How do you know it's real?

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The whole point is that it isn't a negative. But for many people, these are the laundry list of things they will build up, things that seem wrong from their point of view because that's what they are used to doing. I was giving personal examples.

Anyways, if two people can even start dating in the first place, it means that there is some form of attraction. It means that there is something there you can work with. Don't cut things off and assume then justify it by saying that there must have been some fundamental and/or irreconcilable difference. Accept it and try to work it out.

Trying to categorize things into Pros/Cons is already the first warning sign of a very self-centered point of view.
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Ok, I'm thinking I'm explaining this in a too technical manner, which is in turn making people get the wrong impression.

In short, People are always making choices about their life, what they do, what they want etc.
But choices aren't made on a whim, there are always influences that push people to make said choices.
That's really all I'm saying, each individual are effected by influences differently and act as a result of those influences.
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