How do you take your coffee?

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ANY AND EVERY WAY POSSIBLE as long as there is sugar in it.

Otherwise it's too bitter for me. D:

My favorite is iced with a lil chocolate or vanilla. 8D
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Cream. Sometimes I'll put the powdered cappuccino mix in it, that's really good.
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I like strong coffee. No dairy, no sugar. Sometimes I'll do it straight up black with a little chili powder or with some almond milk.
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Some flavored creamer, preferably of the caramel variety. I don't like it any other way.
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When I drink coffee, I usually have a lot of flavored creamer in it... Like... French vanilla creamer... Or dark chocolate and cherry creamer... But coffee usually doesn't settle well on my stomach.

Instead I usually drink tea! Mmn~ just love some tea with lemon and honey! Or milk and honey! Or whisky and lemon and honey o.o
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Same as Alan: any way. Well. Except burnt. Nothankyou. Burnt coffee is icky.
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I have mine sweet and simple with two sugars and milk, its way too bitter for me without it ^^;
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2/3 coffee, 1/3 warm milk, butt-ton of sugar


Or as a caramel frappucino :P
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Low fat, the rim of the cup with a pinch of moon sugar, cooked over a fire with only maple tree wood, gently stirred and not shaken, three pinches of sugar and not an ounce more, cream that has matured over the course of 72 hours, served during a harvest moon, and an ounce of blood from a virgin Starbucks barista.
I prefer coffee coolattas from Dunkin Donuts, but if its hot coffee, it has to have cream and sugar~
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Really only one way.

Nah, I like iced coffee best, but I need to add a whole ton of extra crap to it to make it drinkable for me. And with the sheer quantities of sugar I add, I feel like i'm just missing the point of drinking coffee in the first place.
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Iced, and with milk. No sugar. It's usually just espresso.
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