Original poster
If all men (and lesbians) could fuck a girl like Keira Knightley, at least once, the world would be a far, far, far better place. This statement is not a consequence of me having seen that skinny bitch half naked like two hours ago.
God I could hear her talking to me all fucking day and I wouldn't get bored.
Oh yeah, more Keira, if cigarettes were actually made of tobacco, beer was free and porn movies were of overall better quality and originality. There would have never been a Gulf War.
But of course, we'll never have that.
Fuck you, God.
Oh yeah, say funny shit guys.
Except your shitty 4chan jokes, seriously, nobody laughs at that outside of /b/ but you.
Oh and another thing would be that cigars didn't cost my two testicles. Or whores, now that we're on the subject.
God I could hear her talking to me all fucking day and I wouldn't get bored.
Oh yeah, more Keira, if cigarettes were actually made of tobacco, beer was free and porn movies were of overall better quality and originality. There would have never been a Gulf War.
But of course, we'll never have that.
Fuck you, God.
Oh yeah, say funny shit guys.
Except your shitty 4chan jokes, seriously, nobody laughs at that outside of /b/ but you.
Oh and another thing would be that cigars didn't cost my two testicles. Or whores, now that we're on the subject.