and beaches or shade and air-conditioning?

shade pls
SING IT OUT LOUD! What song is tormenting your mind?

cheerleader by omi flml....
heck yea!! im agender too! nice to meet you!!
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