I have a question.

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But does he know about second breakfast?
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I was surfin' through Iwaku, and I found something a little disheartening. In the "Iwaku Zodiac" widget (or whatever lol), there is nothing listed. I expressed interest in this particular section before. What is going on with that? =D

If there is anything I can do, to help, I would gladly do it.
Yell at Kitti, for being lazy and hating us.
......Kitti! lol
Yell at Asmo, because he's a dirty Brit trying to invade America.
haha Silly Asmo. You guys already tried it once. What makes you think it will work? We have Chuck Norris this time around. =)
We have Stephen Fry.

And seriously, this is all Kitti's responsibility.
Kitti....pwease hurry...I will help if you need it. =D
I read about it in a newsletter. The list of what the Zodiac is, is in it. I'm under the Trickster, actually, and quite laughably. I'll try to find the link for ya.
lmao Ivy, I knows. I have read the newletter. I was just wondering when the widget would be filled with stuff. (I am under Guardian btw. lols makes sense)