Hoods & Capes | IC

Interactions: @Mobley Eats ,@Seductress , and @Ariel

The instruction from Night Watcher took a moment to process; Kallen's consciousness was not in the physical world, but the mystical one. He allowed his power to flood through his body, which soon began to mix with the adrenaline, creating an odd concoction that seemed to make him stand a little taller, move a little faster.

He watched as Surge collapsed to the ground from his own intense shock -Kallen suppressed a laugh- and then his consciousness returned to within himself. Energy exploded from nerve to nerve, blood vessel to blood vessel, muscle to marrow as he shifted every ache, every pain, every injury to the palm of his left hand. He took the handle of his knife and rammed it into his funny bone; he moved that pain to his left hand as well, numbing himself to the pain he had built up. A slight fleck of blood dripped onto the stone as the cut he had made earlier rose up on the palm of his hand.

And then, he was upon the super villain. He shoved his right hand against the twitching form, and slowly began to let his consciousness mingle with Surge's. He had only done this briefly on Night Watcher to test his powers; he was still quite new to some of the more odd uses of his abilities. Seconds passed as flowed through Surge's form, studying the electrical impulses that were every so slightly different from his own. Kallen pulled a large amount of energy from the source that welled up within his own body toward Surge.

It was like a final puzzle piece being slotted in-he felt as if he were in his own body. Kallen pulled the pain caused by Surge's electric strike into his mind-and then he loaded every ounce of pain within his own body into the villains legs. "Hopefully," Kallen thought as he pulled his mind out of Surge, "that's enough to keep him down for a while."

Kallen turned and ran to rendezvous with Night Watcher. "What'd you say?" he shouted.
Iron Head

Washington, DC
Inova Fairfax Hospital, Four Blocks Away --> Inova Fairfax Hospital (West Wing)
Interactions: Transfer @Sail and Night Watcher @Seductress

Now that... was what Iron Head called the literal embodiment of "ripping one a new asshole". An amused and lop-sided smirk pulled at the woman's lips, before she smothered the urge to chuckle and snapped back to attention. Right. Of course. She'd noticed the rumbling from earlier, but she had the numskull bros to take care of first. And, to be honest, she couldn't see how she could be helpful right about now...

Okay. Fine. That was a white lie. She just wished that were the case. All of this charity work outside of her agreed parameters, it was getting damn annoying. Heaving a sigh, she clanked her way over to Night Watcher and Transfer, rolling her eyes when the elder hero opted out of helping with the burning building. Hell, if that were the case, she could totally count herself out as well. Besides, she'd use a damn heavy amount of blood just now and her body would need a minute or two to regenerate. Granted, she'd easily be restocked by the time she made it to the building.

So it all rested on morals. Again. Fuck.

Iron Head shot a condescending look Night Watcher's way, though it couldn't be discerned through her mask. "I hate my life." Grumbling, she rotated her glance over to Transfer. Gave pause to just stare at him, lips pursed, before begrudgingly patting his shoulder. "Err, nice work. I guess." Christ--she felt disgusting. This was weird. Quickly retracting from the man, Iron Head then started pacing through the streets in the direction of the plumes of billowing smoke, not really caring who tagged along.

Coils sauntered up to the group, casting a wary glance at Transfer.

"Woah," she said, eyeing Surge's twitching form. "And they call me a vicious bitch... you're Transfer, right? That's a real number you did on Surge. I've called for some support here, but maybe we ought to haul on over to that fire. Sounds like people might need help."

She looked over towards the departing Iron Head. "Lady's got the right idea. Come on."
As Surge fell in a mixture of agonizing pain, caused by multiple different variables, the police were able to move in for the arrest. Before The Night Watcher did anything else, be walked over to the duffel bag that Surge was trying to get away with. Conner squatted down and unzipped it. What he saw didn't upset him or cause him to be angry; instead it confirmed his suspicions. The bag was filled with rocks and pebbles, there was nothing special, unique or valuable about them. He groaned, knowing that this fire was just part two of the fight with Surge and Sadist.

"It was a distraction," The Night Watcher called out to everybody. "This was all part of their fucking plan." The pace he was walking to catch up to Coils and Iron head wasn't exactly running, but he wasn't being slow, either. Luckily for Conner, his mask was able to clip off and come in half, separating just under his nose. He reached into his belt and pulled out a much needed cigarette. Before he could light it, the cigarette fell out of his mouth as he looked up at the raging fire. It was burning out of control, something more than he ever would have expected to have been going down while they were taking care of business just blocks away.

Conner spotted the Azure Ghost with Clifford Chore, the politician who had been shot earlier this morning during a relaxing cup of coffee. "I know what's going on here," The Night Watcher said as he closed in on the two of them. He stopped, and pointed at Chore. "They're after him, aren't they? This son of a bitch just got probably hundreds of people killed." Despite the fact that he was limping, Conner darted toward Chore, grabbing him by his hospital gown, raising his fist to beat his anger into the Congressman.

Nicole pushed her hair behind her shoulders and walked back over to the window, looking through to the area surrounding the hospital. She spotted the Azure Ghost and Chore getting to safety, which was her primary concern. With that done and out of the way, she could officially worry about the rest of the hospitals occupancy. She brought both of her hands up to her hair and tousled her hair in thought. She turned back around and looked at the robot, thinking. This wasn't a situation someone who had made her name taking down street gangs and thugs should be worrying about. She didn't know how to rescue people from a burning building, she could barely even rescue a kitten from a tree.

"Do you know how many people are still in here?" She asked, walking toward a random door. She pressed her hand against it, and didn't feel any heat. Odds are, the fire was going to get up to them soon, if the building didn't collapse first. "I think we're on the top level, meaning we are going to need to get the fuck off of this floor. Are you able to locate the remaining patients with your...sensor...system...things?" She went back to the window, hoping to see an emergency response team flooding the parking lot with fire trucks and police cars. Still, nothing.

What Nicole did see, however, was Transfer, Coils, Iron Head and The Night Watcher finally arriving on the scene, making their way toward the Azure Ghost and Mr.Chore. "Okay," Nicole called over her shoulder. "Our backup is here. The only problem is that they most likely don't know that we're here. Plus, they probably won't recognize that I'm a hero," She said, tugging on her shirt to showcase the street wear she was in, instead of her costume. "I didn't come prepared, I didn't expect a terrorist attack to happen during a regular hospital trip.

"I can come in handy with the evacuation," Nicole said, looking over at a door. She pointed one of her perfectly manicured fingers at it. "I'm going to need you to break that door off the hinges, and that one too." She said, pointing at another door. "I think our safest bet would be to take everyone through the exit in the West Wing, that'll take us through the urgent care entrance."
Iron Head

Washington, DC
Inova Fairfax Hospital (West Wing)

Interactions: Night Watcher and Gunmen @Seductress , Transfer @Sail , Coils @Ariel & Azure Ghost @Lazeration

"Should've seen that coming," Iron Head grumbled in response to Night Watcher's discovery. She wasn't terribly surprised upon hearing that those brothers were a distraction; they were nothing more than a pair of dumb kids way over their heads, believing themselves to be invincible. In the end, they were just pawns on a chessboard. Not even a player...

However, she could theorize this much--If the people responsible for setting this up felt the need to cause a distraction, then that meant they didn't have the manpower or numbers to handle all of them at once. Division was needed. Whether for a specific period on their plan or just in general. Either way, there was a hole in every plan, no matter what.

Upon reaching the hospital, Iron Head tuned out the rest of Night Watcher's ranting as he approached... ah, the Congressman. Okay. She was connecting the dots now. Whatever; she'd let the older hero handle it. What mattered to Iron Head was the row of gunmen manning the entrance to the West Wing, guns already raising to unleash a hail on her and the others.


"Don't kill him too much," she tossed out to Night Watcher, not terribly caring what happened to the Congressman. Again, it wasn't her problem. If someone else wanted to put a stop to that, they were more than welcome to do so.

Swiftly, she summoned another blood shield to catch the onslaught, but it wasn't terribly large and didn't quite have enough time to harden into something useful. The surface stretched against the pressure, crimson stalagmites reaching for Iron Head before the sheet shattered completely. Luckily, it was enough to slow the bullets down and they clacked against the woman's armor minus the fatality behind them. At most, her skin would bruise a little underneath. On the down side? She had no way of closing the distance without forming another shield and repeating the process, ultimately wasting her blood supply...

Fine. Bruises it is.

Floating globules from her previously shattered construct snapped together in front of her to form another barrier and she started pushing forward. More gunshots. Another shattered shield. More bruises. A third shield, ever smaller. Ever weaker. But now within feet of the entrance. Growing impatient, one of the gunmen had stepped forward, barring down on Iron Head in an attempt to riddle her with holes.

Iron Head smirked.

With a snap of her head to the right, one of the floating globules smashed into the barrel and made his aim spin around, accidentally nailing one of his companions in the calf and ripping a pained howl from his comrade. Then, the same construct snapped the gun downwards and pulled the trigger, shooting the man in the foot. He wasn't even allowed a chance to scream before Iron Head smashed her helmet into his face, rendering him dazed and staggering. She flipped the man around and pulled him tight against her, back to back, using him as a meat shield when the next round of gunshots fired.

Heh. Welp. That man was dead.

Like Hell she cared.

"Help would be nice," she called out to the other heroes through clenched teeth.
Azure Ghost
Inova Fairfax Hospital

Leon could only watch in dumbfounded shock as Night Watcher hoisted the congressman up; an act that upset the already-split stitches in the man's body, his blood seeping through his hospital gown in various patches. The supposed hero's frustrations were clearly getting the better of him, as evidenced by how he handled the disheveled politician in an extremely ungentle manner. All Leon had on him at this point was a flashbang, a grapple gun and an empty prayer that his next few choice of words might work: "Look," he said, placing a hand on Night Watcher's chest, "I don't care for politicians any more than the next guy, but pummeling this one isn't gonna help us get to the bottom of this. Clearly, someone wanted him dead, for reasons we won't know if you break his face open." He paused, gauging Night Watcher's reaction, secretly hoping the cape would listen to reason before he had to step in and try to fight off a man that was several magnitudes stronger than he was.

"Please," he said finally.
Transfer wasn't quite sure what he was going to do to help with the situation. He couldn't exactly right; he hoped that one day he'd be able to access other's nervous systems far quicker and turn it into a full on offensive weapon. He couldn't attack from range; he planned on asking Night Watcher for a few guns to make him more effective. He couldn't put up barricades, manipulate the battlefield or cause a distraction.

And then, he spotted the Congressman's injured body, broken and beaten. An idea quickly began to take root. He began scanning the ground for a possible dead body he could use.

As soon as his eyes fell upon one, he jogged over to it, wrapped his hands around the corpe's rigid legs and began to drag it towards Night Watcher and the Azure Ghost. "Hey, Night, give me the Congressman. I'll make sure to fix him up. We can't let him die, and he is losing blood pretty quickly."

The sweet tussles of slumber almost embraced Blair Whittaker, the bittersweet memory of a baby blue blanket encasing her weeks after not having retained any shut eye at all. Perhaps it was the schedule or the stress of it all, but the young heroine only desired two things in that realm crossing moment. A cup of coffee for when she woke up, and a direct talk with God on how the human body sucked at taking care of itself. Seriously, for an organism meant to try and adapt in order to survive, the body was really sucky at adapting to new environments. A gentle snore rippled through her lip-

"B! B! Get your ass up!"

"Wazzit?" She chortled, body snapping upwards as her sand encrusted eyes struggled to focus on the familiar voice ahead. Thinly narrowed eyes traced back to her, scrutinizing the young hero from bedhead to curled toes. "Jem it's my day off hun, I'mma head on back to bed...we agreed you'd..."

"Emergency, dumbass, callin for you. You know very well I can't leave right now...." The younger man nibbled anxiously at his lip, his sister observing him with some form of uncertainty. "Look, you know I would go for you but good Christ B it's bad and I just." Jem swallowed. "Look, I'm just gonna stay at the apartment, aye? I'm a lot more needed here. Besides, your uniform has already gone through the dryer today..."

"What's all the fuss?" Blair questioned, sleepily.

"A clusterfuck and a half." Jem explained, a sharp grimace at his features. "Look, just...get dressed, I'll yell the situation from the kitchen."

Blair learned not to question Jem's methods over the the years. This was one of them.


After tussling to get her uniform on, surprised to feel it had somehow managed to shrink in the washer and the cape managed to tangle itself around the main body, Blair heaved a breath of relief when it seemed to fall into place. Still, to Jem, the uniform would be generically dorky, and honestly, she didn't blame him for his teasing.

The kitchen-holler-conference brought what Blair needed to know before bursting out of the apartment, they required backup at the Inova Fairfax Hospital. Congressman had been shot, and things were going to hell, quite literally. Blair could feel her heart hammer in her chest even as she made her descent to the location of the hospital.

Its only a building with a possible dozens of innocent people there and you know...people who wanna kill a congressman. Jeez Blair stop letting your anxiety get the better of you! Its almost like it was put there for a reason or fifteen!

Frost nipped at her fingers long before she laid eyes on the target, a massive fire roaring through the lower levels of the hospital, and a twinge of nerve, guilt and horror struck her. Alright, time to do it, what the hell did Jem call it? Some Elsa magic? She was going to have to be cautious though with how close she put herself, she still needed to have some oxygen in the air if she wanted to be able to precipitate...Planting herself firmly into the ground below, finding herself at least ten feet away from the building and its roaring inferno, Snowfall gulped down a deep breath, focusing on the precipitation that was around her. Searching, tendrils of frost began coating her hands, and with a flick of her wrist, a thick stream of frost began to billow forth from her palms, slamming against the licking flames against the foundation of the hospital.

If this is what Katy Perry meant back in the early two thousands, I want out.
Listening to the almost calming words that the Azure Ghost had to say, it was like he was the voice of reason sitting on The Night Watcher's shoulder arguing with the angry little devil telling him to execute the little prick. In the end, it wasn't exactly Chore's fault. Conner was waiting for a political attack to signify the invasion, and this was exactly what he was anticipating. Between the distraction, the armed gunmen and the hospital being in flames, this was a sign that months worth of speculating and planning was more than just a conspiracy theory on Conner's end. The Night Watcher's head turned to look at The Azure Ghost, his facial expressions growing soft. When his head turned back to Chore, he gave him a quick punch to the wound and dropped him.

"Okay," Conner nodded, before reattaching the bottom half of his mask. That cigarette is going to have to wait. "Transfer, you help the congressman. Once you're done with him, I want you two," Conner pointed to the Azure Ghost, unsure of his name due to the lack of introductions. "To go and back up Iron Head. Coils, we need to find a way in there. I have a feeling that there's still people who need to get out, and we need to assist them. When the three of you are done with the gunmen, join us inside."

Before The Night Watcher could head out to find an entrance, he spotted the newest member of the reinforcements who had shown up. She was spouting frost from what looked like her hands, which was exactly what they needed for the evacuation. Looks like this might not be as difficult as I thought it would be. Conner signaled for Coils to group over with Frost as he jogged his way over, his entire body feeling like it had been hit by a bus. His left leg had been lagging due to the limp, and he felt terribly out of energy. Either way, this had to get done. Even if it didn't turn out to be a distraction, Conner still would have contradicted his statement of "not it" and still helped with the fire.

"I don't know how you're doing that," Conner called to Frost as he reached her. "But we could really use those talents. We're about to go in there to finish the evacuation, and its possible that your powers could help us clear paths through otherwise dangerous areas."
"There are about twenty or so patients in this area," He said while kicking through the door like a piece of cardboard. "I'll take ten, you take ten." The robot began gathering up everyone in the rooms on the left. He helped the disabled climb into their wheelchairs, the elderly to get out of bed, and even carried two people who were in comas. The people were, of course, understandably confused by the situation and frightened by Solomon's appearance. But the shaking and loud groaning of the building ushered them along well enough.

"Once you get your side, we can get moving, if you need any help just ask," He said while scanning the building to check on it's degrading infrastructure. He noticed that the heat generated by the raging fires below was slowly getting colder. "It would appear that either the fire department finally arrived, or one of your fellow heroes is putting out the fires on the lower floors", He hoisted another patient over his shoulder as he talked. "But even so, the damage has already been done and this building is still unsafe, we should move as soon as possible."

The building shook once again as ceiling panels fell and chunks of the floor gave way into the floor below. The lights flickered and some even went out. Solomon knew that he could probably survive a collapsing building, but if he let these people die, he would never forgive himself.

I should of stayed home today.
  • Spicy
Reactions: Seductress

As the heat evaporated from her body and the frost continued to travel to soothe the flames before her, Snowfall's shoulders slumped, at ease in the situation before her. Her job was far from done, but she had asserted her powers properly and could be useful with the trouble that was erupting about her. She had to admit, Jem would have been a much more useful hero in this circumstance, but she knew why he decided to lag behind for tonight. She agreed to let him do what was needed, and this was a situation she felt comfortabl-

"I don't know how you are doing that." A sudden voice boomed behind her, causing Snowfall's eruption of cold slid to a stop, her shoulders tensing as she hopped back and attempted to slam her heels into the pavement below, one hand at the ready...only for her shoe to slip on a stray patch of ice that had formed from the sudden termination of her abilities. Just barely, she was able to catch herself with her front foot, gritting her teeth in a horrified grimace behind the balaclava. She managed t position herself, however, where it appeared she had planned her landing,, one foot forward, hands out, chest panting slightly. However, she soon caught the familiar glance of the Night Watcher, and her hands fell to her side in submission. She let out a quick pant as she placed her hands to her knees.

"Yes! Of course of course, that's why I'm here." She claimed with a slight swallow as she clamped the back of her neck with her gloved hand. Thank God the nervous grin was hidden, gosh, that wouldn't be a very good impression. Maybe its a good thing that Torrent isnt here. He'd be giving me shit left and right.

Lowering her voice somewhat, trying to make it sound a little more husky, she slid her hand under her hood and gave her hair a tussle. "Alright, I'm at your disposal sir. Lead the way and I'll try and clear this as much as possible. No one else on scene who has powers to help tame the flames?"

You know, sometimes I wish I could be the person saved by the cute fireman, rather than being the scrambling firewoman who may or may not have to use her nonexistent muscles to save a couple of people. This is fine. This is super. Everything's going great.

Transfer drug the dead corpse over to the nearly dead Congressman-a tear formed in his eye as he realized the fate he had just consigned himself to. The pain is worth saving someone's life... he thought. He sat down in between the two, placing one hand upon each being's chest. Kallen knew he could only manipulate one at a time, but the sight of seeing him seemingly transfer the wounds from one to another in a short span of time would hopefully catch others attention.

Energy flowed from his left hand into the Congressman. Kallen began to sort through the false signals, working his way throughout his "patient's" body, slowly mapping out the structure of his body. Soon enough, the pain flooded into Kallen-gun wounds opened up across his body, blood spilling across his skin. He knew that if he didn't finish quickly, he would almost certainly die.

The fresh pain began to stream into the motionless body; there wasn't much in the way of nervous signals, and he wasn't really directing where the pain would go. It bled out of Kallen's fingertips relief filling his body. With the job finished, he stood up, dusted his costume off, and began to plot possible ways to help Iron Head. Fingers grasped around the rubbery handle of the dead man's gun, he pulled it forth from its holster and began to move towards the action.
Leon was taking in the steady influx of new talent in stride--and with a little bit of hesitation. All of these people had abilities far beyond his own, causing him to question whether or not he should stick around to help clean up the mess that was currently unfolding around him. However, it seemed that Night Watcher decided he could be of use, asking him to help deal with the riffraff of gunmen that were still infesting the premises. Beneath his mask, no one would be able to see Leon's face transition from awestruck, to confused, then on to quizzical acceptance of the current situation, but as he was directed into action, he just shut up and went along with it.

Checking his equipment, he saw for offensive options that he had two flashbangs, one more of the very same type of explosive he'd used to break the window he jumped from in order to escape the explosion, his grapple gun, and a Taser with two cartridges. Completing his inspection, he looked to Night Watcher. "Okay," he said, turning his attention to Transfer, "But we're gonna have to make this quick."
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Reactions: Mobley Eats
Concrete splintered and cracked, raining down onto the shadowy roads of night, a new predator was here and determined to make this place his new hunting grounds. He was not like the others by any means, he was no hero, no villain, simply one that indulged in the hunt. The crouched stranger stared at the ensuing situation, investigating it both with his eyes and ears. This was truly none of his business but that did not mean he hadn't been interested.

Narrowed eyes focused on the new arrivals, his peculiar, it seemed that many of them had unique abilities, how satisfying. Each of them held different scents, the way their hearts beat in their own unique rhythms, he studied them from this distance, the safest one to keep him concealed for now. Wolf would have fun here, he just knew it.
  • Spicy
Reactions: Mobley Eats
The Night Watcher blinked as he watched Snowfall as she wobbled to stay upright. Sure, she jumped straight into the action and was ready to help as she was needed, but the apparent clumsy nature caused him to already start questioning whether or not he would need to end up saving her from a harsh death of fire if she went in with them. "As useful as everyone else is, I don't think anybody here has the ability to put out the fire." He looked over his shoulder, seeing everyone else disperse to take on the roles that had been assigned to them. This wasn't something that Conner wanted to do, but it truly had to be done. After all, this is what hero work is all about.

"Make sure my cape doesn't catch fire, okay?" With the little quip, The Night Watcher found a side door by a couple of dumpsters not too far from where they were standing. He brought his left foot up, and slammed it against the door which splintered in half, flying toward the flames. He assessed the hallway; it looked like some form of maintenance hall, probably meant for taking garbage out. "I don't know how many people are still in here," he called back to the woman. "As much as I don't want to be in here for too long, we are going to have to cover as much ground as possible."

With a day that started out as a routine fight with super villains, it was not expected for the entire ordeal to turn into a scene from Backdraft. Hopefully Conner would end up being William Baldwin instead of Kurt Russel, because anyone who's seen the movie knows what happens to Kurt Russel at the end of the movie. The heat was causing beads of sweat to build up under the man's mask, and he was finding it hard to breath. There was far too much smoke welling in the halls and filling up the various different rooms that inhabited the hospital. There was a myriad of corpses scattered throughout the main floor; doctors, patients. Some had gunshot wounds, some were burnt to a crisp, and others had passed away of smoke inhalation.

Upon reaching the lobby, it was clear where the initial blast had hit. The ground was crumbling and falling apart, creating a large hole that lead into the underground parking lot. Across the room, the Night Watcher could see a corridor that lead to a set of stairs. It seemed to be still in tact and steady, but there was no way to get to it. At least, there's no practical way over. Conner looked over at Snowfall, holding out both of his hands. "If we're going to get over there, I need you to trust me," He almost shouted at her, the sounds of the raging fire and destruction overpowering his voice. "I'm going to throw you over the danger, and I'm going to make sure you land in that hallway on the other side."

Outside, the gunmen had to make adjustments to their plan. They never anticipated any supers showing up. The woman appearing and stealing the congressman away from them caused plan B to be put into action, but they didn't have a backup plan for supers. With one of their men dead, it was time to declare the mission in a state of crisis, and it was time to label her a direct threat to said mission. Using hand signals, one of them motioned for everyone else to take cover and find new vantage points in the emergency room entrance. Before joining the lot of them, the same man reached into one of the pockets of his vest, pulling a small oval shaped object.

A grenade.

As the tin can's backup started showing up from around the corner, he yanked the pin out and threw the explosive directly toward Iron Head, turning tail and rushing into the hospital to regroup with the rest of their men. They stayed low, squatting down and finding cover. The reception desk, overturned tables, chairs. There was plenty of room for them to dig in, take a breath, and choose their shots wisely. They had to conserve their ammunition and watch where they were firing. It was an idea to call off the mission, and hope that Chore had been taken out with the explosion. The only problem with that plan was that the 'heroes' were officially blocking the way to their only getaway vehicle.

There was static coming from the kill team's ear pieces. "Pull out, now." It was the boss himself. Normally he would get someone high up on the chain of command to oversee the mission, but apparently he had decided to take measures into his own hands. "Your mission is accomplished, and you've done well. You will be evacuated in less than three minutes. Stay alive, and make sure that the landing zone is clear." Easier said than done.

Nicole spared no time going through the rooms that was assigned to her. The patients seemed less willing to move without asking questions first, but Nicole really didn't feel like answering any of them. "I'll take the lead." She told Solomon as she lifted her hands up, the two doors starting to hover as she beckoned them toward her. She lead the caravan of bodies toward the stairs, keeping one of the doors in front of her, and the other close to her side.

"Keep everybody bunched up, form a large group instead of a line." As she spoke, the door that she kept beside her moved over to act as a shield for the patients they had to escort out. Why did it have to be twenty? Why couldn't it have been four, or five? Watching over such a large group was going to be a very difficult task, but she had to trust the robot to keep them safe. The further they descended down the stairs, the hotter it was getting. The smoke was starting to get thicker and much more dense, a sign that they were leaving their self proclaimed safe zone and entering the hot zone. This surely wasn't going to be fun.
Iron Head

Washington, DC

Inova Fairfax Hospital (West Wing)
Interactions: Azure Ghost @Lazeration & Transfer @Sail

Jesus. Just how trigger happy were these assholes? The carcass draped across her had lost a significant amount of meat shield potential, and the gore had splattered the back of her suit. God, Iron Head couldn't wait to take a hot, long, and extremely thorough shower after this fiasco was over. Of course, she knew she'd still maintain a lingering whiff of iron underneath the lilac body wash, but it was all mindless routine at this point...


Did some ice blasting chick show up? And... For fuck's sake. She tripped over herself. Whatever, that was Night Watcher's problem; Iron Head could only silently wish him godspeed while trying to figure out her next move. Luckily, something strangely akin to a blessing unraveled in that very moment and the gunshots ceased, followed by the footfalls of those same men. Dropping the body, Iron Head stood and squinted at the masked men's retreat.

"...The hell're they planning?" Regardless, she couldn't let them slip away. She didn't pay Azure and Transfer's presence much mind aside from a nod of acknowledgement; however, she froze in her tracks when something flew through the air.

Straight for her.

It was a millisecond before it hit the ground that she realized what the item was.


"Fuck. Me." Time slowed and her brain launched into overdrive. Only allowed seconds to come to a decision; she only had but so much blood to do anything. With this amount, she could try and formulate a shield just big enough for herself and pray that it'd be enough to cushion the detonation. Running away wouldn't work; she was far too slow in this hunk of metal. Then there was Azure and Transfer, likely within range to take damage as well.




She said it several times before and she would keep saying it until her dying breath: Morals suck.

A medium sized globule ejected from her veins, nearly sapping the energy from her legs with it, and split in half. They rocketed after Transfer and Azure, forming floating and puny shields in front of them. At the same time, Iron Head crossed her arms defensively and screwed her eyes shut, awaiting the explosion while unleashing a long string of colorful cuss words in her mind.

"Should have listened to Edna Mode..." She muttered, still slightly sheepish at her slip up. Yeah, she had to admit, she wasn't the most smooth person to have come clean up this mess, but she intended to pick herself up from it. Especially considering there were several people who still needed her help. Teasingly, however, as the shakiness began to fade, she allowed a tinge of frost to decorate the edge of his cape, making sure it wasn't too heavy to possibly catch fire or weigh him down. The moment that he sprinted off towards the side entrance, she pursued him, speckles of ice wavering off her hands in expectancy.

You know, at least if Im going out, Im going out hot right? Oh God, it is sooooo freakin warm...

An ironic shiver slithered down her spine. "As long as it takes." Snowfall replied, focusing momentarily on the temperature surrounding the two. "I'm sorry in advance if you feel a little chilly." Taking a deep breath, she lowered the temperature around Night Watcher, focusing enough as to not coat him in frost. She did the same for herself, knowing fully well that she would not feel the full effect, but it would at least keep her internal temperature at ease.

Following after the far more experienced hero, Snowfall forced herself to advert her gaze from the collection of corpses near the hallway, causing nausea to shoot up into her throat, coating her tongue and nearly causing her to gag. She found herself muttering a quick prayer under her breath, although the structure and exact meaning became lost to her in the next few moments of her travel. Shards of her own power began to dig into her skin unpleasantly.

"You are going to what now?" Snowfall called from behind, catching up after a couple of moments, placing her hand over her balaclava to ensure more inhalation didn't possible escape down into her throat. God, it was beginning to feel stingy now...her nose scrunched uncomfortably. "Oh, alright, you are just gonna chuck me across the abyss, sounds fun. Alright. I think I trust you to do the job..." Think? He practically offering to Hail Mary you across the field! Not like he's gonna aim straight into the hole though...I mean, worse thing that can happen is you land wrong and get a few bruised ribs...well, we certainly have handled a lot worse pain in that regard, haven't we?

Her hand fell to her stomach ever so slightly in her uncertainty. She raised up her spare hand, giving him a single thumbs up with a comical icicle beginning to droop off from the glove. "Whenever your ready there, captain'. Er, be gentle? Wait...no that sounds awkward...crap you know what I mean..."
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  • Haha
Reactions: Mobley Eats
All was calm, all was still until he smelled them, prey. Wolf climbed down from the room of the hospital, sliding down the side of it, his claws raking down the tough material. His instincts were kicked into overdrive, he could hear their hearts, smell their blood flowing in their veins. Navigating toward their scent, like a true predator, utilizing stealth to hunt down its prey. He found them now, so many of them, all unaware of their imminent demise.

Claws protruded from his gloved fingertips, each one individually pushing out to create the mesmerizing ring of steel sliding upon steel. All in what seemed like seconds, he was on the first of the masked men. Wolf's claws sunk deep into his chest, stabbing through the man's sternum as he helped out, voicing his pain. He was fast, faster than these men and their silly guns, aptly cutting through the metal of their weapons, literally and figuratively ripping their throats out with an angry snarl. Their horrified cries rung in his ears, the smell of their splattering blood, and frantic heartbeats just made it worse. He relished in this, so much in fact that he had to resist the urge to bite them, to taste their flesh and consume them. But now, there were three left.

The smell of urine stained their pants as their hands shook, saueezing the triggers as they screamed, hoping this volley of rounds would be their salvation. The bullets penetrated his suit, warping the material as exit wounds and entry wounds formed all over his body, namely the upper torso. 'D-die, freak!" A brave soul shouted, he'd be the next example. The open wounds began to slowly stitch close, making the damage nonexistent as the seconds drew by. The metal projectiles pushed out by the healing process and clicking onto the asphalt. These three were a little smarter, they ran, like sad pups straddling their tails between their legs. Wolf gave chase, only catching the slowest one, the weakest of links. As the male pounced this poor criminal, digging claws into his back, tearing away his back, exposing flimsy muscle, organs, and bone. He unlike the others was left to succumb to his injuries, to be made an example of. The remaining two were allowed to run, to tell this city there was something new to be afraid of. Wolf would quickly flee this scene of death, taking to a nearby rooftop to survey.​
Interactions: Iron Head @Mobley Eats and Azure Ghost @Lazeration

One one thousand...

A deep crimson fluid exploded out in front of Transfer; he watched as it solidified, turning into a shield of sorts. He ducked behind it, bracing for the explosion he knew was coming. He depressed the back of the pistol until it sprung back, opening the loading chamber. "Two bullets?" He'd have to keep it in mind; "You idiot, why didn't you check this gun earlier..."

Seven one thousand...

Transfer was unsure of how long the grenade would take to detonate. He felt sweat rolling down his face, his heart pounding as if a blacksmith at work-multiple heavy, loud slams instead of rapid short ones. He reached down with his power, focusing on slowing his heart and transferring it's twitching to less necessary muscle; the palmaris longus. It was the odd muscle that bulged up on the wrist when one touches the thumb to the pinky, and it once helped humans climb trees.The pain rushed into the one in his left arm.

Twelve one thousand...

Flames danced upon the hospital building, seeming to have died down a tad since he had arrived with Night Watcher, Iron Head and Azure Ghost. "Good," he mumbled to himself, less anxious about the inhabitants of the building. He aimed the pistol at the man who had lobbed the grenade, took a deep breath and fired, hoping that the grenade wouldn't go off until after the bullet had passed by it.

  • Spicy
Reactions: Mobley Eats
Why is my power super strength, why couldn't it have been the power of flight, or teleportation. While the Night Watcher was asking himself a string of well thought out questions, questions his writer refuses to answer, he knew that thinking wasn't going to earn him a slice of pie and a nap. He had to get his rear in gear, and Aaron Rodgers Snowfall to the other side. He groaned to himself, and turned to her. "I just want you to know," he said as he positioned himself behind her. "This is going to hurt me a lot more than it's going to hurt you."

With a firm, yet gentle, grip the man wrapped his hand around her waist. Conner had never exactly thrown anyone before, but he did know that he could hit her with a nice upper cut that would send her flying over to the other side. That's out of the question, though. He moved one of his legs back to build a strong base of support. With ease he lifted her at least a foot off the ground and turned his body. He forced his eyes shut, and then like he was tossing a bucket of water, launched the woman out of his hands and across the hefty jump. He was scared to look, almost certain that he had missed his mark and thrown her over the edge into the fire.

Luckily, when The Night Watcher had opened his eyes, he saw that he managed to get her to safety away from the burning pit of fire. Okay, now with that out of the way... He waited until she was at a far enough distance for him to figure out a landing spot, and with all of the strength in his legs, he took his mighty leap of faith. Just like that fight with Sadist earlier, the world moved in slow motion as R.Kelly started singing in the back of his head once more. Everything was going so well, until The Night Watcher realized he only heard I Believe I Can Fly right before life decides to ruin his day.

He landed right in front of the stairs, his feet slamming against the ground. Conner's eyes went wide as the floor beneath him gave way, causing him to fall through his landing zone. Of course, with Snowfall being at a safe spot, this didn't affect her, but The Night Watcher decided to have a fantastic fall down into the parking garage. He landed on his back, his cape smothering the fire under him. After taking a few seconds to count the stars orbiting his head, he jumped back up to his feet. He tore his cape off, or what was left of it, anyway. It was hot, too hot. He knew that soon, he would probably be boiled alive if he didn't figure something out quickly.

The solution wasn't as difficult as it could have been. The Night Watcher simply just jumped up again, just like The Hulk. He fluttered back up and grabbed a hold of the stairs where he had left Snowfall. Using all of his upper body strength he pulled himself up, and looked at his feet. "On the way back we are finding a better way out."

The transport that came to pick up the men, or rather, what was left of them, was unlike anything that had been seen by the public eye. It was like something straight out of a science fiction film. No doubt it was experimental tech that was more than
likely stolen, but that was The Night Watcher's conspiracy to worry about. With the random carnage and bloodshed that was happening inside the only safe zone in the hospital, the transport appeared seemingly out of no where, hovering just feet away from the entrance to the west wing. The pilot watched as the little grenade exploded into such a large ball of fire, which would have engulfed the group of meddling kids if it weren't for the big tin can's powers.

Speaking of The Tin Can, she clearly got the shitty end of the stick. The explosion more than likely sent her flying a couple of feet, but probably didn't do too much danger to her. Still, the pilot would have wanted a suit like that if he were to have to withstand a direct grenade blast. It crossed his mind that he would probably had to include the metal suit in his report, due to the fact that the tech she was wearing would help their little personal military heaps in the war to come. He reached over beside his seat, pulling a camera. He snapped a few quick pictures of Iron Head, trying his best to get as many clear pictures of her as he possibly could. The debriefing would for sure be an interesting one, due to the fact that the mission seemed like a success, but was most likely a complete failure if the heroes showed up.

There were two gunmen left by the time the transport showed up. The first man looked back at the almost inhumane figure that was tearing everyone to pieces. He knew that he wouldn't last much longer if he didn't get to the plane quickly. With the grenade exploding outside, they had the perfect distraction. He grabbed the other man by the arm and ushered him outside, pulling him along. He battered the door open with his shoulder, and then realized that his comrade felt a little too light, compared to the weight of the men he's used to. He looked back, seeing that he was just carrying an arm that had been torn off at the shoulder. The bone was exposed, but the arm was quickly dropped, and he loaded himself up on the ship for extraction.

The lights and sirens finally appeared as the transport took off. A handful of police cruisers, and an entire fleet of fire trucks. While the flames were starting to calm down, the firemen went straight to work. The ambulances followed suit, making their way straight to the West Wing, where all of the bodies were piling up. "Someone needs to fill me in," Came the first paramedic to arrive on scene. She looked over the collection of heroes. "Someone has a lot of explaining to do."