If you could only listen to 3 CD’s for the rest of your life, which would they be?

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[DASH="#ff0066"]If you could only...[/DASH]

Listen to 3 CD's for the rest of your life, which would they be? And why?


Buckethead - Decoding The Tomb of Bansheebot

Cause this is when he began to start playing with random artists. The level of improv is amazing.

Megadeath - Rust in Peace

Torando of Souls. What more do you want?

Tool - Lateralus

Because everytime I hear Lateralus, I get this feeling that I have such incredible potential... I don't really know why.
Iron Maiden - Power Slave

Powerslave is probably my favorite album of all time. I got my first copy when I was like 7 or 8 and I've never gotten sick of it, its amazing.
(Favorite songs - Aces high, Powerslave and The Rhyme of the ancient mariner)

Metallica - Master of Puppets

Master of puppets always gets me Pumped up, so if I ever needed workout/rage music this would be good to have. Also Its just a great album; All the songs Kick ass.
(FSs - Disposable Heros and Orion)

Opeth - Orchid

Opeth is a very original metal band, and this is my favorite album by them. There is so much variety in this album.
(FS- Twilight is my robe....this song is amazing from start to finish)