I slept til 2:30 pm today

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In college I could sleep 15+ hours no problem. I still can, but I wake up every day at 7am like clockwork then have to go back to sleep. It sucks on the weekends.
The latest I've ever slept was until 1 in the afternoon. My Mom came in and I found out it was past noon. The day went by fast... >>
I've spent a month only sleeping a couple of hours here and there, and by a couple of hours I mean 1 or 2 max. After times like that I can crash for up to 36-48 hours. The longest I've every slept was 48 hours. I woke up with one hell of a case of priorities. "Do I pee first? Drink a gallon of water first? or eat 5 eggs and a plate full of bacon?" ← That is so not fun.
I used to always sleep in late, anywhere between 12pm and 4pm. I had no responsibilities, I was really depressed, and nobody was complaining about it... So that went on until I became healthier and happier. Now that I'm more productive, I get extremely pissed about sleeping late. Too much time is wasted on sleep, I'd rather waste it on work or play.

Nowadays, I'm lucky if I get to even sleep in until 11am. If my child hasn't woken me up, my manfriend will by getting up regularly for morning bathroom time. (I'm a really light sleeper, but even more so when the sun's coming up. It's saddening.) Or I'll end up getting myself up because it's routine now for me to be up earlier than I'm used to. In the end, I'm most likely to be in an unpleasant mood. Shove a cup in my hand that's filled with either a fresh caramel flavored coffee drink, or fresh blood from one of my enemies. Else, I'll be a jerk until lunchtime. You can turn me into a person who wakes up in the mornings, but that doesn't mean I'll like it. :P By the time my kid's old enough for school that starts at fucking sunrise, he's going to be afraid to get me out of bed every morning. LOL
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Boyfriend and I and best friend's boyfriend are all nightowls. To demonstrate, I woke up thirty minutes ago. Practically one.
In college I could sleep 15+ hours no problem. I still can, but I wake up every day at 7am like clockwork then have to go back to sleep. It sucks on the weekends.
When I was in the dorms in college I couldn't sleep for two months. Loud music and constant fire alarms. I almost ended up trying to kill my roommates because of it.
Most...10 hours from 12am to 10am and yes 10am is the latest I've slept in regardless of when I've gone to bed. Least was like...3 or 2 hours of sleep and I would say 1 but that time I wasn't functioning at all. 3 hours is enough to function properly which was like 2am to 5am on that day. Ah college...makes you wake up at 5am so you can ridicule people at 8am. Hallucinating is fun though cause 1 time I was awake for 22 hours and I swore this tree was trying to eat me but I knew it was fake and yet real at the same time. What was worse...accepting that it might be real or knowing it's fake and still seeing it happening.
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