How are you?

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My day has just been perfect. I've been doing everything right!
I am .. Feeling still slightly hang over but overall..! I am actually alright !:3
So far so good.Well,it's already a days and now I'm back in Iwaku.Searching for a perfect roleplay to join with is a hell thought.
Taking a day-long exam in 30 min. Then I am marathoning anime.
@Mr Allen J Your avatar is both horrifying and hilarious at the same time.

My day has been good so far. ^_^ Got some house chores done before work. Today is a short shift and its my "Friday". Got the next three days off. /dance. I'll come home, hopefully reply to people before I get on WoW.
relaxed ^^ had ice cream for breakfast and reading Scarlet by Marissa Meyer. I should be practicing piano but........ :/
Actually practicing piano. Red Like Roses from RWBY ftw.
Not bad, can't complain. Read up a little bit on Engineering, forced to do some pre-calculus and to watch as my last days of vacation slip away from me. Then it's off to a 181 day sentence back in Adams Street Campus.

Lovely weather we're having, hm?
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