Hush little baby, don't say a word, Papa's gonna buy you a mockingbird (THE GAME!)

Papa's gonna buy you a golden trident.
And if the golden trident should break . . .
Papa's gonna boy you a t-bone steak.
and if that t-bone steak should burn...
Papa's gonna give you a metal urn;
And if that metal should be quicksilver;
Papa's gonna buy you a bow and quiver.
And if the bow and quiver miss their mark . . .
Papa's gonna give you a beautiful cow;
And if that cow is filled with angst;
Papa's gonna give you a platoon of tanks.
And if those tanks run out of gas...
Papa's gonna' buy you a nuclear blast,
And if that bomb doesn't go off...
Papa's gonna buy you a big grey moth (Strange papa, I know)
And if that moth flies to the flame...
Papa's gonna cook you some meaty game;
And if that meal gets spoiled by a month;
Papa'll buy you more on the onehundred-and-oneth (day) [Also, you're doing it on purpose now >_>]
And if you're still hungry after that...
Papa's going to get you a big fat cat;
And if that cat refuses to purr...
Papa's gonna buy you a movie-making cur;
And if that cur hates all his films;

We'll fire him, like mister Willms (And yes, that is an actual surname, albeit a very rare one.)
And if the firing runs out of hand...
Papa will hire you a marching band;
And if that band has the talents of a toilet;
Papa'll buy you a tower with an oillet (Yes, that's a word. Google it)
And if that oillet is too small...
Papa's gonna buy you a jar of gall;
And if that bile is on rotting's cusp;
Papa's gonna by you stock in SUSP.
And if the market for that stock should crash . . .
Papa'll buy you the full series of M*A*S*H
And if you don't like those at all...
Papa's gonna buy you some more gall!
And if that gall's contaminated with plankton;