If Apples turned pink & Bananas were purple...

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[DASH="#FF0066"]If Apples turned PINK & Banana's were PURPLE...
Would you still eat them ?

Does color conditioning affect taste perception?

Studies show that it does.

In philosophy, psychology, and the cognitive sciences, perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information.

"People 'pull' a lot of sensory information from a food product,"
says Avery Gilbert, president of Montclair, N.J.-based Synesthetics Inc., an multi-sensory research company.

"As a product is about to be consumed, a person has expectations based on the food's appearance. The brain interprets those cues and sends messages down to the taste and aroma sensory organs which in turn modify the information flow sent back to the brain," says Gilbert.

"Expectations at a cognitive level affect sensory experiences at a very basic level."

What about you ? Would the color of your food affect your feelings towards it ? Would you eat spaghetti if the noodles were green or rice if the grains were dark blue ?
If the spaghetti sauce were green...Ughh...With apples....I find that Fuji apples, when they are a bright red color, seem to be very crunchy... And I do love a crunch. So I generally go for the brightest red apples I can find.

So I suppose, yes. ^_^
If they have been of that color, then I guess our senses would grow accustomed to it, and we would find "yellow bananas" and "red apples" weird...

Though, I think I have come across some pink bananas in some supermarket shelf somewhere.......
Well it might no be all about the color but it is a funny story about perception. My Dad got up in the night to get a drink. However, this night, the fridge light was broken. So he had to feel his way around the area for the jug of milk. Like any male in this situation popping the top and swigging is acceptable, so he does that. Unfortunately for him it was a suprise taste as he picked up the jug of Orange Juice rather than the jug of milk. He immedietly spit it out in the sink and turned on the lights. It was truly a funny story to hear of in the morning.
They can change the colors of certain fruits and vegetables now and days, some engineered carrots are purple.


I wanna purple banana..... but then that would be an even WORSE "yum" experience.

Yum: When something that seems harmless in theory can be seen as sexual, such as eating a banana.
well you would have to eat eventually right? so yeah I would still eat it
I've definitely had moments where I haven't wanted to eat something, or expected a certain kind of taste because of the food color. c___c

Sometimes I like to play with food coloring and see what people do. XD For Easter, I make deviled eggs with the food coloring so the filling is weird colors and not the normal "yellow" people expect.
Some apples are pink they're called Pink Lady Apples. I used to work in produce I KNOW XD Humans would eventually get conditioned to it I wouldn't worry ^_^
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No Tegan you just made this BETTER. I definitely want to try the Pink Pearl apples now :DD As well as the pink bananas :DD
Wow. I knew I should've used green veggies turned purple. xD

Thanks Ocha. They do look pretty cool :)