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Rubin twitched when he mentioned it. 'Don't tell me...' He thought. Grabbing the taser with his hands, he stabbed it suddenly nearer if not, an inch away from his pants. "Were you sexually harassed before?" He asked and stared at him. He hated when his co-workers did that. As if they were toys to pleasure them. And he wondered how they were never caught. "Here's a fact~ Did you know I once tortured a guard for raping one of the female hybrids?" He said and smiled at him.

Then he thought about why he was here and sighed. "Now before torture happens, I might as well ask if you are worthy of being punished or not. . . .What made you snapped out like that and cause destruction and not to mention kill a fellow hybrid?" He asked left the taser to walk towards him and wiped the dirt of his cheek. For him, it was natural for them to let out anger but at least they should do it where there are no people watching over them. Oh wait, They are watching over them. Rubin continued to wipe the dirt and patted his hair soft. He didn't know why, but the boy reminded him of someone.
"Does it matter?" He asked with a deadpan expression, unfazed by the closeness of the taser. "In this facility, my body is a mere tool to be utilized. Nothing more nothing less."

His ears perked with interest when the doctor went on, listening carefully as he offhandedly told him that he tortured one of his collegues. What did this man want from him? He wondered. After the doctor asked him another question, he raised his eyes as the doctor wiped a bit of the grit that got on his cheek. "They wanted me to fight, but I told them no, because I'm not allowed to fight, so they took something precious of mine. I tried to get it back and I accidentally clawed him in the face. Some of the blood dripped in my mouth and triggered my bloodlust. And a girl...." He trailed off for a moment with a faraway look in his eyes. "She got in the middle of it. I don't exactly remember what happened, but they were making me...very angry." He spoke with a dark undertone as his voice dropped low. "When he started screaming in my face, the tension and the scent of his blood pushed me over the edge." He finished quietly, not exactly sure why he was explaining himself to this doctor. He didn't bother to mention the medications, because every scientist knows that any Hybrid that doesn't fight, is used for drug testing research.
"Huh, then it was their fault for causing your bloodlust.....and the guards just left it like that." He said and smiled as his other hand clenched under the table. Damn these men for not taking care of their test subjects. He knew they will never be fit for military at all, the doctors here were too addicted to research to let them go. Rubin stood up and went to the table to search for something. "I swear, this is very much similar to an asylum....an asylum for hybrids." He muttered and hid something on his pocket.

Realizing something, he turned back from the boy and ask. "Say, What is your name my dear?"
Jamie tilted his head to the side. An assylum was a fitting name for this facility. He saw many who were driven to the edge. As far as the staff or other people were concerned, Hybrids were more like animals than people. Despite that, he didn't care what others thought of him or how he was treated. There were only two goals that kept him alive. Once those were fulfilled, he didn't care what would happen afterwards.

His face flushed. D-Did he just call me dear? "Jamie Hawthorne" He replied, staring at the doctor's back. His eyes narrowed wondering what he was doing. "Are you done dawdling? Or is it that you want me to change positions?" He inquired venomously, still leery of this doctor's intentions. "I've taken this shot naked flat on my stomach on this tablw before, bearing more pain than you can ever imagine, so don't think that anything you do is going to surprise me."
Burn it up!


Riley's mouth had gone dry when Alondra raced in between the two hybrids. This wasn't going to end well... Before anything more could be done about this, Jamie had attacked the vultures. And everything was over when the guards finally stepped in and took the bat away. Watching everything start to die down again, she could feel her body had run cold. They took him away and she wasn't sure if he was coming back. He attacked those vultures in blood lust. The smell of anger and fear was high in this area and it was making her feel sick. She had to go run again. Everyone was started to disperse and she felt like screaming. She had seen too many hybrids get taken away and never return. Was Jamie next. She felt herself start to grow angry and knew that there was no point. She had to burn this steam off.

Turning into her wolf self, she raced over to the fighting area where hybrids could train and, well, punch things if need be. And boy did she ever. Getting back into her human form, she started instantly attacking a punching bag. Her punches were loud and solid--a trained fighter. She was angry and sad and paniced all in one wolf. She was dangerous. She was seeing red and just wanted to kill all the scientists and guards that were in the fucking building. She had had enough of this. Times were changing.

((Sorry it's so short. I missed a lot when I left. I am back now though))
And ignite!
Rubin just chuckled at him and stared calmly. "No Jamie, those were my pills." He said while grabbing the keys from the table and begins to unlock his feet from the table. There was no reason to continue the punishment anymore seeing that he can control his own anger next time. "I see no reason to punish for a boy like you anymore. And of course my shift is finished~" He smiled, waiting to get back to relax.

"But do control your anger next time. You don't want to cause a scene~" He said and unlocked his other foot. "And You don't want to be punished again or result in something much worse..... right Jamie?" He warned him with his voice deep as the atmosphere around him intensed.
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Asiris quickly stands up and walks over to the water's edge. He fills up Cuppie and walks over to Haiden. "Give me your hands. I'll help you get cleaned up." He slowly starts pouring water onto the ground. "Just pretend its a faucet!" Wow...theres a lot of blood. Jamie got that vulture good. He deserved it though. I don't know what I'd do if someone took Cuppie from me...
Haidan slowly raised her shaking hands up and let the water run over them. The water ran red, as Asiris poured Cuppie over her hands. She slowly started to rub her hands together, hopefully the blood would get off faster. "Thank you." She whispered to him. She slightly tilted her foot to see if there were any on the bottoms of her feet. She saw a tiny bit, and shuttered and quickly turned her foot over so she couldn't see the bottom of her feet.

I wonder whats going on with Jamie. I hope he's alright, despite what he did.
Blood! I smell blood! We should look, it might be good to eat!

Tyson ignored the voice in his head. 'Voice' was a poor term for the thing, it communicated with broken words, pictures, emotions, and surges of color that danced in his mind's eye, but it was better than any other way to describe the Wolverine. Not that Tyson ever intended on telling anyone that he heard voices in his head, or that the voices were always urging him to kill people...

There was no way that could end well.

He was just entering the rec area, wearing the usual restraining shackles used whenever a Hybrid was transported from the complex. They were superfluous, there was no way he'd go anywhere with a murderous fetish collar around his neck. Tyson suspected they were there more of a psychological reminder, that he was being put back into bondage. Made sense to the Wolverine as well.

I do not like these things. They are heavy. You should shift.

No, he shouldn't. Any of that nonsense would give the guard permission to shock Tyson unconscious. The Wolverine knew that, he was twice as cunning as any man who ever lived, but he was frustrated and angry. They'd had a great few weeks of fresh air as they'd tracked the Zeta Cartel scouts through the mountains. Tyson had found the men within a few days, but they'd still been deep within Mexico, and there was no way to get to them without triggering an international incident. So he'd stayed on the men, both of whom had been Mexican Special Forces trained by American Green Berets, sometimes following, sometimes anticipating their destination and running ahead, sometimes taking a nap in the very same tree they squatted under. Nobody bothered a wolverine. He'd scented nothing but wild dogs, and once an actual jaguar, but neither species would trifle with him. They weren't stupid, unlike humans.

Like all Texans, Tyson spoke a few words of Spanish and understood a lot more. He could tell what sort of stories the two men told at night, describing barbarous acts against women and children that made his blood boil. The young man wanted nothing so much as to slip up to the men while they slept and tear their throats out. It would be so easy. Several times, he found himself halfway down his tree or across the glade, already anticipating the sweet coppery taste of blood, before the human side of him caught up.

Though that was a misnomer as well.

Tyson didn't make excuses. The voice in his head was nothing more than himself. A primitive, predatory self, but the same self as Tyson's more rational consciousness. All the desires were born from himself, the yearning for the kill, the lust for blood and sex and power so raw it made him want to scream in frustration. Sometimes he did, but never where he could be heard.

The shackles fell away, and Tyson rubbed his wrists. "It's good to be home..." he drawled aloud as he walked forward to rejoin the other people in the room. "How's it hangin', guys? Did someone just get busted up?"
Haidan's eyes shot to the guy who had just entered the room. She recognized him, nut had no idea who he was.

All the blood was now off of her hands, she wiped them on her pants to dry them. When the exotic looking guy asked if someone was busted up, a shiver went down Haidan's spine. She really hoped Jamie was going to be alright. Even though he shouldn't have done that, she didn't like hybrids dying. She didn't like death, she accepted it, but hated it when they would just kill them "in the name of science". Her hand went to her chest. Lightly rubbing the scar where they had implanted the kill switch.

Just one more scar to add to the collection. She thought Her arms and wrists had many scars on them. From when she first got here. From all the tests and injections they used on her. Some of them were from before she was here. From the ones her mother did to her when she was just little. She suspected that's where her fear of blood came from. All the vials of blood that her mom took from her, trying to figure out what she was. Both her parents were not born hybrids. Her mother did tests upon herself to see what would happen. That's how Haidan was created, her mother did tests on herself while she was pregnant with her and her twin. Thinking of her sister she grabbed the locket around her neck, that held a picture of the two of them together. She missed her.

Her thoughts were disrupted when she saw the way the exotic man was walking around the Rec room. The way her strutted around, like he owned the place. At least, that's the way it looked to her. She hated cocky people. She put them on the same level of hybrid scientists. She glowered at him, she even made a slight disgusted noise as she watched him strut around.
Burn it up!


Hearing the doors to the rec room open once more, Riley looked over to see the Wolverine-Tyson--be led into the rec room. She could feel her self tense at the animal. There was something that she had never really trusted about Tyson, but she could never really figure it out or say much about it. Everyone had their problems. She just hoped that he was sane. Turning back to her punching, she finally let out the last of her anger. Where was Ella? She should have been back by now. With a sigh, she left the training area and walked around. Looking up at the stone walls, she felt another surge of anger. She wanted to get out here so desperately. What was it going to take? War? Death? More than likely both. To get the freedom that they needed, she had to get everyone out.

She suddenly wanted back into her cell. She wanted to work more on the hole. She was almost out; she could feel it. She had worked on an escape for years and it was almost complete. She just needed more time. Time. That was all they ever had.
And ignite!
Jamie stared down at the doctor, watching him unshackle him. Fully aware that the doctor could get in trouble with his employers if they found out he just let him go. His gaze lowered. 'You don't understand...." He spoke with his eyebrows drawn together severely, "I can't..."

"My species...I don't mean as a Hybrid, but as a vampire bat, I feed soley on blood." He elaborated quietly. "I don't need anger to thirst. I can tell the quality of it just by smell...even the splatter on your coat is enough to set me off..."

"I don't want to get into trouble, that's why I keep to myself. However..." His gaze darkened. "Please don't take me lightly doctor. I am capable of doing terrible things and I'd like to do those things to one person and one person alone."
Dr. Colwen said nothing and started to unlock his hands. Of course he knew that. He had many advantages as a higher up. "Of course, I take my patients seriously." He snapped his fingers as a click was heard from the door and guards came in to take Jamie. But they were different. . .they wore strong black armor and taser guns. Special guards, only allowed to guide highly dangerous hybrids labeled by Rubin to where they needed to go.

"I guess we really shouldn't underestimate each other huh? And please keep this conversation a secret....we wouldn't want to get in a bad situation right?" He spoke softlt as the guards took him and locked his arms and muffled his mouth like the usual. "Alright, go and take him to the rec room.......but watch him closely. I do not want to see him in this room again." He said seriously and patted Jamie's hair. "You were interesting to talk to Jamie.....no hybrid has impressed me, much more threatened me." He laughed and whispered, surely he knew he could hear it. "If you want to be alone or a place to meditate, on the very top of the rec room is a camouflaged circular hole that leads to a small secret room. And a window where you can mostly see me........and a city far away." He was refering the rooftop.

He then waved his hand. "Now go." The guards obeyed and took him out of the orange room. They were quiet and didn't spoke to each other.

Rubin turned around and sighed. "That's the 5th and the last hybrid I left him unpunished......"

"And those chances are gone..." A man said from behind him.

"I guess i'll be doing the usual again?" He said

"Yes..........And this is the last time Rubin." The man left him silently.
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Jamie sat up and rubbed his wrists. He shifted his gaze where he saw the guards March inside. His ears flickered to show that he was listening as the guards approached. No, he didn't want to come back here. At least not now. Not while he had unfinished buisness to deal with.

Soon he was bound once again, but not like before. His ankles were shackled with a loose chain, giving him enough freedom to walk. His wrists were handcuffed behind his back with metal protectors that covered his fingers in case a hybrid tried to use their claws or talons. They strapped a muzzle on his face once again. The doctor instructed the guards to take him back to the rec room and to keep tabs on him. Jamie grimaced just imagining what reactions he'd come back to. It would almost be worse than punishment. He broke out of his train of thought when he felt the doctor pat him on the head saying how impressed he was by him. Jamie scoffed underneath the muzzle. Thankful, he could at least hide his embarrassment. His ears perked when he told him about the place he could go to for privacy. He blinked, giving the doctor one last look before the guards started ushering him out the door.

The walk back to the rec room felt too short, because soon he was halfway through the door. The room fell silent the moment he was inside. Eyes were on him as the guards released him from his bounds. He kept his gaze averted to the ground so he didn't have to look at him. His teeth clenched, feeling his heartbeat speed up in his chest.

Once he was completely released, one of the armored guards pulled out Velvet from their large pockets and handed her to him. "Here one of your group mates told me to give this to you." He said.

Jamie's eyes enlarged as he took Velvet from the guard and wrapped his arms around the plush. He let out a soft sigh as his anxiety went down a bit. "Thank you." He said. They must've sanitized Velvet, because she was completely clean without stain. The guard grunted at him in response.

His gaze lifted up back to the rec room. Even with Velvet back in his grasp, he felt scared to move with the others staring at him.
Rubin was at the top floor, watching the hybrids move aroud behind a dark window that couldn't exactly see who was observing them. The only thing that was clear is his messy black hair and his bloody coat. He swinged his bottle around before taking a huge sip from it and sighed. While looking around. He saw Jamie standing there, as if almost scared to come in. He chuckled and muttered to himself. "Scared of judment Jamie?".

Meanwhile. Inside the rec room. Some hybrids took notice of the bat hybrid. And their face were full of surprise. 'How did Jamie survive?' 'How was he not dead?!' 'Did he do something to the doctor?' 'Look the those guards...' They stared at him for sometime. Not until one of the hybrids saw Rubin on the top floor. She gasped and tugged her friend's wings and pointed to where he's at and shivered from fear.
Haidan hardly realized that Jamie had reentered the room. She only noticed when she heard the room go quiet and then some murmuring happening. She looked over towards the door and saw Jamie standing there, clutching his rabbit.

Good. They actually gave him back his rabbit. And it's free of blood. Thank goodness.

She noticed that Jamie looked uncomfortable. More uncomfortable than usual. Who wouldn't with all these eyes on them? Haidan looked away, so there would be one less set of eyes on the vampire bat hybrid. Haidan wasn't sure on how to feel about everything. She just had this sense that there was going to be more crazy things happening today. And not the good kind of crazy either..

In order to calm herself down, she pulled out her book again and started to read. Getting lost in that world. Even if what was happening in that book was very stressful, she'd rather be there because at least they could roam free in their paranormal world.
Being loaned out like a library book to New Mexico DPS had been great, but that was over now. Tyson tried not to let that bother him as he headed over to the workout machines. Ah, how he'd missed these... He'd lost some of the definition from his arms, and wanted to get that back.

We are being watched.

They were always being watched. Tyson looked up with lazily hooded eyes, and caught the sheep-girl glaring at him. Bold, for a sheep. Most sheep were bothered by his presence. They could tell, on an instinctive level, that they were in the presence of a vicious predator. Usually they avoided his attention. This... was different. He met her gaze boldly, grinning slightly.

We should eat her.

That wasn't entirely shocking. The indians had called the wolverine the 'glutton', which wasn't the worst thing they'd called it either. The Wolverine wanted to eat just about everything that moved. This suggestion, however, came with an especially violent suggestion. The Wolverine wanted to eat her right then, walk over, rip open her belly, and devour her liver while she was still alive and bleating. Tyson didn't bother the Wolverine with a moral argument, instead thinking about how very difficult it would be to eat their fill while the remote killswitch was blowing their heads off.

If they stop feeding us, we should eat her first.

That was a good note to end it on. Tyson didn't harbor any resentment for sheep, whether hybrid sheep or merely those with the sheep mentality. There was no help for it. You could never turn a sheep into a lion, no point in trying. Better just to pity them. Being a sheep a cruel fate indeed, but the sheep didn't know that.

He started racking weights, getting ready for some presses. Tyson didn't trust anyone to spot for him, so he kept the weight reasonable.
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Ella went over and over the exercise over and over again until her wings couldn't even lift her off the ground anymore. The scientist laughed and came back into the room with the guard. "Well that was disappointing now Ella. You could only make it through four of the eleven hoops." He wrote some things down onto a clip board. "Now how many of the hoops could you see with your vision?" He clicked his pen. Ella groaned as the guards pulled her up to her feet. "I could see all of them, except the last one." Ella panted and managed her stand, her wings drooped behind her, she neck was still burning. There were little red marks on her neck from the collar shocking her so much.

"We had the wind tunnel going at 100mph, you made it through 4 hoops at best out of seeing 10 of the 11. This data will be very helpful. You may take her back to the Rec Room." The scientist waved goodbye creepily and the guards helped Ella back to the Rec Room. Ella rubbed her neck and felt the burn marks on her neck and her wings dragged behind her as she walked. 'The things I do to keep people alive...' Ella thought to herself. She went over to a large open tub almost that had water bottles filled inside of it along with ice. She grabbed two and downed the as fast as she could without choking. She tried to bring her wings back up against her back but they hurt to move. "That jack ass..." Ella growled.

Ella trudged over to the pool and just fell in. The water felt amazing against her sore wings and she floated on her back occasionally rolling over and shaking her entire body so the water would fall off. She repeated it a couple times and climbed back out of the pool. Her wings felt better but they were still drooping on her sides.
Feeling nervous from all of the commotion, Asiris slips back into the water of the reef when Haiden had her back turned. That was getting to be way to much for me...At least I was able to talk to someone... With that, he holds Cuppie close to him and flattens himself to the waterbed as tight as he can.
Alondra had been walking around the rec room aimlessly. She saw the crowds part their ways, Riley going back to running, Haiden staggering off in a bit of shock from the bloody events. The next moment she saw across the room, Tyson entering. With the guards still cleaning up the mess left behind he was able to see and most definitely smell the aftermath. He called out to the room "How's it hangin', guys? Did someone just get busted up?" and it left Alondra with a sickened stomach. Tyson was one of the hybrids that had more of a primal state, despite his laid back attitude. She didn't respond but watched him for a moment, hugging her small lithe frame at the back, staring quietly at him. She had interacted with him before and appreciated how he worked well with the guards and scientists like she did. It was easy for the hybrids to lash out but the punishments weren't worth it for her. With her back to the wall, arms wrapped around herself, she exhaled deeply and slowly slid down until she was sitting with her knees to her chest. She wrapped her arms around her legs, rested her chin on her knees, and just watched the room quietly, listening to her own quickened heart beat.

Jamie entered back in to the rec room, rendering everyone rather quiet for a moment. The shock wore off quick for most though and soon the hum and buzz began to escalate back to normal as the hybrids went about their day as if nothing had happened. While events like these were shocking at their peak moments, the frequency diminished the effects and hybrids learned to move on quickly by either acting like it never happened or busying themselves to free their minds from the memory. Alondra looked up and watched him from where she sat across the room. She was surprised to see him even return, convinced he would be gone for a few days or even longer. She took note of the shackles and muzzle and wondered what had happened to him. He clutched Velvet and stood still at the doorway, eyes scanning the room warily.

Alondra was debating going up to him. She wasn't sure if he would want to see her...or anyone for that matter. But as he stood there for longer than would be considered normal, she had the urge to be there for him. She pulled herself up and slowly walked towards him. As she neared him she bit her lip with her fang with uncertainty, crystal eyes watching him with worry. She didn't want to smother him with sympathy but rather wanted to show empathy and be there as a friend with whatever he might need, even if that was space.

She took a side glance and watched Tyson move to the weight room. She would enjoy some working out right now. She and Riley would have long runs and workouts to clear their heads and pent up energy on their worst days. If Ella was here she would know exactly what to say or do to make Jamie feel better. With their watcher absent she took the risk and stepped up close next to Jamie. She kept her hands behind her back, afraid he might be in pain. "Are you ok?" she asked simply in a soft voice.
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