
Sollux is fast asleep on the floor. No one has pestered him in days and he doesn't want to listen to Karkat rant about the game again.
DR: There are of coursssse, worsssse thingssss though. He could be like Ampora. *Sssshudderssss* I mean sssserioussssly, what issss that guy'ssss deal?
AG trolls DR

AG: Hey there. Sorry it's been 8while.
DR: Vrisssska! Jusssst the girl I've been waiting for. What'ssss been holding you up?
AG: Tre8sure hunting with Taaaaaaaavvvvvvvvrrrrrrrroooooooos. Hehehehe!
DR: Oh no... What did you do to the poor Basssstard thissss time?
AG:He didn't do 8nythin8. Why do you 8sk?
DR: Vrissss... Never mind. Ssssollux talk to you about hissss game thing he was designing?
AG: Yes. We 8lready entered except you. I'll be your user or wh8tever.
DR: Alwayssss the lasssst to the party, I ssssee how it issss. Ssssure, I don't ssssupposssse that'd be a problem. Why not? ::::)
AG: Oh my. Are you 8oin8 to complain or are we doin8 thissss? Vriska types mocking him.
DR: Eassssy Vrisssska, let'ssss get sssstarted. I'm quite interessssted in thissss after all.

Zaigou shook his head. Vriska was quite impatient of course, but that wasn't completely unusual. He wondered what was going on in her head.
AG: Ok. I sent you the downlo8d. Now hurry up.
Zaigou typed through the downloading process, surprised at it's efficient processing speed. Whatever Sollux had done, he'd done it quite well. Zaigou didn't believe he'd ever seen anything download that quickly before. After only a few moments, it was done.

DR: It's done and running. Now what?
AG: Some stupid stuff I guess. I forget. Do yoooooooou know?
DR: Not the foggiesssst, Ssssollux and I don't exactly get along the besssst, I only heard about the game from Karkat Loudmouth. I'd ssssuggesssst assssking him, but I recall ssssome rather unfortunate happeningssss between you two.