I never saw another butterfly

"I think that this place is real. That it's like a bio-dome or something. The tree change slightly every year and they grow. They have a garden here. Do....do you think we are a part of an experiment? That....dangerous people come here to see how they respond to..torture?"

Shade moved into him subconsciously as she began to walk forward. When they collided, she stayed. It was funny how these small forbidden touches were more than enough. She could get used to this and she wanted to.

"I don't think tonight is good. We should gather supplies and stuff. I don't want to escape and end up starving or freezing to death."
Daniel nodded. "But..." he thought about it for a moment. "if this is part of some sort of experiment, then does that mean they know exactly what everyone is doing? If...we're talking about this right now, does that mean they know it...could they be listening?" Frantically, he glanced around into the trees, trying to see if he could see a camera or listening device, suddenly scared. He lowered his voice. "Could they be seeing us here, touching?" Taking a small step away from her, he bites the inside of his cheek, feeling a chill run up his spine.
"I don't think they monitor everything. The place feels too big and here... I don't feel watched. Do you?

Shade climbed up into their usual tree in the orchard. She felt safe here.

"I think they would have caught us if they had heard or seen us by now....they've never caught us on the orchard except at the end."
He nodded, following her up the tree. Leaning against the trunk, he asked, "Okay. What will we do, then?" he asked, trying to imagine every way that they could get out. "If it's underground, what...what can we do?"
"I think we go up. If we're underground, we go up. This is why we need the blueprints more than ever. Or SOMETHING that tells us what's going on. I mean there could be another facility on top. Something is going on and we need to find out." Shade shifted herself in which her back was leaning on Daniel. "We also need to figure out a distraction and if they discover us escaping or gone that they think we're escaping out not up."

Shade sighed and closed her eyes. The pain was throbbing in her head again. "I think there's something wrong with my head. WE need to get out. Soon."
"Okay," Daniel conceded. "But if something happens, and I need to, I will make you get out first, okay? That way I'll be the one captured, not you. Promise me you'll do that. I can't stand the thought of you being taken back here while I'm on the outside. But..." he sighed heavily. "It will be fine. I promise."
"How do you think I feel Daniel? How do I feel to hear you scream? I had nightmares for weeks!!" Shade sighed and continued: "No matter what happens or who gets dragged under, one of us will get hurt."

Shade stood up on the branch slowly balancing herself and jumped down. She landed on the ground with a slight grunt and then rolled to a stand. "Whoever gets in trouble, gets in trouble. No lies, no covering for each other." Shade said as she looked up at Daniel. "We'll be on our best behavior. We'll look and see we can about the blueprints, but if it's necessary, we'll go to him." She saw his reaction.

"Listen, I know it's not ideal, but if I have to sacrifice up to 30 minutes of my life to that, I'll do it. If it means us being in a place where you don't get overwhelmed by others and that we can do whatever the hell we want without the punishment they give us, then be it. Jail is better than this!!"

Shade had begun pacing back and forth when she said this. Shade was rambling and she knew it, but the thoughts had to get out. If they didn't get out, she felt like the thoughts would cause more pain inside of her heads.
"Look," Daniel said, as he tried to climb his way down the tree. A few feet from the ground, he slipped, falling onto his backside ungracefully. After emitting an 'oof' sound, he pushed himself to his feet, trying to calm Shade down. Though she wasn't having any of it. "Please...calm down," he told her, following her around in her pacing.

Finally, after a few minutes of this, he reached for her wrist, pulling her back to him. "Look...we'll figure it out, okay? We'll get out of here, and what happens afterwards happens."
Shade was caught off guard when he pulled her into him. She hadn't realized that Daniel was no longer in the tree. Shade placed her hands on his chest and sighed. "Yes, we'll figure it out as we go, but we'll get out. First blue prints or something to figure a way out, then the plan."

Shade wrapped her arms around his torso and placed her head on his chest, she stood like this for a while, but then she backed off. Shade looked at the time and sighed. "We must go. The sun if that's even the actual will set soon and we have one more class to go to before the day is finished." Shade picked up her bag and smiled at him. "I'm glad we're friends and I'm not going at this alone. I know there's probably a ton of other people who want to get out of here, but I don't trust a single one of them. They all feel wrong and untrustworthy..... Alright, come on let's get out of here."
Daniel was sad when she backed off. He had wanted to continue like that for longer, perhaps even do more, but he understood her reasoning. If he could, he would just skip class, but he knew that if he was caught-which he would be-he would be punished again. Forcing himself to return her smile, he gathered up his things before leading the way back towards the school. Just as he was about to shut the door behind them, he took a final, longing look at the sky, wondering if it was all fake, a farce made by those who ran the school to create an illusion of safety. Frowning at it, he shut the door, following Shade into the school.
Shade turned around and whispered at Daniel "I'll see you later, I....I don't want to be alone tonight and...my head feels like it may explode so I'm scared something will happen to me... can I?... Nevermind!"

Shade looked at him for a moment longer before she left for class. She barely made it there on time because her class was the farthest one from Daniel's. She shuffled into her seat just as the bell rang and pulled out a pencil for a test. The History test was its standard, typical crap test that the school gave them. for most people, the test was considerably difficult, but Shade remembered this stuff from ages ago. She always had felt uneasy before tests, but when questions were asked, information came flooding back to her. Occasionally she had minor episodes during the recollection of information, but luckily today she did not.

Shade finished early, handed her test in, and opened the book she had been reading earlier for English. She read the same page over and over, impatient for the bell to ring and let her out. Finally, her wish came true. The bell rang and class was soon dismissed. She left the classroom, unsure where to go.
Daniel had been about to say that it would have been fine, for her to come to his room that night, but by the time he processed what she had been saying, she was already gone. Sighing heavily, he made his way to his next class, pre-calculous. Sinking into his chair with a half-hearted sigh, he tried to focus on the homework he didn't do, but found it increasingly difficult as his mind wandered to thoughts of Shade. What was she doing right now? Was she thinking of him, of ways to get out, or her schoolwork? Wishing he was able to focus, with his teacher throwing him looks every so often that said, Get to work, Daniel looked at his blank sheet of notebook paper, suddenly wondering if his parents ever thought of him anymore. Surely they would, after all, they were still his parents. Had they sent him letters that were never delivered, maybe even a birthday gift? Hell, if it wasn't for his watch, which told him the date, he probably would have forgotten about his own birthday.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bell finaly rang, and Daniel was able to escape into the hallway, into the mass of colors and tastes that was the students of the school.