


Original poster
My name is Kaye. :jump:

Once upon a time, I roleplayed and generally hung out on Moonwings. This is actually my first time on a forum since, I think. I'm in the creative dumps right now but I'm hoping taking a breath and going back to my writing roots will help. I put myself in the beginner category so I don't embarrass myself, but writing is definitely my passion. I've got amazing memories of forums so I'm very excited to get to know everyone!
Welcome Kaye! :D <3

I've never heard of Moonwings actually :O But Iwaku is a really nice place, I promise you! It may look big and intimidating, but our members and admins are super helpful, so don't be afraid to ask any of us ^^!

If you need help to start grinding your gears, then maybe Inspiring Muses might be able to help you along your way, I know plenty of people who have gotten back into it with the threads! :D

Happy roleplaying! :D
Hi Kaye and welcome to Iwaku ^^

I truly hope being here helps bring back your creative juices and a lot more. There are a lot of passionate writers around here so I'm certain you'll fit write in. Yes, I am aware of my horrible pun, I will show myself the door.

Glad to have you and I hope to see more of you! If you any questions the Help Desk is always open!
Oh wow, Moonwings! I wasn't there myself, but you probably know that Iwaku was benevolently kidnapped by Diana. There are still a few Moonwings peeps around. :D

Glad you found your way here and decided to dip your toes back in. Let me know if I can answer any questions for you. Enjoy the site!
Hi there! I don't think I recognise you but my Moonwings account was not precisely active and mainly used to counterstalk people that came over to Iwaku for a bit - so hello! Nice to meet you.

There is surely a strong touch of Diana on the site that might give you an advantage in figuring out where things are but if you're confused, try this shiny guide. Everyone is pretty friendly, too, so if you're confused don't be afraid to ask.
Welcome aboard, Kaye! Have a cookie :cookie:!