I need partners!



Original poster
Hello all! I'm posting a request for more roleplays again; I will do fandom roleplays, however I don't like to play canon characters. I prefer OCs. I know I say it every time, but I only really have a few hard restrictions. I don't play out explicit scenes of sexual assault, it's simply too triggering for me. Also, I am in my third trimester of pregnancy, so if I suddenly vanish with no warning, there's a chance I may have gone into labor.

Also, if I don't like a roleplay or I feel that our writing styles don't match, then I will tell you. I try very hard not to just ghost on people. All I ask is the same in return.

So! Fandoms and genres are listed below; anything with a star next to it is one I'm particularly interested in.


Fruits Basket
March Story
Tortall (Tamora Pierce) *

Favorite Genres:

Horror *
Fantasy *
Modern Fantasy

I do have one half baked idea kind of based on a game I played forever ago I can't remember the name of! Basic plot; character A is a normal person living in Chicago, but when she was walking through a storm she is struck by lightning and finds herself teleported to a fantasy realm, where she is arrested because she resembles a villainous ruler that was defeated two years prior. Character B is the one assigned to watch character A until it is determined where or not she is a threat. Not much to go on, lots of directions to go, if you like the idea feel free to PM me!

Writing sample based on the half baked idea above:

Nala waved goodbye to her coworkers as she headed out into the street. She glanced apprehensively up at the dark, foreboding sky and just prayed that the rain would hold off until she reached the bus stop. With that thought in mind she hustled her way up the street with her coat wrapped tightly around her.

her luck wasn't that good. She was still a good two blocks from the bus stop when the skies opened up above her, rain pouring down with a vengeance. Within moments she was soaked and she could barely see a foot in front of her. She shivered spastically at the unseasonably cold rain and picked up the pace. She was almost to the bus stop when her heels skidded from under her.

She slammed to the concrete with a curse, the rain still pouring around her. She forced herself to pull herself up and take stock of her hurts. Her knees were scrapped up and bleeding, her hose torn. Her palms as well were aching sharply from the rough concrete. She'd almost gotten to her feet when a feeling of danger came over her.

For a split second time seemed to slow, and the hair on her arms and the back of her neck stood on end. It was like the air was electrified. Part of her was screeching to move, but she was frozen in place. As if in slow motion she saw an arc of lightning racing towards her through the pouring rain. She closed her eyes, flinging her arms up to protect her face and preparing for pain, and suddenly she was falling into darkness.

When she finally woke, it was to silence. Was she deaf? Does lightning deafen people? After a moment of panic she heard birdsong and realized with a rush of relief that she wasn't dead. That was good then. She forced her eyes open to see blurry green shapes swaying lazily overhead, blue sky peeking between them. After a long moment of staring and squinting it finally came into focus. Green, leafy treetops swayed above her. A cool breeze played across her face, and she could feel dirt and cool grass under her fingers.

As lovely a scene it was, it was wrong. Very, very wrong. Where was the road? The sirens; the buildings? Where was home?

She tried to lift her head and the ache rose to a scream at the motion. Her stomach swam sickly as she lowered her head once more. Okay, she wasn't dead either then. She hurt too badly to be dead. She supposed that was also a good thing.

She had almost decided to give standing up another try when something sharp pricked the skin at her neck, and an even sharper voice, brimming with fury, lashed out at her.

"If you want your head to stay attached to your neck, I'd recommend you stay still."