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[DASH="#FF0066"]If Apples turned PINK & Banana's were PURPLE...
Would you still eat them ?[/DASH]
Would you still eat them ?[/DASH]

Does color conditioning affect taste perception?
Studies show that it does.
In philosophy, psychology, and the cognitive sciences, perception is the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information.
"People 'pull' a lot of sensory information from a food product,"
says Avery Gilbert, president of Montclair, N.J.-based Synesthetics Inc., an multi-sensory research company.
"As a product is about to be consumed, a person has expectations based on the food's appearance. The brain interprets those cues and sends messages down to the taste and aroma sensory organs which in turn modify the information flow sent back to the brain," says Gilbert.
"Expectations at a cognitive level affect sensory experiences at a very basic level."
What about you ? Would the color of your food affect your feelings towards it ? Would you eat spaghetti if the noodles were green or rice if the grains were dark blue ?