Horizon Demon Hunter Academy: REVAMPED!!! (OOC and Sign-ups)

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Hm. I'm not sure on the how, but for where to start, I imagine just about any sort of thing would work. Could go for some sort of flashback to a prior mission, or just about any activity together: training, some sort of class-related duties, whatever else.
Well, any ideas? I suggested he was there when she lost her eye, or at least came around a bit after wards and got her back to be treated.
That would probably make sense. I'll think on it a bit, but I'll be going to sleep soon.
Name: Connor Edwards

Personality:When not Connor isn't being serious during training he's pretty laid back and fun to be around. He is very sarcastic and cocky at times, when training he's calm, collected, and a bit hot tempered. He can be stubborn and seem stuck up at times.

History:Connor has a younger sister and older sister making him the middle child. His older brother treats him like crap by beating him up and saying that it's going to make him stronger. His older brother is bigger, taller, and buffer then him with black hair like their father who was killed by demons like their mother who he and his sister resemble with her light blonde hair and his own white hair.

Connor cares for both his meat-head brother and his adorable little sister. He always seems different around his family then around other people. He prefers to spend time with his sis more the anything and she looks up to him.

Weapon Specialty: He specializes in using a bow.

A golden bow

His gold knife hidden in his boot.

Skills:He is very skilled at flying and using magic. He's amazing with his bow and he creates arrows out of his pure magic. He is very intelligent and knows many types of martial arts.

Name: Amber Vulpes
Year: 2

Personality: Amber is a mischievous sweetheart. She cares for her friends (even though she likes to tease them on various occasions), and for people in general. While she can be lazy at some times, she takes her duties serious. Despite her attitude towards her duties, she is the easygoing type, and is rarely seen stressed or angered. But do not test your luck. Amber is known to be a target to a certain racism because of her animal features, and it is also known that she broke a few teeth because of that (of course not her own).
She is also constantly smiling while in battle. The thrill of a fight seems to inspire her, and motivates her throughout its duration. It is not the inflicting, or recieving of pain that she likes. It is that feeling to fight and survive that she lives for.

History: Amber's very early days are not recorded. The first records about her state that she grew up at an orphanage, which by now is closed. While still being very young, there was a demon attack, which she witnessed first hand. When one of her friends was in danger, she defended him to the best of her ability, but proved no match for an experienced demon. If it weren't for another fighter, she would be dead by now. The human noticed her strength, and took her to Fort Bismark, where their ways parted.

Amber never really understood certain things. Why she had these ears, and why the nice human left her to a training facility, but what she did understand was that she was strong. Over the years, she honed her skills, worked hard, and lived. When learning enough about engineering to construct her ideal weapon, her battle power skyrocketed, and she was accepted into class gaia, and proved very quickly to be a useful asset to the ranks. Sure, she isn't perfect, but considering she hasn't been kicked out yet, she must do something right.

Weapon Specialty: Roaring Ivory
Her main weapon is a 1.8 meter big Bazooka, which can change into a hammer. It can be used like a standard anti tank long-range weapon, or like a devastating close to mid ranged hammer. In both forms, Amber is able to use the recoil for spinning attacks, launching herself away or to foes, and move for short distances at high speeds.
It fires big spheres that explode on impact, or when reaching a certain range limit of about 200 meters.
It also serves as a riot shield, making it a perfect defense weapon, and its weight can be used to crush almost everything at close range to bits.
Superhuman strength: As one might expect, RI is quite heavy (approx 400 KG). It is an active ability, and Amber only uses it when wielding RI, or there is a good reason for it. Why she doesn't just punch her enemies when she is so strong? Her fists would hurt.
Increased hearing: Amber can use her fox ears to hear better than the average human. Her ears can turn quite a bit, allowing her to almost pinpoint sounds.

Amber's hair color changes with the season. While it is winter, it will be long and white. During summer, it is short and bright brown/orange.

How about this one? Anything that needs to be changed?
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