Hunter: The Return OOC (Recruiting)

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Great, thanks for accepting me. So, what's the posting order?

Edit: Oops, never mind. Just read I can make my opening post. lol
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Okay I'll post after my lunch (about 30 some odd minutes)

As for posting order, since this isn't a dnd style rp I don't really run one (though even in my dnd style rps I typically just have a rule of post once per 'round')

anyway off to eat
its pretty much us four for now.
Gunia cant think of anything (and hasnt gotten back to me on me helping her formulate a post)
Ultima never responded to my msg
and Eternal is currently busy with life
XD ok then I guess I'll post and answer some of Rhea's questions then
Ah, sorry I haven't been around! I've been busy with college and travel from said college back home.
It's cool, I was just wondering. :) Just post whenever you have time.
Hmm is the postings going to start now that thanksgiving is done? :P
I'll be posting again. I'll get to it as soon as I'm able.
you can post whenever you find the time ^^
Username: ET4252
Character Name: Arra Glenn
Race: Human
In true human fashion her blood and lineage is about as clear as mud. Whatever might have been in her blood has been watered down throughout the years till the only noticable effects are a handful of odd physical traits.
Age: 27
Age of appearance: 27
She has a bow that she carries with her. For the mosst part she just uses this for hunting as it does not have an excellelent draw but, when pressed she can hit most targets. She also has a hunting dagger but, again, she mostly just uses this for practical reasons. Her primary means of attacking and defending herself is hand to hand combat and while she usually just goes barehanded she does own a pair of guantlets. The guantlets themselves are unusual in that they reach to Arra's elbows, their build is also made for more flexability than a normal pair.
Powers: No powers based in magic however Arra has lots of experience and skill in hand to hand combat. Having lived much her life as a hunter and mercenary she is a fair shot with a bow and not without with skill in tracking. Stemming from her years as a hunter she has a pretty extensive knowledge of herblore.
Arra started her life out in Fasau. Her father was a skilled hunter and few knew more about plants than her mother. From as far back as she could remember to the time she was six she and her parents were on the move. Moving from one spot to the next in persuit of better hunting grounds the closest thing she had to home was a small house in Fasau that they occationally stayed at to trade with the dwarves and even other humans. However during one of their stays in the town Arra's uncle, her father's brother, sought them out. Turned out that Arra came from a line of mercenaries something that her father had been protecting her from. During his own childhood Arra's father had been forced through the training and been presured to keep the family buisness going, something that had left him bitter, and so he had sworn not to put his own child through the same treatment. However it turned out that Arra was the only one who could carry the line as her uncle's own son had died not five month earlier. While unwilling to let Arra go through the training he left the decision up to Arra. Arra decided to go through the training.
After twelve years Arra completed the training. At first she was content to return to her parents, staying and hunting with her father for two years. But, something had changed with her and she found herself wanting to leave, to explore. So she did just that. For the past seven years she has been using her training to make a bit of a name for herself as a mercenary. Durning her first year as a mercenary she had made her way to Sai and gotten herself into a spot of trouble. By the end of the affair she found herself indebted to Narxes. Even since that day she has made a point to find her way back to the Inn once or twice a year. When she heard that they were looking for heroes Arra just couldn't resist, buisness has been slow lately and what could be a better cure than an adventure. That and she has found two victims herself, it has concerned her and made her concious of the need for a new batch of heroes.
Standing 5'8 Arra is thicker set than most women her aged. Her training, occupation, and travels has left her with a fair bit of muscling throughout her body. Her hair is dark brown, straight, and when down it reaches to the bottom of her shoulder blades, however, she tends to keep it up in a bun at the back of her skull. Her eyes are a similar brown to her hair but much brighter, her pupils also have a bit of horizontal elongation. While only slight it can be a bit disconcerting if someone if looking very closely. Her ears are ever so slightly pointed at their tops although this is not really noticable unless you are looking closely. Her skin has a nice tan to it as she has spent most of her life outside in the sun. Her skin also has its fair share of scars going, mostly on her arms and legs, and most no bigger than her little finger. She has a startingly white smile that she uses quite often. As she travels very often she is almost always dressed for function. To start she wears a close fitting grey shirt with sleaves that end neatly at her wrists. Over that she wears a leather jerkin that has metal plating stitched in over both shoulders, with a section extending down to cover the whole left side of her chest. Then over that she wears a coat that extends to just below her waist. For pants she has a pair of black under leggings over which she wears leather paints. On her feet she wears knee high boots that seem to be perminantly stained with mud. She also sports a pair of leather arm guards to protect her from her bow string as well as her guantlets, she also has a waterproofed , with a hood, that she wears when the weather gets a bit wet. Around her neck she sports a plain gold ring. Finally she is rarely seen without her backpack that holds her odds and ends.
Other: Nar is bound to her (to the annoyance of both) and for convenience purposes she keeps him tied to her belt.

Character Name: Nar
Race: Demon
Demons are a strange and dark race. There are actually two main branches of demons, those born and those created. Those born into being a demon can trace their roots back to the first group of people who tampered with the wrong mix of magic. With powers carefully protected and passed down through the generations the Born tend to not be the stronger of the two branches however from birth their clan will help train channel their energy so they also tend to be more in control of their abilities. Their natural form also tends to be at least more or less humaniod based. Then there are the Created. This branch of demons comes into exsistance at certain mile stones, events, or sometimes from the call of a powerful mage. Nar himself was born from the black heart of a solar eclipse. These demons tend to be more powerful however their energy is much more unstable giving them a tendancy to waste energy is uncontrolled blasts. Finally the created tend to have their forms based off of flora and fauna.
Age: 733
Age of appearance: In his current state he looks as though he could be about 30 years old, although her sounds he is about 30
Weapon: His skull. While most of his movement is nonexsistant he can produce a blast underneath himself shooting himself forward and (hopefull) into the face of a close ranged attacker.
Nar is very well versed in the black arts, with most of his skills lying in shadow manipulation. His most commonly used spells are Shade blast-after reciting the spell he opens his jaw and a solid mass of darkness shoots towards his enemy, size of the mass veries from about one foot up to four feet across with the bigger being the more powerful but also slower moving. Black Shard, this spell causes pitch black spikes to come up from the ground, this is most often used as a deffensive, forcing attackers to keep their distance for the duration of that spell as the range is not the great, the other problem is that this spell, while easy to cast, quickly drains Nar's energy. Shade sheild, this spell only effects those touching Nar, it covers those effected with a barrier, it is not particularly strong spell but, it is good for stopping a stray arrow if the need arose. Smog, when cast a thick black fog pours forth from Nar's eyes and jaw, this is most often used for making a quick escape or confusing an enemy as it doesn't deal any damage. Push back, this spell is basically what it sounds like Nar can produce a kind of shock or force that is not unlike a hard shove push or kick, most often Nar uses this to propel himself forward, usually into someone's face.
Over time his current form has absorbed some of his energy making it much more resilliant than normal. And due to the nature of the spell that binds him any major cracks close will close themselves up after not to much time.
Born out of the black heart of a solar eclipse Nar spent his first hundred years or so doing what demons do best, creating as much chaos as possible. Destruction, famine, draught, disaster he tried his hand at a little bit of everything. That is until he met something he did not expect, someone more powerful than him. A witch, and old crone with quite a bit of power confronted Nar and after a feirce battle she trapped him and layed a powerful binding curse on him. Forced inside the skull of a lynx and bound to the will of the witch's ring Nar spent two hundred years slumbering under the watchful eye of the witch's line. However as time passed people got forgetful and eventually he was sold along with the ring to a traveling peddler for a bit of quick cash. That is how he has spent the last four hundred years, bouncing from person to person being bought, traded, and sold. Sometimes he is awake sometimes he is asleep, it all depends on whether his owner has enough will to wake him. Seven years ago Nar found himself bounded to Arra. It has been a shakey affair for them both and while they bicker like an old married couple there seems to be a bit of foundness between the two.
Appearance: Nar inhabits the skull of a lynx. The skull itself is the bright polished white that you would expect of bone however there is a large tribal-like tattoo on the main part of his skull that seems to be made of silver, although when you touch the marks it doesn't feel like anything is there.
Other: The ring that holds the binding part of his spell is solid gold. It's a heavier ring that looks as though it would have gone on someone's thumb.
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Abit of a wall of text but thats just a matter of clean up. Accepted ^^

Though I would like you to pm me Arra's and Narxus' previous encounter (that way I know it XD)

As for your opening post...hmm...I guess I'll respond and move everyone to having a room for the night where they can talk (or sleep), this also opening Narxus for your character to talk to him too.
Well now that the holidays are over with, hopefully everyone is still interested and will be getting posts out as soon as they can ^^
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