Hosting a Greek God (winnie x mystical fox)


Mystical Fox

Original poster
Jasper Ken Lial

The day started with the sun coming through the cracks of a curtain, illuminating the small, messy room. Jasper, a 17 year old boy, lay sleeping on his bed with half his body under covers the other half hanging off the bed. Soft snoring could be heard coming from him as the door creaked open and a soft voice was heard, "Jasper, it's time to wake up." There was no response just more snoring. A sigh was heard and the door opened more to reveal a rather short woman with curly red hair and bright green eyes. She walked into the room and looked at Jasper an exasperated look on her face. "Must we go through this every time?" The woman questioned the sleeping figure. More snoring was heard as the woman grabbed the covers and yanked causing the sleeping figure to jolt awake. The teen looked around black hair sticking up in different directions before his eyes landed on the woman.

A sigh escaped Jasper's thin lips as he sat up looking at the woman, "I'm up mom, you can put the blanket down now." The blanket dropped to the floor as Jasper's mother exited the room saying, "Schools in an hour, get ready." With that she left, leaving Jasper to get ready. Dragging a hang through his messy hair Jasper looked around his room another sigh coming from him. 'Guess I should clean this soon,' Jasper thought getting up from his bed. Making sure to walk around the mess Jasper gathered some clothes and quickly changed before walking out of his room toward the bathroom. Jasper was now wearing a tight black t-shirt and blue jeans. He could hear talking coming from downstairs as he passed by. With quiet steps Jasper entered the bathroom and started getting ready for the day.

Several minutes later Jasper excited the bathroom, black hair now slicked off to the side, to find his father standing there waiting. "Sorry," Jasper said sheepishly. Walking down the stairs the teen checked his phone before heading to the kitchen. Sitting at a table was his little sister while his mother was making breakfast. "Hey shorty!" Jasper exclaimed ruffling the younger teens hair.

The younger girl gave her brother an exasperated look arguing, "It's Jessica to you!" A cough came from there mother as she turned to give them a stern look. A muffled star wars song was heard from Jaspers pocket. Pulling out his phone he answered, "Hello."

"Hey Jaz! Ford and I are outside waiting for you," Lucas' loud voice came threw the phone.

Rolling his eyes Jasper responded with, "Alright, I'm on my way out." With that he hung up the phone and looked at his family saying, "Lucas and Ford are outside waiting for me. I'll see you later." Getting up Jasper headed for the door and started putting things into his backpack before putting it on, along with his shoes, and heading out the door. Standing at the end of his driveway were Lucas and Ford. Jumping over the steps Jasper started toward his friends starting to shout there names when everything went black.


Birds, he could hear birds and leaves hitting each other as they sway in the wind. Confusion coursed through Jasper as he opened his eyes slowly, the light hitting his face too bright to open them fast. With blurred vision Jasper started sitting up one hand on his head the other supporting him Jasper started to look around. He could see well, the light still too bright, but he could make out 5 figures near him. He couldn't quite make out what they were and because of that he was fearful. That was until his vision cleared and he could see that they were people. 3 guys and 2 girls. It seemed they were in a warehouse; a broken down one. There were holes in the walls with vines growing up them. Through the cracks in the wall trees could be seen blocking some of the sky. Looking at the others he noticed them waking up.

Audrey Ann McMurry

Beep, beep, beep, beep, crash! An alarm was thrown across the room breaking as it hit the wall. Audrey sat up looking around groggily. She really needed to stop breaking all her alarms, that was the third on this week. Groaning Audrey got out of bed, stretching while a large yawn escaped her. Walking around her room Audrey gathered up some clothes, holding them up in front of her to decide what she was going to wear. Finally she settled on a black off the shoulder dress with stars dotting throughout it. After changing Audrey grabbed a pair of black pumps and headed out her bed room door. The smell of weed hit her nose as she rolled her eyes. Of course her father was smoking. Walking past the living room Audrey headed to the bathroom and started on her make-up.

After several minutes later and Audrey was walking out the bathroom happy with her look. Her dark auburn hair was held in a braid that draped over her shoulder reaching the top of her chest. She may not have many friends but she had standards to set at school. After all she was a cheerleader. Walking to the living room she was greeted with smoke and an even stronger smell of weed. Shaking her head Audrey smiled at her father and plopped onto the couch next to him. "Hey dad, you're smoking early," Audrey teased with a smile before taking a hit from the bong. If she was to go to school she needed to be a little high.

Her father was a tall, scrawny man with graying brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a simple grey t-shirt and jeans. To top it all off he had a stubbly brown beard with bits of gray in it. A large smirk stretched across his face as he responded with, "Yea, you're mom kicked me out of the room last night. Figured I'd wake up before you left."

Giving her dad a side hug Audrey took on more hit before jumping up from the couch and walking toward the door. "I'll see you after school dad!" Audrey shouted at her dad as she walked out the door. The sun sat low in the sky, basking her in orange glows. Basking in the sunlight for a second Audrey started toward her car, ready to go to school. Hopping into her silver Chevy Audrey made sure she had everything she need before starting the car. Going through her normal checks Audrey started to back out of her drive way when everything went dark.


Sunlight cascaded over Audrey as her eyes squinted open. With a fuzzy memory Audrey tried to figure out where she was but to no avail. Her surroundings consisted of four grey, concrete walls with vines growing up them. On each wall there were many holes with branches and leaves poking through them. Confused Audrey thought of the last thing she could remember, which was her in her car. Panic flashed through her eyes as she thought of her car. She was back out of her car when everything went dark and she wondered if anyone was hurt in her blacking out. Then again she is the one waking up in a strange place. Sitting up Audrey noticed other people sitting up as well, 4 guys and a girl. Slowly standing Audrey took in each person and couldn't recognize any of them. "Wh-who are you people?" Audrey questioned, confusion written all over her.

Theodore James Kingston

For once Theodore was awake before his alarm went off. Jumping out of bed the 18 year old looked out of his window, gazing at the people on there way to work or school. It was a habit of his, apart of his daily routine. Theo would stand in front of his window and watch the outside world go about it's day. Turning from the window Theo started gathering his clothes for the day, while putting clothes in the hamper to be washed later. With a quirked lip Theo listened to his family shouting at each other as they got ready for the day themselves. Putting on a red plaid flannel and jeans Theo grabbed his school bag and beanie before walking out of his room, headed for the bathroom to finish his daily routine.

Exiting the bathroom Theo's beanie was placed securely on his head and his glasses were on his face, finally. Looking around he sighed, no one was around. It's not that he doesn't want to see his family, he just doesn't want to be dragged into a family breakfast when there were other things he would rather be doing. Every morning it's the same routine. Walking down stairs Theo peaked around the corner of the kitchen archway to see his family sitting down to eat. Panic flashed through him at the thought of having to spend breakfast with his family today. See today he was going to ask a girl out and he wanted to prepare for it by going into school early.

Trying to be quiet Theodore walked past the arch way only to hear his mother's voice, "Theodore." It was just his name but it asked so many questions; what do you think you're doing, Where are you going? Turning to look at his mother he saw the look on her face. The look that made you want to drop down and say you're sorry.

"I'm headed to school mom," Theo spoke casually but inside he was freaking. Getting a nod from his mother had a sigh of relief escape. "I'll see you after school," He said putting on his shoes and walking out the door. Soaking in the morning rays Theo took a step forward before everything went black.


The chirping of birds and the waves of leaves hitting leaves could be heard as Theo woke up. Groaning he opened his eyes before closing them quickly at the harsh light that his them. 'Great,' he thought, 'I'm in direct sunlight.' Rolling over Theo opened his eyes again finding it much easier to see. Moving out of sun light Theo leaned on his right elbow and glanced around. Tall walls with beams crossing the celling. 'A warehouse?' Sitting up Theo glanced around noticing other people in the warehouse. Confused Theo observed the other teens, wondering how he got to this strange place. He definitely didn't know these people so they must be from somewhere else.
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When Jonathon woke up that morning, the last thing he expected was to wake up in a warehouse with no memory of how he got there, let alone with five other people that he just barely recognised. He should have been terrified but truthfully, he wasn't? He couldn't even tell why. Maybe because part of him was still registering the whole thing. What had he been doing last? What was the last thing he could remember?

As he thought back on it, he slowly recollected what happened. He woke up, got ready and had breakfast with his parents as usual. None of his sisters were around because they were busy with their own work. It was a supposedly normal day. He'd even been about to get into his car, to head to school -- only he never made it there. He probably didn't even make it to his car. He just remembered everything becoming dark and now... well now he was in an old structure that seemed to be an abandoned warehouse and he had no idea how he got there.

Considering the fact that he was still laying down -- mainly to gauge his surroundings and try to figure things out and form some sort of strategy in his head -- Jon slowly sat up, to properly look at those around him. Two of them had spoken, already, while one, with glasses, had not. Two more were still knocked out although one of them -- the male -- was beginning to stir.

"I'm Jonathon," he introduced himself, knowing it would be the best way to try and diffuse the tense situation. Clearly none of them knew what they were doing there, but he knew that getting to know each other was the first step to trying to trust each other and if they were brought there against their will then they would need to work with each other, rather than against. It was funny how he just naturally shifted into strategising mode.

It's not funny at all, came a voice in his head. For a moment, Jonathon assumed that the red haired girl had said something but the more he thought about it, the more he realised that the voice was coming from his mind.

No, you're not going crazy. I'm actually here. It's just... very complicated to explain, the voice continued. She sounded old, and somehow wise even if Jon couldn't see her. But it was safe to say that he was freaking out a little more now.

"Does anyone else hear voices that... that don't belong to us?"


Colby stirred slightly in her sleep. She was under the assumption that she was still in bed. The fact that the floor was cold and hard and uncomfortable didn't seem so odd for the first few moments because she had woken up on various floors more times than she could count. It just came with being a foster kid that bounced around some awful homes, and then again, it also came with getting drunk and crashing in stranger's houses. Of course, she tried to do it less these days since she actually wanted to stay with her current foster family, but that didn't mean the sensation was unfamiliar to her.

Colby's eyes fluttered open briefly and she took a moment to adjust with her surroundings. When she realised that she wasn't in her bedroom, she began to act out a bit more. Where the hell was she? And why wasn't she at home? All Colby remembered was going to bed the previous night. It was a little late since she had snuck in after a party but she crashed in bed, she was quite sure of that. Even if that wasn't the case, Colby would never pass out in an abandoned warehouse. That had never happened and she was pretty sure she hadn't gotten that drunk.

"What the fuck is happening?" she asked aloud to nobody in particular before actually seeing that other people surrounded her. While Colby moved to sit upright -- only to realise that she was still in her shorts and sparkly tank top from the night before, eyeliner a bit smudged -- she realised that she suddenly felt uneasy. Her head hurt. And not like a hangover pain, but worse. Like a constant throbbing. Like someone was attacking the inside of her skull with a metal hammer.

A hammer isn't really my style, to be totally honest.

Colby froze momentarily when she heard the older male voice. Judging by the looks of everyone around her, that couldn't have come from them. None of them were elderly people. They were all seemingly teenagers, or young adults. This voice... this voice was different.

Well of course I'm different. I've been different my whole life. Shunned for it too. I mean, I didn't ask to be stuck as the Lord of the Underworld but I suppose that's what you get for being the youngest.

Lord of the Underworld? None of it made sense. None of it except the question that was posed to the group of them. "Yeah, I think I hear stuff in my head," Colby nodded in agreement with the statement of the dark haired boy. This just got weirder and weirder by the minute.


Hey. Hey kid, wake up.

Matt's eyes fluttered open and he groaned slightly. "Five more minutes," he muttered under his breath, intending to pull his blanket over his head before he got a sense of deja vu. Didn't this very scene already happen this morning? Except his mother had woken him up, not his dad... wait, his dad couldn't have woken him up. He wasn't around. But then whose male voice did he just hear? What was happ--

Nah, kid, I ain't going through this again. Just open your eyes and you'll hopefully figure out what's up.

And so, though Matt didn't want to listen to this strange man's voice, he opened his eyes properly. He looked down at himself to find that he was dressed in jeans and a t shirt with his school letterman jacket draped over him. If he was all ready to go that meant he had woken up and gotten ready for the day. So then why was he asleep in... an abandoned warehouse, while surrounded by people he didn't even know? None of it made sense.

"Who are all of you?" Matt asked, furrowing his eyebrows as he forced himself into a sitting position. He had so many questions but he knew they weren't likely to be answered. All these people looked just as clueless as him. But by the sound of things, they all were expereincing something familiar. They were all new there and they all could hear some strange voice in their head.

I'm not strange, I'm here to give you purpose, so you better be thankful, you little--

"Shut up," Matt snapped, a little annoyed with the voice he could hear. He knew that also probably made him look very weird, and so he looked back at the others, eyebrows still furrowed. "Yeah I guess I can hear stuff too, but that doesn't really answer any of the questions I have in mind." If anything, it just raised more questions.

"My voice calls himself the Lord of the Underworld." Matt looked to his left to see a cute girl looking like she came from a party.

Hades thinks he's such a hotshot now that he has a hotshot human host. Well I think I did better. You seem smart enough to me, kid. Smart enough to host a god.

"A god?" Matt's breathing hitched in his throat. "What the hell is happening?"

Jasper Ken Lial
Watching as everyone got up Jasper finally wondered how he got here. The last thing he remembered was walking outside his house. After that it's nothing. Just black, like he magically appeared in this place. Then again magic doesn't exist. Right?

Nah kid magic is real. You'll see.

Everything stopped; his mind, body, heart. It was like he couldn't move after hearing that voice. Whose voice was it? It sure as heck wasn't his. It sounded ancient and old.

Ah, I guess I should have introduced myself before speaking. I'm Zeus god of thunder.

A god? Great not only was he crazy but he was losing his mind too. Who makes up a voice in their head and let's it call themselves a god. Finally over his surprise Jasper looked at everyone to see them awake. He watched everyone's as they moved to sit, wondering if they could hear a voice too. If so then maybe he wasn't as crazy as he thought he was. Then came the news he wanted to hear. Three said they could hear voices too. A relived sigh came from him as he piped up, "Yea I can hear a voice too."

Looking over to the girl as she spoke up Jasper relized something. The only Lord of the Underworld he knew of was Hades. He only knew this because one of his siblings was a big Greek mythology buff. Thinking back to what his sister had told him about Greek gods and such he couldn't remember anything she said telling him that they can get into peoples minds!

I'm not in your mind. You're hosting me idiot.

Hosting? Okay that's new. "Mine calls himself Zeus," Jasper spoke again turning to look at the others, finally breaking from his stupor of shock. Not like much else could shock him at this point.

Audrey Ann McMurry
Audrey watched everyone with slight curiosity. Who are these people? What are we doing here? Many questions with no answers. Why did she not get higher before going to school, maybe then she would be okay with this. Well a little more okay. Watching as everyone talked about gods and voices in there heads makes Audrey wonder if she too has a voice in her head. Was she also insane?

You're not insane child, a soft gentle voice in her head said. Shocked Audrey looked around trying to find the sorce of the voice before realization struck. There was a voice in her head! What. The. Fuck. Looking at the others Audrey nodded, "I hear a voice too."

Shaking her head slightly Audrey reached into her pant pocket and pulled out a pack of smokes. Whipping one out she searched for her lighter only to not find one. Sighing Audrey asked, "Anyone got a light?" If she was going to keep sane through this she would need something to get ride of the headache she was already feeling.

Those things can kill you.

Shut up, Audrey scolded the voice, I need them to feel sane. When the voice didn't respond Audrey looked at the others expectantly completely ignoring the conversation they were having.

Theodore James Kingston
As the others began waking up Theo didn't quite know what to do. Does he introduce himself or wait for someone to suggest it? Maybe introductions would be for the best. Looking a the others his face turned to confusion as everyone started talking about a voice in there head. Are they on drugs or something. Was he on drugs!

I can assure you you're not on drugs.

Great, now he's got a voice in his head. So if not drugs then what? An exasperated sigh escaped him as he spoke, "Maybe instead of talking about voices we introduce ourselves?" Looking the others over Theo decided he would go first, "I'm Theodore Kingston, but most just call me Theo. As for the question about voices, yea I hear one too."

You know I have a name.

And what might that be? Theo couldn't believe he was actually talking to the voice in his head or that it even had a name.

My name is Apollo, it's a pleasure to talk to you Theodore.

Yea, yea whatever. "Also, the voice in my head call's itself Apollo."