Hot for Teacher (Truant and Blood)


Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Multiple posts per day
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
"Mm-hmm." Richter face resting bored on the palm of his hand, the student nodded his head automatically as he pretended to pay attention to what Miss Eudora was saying. She was going through the deeper meanings and symbolism of A Catcher in the Rye with him. He genuinely could not find it in himself to care about a thing she was saying and he knew she could sense that. She was a pretty nice woman. Good looking—which even he had to admit—and genuinely kind and patient as far as he knew. He assumed that this was just some mask that she put on for the sake of her job. He could just imagine her being a huge pain in the ass outside of school. It was pretty obvious that his lack of work ethic was cracking that mask bit by bit. Truth be told, he was more interested in taking the occasional glance at her bra strap through her shirt than he was in reading some book about a whiny kid he wanted to punch half of the time.

This was the final class he had to pass before he could kiss goodbye to afternoon classes and hello to way more time for boxing practice. He knew that and he wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible, but English was always his worst topic and Literature was basically an annoying version of that. It made him genuinely resent all the time he was forced to spend with her. But he knew better than to lash out at her. He had gotten into a screaming match with two other teachers already and had gotten suspended for them, among other things. The school's dean of discipline made it crystal clear that one more offense like that would mean permanent expulsion. Though now that he thought about it, maybe that wouldn't be too bad. Less time screwing around in school meant more time for training. That was all he had left in life, so he could at least commit to it.

"Hey Eve, can I take a bathroom break already? I've been holding it in all day." He rudely cut her off in the middle of her listen, leaning back on his chair as he spoke with the same disinterested tone he always used in their sessions together. Their sessions started at 3:00 and ended at 4:00, yet they could sometimes feel like they needlessly dragged on for hours upon hours. Right now, it was around 3:40 and he was looking for any excuse he could to shave as much time from their private lessons as he possibly could. It was shameful enough that he was apparently who even needed the remedial classes. Honestly, he was just about ready to give up at this point. The fuck did he even want a diploma for at this point?
  • Love
Reactions: Blood
"As you know, The Catcher in the Rye has so much symbolism in it. It's chalk full of teen angst and alienation, it deals with complex issues of innocence, identity, belonging, loss, and connection." Eve paused and looked up from her copy of The Catcher in the Rye and laid her eyes upon Richter. One of her students that struggles, she was determined to get him at least somewhat interested in literature. She looked at him up and down, but she knew he didn't care. She could sense it in every fiber of her being. His slouched posture, bored expression, and sighs explained it all to her. He didn't want to be here, even if he needed it. Nevertheless, she continued on. "There's even symbolism in the title. In fact, it could be argued that it is the most important symbol in the entire book. Holden explains to Phoebe that all he wants is to be is the catcher in the rye. He pictures himself wearing a giant baseball mitt, ready to catch kids as they fall off the cliff whilst playing with the rye. The kids represent childhood of course, the field represents innocence, and the fall from the cliff--" Her voice suddenly stopped as she was rudely interrupted. For a second, being interrupted by him almost brought something ugly out in her. But instead she looked at the clock, put her bookmark in the book and closed her copy. "Now Richter, I'd almost say that you didn't want to spend time with me. You would like to go to the bathroom with twenty minutes left of our valuable time?" With the finish of that sentence, another sound interrupted her and she gave off a sigh. The loud ringing of her cellphone, a simplistic rhythm rung throughout the entire classroom. "Well, I guess I can't keep you from the restroom," she gave him a wink and strutted over to her bag, "You're dismissed for now. But come back after you've gone to the restroom, I'd like to talk to you about something. It won't bother you too much I promise, and I'll have you out early if you hurry up!" She broke eye contact with him and turned around, grabbing her phone from her bag and flipping her cellphone open before pressing it to her ear. "Hello?" She said shyly, "This is Eve Eudora."

"Hello Eve." His voice rang from the other line, and she knew clear as day who it was.

"Steve?" She gasped, sitting down in a chair while Richter got up to leave the room, "Why are you calling me? I never thought I'd hear from you again."

"I've called... To apologize. And for the truth..." She could hear him pause over the phone. She knew his face, he was probably dumbfounded. He probably was thinking of the words to say, of an excuse as to why he would walk out on her on their wedding day. Eve got furious at the thought, but kept her cool. No matter what she would always be the nice person... Always letting people walk on her, and as she listened to excuses roll from his tongue, she wondered why she took all his shit. Her shoulders slumped down and her façade melted away. She became sad in this moment. In her classroom, listening to her ex-fiance list up bullshit excuses as to why he ran off right before she walked down the aisle.
"Yeah, almost. You expect me to go right here or what?" Richter replied in an unenthusiastic tone. His head immediately turned to her cellphone when a loud ringing interrupted their oh so lovely chat. Richter secretly thanked whoever it was who called the woman since it gave him the perfect excuse to leave the room. Doing his best to suppress a grin at his sudden luck, he stood up from his desk and walked to the doorway. He wasn't particularly interested in having a discussion with her about whatever it was that she wanted to talk to him about, but if it got him out of here quicker, who gave a damn? He stood there for a second before turning his head and saying, "Oh, and it's against the rules to use cellphones inside the school building. Just thought I should remind you."

He walked out into the hallway and turned left to make his way towards the bathroom. The school was relatively empty at the moment. Anyone who was in it was probably just pestering some of the teachers for after school work or participating in some boring ass club meeting. It was mandatory for all students to be in at least one club to pass. Something about improving the bonds between the students or whatever, but he thought it was a load of croc. He was in a medical program for the last two years with his freshmen biology teacher. As of now, however, it was the third quarter and he still had no clubs he could participate in.

Although, the empty atmosphere gave him an idea as he heard the sound of his teacher's voice. It wasn't as if he actually needed to use the bathroom. In fact, her teacher's words seemed far more interesting at the moment. Before he had left the classroom, he heard her mention some guy named Steve she apparently hadn't seen for ages. This gave him an idea. Since there was no one in the hall, who would notice if he happened to "accidentally" listen in on her conversation. Teachers could be pretty wild on their off time. Mr. Owen, his former biology teacher, had had a talk with them about how he sky dived as a hobby while going off on a tangent about a physics question that had sprung up or something. Maybe his "sweet, polite" English teacher was a freak outside of school?

Richter put his back against the wall and tried his hardest to listen in on whatever it was this Steve guy was saying. It was borderline impossible for him to hear a thing he was talking about, but his teacher's reactions spelled everything out loud and clear. He heard the sound of wistful sighs as she slumped into her chair. Whatever it was he was saying, it was nothing good. He actually felt kind of bad for the woman he had grown to dislike after being forced to spend so much time with her. For the first time in a long time, he felt like a dickhead for invading her privacy like this.

"Everything alright E—Miss Eudora?" Richter exposed himself in the doorway, after "accidentally" listening in on her while she talked to this guy. Most people would probably suspect him of having some sort of ulterior motive after seeing the calm expression on his face. He tried to put a hand on the doorway without looking away from his teacher's eyes, but missed and ended up tripping on his ass. Served him right for actually caring for once. He cursed under his breath as he stood up from the floor and sat back down on his desk. Then, he did his best to look at Eudora in the eyes after that embarrassing display of his and spoke again. "You okay? You look like your dog just died or something."

That was about as much tact as he could muster these days.
Eve listened to all Steve's bullshit about why he left. Of course, there was another woman involved. Finding out that her husband to be has gotten another woman pregnant--and of all women, his secretary. He found out the day before their wedding day.
"I couldn't bare to tell you... Eve, it was a one-time thing... I didn't think she would get pregnant. But now I guess I need to give you peace of mind. I have to raise this child. And I... I can't be with you."
Eve felt tears in her eyes, but held them back. She wouldn't give this bastard satisfaction. "You expected me to beg for you back? You're an idiot, Steve. I would rather be alone for the rest of my life than marry you." She hung her phone up angrily and slammed it onto the desk. Her head swung to the doorway, almost relieved to see her deliquent student. Eve grabbed a tissue and stood up, almost shocked as Richter fell. "Oh, Richter. Be careful! Are you okay?" Eve's eyes followed him to his desk, and as she pressed the tissue against her eye to absorb her excess tears, she sighed. "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm sorry you had to see me like this." She gave him a smile and threw the tissue away. "Now, back to where we were. I'm not going to bore you to death with more Catcher in the Rye. However... I want you to know that I care about you." Eve paused to look at her students expression, and then continued, "I believe in you. I know this is the last place you want to be, and I can try and try to make you interested in Literature... But I want you to know this is a safe place. I can feel you're going through something. I'm here to help you through whatever. I'm not asking you to show a sudden spike in interest. But you need to try. The more you try, the sooner you don't have to take these classes anymore. You can join a club, talk to your peers... Or you know, just do whatever you'd like that isn't Literature." She stood up and shuffled through her papers, patting them on her desk to straighten them up. "Do I make myself clear?" Eve pushed her glasses closer to her eyes to even then out and then pushed her hands down her skirt to flatten the folds from sitting. "I know I've talked your ear off so you may go if you'd like."
"Fine?" Richter repeated her words under his breath in disbelief, furrowing his eyebrows in disbelief and tilting his head back a bit in disbelief. She had almost broken down in the middle of one of their sessions and she expected him to believe that she was fine? He had to admit, she was living up to her reputation. Only a person as honest as her could be that bad of a liar. So stupid. He shook his head and sighed. He doubted he would be able to squeeze the truth out of her, they were practically strangers outside of school after all. He crossed his arms and shrugged. "It's whatever. Don't mention it."

Her next words had an oddly resounding effect on him. She told him that she cared about him, prompting him to raise his eyebrows in surprise. All she wanted was for him to succeed. She actually thought he could come back from this bad hand he had been dealt. After seeing her at her most vulnerable, he had no choice but to believe her. His eyes traveled away from hers and trailed down to the floor as guilt swept through him. She wasn't like the other adults who just put on airs to make themselves look better. She was different and he only now realize it. He felt bad after giving her a hard time for so long. "Yeah, Yeah, I get it."

"See ya then." He immediately stood up and grabbed his backpack when she said that it was alright for him to leave. Without a second thought, he hurriedly walked to the door before pausing as if a thought had just struck him. Could he really just leave her by herself after everything he heard? Last time he ignored a woman who had it this bad...screw it, it was a Friday afternoon anyway. He walked back to his seat and let out a deep breath. "Know what? I'm...actually interested in this book. I really am. I could stay here a bit longer, not like I've got anything better to do."
Eve looked at Richter with a shocked expression. She sat there for a moment, thinking. Her words must of had some kind of effect on him. It almost made her smile. Teaching was a sometimes a wonderful thing, and good things like this is what made the job. "Alright Richter. If you'd really like to stay a bit longer that would be fine with me. But not too long, I've got a glass of wine waiting for me." Eve gave Richter a coy smile and turned to the board, "Lord knows with the day I've had that glass isn't going to be waiting too long." She picked up a dry board eraser and began to erase the symbolism off her board. "So, we'll move onto a different topic. I was under the impression that you didn't read the book. Not because you aren't a smart kid of course," she turned to him with a marker in her hand, "I know you're a smart one. Just your lack of... interest makes me assume you haven't read it. Have you, though? I can tell by that face that you hold many secrets. So surprise me." Eve turned to face her student and set the marker down before picking up her copy of the book and planting her bottom on the other side of her desk. "I related to this book a lot when I was younger. When your innocence is taken away, you might become full of angst. Anger. Hopelessness. This book has an amazing theme. Holden the main character is often excluded and victimized. He feels trapped on the 'other side' of life. He continually attempts to find his way in a world in which he feels as if he doesn't belong."
"Hm, gotcha." Was all he could bring himself to reply. There was a faint hint of a smile when she spoke so casually about her after school plans. Even if it was just this once, he would at least try to listen to what she was saying. It didn't take a rocket scientist to tell that she had had a rough day, God forbid he made it even worse. He took out a notebook and pen from his backpack to actually take notes on the material she was talking about. Though, he couldn't help but roll his eyes over how she danced around calling him lazy. "You don't have to sugarcoat it. I know that I'm a lazy bastard and so do you. And I read through this thing ages ago in the eighth grade. My mind's still kinda hazy about the plot. I do remember something, though. Didn't care about it then and—well I'll try to care about it now."

While still being blunt and rude, there wasn't a bit of enmity present in his voice. He spoke as if it were a matter a fact or a truth he had long ago come to terms with. Although he had read it before, most of the references and symbolism she had mentioned had completely flown over his head. Still, he focused on his notebook and only his notebook while she spoke about the subject, trying his damnedest to curb his habit peeking at her legs while she spoke. When she really started analyzing the meaning of the work, however, he was all ears. When she spoke, he felt like he was being put under a microscope.

Everything she described felt relatable to him on a personal level. Try as he might to deny it, her words made him see a bit of himself in Holden. The same feeling of hopelessness and lack of belonging resonated with him on a personal level, so much so that a bead of sweat formed on the side of his head after his blood froze from the sheer shock the realization had brought upon him. He gulped, continuing to take notes like an absolute madman with widened eyes. He could relate to Holden. The revelation didn't make him like the guy any more, but he could actually empathize with him as a person...which he guessed was the point?

"Wait, 4:10 already?" Their session ended ten minutes after it was supposed to, much to the surprise of Richter. She had actually managed to enthrall him with the way she so vividly described things to him. It was almost scary—like she had managed to put him under a spell or something. Quickly, he shoved all of his things into his backpack and stood up from his seat. Almost bashfully, he spoke to his teacher one last time before he left. "Uh, thanks for all the help today. See ya on Monday."

Internally cringing over how pathetic he thought he looked saying such a thing to a teacher, he rushed out the door to leave for boxing practice as soon as possible. Although he didn't himself realize, this would not be the last time he found himself enjoying her lessons more than he expected...
"See you Monday, Richter." Eve gave him a warm smile with her goodbye, and watched as he rushed out the door. For a second it made her think of her teenage years. Embarrassment flooded over her as she thought about her teenage self. A timid insecure girl who felt lost in the world—Eve thought she would never make it to 20. But here she was, 26, and the thought of her life now almost made her even more sorrowful than she already was. Eve pushed the thoughts away and packed her things in her bag, and as she walked out she took a last look at her classroom for the day. She looked forward to her next session with Richter, and little did she realize that their sessions would become quite a treat for her in the future.

As the days went on, soon they finished The Catcher in the Rye and moved on to 1984 by George Orwell, diving head first into his portrayal of the perfect totaliarian society. Soon they moved onto Brave New World, and then... Richter was absent. The first day, Eve figured it was a common flu. She ruled out skipping because frankly she knew Richter started looking forward to their sessions as much as she. He participated with her alone, showed interest in books, and even went as to ask her questions about books. The second day she had a feeling as though something had happened and she couldn't shake this feeling. She was worried about him, and it scared her. She thought about her student more than she could admit was reasonable... As the days went by, she got more and more worried and started asking teachers around. Some were outright rude about it, saying that he probably dropped out like he was most likely going to anyways. They had no hope for him. Nevertheless, Eve still stood up for him. As a week went by one afternoon she told herself, "One more day. If he's not here, then I should go to the authorities..." Eve left her classroom, and that day she looked at the empty classroom before she left again. She pictured Richter sitting there, slumped over, and an image played in her head of his eyes meeting hers as she'd walk in and she knew he was ready to learn. She silently closed the door of her classroom and strutted down the hall with her bag. Richter was an amazing student, and she hoped that she didn't lose him.
Richter's alone time with Ms. Eudora had become the highlight of his day. For the first time in his life, he was becoming engrossed in Literature and could have real fun just learning in class. Ms. Eudora made about anything she talked about seem like the most interesting topic in the world. She and her words stuck with him far longer than he cared to admit. Even when he wasn't in her class, all he could do was daydream about her and the time they would spend alone together after school. She was one of the few teachers he had actually grown to respect and found himself mentally chastising himself whenever he acted like a horn dog when she was in front of him. He was infatuated with her, even if he himself did not realize it or did not want to realize it, but at the same time, she had turned into much more than just eye candy for him. The other students caught on quickly by the way he acted in her class, some going as far as to claim that he had a "thing" for her. Somehow, the allegations didn't make him as angry as they probably should have.

But one day, he stopped showing up to school for a solid week, only to reappear again on the very first Monday of the next week as though nothing had happened. But there was something very different about him. Bandages were wrapped around his head and his left arm was covered in a cast and held up only by a sling. Most of the teachers saw it as a blessing in disguise. He was astoundingly quiet in all of their classes but there was this scary look in his eyes that never once wavered no matter where he want. Even in his crippled state, the other students knew not to mess with him when he had that look in his eyes. But that changed when he came into his first afternoon session with Ms. Eudora for the week. There was a hopeful glint in his eyes that no one else but her was allowed to see.

"Hey, hope you haven't given up on me yet." He said as he opened the door into her room as though nothing had happened. Clearly he had no intention of speaking about the reason for his absence. He put his backpack in his usual spot and sat down. "We were on the third chapter of Brave New World, right? When one of the kids gets uncomfortable in the erotic play?" He made sure not to read ahead whenever they worked on a book together. Less because of laziness at this point and more because reading these books together with her was actually something he looked forward to every day.
On that day, word and gossip from teachers eventually hit Eve hard. The morning after Eve had promised to herself she would go to the police if she did not find Richter again, Eve was pouring herself coffee in the teachers lounge and overheard chatter from her fellow coworkers. "Did you see that Jung boy this morning? All covered up in bandages and a cast on his arm, that boy is nothing but trouble." One teacher protested, shaking his head. This was Mr. Marner, a grumpy old teacher just waiting for retirement. He hated students and teaching after so many years and was ready for a break. Eve pitied the man for being such a prune. The other teacher, whom Eve recognized and knew by the name of Mrs. Owens, shook her head. "Nothing but trouble that Richter Jung boy is. Never pays attention in my class and always making snide comments. Between you and I, I was hoping that little... uh, I was hoping that kid wouldn't come back." Eve shook her head in disappointment and sipped her coffee. "Oh trust me sister, I-" Mr, Marner started, but Eve slammed her cup to interrupt him.

"Don't you have something better to do than put a student down?" She gave him a loathing stare, "Now I've sat down and listened to you complain and complain about this student. I've even been nice about it, considering your side of the story. I know how hard this student can be. But you're so vindictive. This kid is a great student, if you actually believe in him and put effort. Have you forgotten what teaching is all about? You know... In my teaching career, I hope I don't get as sour as you two. You as a teacher can make a choice to bring your student up or put them down. Remember that." She grabbed her cup, threw the contents in the sink and left the room while Mr. Marner and Mrs. Owens sat there almost dumbfounded.

After the school day had ended, Eve paced her classroom, worried to hell about her student. She kept glancing at the door, and once Richter had shown up she gave a sigh of relief and hurried to close the door behind him before giving her door window a stare out into the hallway, and then shutting the little curtain so no one could peek in. Eve turned to Richter and gave him a stare from head to toe, taking in his current condition. Oh, Richter, she thought as she walked back to her desk. For a second she didn't know what to do. Eve was silent, thinking about what to say to him. "Ah, yes we actually were..." She turned to face Richter and strutted to his desk, looking down at him as he sat. "Richter... What happened?" Eve's face filled with concern and her fingers slowly reached towards the bandages on his face. Oh, so bad she wanted to cross boundaries, touch his wound and string her fingers through his hair. She had been so worried about him. But her hand went back to her hip. Boundaries. This is your student. She reminded herself.
"Huh?" Richter raised a brow at his teacher's peculiar behavior. Closing shutting the door tight and closing all the windows meant that they had something serious to talk about. He was pretty sure he hadn't done anything too bad to warrant a private discussion. He rubbed the back of his head nervously. Had he messed up with her somehow? He was trying to keep a low profile these days—almost completely unsuccessfully, but still—so he was at least sure it wasn't because she had any issues with him as a student. Well, nothing more than the usual crap, at least.

Richter crossed one leg over the other as he sat, bouncing it out of nervous habit while she looked up and down at him. He let out a quiet sigh of relief when it seemed as though they would be continuing on with their lesson for the day. When she immediately changed course and came to walk towards him, his heart started beating like crazy. This feeling intensified when she started moving her hand towards his face, though nothing came of it. He let out a deep breath. His heart started calming down a bit as the question fully registered in his mind. Why did she make him feel so nervous when he was around her? It ought to have been the exact opposite if anything.

"Oh, you mean these? They're nothing. My dad..." Richter's heart stopped when he heard his own voice crack. A knot was starting to form in his throat. Was he about to start crying? Why? He could never even manage that when he was alone so why when he was with Ms. Eudora of all people? He cleared his throat and continued on as if to pretend it never happened. It would be disgraceful if she saw him cry. It baffled him how he could feel so sad just by mentioning it to her. Before, the thought of his parents filled him with...nothing. "Er, my old man can be a pain in the ass when he's hammered. Starts throwin' bottles and he can get kinda rowdy. He's been like that since my sister—look, it's nothing to worry about. I'll be fine." He had kept silent about it for so long. Just talking about what happened last year was making the emotions he tried so hard to suppress leak out a bit.

'Damn pussy' He mentally reprimanded himself for breaking down so easily in front of his favorite teacher.
Eve studied his expression thoughtfully while he was clearing his throat. It was apparent to her that he was supression emotions and she knew it all too well. Soon, these bottled emotions of his would come out in one form or another. She gave him a concerned look and then scooted a desk next to his, and sat on it. She wanted to be on the same level as him. "Remember a couple weeks ago? When I told you I was fine? I was lying to you and you knew it. I wasn't fine, but I'll let you in on a little secret," she cleared her throat, "I was about to get married. To a man that I thought was amazing. We all have our differences of course. Long story short, he walked out on our wedding day. I didn't hear from him for months. Then, when he called me that time, he told me that he got his secretary pregnant. He cheated on me and then when he could of told me the truth he ran out on me. He's a coward."

Before she knew it, her fingers were at the nape of Richter's neck caressing the skin ever so slightly while they were there. "You aren't a coward, Richter. And you know this is a safe place. So you can't lie to me and tell me you're fine. I'm here for you... Always." Her fingers went up into his hair, feeling the strands. "So tell me what your real emotions are..."
Richter looked down at his desk in embarrassment as she scooted up next to him. Even if she was his teacher, she was still a woman. And a woman who looked like she did was bound to make him feel that way, regardless of how close they were to one another. His eyes immediately went to meet hers when she started speaking about the very phone call that could be seen as the real start of their relationship together. The more she explained the context behind the call, the angrier he felt. He tightened his fist to suppress another outburst of emotion. Somehow, he felt personally attacked. Why would a guy pick some random girl from work over a woman like Ms. Eudora? It made zero sense to him. Try and try as he might, he just couldn't wrap his head around it. He furrowed his eyebrows and nodded his head to agree with her words. "Coward doesn't even begin to cover it. Forget about that asshole."

Suddenly, her soft, delicate hands were on the back of his neck. The outrage he felt upon hearing about her mistreatment quickly changed back to embarrassment. As her hands moved through his hair, he felt a shock throughout his entire body. There was a huge problem here. His real emotions could end up ruining what they built over the past few weeks together. The formerly tightened fist was now gripping the desk as if holding on for dear life, trying to restrain himself from doing anything stupid. But with the feeling of her skin on his and the closeness they were sharing together, he could not help but focus on her lips. Before he knew it, his body acted before his mind could respond and he planted a kiss on the very lips that had been guiding him for so long now.
As Eve felt her student's lips collide with hers, her hand slipped back to his neck and pushed him closer locking their lips even more. She knew what she was doing was wrong but everything inside her told her to keep going, that it was right. Her lips softly brushed over his again and in a passionate swipe her mouth opened slightly to collide her tongue with his. Eve bit down ever so lightly on his bottom lip and then broke apart. For a mere second she opened her eyes and gave her student a confused look. Before she could even process it, she scooted her desk away from her student's and stood up in shock.

"This is wrong," she gasped, turning quickly to look out her classroom windows, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that... I shouldn't have encouraged that." Eve placed her fingers on her mouth with worry and felt a pit of regret begin to form in her stomach. She didn't control herself, and her outburst could cost her everything. She felt as if she were manipulating this young man by kissing him. He was broken, bruised, and her emotions took the best of her. The feel of his lips against hers was something she would never forget. "Richter, I..." Eve turned back around and looked at him, and she knew as she looked at the boy with bandages and a cast that there was no turning back from this point. She took a few steps closer to him before bending to his level and grabbing his chin, pulling him to her so she could lock lips with him once again. For the first time in a long time, her student's lips felt so right.
All the regret he felt over his impulsive actions melted away when he felt her return his kiss right back to him with equal force. With his one good arm, he stroked her thigh gently as he let out moans of content. His pants tightened the further along they went along with their kiss. His mind was failing him. His hand slowly moved up from her thigh to under her skirt. There was no way he would be able to control himself around her anymore. But before he had the chance to escalate things any further, she stopped, and shot him a look that instantly made him feel as though he had committed a grave mistake. He looked at her with sadness as she walked away from him. His face was practically burning up and he wanted nothing more than to tear her clothes off and take her right then and there. But a seedling of guilt remained present in his mind. He was doing this after she went through such a massive break up. What kind of manipulative bull crap was he trying to pull? That's what he thought, but his body still desired her and his sex addled brain wouldn't let these feelings pass. Did he really want them to?

"Why is it wrong? We're both people who like each other, so what's so wrong about us kissing?" He did his best to ease her worries, skeptical over the validity of his own words. And then she walked right back towards him, cupped his chin, and pulled her into another kiss. Doubt vanishing from his mind, he stood up and wrapped an arm around her waist not once letting up from their kiss. He gently guided her backwards until her body was standing right in front of her desk. He deeply, deeply regretted his one injured arm at times like these, but one was thankfully all he needed for what he was planning.

His body guided hers down until she was sitting on her desk. He got down on his knees and quickly reached up his teacher's skirt to slide her panties down to her knees. He moved his head under her skirt and with a free arm spread her labia open. Slowly, he moved his tongue in circular motions. Gradually, his tongue started moving quicker and quicker as this went on.
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Eve let her students body guide her, teaching her what it was like to make love again after so long. As he sat her on the desk, got on his knees and quickly worked her panties down, she let out a soft sigh. Her legs instinctually inched open more and more, her skirt starting to slide up her thighs. Eve's fingers reached into her students strands of hair once again and she let out a soft moan. Her fingers moved his head upwards, guiding his tongue to her clit. As Richter's tongue hungrily swept over her clit her left heel fell off and clicked loudly as it fell on the ground. Her eyes looked longingly at Richter and she begun slowly moving her fingers throughout his hair. Eve's legs began to tremble and her stomach tightened. Richter's tongue was caressing parts of her she almost forgotten about, she neglected herself from an orgasm for so long and—oh god, a light moan escaped Eve's lips and she bit down, holding her breath as her muscles began to tremble. Her hand moved down and clasped the back of Richter's head and her eyes rose to the ceiling, closing as she let her worries wash away and pleasure overcome her.
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The erotic moans of his teacher filled his with assurance as he continued eating her out. His shaft grew more and more as he lived out the fantasy he had played over and over in his mind the second he laid his eyes on her. He refused to let up for even a second. Thankfully, his teacher didn't seem to mind it much as her she ran her hands through his hair as though begging him to continue. It was a marvel that he was able to contain himself as he opened his eyes to look up at her face while he licked. Her facial expressions made him realize that he really wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. Almost abruptly, Richter rose up from his knees, his tongue now positively filled with her juices. He put a hand on her desk and whispered, "Bend over, okay?" Before raising her up from her seat. With a single hand, he unbuttoned his pants and pulled it down along with his boxers to reveal the seven inch erection that yearned for her body.
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Eve shook off her other heel and planted her feet on the ground as she was raised from the desk. She turning around, obeying her student's words. She pulled her skirt up with manicured hands and then bent down over her desk, showing Richer one of her most vulnerable states. Eve blushed and spread her legs ever so slightly. Her hands flattened on her desk and she shifted her head to look at Richer from behind. Eve's body was aching for Richer, and as he pulled his boxers she stared into his eyes almost begging for him to push himself inside her.
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Richter was oddly calm as she bent down for him. His hand moved across her ass. He had admired her frame for so long that seeing her body exposed to him would be enough to make him go crazy—he just knew it. But the final nail in the coffin was when she turned back and looked at him with those pleading eyes of hers. They were eyes that he would have never associated with his beautiful teacher before. Eyes that no one but he got to see anymore. Richter started with just the tip of his dick. It felt amazing. Far better than he could have ever hoped for. Richter grabbed the side of her rear and shoved the rest of his shaft into her. If there were a point of no return, this was really it. He wanted to make her moan in pleasure. He wanted to make her scream his name. He wanted her. Richter thrust himself in and out of her with amazing speed. Her body felt amazing. He squeezed her ass to get a better holding on her body as he thrust himself in and out of her without a care in the world.
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As Richter's hands moved across her rear she blushed and gave out a small gasp as she felt the tip of his dick enter her. Her fingers reached up and grabbed the end of the desk. When he entered Eve she gave out a soft moan. Her legs straightened and she held on the desk for dear life, hoping it wasn't making too much noise. There was no going back. For the first time in a long time she didn't feel lonely. Eve almost felt complete as Richter thrusted himself back and forth, and as his thrusts began to escalate she covered her mouth. Small moans were escaping her lips, but she musn't make a sound because there were still clubs in the building. As he thrust deeper, and harder, she couldn't help herself—a louder moan escaped her lips and she parted her hand from her face. Turning her head back around to look at Richter, she looked at him with a lustful stare. "Oh, god," She moaned out as her head rolled back.
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