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Raziel's dreams were filled with memories of his past. Riddled with times with his family, and the days before he was a part of the hybrid project. Good times. This didn't last for long. The Tiger's ears twitched has he picked up sounds of commotion. Great, another fucktard pissing off the guards. Raziel learned within the first week that guards are not to be messed with. He opened his sleep filled eyes and rubbed them. Off in the distance he saw a Hyena hybrid arguing with a guard. When the hybrid would not back down, the guard reached into his pocket for a remote. Raziel's eyes filled with anger. That fucking piece of shit...
Ella saw the remote and her instincts took over. She ran forward, using her wings for extra speed. There wasn't anyway that she was going to lose another Hybrid. Ella took two flaps to bring herself in the air. She came down and slammed a fist on the Hybrids head. "Knock it off you idiot!" Ella sneered. She was never violent, but in this case she saw no choice. The guard tossed Ella a look and the scientist took a step back. The Hybrid looked at her in complete shock while rubbing his head. "Listen and deal with it!" Ella hissed.

"You need to back off!" The guard raised a hand towards Ella and another guard came over. Ella nodded her head then glared at the Hybrid once more. They nodded and looked to the scientists and sighed agreeing to go with them. The second guard waited till they were gone and motioned for Ella to move on. She raised her hands in defense and walked back towards the track. Most of the Rec Room had watched the commotion arise and it almost fell silent. Ella grumbled to herself till she made it back to Riley. "That idiot almost got himself killed..."
Avina had come full circle back to the books again, utterly bored. She had noticed another wolf and a bear on the track in the training room before, and though she wished to run, she didn't want to run on a controlled track. There she was again, brooding about being stuck in the dumb facility. But then a loud argument caught her attention, and she turned to see another Hybrid arguing with a guard. She made sure to stand a safe distance away from the scene of the argument, sighing and crossing her arms. Avina couldn't help but stare and frown at the Hyena hybrid, wondering how in the world someone could have the courage to act out against a guard.

The young wolf looked around and noticed some of the others were watching the scene as well. Then she tilted her head as the room suddenly filled with tension, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Avina resisted the urge to growl with unease as she saw the guard reach into his pocket for something. She jumped a bit as Ella ran/flew passed her to the disobedient hybrid and stopped the commotion, making the room go silent with what felt like relief.

As the whole room seemed to take a breath from the scene, Avina watched as the hybrid was taken away, and she too took a deep breath and shook herself a little. "Jeez...I gotta get myself busy somehow..." she muttered softly to herself, rubbing her arms, which had filled with goosebumps from the previous tension. She then walked to the training room, passing the track and field area and offering a small appreciative smile towards Ella, a sort of thank you, before moving on and beginning to train at a punching bag with a series of skilled kicks and punches for the time being.
Burn it up!


Watching the fight get more heated, she took a step forward, only to be caught off guard as Ella raced forwards and hit the Hybrid over the head. Everything deescalated then and she let out the breath she was unaware she was holding. When Ella returned, Riley shook her head, "Some just won't learn." Her voice held a certain sadness in them as she knew the punishments all too well. Sitting down, she watched the bear as he continued his run around the track. This was all they had. A room to play in a cold, dark, room to call their own. This was their life. If they dared speak up or be defiant, they would be killed instantly. There was no chance for any kind of freedom in here. Thinking back to the hole in her cell, she closed her eyes. That could be it. That could be there escape.

She just needed to get out herself. The hole was already rather large. She was able to cover it up with large rocks, but it wasn't fully out yet. She could tell that that was they way out though; she watched the Guards as they left. The large steel doors that they could open and close whenever they wanted. Some of them got to go home to their families for the night. They would come back smelling like strange homes. Smells that Riley yearned to smell more of. She vaguely remembered what her home smelled like...what her family smelled like. What her brother, smelled like. And to make it worse, his image was fading from her mind too. She was losing the last thing that kept her sane.

Shaking her head, she looked towards Ella again and flashed her a slight smile, "So, how's life?"
And ignite!
Ella returned the nod and smile to Avina. Ella watched Riley go through something in her mind and sighed, she could only imagine what it could be about, but she never could really understand. Ella laughed when Riley asked her about life. "What life?" Ella shook her head. "It hasn't been bad, this dungeon life we all seem to share. Though I have heard an interesting rumor floating around from the guards that a big mission is coming up. They're going to be rounding up a lot of Hybrids for it." Ella rubbed her hands together.

"How about you? Hows life been?" Ella looked at Riley. Despite everyone being with each other all the time, everyone still had there own secrets and personal lives.
Haidan glanced over the top of her book. "Another argument." She sighed. "They'll never learn" She tried to get back into her book, but she just couldn't read after all the tension in the air. Although everything got resolved by Ella, thank goodness for her, she just wasn't in the reading mood. She tucked the book away into the waistband of her pants, where she always kept it. She stood up and stretched from her spot against the wall.

She looked over at the running track, the bear was running, and Riley and Ella were over there. Too many people for one area. Other people, or hybirds made her nervous. Plus she wasn't that fast. She knew that the octopus was over by the water, he really didn't talk to people. She walked around the Rec room for a while, her bare feet padding against the floor. She finally settled in next to the body of water. Water was a calming sound. And she just wanted to be away from all the commotion, arguing and fighting wasn't her thing. But if push came to shove, she would fight.
Nicole stretched as she heard all the commotion. Opening an eye and finding that it led to the light above her, she mewled in slight annoyance until her eyesight returned. Gazing over, she noticed Ella trying to stop some hybrid from getting themselves killed. Ella always seemed like the calm negotiator of the group and that was the reason Nicole felt close to her.
Ella was the spy of the team. Non confrontational, stealthy, good listener. Nicole, while it did seem like she preferred front line combat, actually preferred to stay hidden when the choice was available. She liked the secret life, spying on someone while in the same room as them, sneaking around and getting into "legal trouble." Ella was with her on one such assignment, just the two of them.

Nicole didn't really know the others all too well, except for the creepy Jamie. She knew a little bit about that one, but that was also the first time she got in trouble for sleeping in the rec room. She also knew a couple things about the wolf Riley. Liked to run, seemed to prefer animal form over human when out with the others and overheard something about family but nothing concrete. Still, it was more than others probably knew about her.
"Subject 14!" Nicole sighed as she spotted the three guards now rejoined by the two scientists from before. "We figured out your punishment. You're up for solitary...rest of the day." Nicole groaned. Great, locked away from everyone else until tomorrow at rec time. Wonderful.

Slowly getting up, she let her tail unfurl from her waist and swish back and forth as she walked over to the trio of guards waiting, giving Ella a small wave as she passed by. "Alright, let's get this done and over with." After being put into solitary, the took away her clothes and replaced them with ones of lesser color and condition. White with stains and holes and the bed was absolutely uncomfortable. Lumpy and scrunched up like a ball of yarn. She growled as she laid down and stared at the ceiling.
Hearing all the commotion that was going on made Asiris very uneasy. Changing color to fit in with the reef, he quietly swam to the water's edge to get a better look-see at what was going on. It was like a little boy listening in on his parent's argument. He hid, but could still hear everything that was said. Soon, the situation de-escalated and things quieted down a little bit.

Thud! thud! Thud! There were footsteps getting closer and closer to the water. Asiris duck down to the bottom of the reef as Haidan walked up. He stayed there watching her for a while, studying her. Eh, why not try this time...I've got nothing to lose anymore... With that, he shifted into his human form and stuck the top of his head out of the water, up until his nose. He stayed like that, just looking at her quietly. Like a crocodile hunting its prey.
Alondra gave one last glance back to Jamie in the cave before walking away on her own. He was such an odd one. Unlike most others she didn't fear him but the rumors were strong enough to put her on her guard; she did not notice his deadly attraction to her as she left.

Walking towards the track area, Alondra decided she would focus on her training right now and get her mind away from their miserable existence. She didn't enjoy watching the fights but she was curious from time to time. She was always amazed at the fighter's strengths, including Raziel. She had been a training tool for him on many occasions as he was very receptive to her, having gained speed already in their times training. Aside from being memorable for the undefeated fighter that he was, Alondra was secretly fond of him for his control. For all the times they trained together he never lost control with her. Once he caught her he would stop, as fast as if a switch ha been turned off. She felt safe around him.

Alondra thought to herself as she made her way to the track, swinging her arms to warm up. Hopefully there would be a job for her outside of training the fighters. She loved every moment she was given outside of the facility and she used these precious moments as incentive to be her best around the guards and scientists to earn their good favor.

As she entered the track area a commotion could be heard. The events happened so quickly, leaving her standing still and slightly frozen in fear when she saw it escalate to the point of the switch being pulled out. Thankfully Ella stepped in and literally knocked some sense in to the hybrid. Alondra gave a soft yet heavy exhale of relief. She hated to see anyone put down for simple frustration. The guards had very little patience.

Turning back to the track Alondra could see the bear hybrid, she wasn't sure of his name, and one of her closer friends Riley now speaking with Ella. She also noticed in passing Haidan. Her horns would be showing most of the time and she found her look quite captivating! Alondra turned back to Riley and waved her hand to get her attention as she began to jog over to her.

Joining Ella and Riley she gave them a smile, flashing her pointed fangs, hands tucked behind her back as she rocked slightly on her heels. "Hey Riley, Ella." She grinned towards them. "Can you believe that hybrid? Why did they act out like that?" Always curious, she asked a lot of questions. She also was always looking for answers that could help keep her own tail out of trouble.
All the hair on the back of Haidan's neck stood up. I'm being watched. She looked around the room, moving as little as possible. She finally realized where her watcher was coming from. It was the octopus. What was his name again? Asirus. Or something like that. She locked eyes with him and just starred him. Not sure what to do, she turned her entire body towards him, and prepared herself for whatever type of attack he may use.
Burn it up!


Riley shook her head at Ella's response. What kind of life did any of them have? She shook her head again when the question was diverted towards her, "It's going I guess. There really isn't much too life in here. At least I haven't been in solitary for a good week now. I don't know why they like to target me." She complained. Before she could ask another question, a voice came to her. Turning around she smiled at one of her closer friends; Alondra. She waved at her and then heard her comment as she walked up. It was true, freaking Hybrids. "Because they are an idiot who wants to get everyone in trouble. If the guards think that there is a rebellion happening, we're all in confinement." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"How have you been, Alondra?" She asked, tilted her head at the woman. It was nice to know that she wasn't the only wolf in the facility; it made her feel less alone. Granted, she didn't get to be with her wolf kind much due to the stupid Guards not allowing such times to happen much. Plus, it seemed they were in different corridors. She hated that system; each Corridor let out after the next. It meant that they were segregated from their own kind. Plus, they didn't care that some animals--like wolves--were pack creatures and that being together meant happier animals...and people. But no. They didn't give a shit about environment or lifestyles. All they cared about was their stupid experiments and weaponry.

And ignite
Jamie nearly giggled as he watched the barn owl, Ella, take down the offending hybrid. The fool was lucky, but there was no doubt in his mind that the hybrid would have punishment after what they did. Though Ella also should be a little more cautious he thought, intervening with the staff's affairs could get her into trouble as well. Trusting anyone around here was like walking on broken glass, cutting, bleeding you out until you're only left with scars. He glared up at the tiny windows above them and let out a sigh. At least he could be content, knowing that the disturbance had ended.

He lifted his arms, letting his black wings spread wide. Perhaps today would be a good day to stretch his wings. He extended his talons and made sure they had a good grasp on Velvet, careful not to tear the fabric. With a powerful stroke of his wings, he lifted into the air flapping his arms to get a steady speed before gliding through the air. His hair lifted from the current of his speed, allowing a smile to cross his lips as he let himself drop, catching himself and then diving beneath some of the bars of the gymnastics equipment before soaring back into the air. Flying was probably the only thing he liked about being a hybrid. He loved the sense of danger he felt when he let himself fall, feeling his life ticking like a time bomb before saving himself at the last minute. The adrenalin that pumped in his veins and the way his heart raced like a humming bird's wings. It was a close second to how he felt when he tasted fresh blood.

He circled around the rec room, glaring down at the others down below him. It was as if he was a giant, looking over a tiny village. They look like ants from up here he thought, wondering if this is what it felt like to be God. Are they just an ant hill that he just shakes around for his amusement? He glowered.
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Asiris blinks at the staring ram. She seems kinda like the friendly type. I think its time to finally try talking to someone... Hiding his smile underwater, he allows the color of his hair to turn into a strawberry blonde color. Pausing to watch her reaction, he then shifts his arms into four of his tentacles and puts them in a goofy Mohawk, trying to be funny. "Loo loo loo loo loo!" Asiris calls, cheering in his new voice of a creature of his own creation.
Haidan's eyes grew wide when she saw his hair turn to the same color as hers. Mimicry. She thought. When she saw what Asiris did next she burst out into laughter. Laughter, that was something she hadn't done in a long time. It felt. Good. Like all the stress and heavy weight that sh'es carried these past nine years, was just lifted from her shoulders. She was surprised at herself that something that simple made her laugh so hard. She guessed that being cooped up for so long, you start to go a little stir crazy, and you do all sorts of crazy and irrational things. It was very odd for her to let herself relax like this in front of someone, but she felt like she could for some reason.

As she laughed, she noticed something moving above her. She noticed that it was Jamie. That's odd. He's usually not out when there are so many of us. She thought. She finally got herself composed, she watched Jamie fly around for a little bit and turned back to Asiris. "I like that mimicry. Turning into whatever you want. That can be very useful for blending in." She said in a timid voice.
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Raziel was tired of sitting around. He needed some action. Even though he had already fought today, he decided it couldn't hurt to train a little bit more. He did come out of the fight relatively unscathed and took a nap after. Typical tiger like tendencies. He went over to the training pit and set up a BOB (a bodied opponent bag, those rubber targets that look like the torso of a real person), and got to work. The target weighed about 230 lbs, but each kick from the fighter inched it back with ease. There was nothing much else for him to do in this cage. Sleep. Eat. Fight.

A guard walked up to Raz. "Subject 52. You are wanted by Creed in Testing Bay 3." he ordered.

"Tell him to fuck off." replied the Tiger without removing his attention from the BOB. He hated the experiments Creed would make him partake in. Scars that would never fade lined his back as a permanent reminder.

"This isn't a request. Your status among the rest of your degenerates does not excuse you from this." the guard said with a venomous tone. He pulled out his remote and a baton. "Pick one."

With a nod towards the baton, Raziel made his choice. He turn his back to the guard and took off his black tank top. Putting his hands behind his head, he was prepared. The guard seemed to enjoy this. He raised his baton and brought it down hard on the Tiger's rib cage, enough to bruise, but not break. He did this six more times. The eyes of the other hybrids were upon him. He did not care.

When it was all done with, Raziel pulled his top back on, and followed the guard to the Testing Bay. The scientist, Creed welcomed him with a devilish smile. The bald man could pass for your stereotypical mad scientist. To call him mad, would be to not give him enough credit. Tiberius Creed was a monster.
Asiris fully lifts his head out of the water, grinning wide. "Thank you! I have a very vivid imagination. I call that creature a snipe! I created it. Its scary and poisonous. Rawr! Anywho, who are you? I'm kinda bad with names. I remember faces way better, which you've probably already figured out. Ha! I do blend in. But sometimes I like sticking out, too! It allows me to be who I want, which is what makes me happy!" He exclaims cheerfully. He felt like he could talk to her. Like she didn't think he was crazy. For the longest time, he was used to people running away from him. Finally, someone was willing to get to know him. Pure joy radiated through his core.
Alondra brushed her hands through her vibrant hair, pulling it away from her light face as she looked between Ella and Riley. "Good Riley, you? I'm so glad we're able to catch up. I've noticed they've been changing the rec times with our sections. The schedule change lately has made me wonder if there is a fear that we will rebel. I know we've all thought about it but how could they be afraid when they hold the kill switches? Unless..." she paused, biting her bottom lip with her fanged teeth. "Unless there is a master switch for the kill switches?" She looked to Ella as if she would have the answer to this question. She didn't know if she did but since she was more involved than almost any other hybrid with the scientists perhaps she had an idea about it. "All I know is that I haven't been allowed out of the facility for awhile now and I'm dying for a job, anything that will get me out of here, get some fresh air and a taste of freedom...even if it's not really true freedom, you know?" A soft frown of frustration fell on her face.
Ella smiled at Alondra and chucked shaking her head. "More than likely, but I haven't a clue." Ella shrugged. A master kill switch for all kill switches sounded like trouble to Ella. If ever they wanted to stop the Hybrid program all they would have to do is push the button and clean up the bodies. No mess. It made Ella shudder.

Two guards came over towards Ella, she had interfered with business and it was time for her punishment. "You know the drill." One guard snickered. Ella's tallons extendes from her fingers and back before the guards could notice. "I'll see you guys later." Ella waved and followed the two armed guards. "What's going to be the punishment this time Frank?" Ella peered at one of the guards. Ella didn't mind the guards too much just when they were assss she disliked them. "Wind tunnel.". Very few words despite years of knowing each other. Ella figured she should be offended, but the wind tunnel wasn't ever fun. " Great..." Ella groaned.

"How is my favorite bird brain? Was it worth saving that Hybrids life?" A scientist came into the wind tunnel after the guards did. Ella ground her teeth together. "Put this on.". He handed her what looked like a dog shock collar. " You're maneuvering through the circles in the wind tunnel. If you miss you get shocked. ". There was a devilish smile on the scientists face. Ella growled in her throat and grabbed the collar putting it on. "Oh and did I mention you're using your inferred vision." Ella paused her inferred was mediocre at best. 'Jack ass...' Ella thought to herself.

Everything was set up and the lights were killed. They had heated the hoops to show on inferred, Ella could barely make them out and the wind tunnel and soon they turned it up. Ella started flapping hard and managed to make it through two hoops before flying backwards and missing one. The shock knocked her to the ground and the wind sent her into the back wall. The lights turned back on and the wind stopped.

Gracefully, Jamie landed on one of the balance beams. His feet touched the hard rubber softly, barely uttering a sound. It was one of the tallest ones. Not many liked to use it, because of how unsteady it was. The beam was too heavy and the metal supports were rather weak compared to the other balance beams, so sometimes it would sway and rattle whenever it was in use. He didn't mind it though, if it began to fall apart he could just jump off nd fly somewhere else. He lowered himself into a sitting position and leaned back, so that his legs were hooked around the beam as he dangled lazily in the air. He wrapped his wings around himself with Velvet tucked beneath his chin.

The beam didn't move as he did this. He had a small build that made him appear under-weight compared to the others, however his size was befitting of a vampire bat. He sighed, if only he could do this all the time. Being upside down like this felt so natural compared to sleeping on hose stiff bunks. At the same time, he appreciated the fact that the facility kept the rec room darker in certain areas. The beam was in a shadowed area which was easier on his eyes.

He observed the groups that were plotted in various areas. It seemed as though some were reaching out to each other more than usual. He noticed the octopus, Asiris, was mingling with the ram, Haiden, by the pool in his human form. For the most part anyway. Losing interest, he tucked himself under his wings and continued to scan the area for to see if there was anything else to see.
Burn it up!


"I could be better. Hell, we all could." She shrugged at Alondra's questions. She was one of the older Hybrid's here, but she didn't know shit when it came to the scientists. Her only focus was on whatever the guards were doing. "The guards just don't want us to have any fun, that's all. I think it's stupid that we're not with our own kind either. Wolves should be with wolves and same goes for the rest. These guys are idiots for thinking we can live this way." She shook her head knowing full well that talking shit won't make anything change. They HAD to do something. And that was when the vision of the hole in her cell wall flashed back to her. She was onto something... She was soon pulled from her thoughts when two gaurds walked up and took Ella away for punishment. Riley waved and sighed, "Bring back a post card for me." She said sarcastically. As if any place Ella was going was worth remembering.

Riley recalled her punishments. The pain and agony the scientists loved to put her through just to get her to be one of their top fighters. She hated to admit it, but she had skill when it came to fighting. She was tough and she didn't go down easy. She just hated fighting. She hated being pitted against another Hybrid. Sometimes, she'd be called out to fight just for pure enjoyment. A lot of times she was sent to The Ring to fight for a live audience. That killed her the most. Little girls and boys watching her tear someone apart. It was disgusting. And all in the name of science. "Things are changing, Alondra. I can feel it." She said with a smirk. Things were sure changing.
And ignite
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