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Hearing the boy tell her that ice dragons were patient was a relief, and seeing him avoiding the other buildings made her feel a little better. Maybe he wouldn't destroy the village. She could see the other magic users holding the barrier, so she stepped up to the dragon with a bow. "Ancient one, is there some way we can assist you?"
Nagofrost upon seeing the girl approach him dropped his golden gaze to look at her.
"Yes, there is a dragon rider in this town, I can smell him, I need to speak to him"
Nago tucked his talons under his chest and pushed himself into a sitting position, spreading his massive white wings above him.
"It is very important that I must speak with him and I do not wish to leave until I have"
Tilting his massive head he blew an icy breath away from the girl.
"My name is Nagofrost the White and if me waiting here takes more than a day I will need cattle from the fields to eat and someone to fetch me water for I am not leaving this spot until I speak with the Rider"
He brought his wolfish head down to look into the girls eyes with his huge golden gaze
He added
She was relieved that this dragon seemed so civil, and was sure that the boy would speak to him. "We have no cattle to spare, Nagofrost, but I will see what I can do about this...dragon rider?" She found it hard to believe that the boy who was hiding in her house was a dragon rider. She bowed to the dragon again and returned to her house. Shed convince the boy to speak to him.
Nago shook his great head and then relaxed his body back across the roof of the inn, but this time he curled his head to rest beside his body while he waited for the Rider to come to him, he kept himself relaxed but alert and completely still like a statue of ice.
He was hungry, but he tramped down his hunger, it had been hundreds of years since he last ate, his deep slumber would not let him die of hunger or thirst but now that he had awoken his stomach growled with a rising rage.
Closing his golden eyes he stilled his body in wait.
Ivan heard the woman enter the house again and sighed. It was obvious the large dragon would not leave until he got what he came for. To his surprise, he seemed much more civil and patient than most of the dragons that had chased him. If he did end up getting claimed, then it was possible that this one would be better than the last.
Nevertheless, dragons were also good at decieving people, and it was very possible that the ice dragon's calm and patient stature was only a mask hiding his true intentions. The very thought terrified him.
"He's not leaving, is he?" Ivan said, his worried eyes glancing out the door.
Takigo shook her head. "No, and I think it's time you stopped running and went to talk to him, don't you? You can't run forever you know, and being a dragon rider is a very prestigious thing. You should be proud to have been chosen."She tugged the door open. "Come on, he's waiting to speak to you."
"No..." Ivan said, clenching his fists. "I'm not ready for this, not yet. I've heard too many stories of dragons corrupting their new riders, and I'm not going to become like one of them." He pointed out the door in the ice dragon's direction. "He may seem calm and civil now, but who knows if he might be plotting something sinister?"
His paranoia already set, he shook his head and said in a low, almost warning tone.
"I'm not going to take that chance."
Before anything else could be said, he bolted for the door.
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