i has face

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!


Original poster

no longer very loli.

I'm very jailbaity flavored. My bf realizes this.

jail + marine = uncomortable

So I never get any TAIL


yes let's look back on the years. 5 months and I'm 17 when did I get ooooold

Shouldn't this be in the Members Pic thread instead...Oh I don't know... Being in it's own special little thread?
Your life went that way.

*points to his northwest*
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rEvosGROMU"]YouTube- The story of my life.[/ame]

Oh my god. This thread is perfect for my video commentary about Iwaku and my life in general.
4 years ago, Wendu looked like my cute little cousin.



Wendu looked like Darth Vader?
So let me get this straight...

You came back to Iwaku JUST to post a picture of yourself? What makes you think people will care though?

Btw, you have no right to say you're old. Shut up child. =P
answers to questions:

no, no, yes, yes.

not even kidding there.

Idk. I occasionally feel like coming back to Iwaku but every time I do, I'm like, why the fuck did I do this I need chips.

Whatever, maybe I come back cuz this was the source of all my shit.

met Johnu, parents found out, fucked my life for a summer and a year. Searched for attention, met my current bf, got caught ditching school to make out with said guy... He's too old. I'm jailbaity and he's in the marines.

or maybe I miss Gabe idontknowwhyicontinuouslyfuckmyselfover.
Well, if this is just for TEHLOVEOFIWAKU shit, then you should have just posted in the members thread.

Insanity is just what it is, Insanity and Non-serious shit.

If you want to WANGST go to counseling.

If you miss Gabe, go to RPA or whatever board he is running.

If you wanna whine about how SHITAINTASGOODASIREMEMBER, then just don't come back.

If you just come to gloat about your shit, then go on your facebook or some shit like that.

This is Iwaku now, Wendu. Not your Iwaku, but ours. If you think it's not up to your standards then stop coming back.
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This now calls for a song, but since Youtube fails here's one in text format!

Say that I'm a silly so and so

So and so...

Tell me I'm not clever, cute or cool


Tromp on my big toe
Darling, I still love you so
I'm just a crazy, lovesick fool
I know that I embarass you sometimes

All the times...

Like when I threw your mom into the pool


I yell a lot
And you can't understand a word I say
But, hey, I'm just a crazy, lovesick fool
I remember the night we met
It was in a laundromat

You came into to wash your feet
She was eating a pile of meat

And that as they say was that
At the moment
I am indisposed


But when and if someday
I get set free

Free...take me

[Brak]We'll find a little cottage
With a swingset and a slide
And crazy, lovesick fools we'll be
And crazy, lovesick fools we'll be

Somebody...please kill me
Well, if this is just for TEHLOVEOFIWAKU shit, then you should have just posted in the members thread.

Insanity is just what it is, Insanity and Non-serious shit.

If you want to WANGST go to counseling.

If you miss Gabe, go to RPA or whatever board he is running.

If you wanna whine about how SHITAINTASGOODASIREMEMBER, then just don't come back.

If you just come to gloat about your shit, then go on your facebook or some shit like that.

This is Iwaku now, Wendu. Not your Iwaku, but ours. If you think it's not up to your standards then stop coming back.

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/P3ALwKeSEYs&hl=en_GB&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/P3ALwKeSEYs&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
Wow... how the past returns to the future.
You know who I miss?


Stupid staff banning him for the 4th time before I could mess with him..
HAHA! Johnu! We miss you and your crazy drama! Wonder where he is now.. hopefully in a better place. XD