Horror-Suspense-Anime-Type RP

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My guess is everyone wants to know what they're up against before throwing down their stuff.
The whole point is to be going in blind though.. Your main threat is other players though, thought that was implied.
I just don't want to be the guy setting the standard power level...
I mostly like an example so i know i don't come across to mary or gary stu
I'll throw an example character sheet in the OOC then to help you guys get your bearings.
Most players are assigned a single, personal operator to monitor them,
Out of curiosity, how does this work in game? Or is it better to wait for the game to begin, wherein we can learn about it organically, along with our characters?
I'll be your operators, you wont ever see them in person unless you do something seriously wrong.
Sooo, any lurkers out there currently working on their sheets or something?
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