I never saw it coming

Riley looked at him with a ...different look, his eyes were softer now, but wordless he pushed himself up with his elbows and sat back up, entirely trembling from the pain and clenching his teeth swallowing his moans to himself. There were still small glass shards stuck in his arms and chest, he opened his hoody and lifted his shirt carefully not to hurt himself. His skin was nearly white as if it were marmol of a special kind, slim and soft, it almost looked sensual.

Even with those stream of bloods running down on it, Ripley turned to look at his roommate. "Sorry..."
"JESUS!" Riley couldn't help but gasp at all the glass. "all that from the case!? What the hell!? How many glass figures were IN there!?" Riley sighed to himself, and opened the first aid kit. "how'd you even trip over a piece of glass? Wouldn't you step on it first? You didn't turn a single light on!" He pulled on a pair of gloves, and some tweezers. 'This'll hurt a bit," he warned. Riley set to work, picking out any remaining shards of glass. Once he was absolutely SURE every piece had been removed, Riley prepared a cloth with the disinfectant liquid on it. "This'll sting like hell," he said, slapping the cloth onto an open wound. Riley blocked out any sounds or complaints Ripley would have made from the medicine. Riley dabbed at the young one's body until he was clean again. "There..." Riley said slowly, drawing back, "but I'm not too sure about bandaging."

((Poking at the plot holes XD))
He twitched and gasped in pain, almost jumping away constantly because of the pain it brought him every time a shard would be removed, and when the time came to clean the wounds, he'd almost scream in pain. "Stop..." he begged once or twice, and when Riley was done, he angrily sighed.
"...I'd say you bandage it, my body works slower than normal people's..."
Riley grimaced. He felt a little guilty for treating Ripley so roughly, but Riley had been in a bit of a panic. "Alright...I just meant I wasn't sure what bandages to use..." Riley examined the cuts a little longer. Gauze wouldn't work in this case, would it? No...the cuts, although a little deep, were rather small. Riley opted for a different type of bandage. He was a bit gentler on Ripley this time, though it was probably too late seeing as the worst was over. When the bandaging was done, Riley stood up, and collected the glass, which he'd set aside. "You just rest in here for now," he assured. "Would it be okay if I cleaned up in your room?"
"No..! ..I'll... Do it later myself." he contested quickly as soon as he heard the question and sat up, obviously hurting himself in an instant and laying back down on the bed and turned to look at him "...Sorry" he said once more "I'm crazy whack".
With this he turned to look away, giving the impression that he was either asleep, or couldn't look at Riley's face anymore, then suddenly someone knocked gently on the front door, Ripley nearly jumped but then spoke "Must be the pizza guy..."
Riley nodded slowly. He didn't want to upset the boy any further. "Just do it when you feel better." He stressed. "Preferably morning. And you're not crazy; it's your room." Riley turned in the direction of the sound. "I'll get it. You wait here. Don't move." Riley got up slowly, and headed to the door. He retrieved his wallet from his jacket pocket. After paying the pizza man and collecting the pizza, Riley stopped to grab some plates from the kitchen. He approached his room again. "We can eat in here. Don't worry about it."
(double post)

He leaned forward and crossed his legs in a common sitting position, of course it hurt him but he didn't want to eat in an uncomfortable position that might make his eating annoying or more likely-- impossible.
He ate in silence holding his slices and biting them down like a cookie eating monster that from time to time appeared on tv swamping cookies like they were water. Surprisingly he ate in quite the ...urge, like he hadn't eaten anything in days.
Then he turned to look at Riley "Didn't I tell you it's great?"
((What, really?! *flies off to fix*))

Riley tried to stop grinning at the way Ripley ate. It was rabid, yes, but...kind of cute. Wait, what was he thinking? of course Ripley didn't look cute when he ate; Ripley was a GUY. A little worried at the thought, Riley took a few bites of his own slice. He was eating much slower than Ripley was. Riley had only just finished his slice when Ripley asked him how the Pizza was. 'It's very good," he agreed with a nod. Though, he never really remembered Ripley telling him anything of the sort. All Riley could remember was that the young one had requested it. "So, are there any allergies you have, or...?" Riley shrugged. "I mean, because I can go do shopping, now...for anything you need, really..."
He shook his head and parted his lips to speak "I order deliveries" he begun "Sometimes my friend from the library does the shopping sometimes." He then turned to look back at Riley "Uhm ...Allergic? Nothing." he responded afterwards "I don't bear allergies, just my phobia." he then nodded and laid back after finishing nearly half of the pizza just by himself and smiled widely, eye closed. "Great dinner..."
Riley frowned a little. Why was that guy from earlier always doing everything? Riley was the one living here! He should be the one running errands. Riley was a little surprised about his blatant jealousy towards Ripley's friend. "W-well...the thing is, I really wouldn't mind getting groceries. I mean, b-because I'm living here now...I guess it just feels like I'd have something to do." Riley scratched the back of his head. "I mean, I'm aware I shouldn't be digging into your personal life, but I'm curious as to how you pay your own rent. Do you have a job of some kind, or...?" Riley trailed off, and then blushed. He was sounding so rude, and nosey! "Y-you know what? Forget it, it's fine. Please forget I said anything." the young man looked away as he bit into another slice of pizza. He wasn't feeling so hungry anymore.
The young one observed every bit of Riley's expression with a sense of unnatural awe, his eyes completely lost in his and as soon as he begun talking, he listened like his voice were music for his ears, then it came, the earnings question, he laid back as soon as the older one bit into his pizza, trying not to pry, but it was too late to jump back now, he parted his lips to speak "It's okay, he's been doing all that since I was in middle school. He's always taken care of me like an older brother or something... As for how I make my money, did you see the glass figures? They are brought to me blank, I paint them, decor them and sell them, the person who makes the glass then receives part of the profit and I am left with quite enough to maintain myself. Also I write stuff and publish it for a price in some site, and if none of those work, well ...I do other stuff" he shrugged not wanting to say another word.
"Oh." Riley couldn't think of what else to say. He wanted to do SOMETHING now that he was living here, but he didn't want to upset the boy any further, nor disrupt his usual pattern. "I-I see...Sorry if I upset you or anything." Riley frowned, feeling it was too late for apologies. Perhaps he was being a fool for thinking that perhaps he and the boy might be friends, or acquaintances, at least. Maybe it'd be easier if they weren't friends. "Well...Now all that glass is in your room...can you move?" he asked carefully. Riley remembered that the young one hadn't wanted Riley to go into his room. "If you don't feel too well, you can stay in my bed. I can sleep on the floor, if you aren't feeling good."
The young one shook his head and then looked at Riley with a near pure sight "It's fine" he smiled, eye closed and then rose to his feet, although in pain he didn't seem to want to back down. "It's really fine, I'll clean everything up" he then grimaced with a smile at Riley "You should rest." with these words, he left the room and after a few goes and comes with a few plastic bags he finally locked himself in his room for the rest of the night.

(I'm gonna leap forward a long time, pardon me for this.)

A few weeks turned quickly into months, and with this came a truly cold December, mercilessly cold the apartment felt like it were inside a fridge, and with the cold came the more constant than ever visits of this friend of Ripley's who would even stay over night eventually, IN Ripley's room. His actions ignoring his roommate, while Riley only turned a bit more calm and sickly, also silent and uneasy. Two weeks before xmas, he walked out of his room, his friend gone, he stretched and knocked on Riley's room and said in a sleepy voice "Breakfast required..." he had found a use for Riley. He could cook.
Riley couldn't contain his seething jealousy very well. Ripley's stupid friend always came over. ALWAYS. And he would ALWAYS ignore Riley. It was annoying. But that wasn't really where the jealousy stemmed from. Nope. Riley's jealously stemmed from the fact that Ripley was always so dam HAPPY when that idiot came over. It was annoying as hell, too, when he'd stay over. It meant Riley had to cook more. And watching them both retire into Ripley's room was...

Riley didn't want to think about it. It would just make him cranky.

The young man was curled up in his room, hugging his pillow to his chest, frowning deeply. This shouldn't bother him as much as it did. Maybe they were dating. The thought was a little double edged, on Riley's part.

Fine, if those two were dating, why didn't Ripley say so? He'd already told Riley that he was gay. It was the boy's business, not Riley's…but, a notice would be nice. It would at least ensure Riley would be more civil towards Ripley's boyfriend. If they even WERE boyfriends…Why did this bother him so much!?

Riley heard the knock at the door, and sighed. he de-tangled himself from the bed-sheets, and trudged into the kitchen silently. He decided to make eggs today. And pancakes…and maybe bacon, if there was any. As Riley got to work on breakfast he said. "I was thinking about decorating for Christmas…is that okay? Or do you not celebrate it?"
He blinked "I've ...never celebrated it before, I'm always alone at that time" the young one said, his words followed by a loud yawn and then he looked at riley with a terribly drowsy expression which he washed away after rubbing his face with both hands, he looked up at him once more and then glanced at the door, his small radio abandoned by the window as usual. "...He's not coming today" he said, his tone expressing no emotion at all. "I'll be cold" he complained as he shrugged.

What did that mean?
"Well...I still think you should decorate." Riley didn't want to point out that he'd be spending christmas with his own family. If Ripley wasn't afraid to go out, Riley would have invited him. Of course, he knew the young boy would probably refuse. They weren't exactly close.

"Err..." Riley said, as he placed the breakfast in front of his room mate. "I know it's not my business, but...cold?"
He looked up almost in a pure expression of confusion "...He sleeps with me, by my side, his apartment doesn't have a heater so, he comes here. Nothing serious going on, if that's what you're asking" he smiled. Then looked back at the door and then at Riley "...I need to buy a heater..." he complained then glanced at his breakfast, eating with a smile, but as they ate, he glanced up at Riley.
"Wait, why were you asking in the first place?"
Ack! Riley looked away quickly. "O-oh, no reason," he chuckled nervously. "I was just thinking...you could have one of my blankets, if you like. I think my room might be warmer than yours." Riley focused on his own breakfast now, and pushed the food around a bit. "Anyways...is there anything you want for christmas? Maybe I can get you a heater" Riley gave the young one a small smile.
No exact reaction came from me, he just dropped his fork and pushed the plate away "I want a boyfriend" he then chuckled and looked at Riley "Do you know anybody?" he grinned, maybe it was a joke, maybe it wasn't. Whatever it was he gave up on his food and walked to look trough the window once more. "I don't like it here, without my brother"
Riley sat there in shock, dropping his own fork. They WEREN'T dating!? That was...that was...HOW THE HELL WAS HE SUPPOSED TO FEEL!?

Riley pushed his confusing feelings away. "Brother?" he asked. "Well, Why not call and wish them a happy Holidays?"