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Jae froze at Zora's scream. She did not hear Victor, her entire focus on Cole and Zora. She glared at him, shaking a little from anger, adrenaline, and fury. Pure fury. "Put. Her. Down!! God you can't be a HUMAN for once?! What's up with everyone thinking they're GODS and BETTER than EVERYONE ELSE?!" She yelled, walking slowly towards Cole, fists curled at her sides, her eyes locked on his, challenging him not to shoot Zora, but to shoot her, Jae. "Come on..You wouldn't...Zora would never think of getting a kiss from you if you do.." Her mouth was a angry smile, but the corners twitched towards a frown as she said this. She knew Zora would try to contradict her, but she hoped Zora would see her process.
Cole smirked at Jae. "Your one feisty girl to stand up to me like this." He was still holding the gun to Zora.

"Jae. Just leave I will be fine. He won't kill me." Zora said.

Cole then decided to point the gun at Jae instead yet still holding onto Zora tightly.

"No. Don't." Zora said to Cole, she didn't want him to shoot Jae.
Jae stopped as the gun shifted. "There we go. Now. Let. Her, Go." she said, crossing her arms, not breaking her glare. "And I'm not feisty, I go for justice." she growled, waiting for the lights to go out.
Cole chuckled. "Look at that Zora, she's willing to die for you."

"No!" Zora shouted out. "Don't do it Cole. I will never forgive you, ever." She growled at him with anger in her eyes. She was looking directly at him.

He looked at her eyes. "Never forgive me?" He said, at that moment he lowered the gun only slightly as if losing focus.
Jae stepped forwards slightly as his lack of focus, her eyes shifting sideways to the lights panel. She glanced once more at Cole to see if he was still watching Zora. She knew what the risk was, but anything to save everyone here. Dad always said I'd kill myself playing hero one day.. She thought silently.
Cole continued to look at Zora. "But..." He began to say but Zora cut him off.

"I will never forgive you. I hate you." She yelled at his face. "Your a psychopath."

He dropped the gun onto the ground and grabbed her more spinning her body to face him. "But I love you!" He said to her looking in her eyes. "I always have ever seen we first meant."

"I don't care. I hate you. Now leave my friends and me alone."
Jae noticed the distraction and heard the gun hit the floor. She had a better idea. She sprinted forwards, diving down and sliding past, grabbing the gun. She aimed for the light box and shot three shots. Electric sparks flew and several lights flickered, the main ones turning off, but various lamps where still on and exit signs shined brightly. Jae shook a little. "Let go of Zora!" she growled at Cole, the gun pointed at the ground.
Cole was surprised the lights suddenly went out. It was hard to see. "What?"

Meanwhile Zora was trying to get out of Cole's grip. She managed to break free and ran over to Jae.
Jae hugged Zora, stepping in front of her. "Cole. Sit on the ground. Now." she had excellent vision, and the dark was nothing much for her. "Now." she repeated, still shaking a little.
Cole turned to Jae. "You tell me what to do?" He said. He looked over at Zora. "Give her back to me."

Zora put her hand on Jae's shoulder, she whispered to her so only she could here. "Don't do anything. You will get in trouble if you do." She said to her. "Just wait I am sure the police will come with those alarms going off."
Jae raised the gun, but her finger was not on the trigger..however, that was hard to see in the dark. "No. Take two steps and I'll shoot. Three and it'll be your stomach. Four, your head." She growled, her eyes flashing angrily. She held Zora's hand gently, tracing 'safety on' on her hand, to say that she couldn't shoot the gun. she nodded slightly at Zora's whispers.
Zora made a quiet sigh or relief. She was glad Jae was actually thinking straight. She didn't want Jae to get into any trouble or have the fact that she killed someone always in her head. "Just do it." She then said to Cole.

Cole tried to look at the two, but couldn't make out much. He made a sigh. Where was his fellow thieves during this. Did they get knocked out or did they bail. For the first time it was him who didn't know what to do in the situation.
Jae looked at Cole curiously. "Scared? Not knowing what to do without your teammates?" She threw the gun to the ground. "That's what I thought..a leader without followers is an empty husk." and with that, she turned, starting to walk away, letting go of Zora's hand.
Anarchy stood in the utter darkness, confused. "What? is going on..?"
Alex leaned against Anarchy, sighing. "It's dark.."
"Duh." Anarchy growled.
(ooc: That was great, lol.)

Zora followed Jae. Cole tried to feel for the gun that he heard fall to the ground. "I can handle things own my own without my teammates." He said.
Jae stopped, knowing he was looking for the gun. She turned, taking Zora's shoulders and pulling her into a hug. "Hide." she whispered before letting go, walking over to Cole and kneeling in front of him, glaring, kicking the gun away. "Then why don't we fight hand-to-hand?" she growled. She knew she could hold her own against him, at least long enough for Zora to be safe. "Or are you too scared?"

((OOC: thanks =) ))
Zora felt useless. She was always letting Jae do everything. She didn't want to just hide.

Cole got up. He made a sigh. "And why would I do that." It was obvious that he didn't want to, perhaps he really didn't know how to fight that well. Although he seemed to be trying to play it cool.

Zora moved around in the darkness so that no one would see her. She picked up the gun that Jae had kicked and through it at Cole's head. It hit him hard in the temple causing him to fall to the ground.
Jae watched Cole fall and blinked a little, looking over at Zora. She smiled a little before glaring at Cole. "did that hurt enough?" she wasn't sure if he was out cold or not.
Cole tried to say something but before he could he was out.

Zora let out a big sigh. "I didn't think I would actually be able to hit him, being in the dark and all. But I figured it would be bad for you to fight with a fractured arm. And I wanted to be of some help." She gave Jae a smile.
Jae shrugged and knelt down, wrapping her good arm under his shoulders and lifting him, shifting him over onto her back. "It's've got really good aim." she winked. "Told you that you had a talent." she smiled, then sighed. "Let's get him somewhere We don't want him hurt worse until the police get here." she sighed. "And pick up the gun..who knows who else will come after us."
Zora gave Jae a nod. She grabbed the gun and followed Jae. "What about the other thieves? What do you think happened to them? And the other hostages with us?" Zora questioned, she hoped that the hostages were alright and save from the bad guys.
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