Hunger Games: Begin

  • Thread starter Jae- The nonexistant
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Areiz had been able to completely blend her foot into a rock and decided she should go elsewhere. She maneuvered over to the trapping station, not paying attention to the other two tributes them. She listened to the trainer as she watched him make a simple trap involving a snare. She picked up one of the ropes, testing it's flexibility.
Lirin spent a while at the trapping station. He had no former knowledge of hunting and the trainer had to spend almost an hour with explaining the different knots and what they were for. Still, learning everything came easy to him, and he was able to learn a lot. Eventually, the girl from the train, who was asking about her partner, arrived, and pretty much ignored him. Just as well, because he was ignoring her, too. Once he could successfully make a trap that would swing someone completely upside down, he decided that he should focus on something else.

At one station, he was learning how to tell which berries were poisonous and which weren't. Of course, he had no idea if the arena would even have berries and plants, but he could hope. After that, he wandered over to the knife throwing station, and was learning how to throw a knife properly.
Areiz managed to make a simple contraption which pulls the victim's foot from underneath them, breaking it as the pointe teeth cut their ankle. When she finished, she went over to the knife section, quickly learning the correct way to throw them, no one else had made it there yet it seemed. She looked around and decided to go over to the plants section, passing Lirin on her way there, but she hadn't recognized him.
Lirin was quick to learn, though his aim was passable at best. He could hit a target, but he never got any of the vital parts, causing the specialist to shake his head disappointingly. After the latest bout of this, Lirin wandered over to where Ariea was at, the poisons station. Although Lirin didn't understand much of what went into the poisons, he knew that knowing some of it might help during the Games.
She had just finished her test when Falco came up, beaming.
"The careers want to meet you!"
Areiz shook her head. "No. I'm not interested in being the best through money." She said, actually waving their trainer over so she could change the subject. As soon as he came over, he started talking.
"Areiz, have you tried the archery station? And Falco, you should try poisons. No one would think you had brawns AND brains!" He was smiling to himself as Falco walked off. Areiz went over to the archery station and picked up a simple bow. She pulled the string and aimed, hitting the target in the shoulder.
Lirin was one of the first to take his test. He had gone in, showed off all that he had learned, especially his aptitude with traps, and when he was released he even got out a, "Thank you." All in all, he was figuring that he was doing alright. Maybe with his little act he would get at least one sponsor. Returning, he listened to his trainer, who suggested that he try something with larger bladed weapons, something besides the throwing knives. Sighing softly, he nodded, before approaching the group of Careers who dominated the sword station. Of course, none of the weapons had blades, but you could still get beat up pretty bad with one. Keeping a three foot distance away from the Careers, he trained by himself, occasionally nodding as the specialist there told him something about his technique.
Falco had re-joined the careers at the sword station. He notice Lirin was training and he came over and prodded him in the back. "Hey. Wanna train with me?" He asked.
Turning when he felt someone touching his back, Lirin listened to the guy, his eyes scanning the other's carefully. After a moment of thought, he nodded before moving to a clear area for practice, holding the sword low and ready.
Falco smirked. "Okay." He stood opposite of Lirin in the open area. He held his sword across his torso, smiling. "You first."
Warily watching the other tribute, not liking how he had smirked, Lirin came forwards, aiming a sideways slash to his torso.
Falco stepped back, using his own sword as a shield. "Careful now." Areiz had decided archery wasn't her best chance and turned around, seeing Falco, she sighed. She walked over to watch them and leaned against the wall, speaking to Falco. "Don't be so rude. Just because your a Career toy doesn't mean you're the best." She said, glancing at Lirin. She recognized him from the train, but she didn't say anything. If Falco decided to show off, she'd jump in, but for now she was staying out.
Without responding to the other's comments, deciding that to speak would be to give away information about him that could have him killed on the field, Lirin stepped forwards again, this time making a diagonal cut, aiming to catch the tribute's shoulder. Already, he knew that swordfighting wasn't his forte, and decided that he would stick to throwing knives as often as possible.
Falco sidestepped Lirin's move and started to aim for Lirin's leg, smirking. He glanced up at Areiz and realized she had her hand on the sword rack. He glared at her, deciding to show off anyway, but he refrained from hitting Lirin. "Now, I'm going to go full out." He said simply, smiling again.
Areiz's hand shifted onto the handle of one of the swords. She knew Falco would probably hit Lirin over the head like he'd done to one of the careers. She stood there, looking as if she was just watching, but she was really waiting on Falco's move.
Hearing the spoken words, Lirin took a defensive position, squaring his shoulders and spreading his feet wider to give him more balance. He didn't like the look in the other tribute's eyes, and felt a trickle of fear creep into his heart. Hoping he was wrong, he watched Falco carefully for any sign of attack, ready to defend the moment he moved.
Falco shifted a little, shifting his center. He turned the foam blade, aiming for Lirin's left leg, but with a quick flick of his wrist as soon as Lirin moved, the blade went for Lirin's head.
Areiz tensed, taking a small step forward so she could interfere if Falco delivered his blow. She wasn't going to watch another tribute beat before they even got in the arena.
All too quickly, Falco's sword was coming for his head. Though the swords were foam, they had a stick of iron in the middle, making it painful to be hit by one. As it got him in the head, Lirin instantly fell backwards, his head hitting the hard ground and stars appearing behind his eyes. Head swimming, he sluggishly reached a hand up to feel the back of his head. It came away red.

The specialist immediately came over, kneeling next to Lirin and examining the wound on the back of his head, though his cologne was cloying and made Lirin's head spin. Groaning in pain, he heard the blood rushing through his ears, and could soon smell it as it pooled beneath him. Soon, a medical crew arrived, though not before the cameras had gotten video of Lirin and Falco, no doubt to spread gossip about what had happened and what it could mean for the Games.
Areiz shot forward and hit Falco with the sword she had. He spun around, looking exactly like one of the careers. Areiz almost spit at him as he tried to hit her. She dodged and kicked him down before turning to Lirin, knowing Falco would back off. She dropped the sword and started speaking to one of the medics. Falco sulked off, but was cheered up by the careers. Areiz decided if anything, she'd rather die than be Falco's partner in the games. "Will he be okay?" She asked one of the medical supervisors.
"Mmm," said the supervisor, looking down at Lirin, who had been on a softer area while two other supervisors examined the wound. "He has a minor concussion, probably from the fall, but he should be alright for the Games. He'll have to spend the night in the infirmary...Why do you care anyways?" As Areia wheeled herself over, worry on her face, she asked the same question of one of the other supervisors and received the same answer.

After a few minutes, Lirin tried sitting up, but the flash from a camera blinded him and he was forced to lay back down, waves of nausea passing through him.
Areiz glared at the supervisor. "Why do you ask? Maybe I want to make sure he'll be somewhat of a fight for the games, or maybe I wanted to see how strong Falco is." she said, turning around and stalking off. She just wanted to make sure he was okay, she hated the games. She wasn't going to talk to Falco, nor were they going to get along. He'd crossed the line. Training was called off for the rest of the day, but would continue the next day.
After the worst of the cameras and journalists were gone, Lirin was taken to the infirmary, where he remained for the rest of the day. Occasionally, one of the supervisors would come in to check on him and make sure nothing was wrong. It wasn't, and soon the pounding in his head went down and he was able to sleep.

When morning came, he was ushered back to his chambers to change and get ready for another day of training. He wasn't looking forward to it, to say the least. Falco would be there, and Lirin didn't want a repeat of yesterday to happen. The other tributes probably thought of him as an easy target now, thanks to that. Determined not to let that become reality, he forced himself to change before meeting his trainer outside his bedroom, trying to appear as if he was doing better.
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