I spent too long trying to decide on a title.

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Original poster
I figure this is the next cool thing. You got your standard hey I'm new titles, the "oh look I've done this before insert ironic title here" titles, then you got your I spent twenty minutes overthinking the title of my thread because I want to bring in interesting people that appreciate my wit titles, AND NOW INTRODUCING the holy shit I've been trying to come up with a witty title for so long that I now need to write a paragraph explaining why my title is bad and why it took me thirty minutes to think of.

Now that that is taken care of hey I'm GroggyFrog or Grog for short and I'm gonna keep the rest of this short since I've spent way too much time on this already.

I've been meaning to get back into forum roleplaying for awhile now but life has kinda been in the way. I haven't roleplayed on a forum based site for years but I regularly enjoy playing dungeons and dragons, Stars without number, warhammer 40k, Pathfinder, Rogue trader, etc. I'm not the most literate person on the face of the earth but I like to think I can hold my own. I'll play almost anything as long as it has a interesting plot or a great setting though I tend to be partial towards the Sci-fi genre.

My schedule is a bit messed up so I'll only really be able to RP in the dead of night eastern time but I really can't wait to get started. If you have any questions about me just let me know.
Welcome to Iwaku!
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